Which one is better?
Which one is better?
Tooie has better highs
Honestly I think Tooie is the better game, but I think I prefer the first one more for nostalgia purposes
Mario 64
i hate how banjo sounds in tooie
Kazooie is my favorite. But that’s just because of my preference for the smaller but more tightly crafted worlds which can be done in one go, if you prefer the backtracking and interconnectedness of Tooie I can totally see why, it’s almost more like a 3D Metroidvania than it is like Mario 64
I like Tooei more, more moves, interesting levels with inter-connectivity...
But I do miss Gruntilda's rhyming.
honestly the one thing that kills Tooie for me is those parts where you have to split up. It's tedious filler.
Kazooie is damn good, but Tooie is still better.
Tooie has higher highs, but lower lows.
I like it overall more than Kazooie, though.
stop making tthis thread you retarded faggot your just making it because smash autism
delet yourself
The game's world changed so much when Tooie came out. Tooie really gives off the sense that the whole world is disgusting while Kazooie gives off more of a story book vibe. I also prefer the ost and level design of the first game
i dunno why rare is so autistic about changing their games. like with DKC, DK is in only one of those games, when hes the main character. not even gonna talk about n&b.
this one
Kazooie, and it's not even close. I like the overall world themes of Tooie more, though. They're more unique. Kazooie has better level-design and pacing, though. So much of Tooie is caught up in gimmicky minigames; the sense of accomplishment that comes from simple platforming and exploration is almost entirely lost in Tooie.
Kazooie by far. That part in Tooie where you take Mumbo to a pad with his face on it to revive an alien so you can get Banjo and Kazooie to the same place to drill a piece of ice so you can get Mumbo again to use the same pad with his face on it to revive a different alien to solve one third of a sidequest to get a jiggy is like the game in a microcosm. Almost the entire game is mindless busywork.
Going through Tooie felt like a chore. There was a point where I spent over an hour trying to figure out how to progress only to find out I needed to do something in a completely different area first.
Tooie had too much filler bullshit. Mumbo was pointless and the levels were far too large.
I love both. Each has their own merits. Also play Grunty's Revenge
I think the point was to show how much Grunty monopolized the land and polluted everything with her corporations; thus Witchy Land is disgusting, Grunty's Industry is disgusting etc. The themes are emphasized further on the gba game, even implying Halffire Peaks and Grunty's Industries are closely related.
When the FUCK is their new game, bros?!
This for me.
Kazooie's worlds felt more "magical" if that makes sense.
I'd be content with a reboot ala Crash or Spyro.
The old team that made Kazooie and Tooie are mostly retired though. Making a new Banjo with the same feeling would be tricky.
it'll get outsourced sooner or later. rare is a dead company, with their shit pirate game.
Most of them are still in the business, they just went indie
Why does Rare always try to reinevent the wheel? It was fine in the 64 but era, but it’s kinda annoying now