Just give me a straight answer, anons. What are the best resources for learning kanji? I'm avoiding rtk because it sounds like くそ, I'm currently working through the kanjidamage anki deck and cross-referencing every kanji on it with wiktionary because it often teaches the wrong meaning. Is there a better way?
wanikani is praised by a lot
also shamed from poorfags
I just grinded them in Anki for a couple years and learned through vocab. Probably not the most efficient way, but I manage now.
Lazy Kanji if you don't want to actually learn the kanji, RTK if you want to be a kanji master. But don't do just kanji study, do some reading and grammar study too.
$0.05 have been deposited into your account.
i don't see any videogames
But RTK teaches you silly made-up mnemonics instead of the actual hieroglyphic meanings and doesn't teach you any of the readings
>some obscure variant of moth
who the fuck is learning this? not even memeing
I don't know, I just grind vocab and in turn memorize the kanji associated with them. It's worked for me so far.
The best is to learn them along other things. I learned my first thousand as I was working with genki and tobira and then learned every new kanji I came across in manga. Now, two years in, I know around 3000.
wanikani. if you're poor /djt/ has an anki version of it. it's slow but it sure does make you retain it before moving on
Kanjidamage is pretty shit precisely for the reason you mentioned
RTK is pretty useful for giving names/mnemonics to certain arrangements of radicals that you see repeated often and for seeing kanji for the first time and giving some keyword to associate with it. Good for seeing for the first time in isolation.
Kodansha/KKLC is the best for seeing vocab and jukugo associated with them, as well as learning them in the relative order of usage, but you have to make up your own connections to drill the meanings. I use it for reviewing what I've already learned in isolation or in vocab.
I hear decent things about WaniKani, but when I look stuff up on Jisho the levels assigned to various kanji seem odd to me, so can't speak to it
I used brute force memorization, the way it is teached in Japan.
This way I've already learned over 1500 kanji that I can write off the top of my head without having to look up stroke order.
I learned kanji through vocabulary, as I was doing tae kim I was also learning how to write each word I came across this meant looking up on jisho the stroke order of each kanji and writing them down off to top of my head some time later, after 4 to 5 months of doing this I learned pretty much all the radicals and there wasn't much need to look up stroke order on jisho anymore all I had to do when learning a new kanji was to remember its radicals.
BTW I never learned radicals on their own alone, I learned them from encountering them on many differrnt kanji characters and recognizing patterns.
do you guys use mnemonics? i never use it. i think it's a huge waste of time
Been learning for ten plus years and I would say to not give up.
Use whatever you need to to remember things. I don't use mnemonics for kanji though.
Why do I burn out after a few weeks every single time? This has been going on for so many years. I just lose interest even in reading itself and stop doing my anki reps. Then take a several months long break, then I can get myself to study Japanese again for a few weeks.
fuck if we know. that's on you, bro. dunno why you're using anki as your main source of learning. that's really retarded
you're retarded fuck you
few weeks isnt enough for something to be a habbit.
once its a habbit it becomes easier but you can still burn out.
I often discarded some keywords or mnemonics that were shit. And most of the meanings they give to the moonrunes are actually accurate, they just don't explain why they use it.
You can look kanji up in The Complete Guide to Japanese Kanji by Christopher Seely, Kenneth G. Henshall, 2006 edition if you need more info, words that use them or readings (useless anyway since you'll learn readings as you start actually reading). The two books work well together.
However the RTK order to learning kanji is a really good feature and the main reason to use the book. Just not by itself.
There aren't any. Kanji fucking sucks. Even nips forget symbols all the damn time.
Because you’re an idiot and too focused on learning Japanese rather than using Japanese.
Kanji Study app on android
Anki is mostly secondary. I also read a lot, and I'm on a level where I can read at a decent pace.
I just lose interest in both Japanese and reading novels and want to go back to playing vidya all day.
Are you fully bilingual yet, user?
It's a good idea to have several things going at the same time, for example a grammar textbook, a manga and a video game. This way, you can switch from one to the other depending on your motivation. But if, even this way, you take months-long break every few weeks, it might just not be for you?
They don't. Average Japanese doesn't care about archaic or complicated Kanji like that. They even have difficulty remembering certain jouyou Kanji
>You will never go back in time and help the Japanese fix their homonym problem instead of adopting fucking chinese
So what's your level, exactly C1? If so, you should be able to do whatever your ambitioned when starting, be it reading Mishima or fapping to Rance.
Nah, i'll just teach the Japanese the English language instead
Im doing it, okay, Dekinai?, everything will come eventually, I will get through Imabi and Tae Kim and read Yotsuba and your face on my phone background will stop annoying me. Screw you I wish there was some fanart of you getting fucked or something, but it seems you are too powerful for that.
I tried, I learned katakana and hiragana in like a day but didnt go from there
Learning Japanese is great if you want to play games in Japanese. It's especially great for older games that never got localized or or got trash localizations (not that there aren't newer games with trash localizations). If you ever want to get into fan translations, it can be fun too, just remember to treat it as a hobby and not a job. It's good to take pride in your work and to give it your best, but some people are so serious about fan translations that it couldn't be more obvious that it's no longer about having fun. But be fucking careful about making translating your job, it's fucking awful. I just wanted to warn you.
I never took an exam, but I can read moege without a dictionary and a bit harder games with manual lookups or preferably text hooker.
I originally wanted to read various VNs which I can now, and when I get into the mood I really enjoy reading for a week or two, but then I get sick of it and want to go back to playing vidya exclusively.
I got into Japanese for video games, and at this point I don't have to look stuff up much even when playing very text heavy games unless they have a lot of words I don't understand, like Ace Attorney (though it probably wouldn't be so bad after a game or two, I've only played two cases in Japanese), but now I find myself playing them in Japanese less often. Certain games I still do, because the localization is really, really bad or something, but after several years of drowning myself in Japanese games, I find myself playing in English more often. I think it's mostly because I just don't have a lot of time anymore, and it kind of sucks since video games were my primary motivator.
Well, with your level you don’t really need to practice all the time, just enjoy whenever you feel like it. Maybe just pick a short activity like reading vidya news or that short funny vid you watch while shitting and do it in Japanese instead.
Why do chinks and japs tolerate this stupid billion alphabet characters with 100 scribbles bullshit? Are they fucking mad, stupid, or both?
Japs are insanely stupid
Whyd I learn Japanese?
whos truly the stupid ones? the one who made it or the ones who chose to learn it
It's the ultimate casual filter.
Same reason you tolerate stupid bullshit in your native tongue. They grew up with it. Though there was a push to simplify it or switch to English when typewriters started getting big, and every now and then you'll see a Japanese person write a book complaining about their language.
I mean the average english speaker knows 20k words, imagine how daunting it is for the nips and chinks to speak our language .
It's for when they get isekai'd into a world where your magic power is inversely related to how many characters it takes to write your spells
mou dekiru yo
kure dorry ga hakkenshita dakara
I tried finding a measure of how much the average Japanese person knows, but all anyone ever wants to know about is how many kanji they know, apparently. The variety of words they use is generally lower than English speakers.
Chinks do because muh tradition I think, they literally invented the script and already have simplified it.
Japs do because inertia I guess, imo they could essentially adopt how the Koreans write Hangul (you know, using fucking spaces) for writing everything in kana and it could work
>mou dekiru yo
You can't if you type in roumaji.
Is learning Japanese or learning programming more dekinai?
そと で くも が あります
Q: What is outside?
Japanese is a fundamentally broken language in some ways, English is much better for always being specific but ESL shitstains are literally destroying its ability to be specific by not understanding so many grammatical structures, including shit so basic as the difference between "it is" and "is it"
>all those little fuckups
>not being able to do both
have sex
The latter. Literally useless if you have no plans to use it. By simply being on this board, the former is infinitely more dekiru.
you attach particles to the preceding word in korean, so it would be more like
そとで くもが あります。
also that sentence would be confusing anyway without context when spoken aloud, so I don't see the major problem (that is the cloud/spider question)
I find it funny that many english speakers say english is easy, but looking from an outsider perspective the language is just as nonsensical as any other foreign language when learning from scratch .
>people genuinely want to learn the language known as Japanese
Name one fucking reason besides playing gay, stupid, and retarded video games.
>Reading comprehension
I'll take it in december you fuckwit. I'm up to good speed, taking classes, none of "muh self taught" bullshit you losers try to pull off.
Granted, I keep fucking up, but it's part of the process
Watching gay, stupid, and retarded anime or reading gay, stupid, and retarded light novels/manga.
Except your major problem is you Frenchies don't pay ANY goddamn attention to ANYTHING a native does.
Why the fuck did you put a space before the full stop? Because you do that in French? I see this shit so fucking constantly (Hello, I am French and what's for breakfast ? ) so fucking often and I FUCKING HATE IT because it means you're not looking at A N Y T H I N G a native actually does and just fucking GUESSING.
To become Japanese.
English "localizers" show outright disdain for the material and even their audience, anyone should be wary of their work knowing that. If games are your primary hobby then it's probably worth your time.
i asked for non gay, stupid, and retarded reasons and you still gave me some.
>mfw I use google translation in these threads and no one noticed it
>people dedicate their virgin lives to learn a language of low birth rate cucks.
The fucking STATE of Yea Forums. Have sex.