Convince me that Dark Souls 2 is not an overall step down from Dark Souls 1 without mentioning Dark Souls 3. We are not talking about Dark Souls 3 so discussion of that game is unwarranted.
Convince me that Dark Souls 2 is not an overall step down from Dark Souls 1 without mentioning Dark Souls 3...
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Its a shit game period. It feels like someone making a parody of a Souls game which makes sense given that its the B Team
It's really good. I'm still baffled that there are some people on Yea Forums that use graphics as an argument. I see the flaws it has, but it is far from a step down from Dark Souls 1. I'll give you just one clue as to why : more than four directions in which to roll.
Pretty accurate. Game was a mishmash of dog shit and it didn't know what it wanted to be.
dlc is amazing
>working poise
>bonfire ascetics
>best fashion
>actual NG+
>best pvp
I'm too sleepy to bother with more
pve was better in dark souls 1 by a mile
pvp was better in dark souls 2 by a mile and dark souls 2 still has the best pvp of all souls and souls likes to this day, most build and weapon variety being viable and least cancerous pvp
I know ds3 is not part of this conversation but i think both games are better then 3 as it was mediocre in both categories.
The game is a stepdown from 1, the dlcs are a step up. However, that doesn't make it a "shit game period" like that elitist stated
It's the best one in the series period
Dont forget power stancing
Can't convince someone who has already decided that all the things it does better doesn't count.
It's a weirdly charming mess
Let's not be hyperbolic, it's not shit, it's just worse than every other souls game. It's still pretty good, just a bit of a chore to play.
A lot more variety in weapons/armor/magic meaning more play styles.
Only game in the series to handle dual wielding correctly, since holding weapons in any hand gave you full access to its movepool
(Mostly) better magic, Miracles got unjustly nerfed though
Though not nearly as well made, there are still interesting levels, and the world overall allows for many routes to explore
DLC areas are probably the best in the series
It's not better overall, but I personally don't think any of the Souls games are the outright best. Each has it's strengths and weaknesses.
>No roll buffering
>Faster startups on everything except healing
>Extremely useful sprint
>Extremely useful backstep
>The best lunge attack in the series
This. Whereas the bad parts of the first game genuinely irritate me and usually restrict you to playing the game a certain way, in Dark Souls 2 it's really over quickly if you want it to be and often times doesn't require you change your playstyle.
What part is hyperbole? You can enjoy objectively bad games or movies just dont use mental gymnastics to defend it. Plain n simple.
That's the thing you autistic retard, not everyone shares your opinion
base game bosses are ok but the dlcs are cool and it has the best pvp and all the pvp tech is cool
It's pretty much the same.
Made some mistakes but also did a lot things better.
PvP, fashion, bonfire ascetics, balance NG+ content and so on.
People who say that most of the bosses are pretty mediocre or weak are right but the same goes for Dark Souls 1. Without the DS1 addon most of the game would be pretty weak in terms of boss presentation. Only O&S, Gwyn and Sif feel great. Everything else is either garbage or gimmick shit like Gwyndolin or Moonlight Butterfly. Manus, Artorias and Kalameet really added quality to the game just like DS2 DLCs did for DS2.
I can't, because it is. The only thing it has going for it is quantity over quality, which people still see as a positive I guess
Retarded, but okay.
It does some things better that people don't appreciate, it had better pvp, it had much more build variety and felt more like a RPG, it made new game plus much more fresh
I love 2 but it's not better than 1. Any souls 2 loving fag that isn't a troll can admit that.
It's even worse than 3 so it can never be as good as 1. Here you go OP
It's literally only got the PvP going for it.
The mechanics may have been improved, but when the game controls like shit, why bother?
It also totally shat the bed on world design.
Only advantage of DaS2 is that it runs natively at 60 FPS. Some parts of the DLC are also decent, but other parts are awful.
R*dditor bandwagon post, discarded.
Overall step down? It's an overall fall from a fucking cliff.
Majula is a much more comfy homebase than firelink shrine.
it is a step down though. rushed and troubled development. combat is slowed down, pc plays like a wet bag of shit, awkward level design, awful enemy placement(scholar actually made it worse), graphically a step down, shitty story (ooooh it's a cycle.), etc. it does some cool things like power stancing and some other stuff is actually clever but it is mixed in with all the bad and there is more bad than good. like most people have said when it was first released "one step forward two steps back."
I disagree on graphics. There are some areas where the texture work is dogshit tier but to say the graphics are a step down is blatantly false
>washed out, overly bright cliff's edge which doesn't fit the tone at all
>a lone bonfire placed just outside some ruins, with the green symbolizing hope in an otherwise dark and grey world, with soothing yet melancholic music which better complements the game's somber tone
I know which one I prefer
Nah man, the lighting is all kinds of fucked up. The whole game looks like a washed out pastel crayon piece
It made a number of innovations and improvements on some aspects of DS1, most of which is used by future From games.
>Bonfire Ascetic
>Torches being used for more than one area
>NG+ can be started at any point instead of automatically after Nashandra's death
>Soul Vessel
>Bonefire warping that isn't shit
>Made backstabbing and healing harder to pull off
>Made bosses dropping a transpose-able Soul the rule instead of the exception
>Made durability management a real aspect of the game
>Introduced a number of consumables that are actually worthwhile
In this thread we list things Dark Souls 2 did that were far better than Dark Souls 3. I'll start:
>No bonfire and no death challenge where you can beat the game without resting at a bonfire or dying to gain a reward and bragging rights
>Non-linear first half of the game allows you to rush straight to the areas of the game that contain the items for your build
>Chugging Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to chug while someone is sticking close to you will result in death
>Stamina regeneration is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving an advantage and a reason to make a low burden character
>Poise exists and armor provides relevant, but not overpowering damage reduction, giving an advantage and a reason to make a high burden character
>Phantoms and Dark Spirits cannot chug estus, spirits can only heal via spell useage which is slow. This makes fighting outnumbered even without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks
>Can only perform four rolls before running out of stamina
>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina
>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill
>Power stance allowing for unique combinations of dual wielding and unlocking an alternative moveset for weapons
>Being able to use the full moveset of a weapon in your off-hand including running, rolling, backstepping, etc. attacks rather than just being able to do a basic R1 swing and blocking with the weapon as it is in Ds3 (lmao who would ever want to weapon block)
>Bell Tower covenant providing two unique optional areas to PvP for Titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Twinkling, making farming for upgrades fun
>Bonfire ascetics to replay bosses you like and or gain items from NG+ and beyond without grinding through the whole game again
>the world design doesn't make sense, things don't fit together like they did in DS1
Consider that it's a dying world, with time and space falling apart and ceasing to make sense
Sorry my phone bugged up.
>Can't Defend DaS II by without mentioning III
Wasn't 2 suppose to have a better lighting system or something?
the PVP is better except soul memory fucks it all up and triggers my autism when I waste it, the weapon and build variety is better(which contributes to the PVP being better), and the burnt ivory king is the best setpiece fight in the entire series. Also I like the sunken city and its puzzles and gimmicks more than any area in the first game.
Everything else is comparable or worse.
Still a pretty good game although the linear slog from drangleic castle through the shrine of shit and the undead crypt sucks ass, and the whole aldia to the dragon thing feels pointlessly short and unfinished.
except they didn't do that, they did it in 3. 2 heavily implied the cycles were the natural state of creation and it was perfectly normal and not harmful to the world at all to continue them.
You're describing Dark Souls 3, which is still more coherent than 2.
You honestly cannot tell me that the Iron Keep elevator is supposed to lead up straight into the sky, or that Heide's Tower mysteriously moves closer to Majula when you enter the tunnel.
>2 heavily implied the cycles were the natural state of creation and it was perfectly normal and not harmful to the world at all to continue them.
This is where 2's lore doesn't really fit with the tone of dark souls at all.
Linking the fire in DaSI was suppose to be prolonging the inevitable, not pressing a big reset button.
Only played vanilla, haven't touched scholar or any DLC.
Weapon power-handling
Stamina replenishment items being very close to game start (the ring near the small soapstone, etc.)
Armour overall focusing on different designs, allowing for some fashion if wanted
Dozens more viable builds, I literally played the entire game+pvp with dual caestus as a butterfly
Dedicated PvP arenas for separate factions
Music's pretty nice in majula
Instant option for NG+ at start if wanted
Rings for style if you go hitless/continueless
Punishment upon death discourages flinging yourself at a challenge helplessly and hoping for the best
Fucking optional voice chat
Top it all of with an unfair boss fight to wash the good out of your mouth and it's honestly pretty decent
still haven't played 3 but 1 and 2 are fun and good, I don't understand why soulsfags keep parading around saying that one is bad while the rest are good when they're all pretty much a black coffee with varying amounts of sugar/milk added
I don't have to convince you shit bitch suck my dick
He explicitly said to not try to defend 2 by shitting on 3, which isn't an unfair thing to ask
>I don't understand why soulsfags keep parading around saying that one is bad
Some e-celebs made a video shitting on DS2
Also it wasn't made by Miyazaki so every Dark Souls thread devolves into
>2 BAD
The internet can only talk in hyperbole. Something is either amazing or it's complete shit.
>the world design doesn't make sense, things don't fit together like they did in DS1
Only idiots think that anyway.
Walking through 4 different biomes in less than 2 minutes in Dark Souls 1 is way more retarded than going up the retarded elevator in Dark Souls 2.
Only complete mongoloids like the hurr durr connected world of Dark Souls 1
>Some e-celebs made a video shitting on DS2
More like an e-celeb made a VERY bad video trying to defend the game.
>working poise
>>Chugging Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to chug while someone is sticking close to you will result in death
Easy to abuse by healing at half HP, tanking damage and letting the regen fill you to full HP afterwards. This is why they returned to instant healing in Dark Souls III.
>Stamina regeneration is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving an advantage and a reason to make a low burden character
Copypasted from Dark Souls 1
>>Poise exists and armor provides relevant, but not overpowering damage reduction, giving an advantage and a reason to make a high burden character
Copypasted from Dark Souls 1
>>Phantoms and Dark Spirits cannot chug estus, spirits can only heal via spell useage which is slow. This makes fighting outnumbered even without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks.
Invaders can ignore this by bringing healing spells which can be replenished x99 but other than that hosts are free to chug while invaders weep, causing massive balance problems.
>>Can only perform four rolls before running out of stamina
Copypasted from Dark Souls 1
>>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina
Copypasted from Dark Souls 1
There's a lag compensation system in Dark Souls II where you only have to line up the parry on your screen correctly. This gives the laggiest player the advantage. In Dark Souls 1 and 3 you have to time it correctly on your opponent's screen, making lag detrimental.
>>Power stance
No powerstance is better than lack of powerstance.
There are only two or three areas to go to and all of them more poorly designed than Dark Souls III levels.
>>Fun PvP covenants that were unique
And present in other games as well.
>>Bell Tower covenant
Copypasted from Dark Souls 1
Sunken is pretty good
Iron is meh
Ivory is just bad
Dark Souls 2 generally lacked firm creative control which I think led to a lot of things like that. Can't blame the director for that, he isn't a name. It was great what they were TRYING to do with Vendrick but they failed to follow through and actually give the game its own theme. Vendrick acquired all the power and accomplished all the same goals of the player. He beat the game. Then he sat down to research what the fuck this soul power even is, and then mysteriously disappeared and the kingdom fell apart. They tried to make you care about this but the best they could do was a few lines about it from the firekeeper.
It turns out that Vendrick bent his massive power to researching souls, and came to the conclusion that souls are bullshit, they're transitory power that you can't truly own, they change your nature just as much as your will controls them, and the power will go on without you long after you're gone. The whole soul power of lords == the political power of kings was supposed to be some kind of metaphor and it made sense in a world where you can eat the soul of a god and take on his exact powers that gods would just be like royalty. But they lacked the vision or creative control to incorporate the theme in to the world design and really hammer it home, so the game just sort of has this.. non-atmosphere. Which is its fatal failing. It doesn't really make me feel anything unless I'm trying really hard to care.
>came to the conclusion that souls are bullshit, they're transitory power that you can't truly own, they change your nature just as much as your will controls them, and the power will go on without you long after you're gone.
That kind of makes sense in light of how humanity tends to run wild all the time and become the abyss.
The Pvp is pretty fun and has alot of build diversity which helps invasions and covenants feel more like a part of the game. DS1 pvp is unbelievably terrible.
Hear, hear.
He wasn't talking about 1
>No powerstance is better than lack of powerstance
I played all of both DaS Remake and DaS2 SotFS in the past 2 years and if I had to go NG++ on one right now, I'd pick DaS2.
There is just more game IMO.
I'm good enough where nothing is a real chore.
Nothing beats your first DaS play through, I'll give you that.
Overall, I liked it and certainly would recommend it to anyone who liked 1, but nothing changes the fact that there are some parts in it that are almost mind-bogglingly shit and unfinished feeling if you dissect the game and look at those parts alone. Yes, 1 also had its fair share of problems with Demon Ruins and Izalith, but at least there all shit was corralled into one place into a form where it doesn’t take too long to get it over with, 2 has those weirdly shitty parts all over the game.
>go back to dark souls 1
>everyone is wearing some poise optimized meta clownsuit and just cartwheeling around each other trying to pivot backstab with chaos bandit knives
Defend it, I dare you.
time is convoluted
It is a step down from DeS and DS1, and I'll never argue that. But BB, DS3 and Sekiro where deffinitly not the path that series should have headed after DS2. I'll always argue that DS2 is better than any Souls game that came after it.
You forgot the journey.
Is that really how the geography plays out? Jesus, I never noticed.
Floating castles are cool
>DS2 is better than...
and even DaS3? Jesus man, would never touch this post with a ten foot pole.
>I'll always argue that DS2 is better than any Souls game that came after it.
You'll always be wrong. No point in arguing with a tasteless idiot.
Holy fuckin yikes
I can't just replay it, seriously you move like having diarrhea in your pants
I really like Dark Souls, but do people really play these games for the combat? The exploration is probably the best, while the combat, which is pretty weighty, doesn't seem like something that can draw you in and keep you playing.
>and even DaS3?
I hope you're not implying that game is anything but the worst in the series
It's far from being the best souls game but it's still a solid game and the DLC make up for what the main game is lacking (great areas to explore).
But people keep shitting on it or praising it for the sake of the argument.
Pretty much this.
Only the kids that started with Instant Gratification Souls 3
You entered a dimension that throws together several ancient kingdoms that appeared in roughly the same geographical spot. Think of how the High Wall of Lothric is described as having just shown up one day, and combine it with a space/time extrapolation of "Time is convoluted in Lordran".
There, done. Consistent with the established lore.
The real reason is that the development was fucked, but it's completely justifiable within the established conventions of the series
Dark Souls 3 is the best of the series
I like just like collecting all the items desu.
Grab a greatbow and be a dick.
It really isn't.
Everybody knows that.
If you fix the controls, which you can on PC, it's a decent game.
Yes, DS2 is older, therefore it has more Soul and is better than any Souls game that came after. Cope.
It's arguable which one is the best, but it's definitely not the half-assed Bloodborne clone
it's the only one that's genuinely not even a good game.
I only ever started playing souls games last year. How was the reception for DaS2 overall during release? The way I remember, it was pretty negative.
Most overrated souls game is demon souls, prove me wrong
It's actually BB.
why bother with the greatbow when i can just dark bead :^)
DS2 feels like an outsourced game. Like From gave it to a Chinese studio or something. It looks and feels cheap.
Mixed, then negative, then polarising as fuck.
I hated it for years, but looking back on the series, I appreciate it a lot more for what it did differently.
Ugly as fuck textures and weird "feel" notwithstanding.
"overrated" is a meaningless buzzword
Because Dork Bead is just a nuke to the face. Greatbows take a bit of skill and positioning: executing a perfect ambush with a greatbow is immensely satisfying.
Which is funny, because I remember seeing that From outsourced DaS3 assets to third party artists. The ones they didn't reuse from Bloodborne and previous Souls games, I mean.
a vocal minority insists it's the best one mostly due to PvP changes but it's generally considered the weakest of the trilogy
when it first came out I refunded it and didn't bother trying it again until 3 was about to come out and wanted to catch up
Ocean above cathedral ward.
>High skill celling
>wide Armor and weapon variety
>Best PvP
>Patches all the shit you get away in 1
>Parrying, backstabbing requires high skill
>Soul memory so the MLG shitters wont wipe the floor with new players and have to fight skilled players as them
>Deep,Darker and more Macabre lore & locations
>Not everybody gets it so its the Patricians choice
>It makes shitters ragequit,cry,seethe and shitpost about it on a chinese cooper testing board
The list goes on the fact Dark souls babbies hate it makes me like it more
>a vocal minority insists it's the best one mostly due to PvP changes
Sure if you want to just ignore what people are saying in this very thread
that's because they did, except IIRC it wasn't Chinese, just freelance western artists. A chunk of the DLC designs were done by DaS1 concept artists which is why they look far better than the rest of the game, like the Drakeblood set, the crowns, and the Bone Fist
if you can find a source on that DaS3 bit I'd appreciate it
I remember it being pretty negative. Or at least, that's how I felt, and I probably just remember the opinions I agree with at the time. I think it's because I avoided reading anything about it between the delay from the console launch and the PC launch, and that was enough time for everyone to become bitter as fuck.
This was noticed immediately by the way. Some weirdos try to pretend that the Matthewmatosis critique was some kind of turning point, but it wasn't.
The biggest thing you have to remember is that back when it was released, basically nobody understood how AGI worked. The stat changed like twice between network tests and then in the final game. Everyone went in with the mentality that ADP was going to be like RES, so you got to the Ruin Sentinels and their completely fucked hitboxes and it totally soured the entire game.
>>Deep,Darker and more Macabre lore & locations
the only thing that comes to mind is the two-headed baby skeleton texture in the Gutter, but 1 had actual baby skeletons as enemies
BB > DaS2 > DaS1 = DeS > DaS3 > sekiro
And i enjoy all of them
How come people complain about ADP mechanics never being explained but you never hear anyone complain about the mechanics of Liquid Humanity and Insight never being explained?
DS2 was originally an internal From Software project that focused entirely around PvP. Midway through development Bamco asked From to produce a dark souls sequel in 2 years time.
President at the time agreed and ended up suggesting they repurpose the PvP focused game into DaS2.
And the entire development process was a mess.
Made a game
Cut it and made it into Souls
Scrapped it
Get Dev time cut in half
Salvage game my piecing together scrapped shit at an attempt of making a cohesive game
Had to get one of their A list devs Tanimura to save the game with last minute changes, DLC and SotFS
Tanimura saved two souls games.
DaS2 with SotFS and the 3 crown DLCs and DaS3 with TRC
I like how it nerfed shields and poise without making those useless. All things considered, DS2 felt like a very balanced game, which benefits not only pvp but also pve. It's the game in which I have the largest amount of characters because I feel like I can try any playstyle without gimping myself.
Actually, I almost forgot, but I remember that everyone was super mad about the massive graphical downgrade at launch and that dramatically colored opinions.
>DS2 was originally an internal From Software project that focused entirely around PvP
Gonna need a source on that because this is the first I've heard it.
2 has Sir Alonne's Set and the Bewitched Alonne Sword with which I can pretend to be Hakumen so it's automatically the best.
I'm sad the weeb options are lacking in the other games, but I guess it can't be helped with the very western atmosphere of the games.
His asshole.
Shiva's set?
>>best fashion
Nice designs but they look awful on the character model.
what's to explain? they're just counters that get bigger. Humanity has a bit of effect on your defenses and that's it. I believe the description of the chaos ember says it scales with humanity
Shadow mask, black leather armor, black leather gloves or Follower gloves, leather boots (I personally use Cathedral Knight leggings for the poise), Onikiri and Ubadachi, or Frayed Blade, or Uchi, etc. Thank me later.
Ask Vaati.
Vaati's a shitheap that just copies posts from here and reddit
2's lore is pretty bad though
>weapon degradation is tied to fps
>can't hit more than 5 enemies before weapon breaks
how do I fix this? Do I really need to restrict fps on pc? I mean this pretty much breaks the game
Why would I try to convince of you something I think?
I mean Dark Souls 2 isn't like a horrible game but its execution is so lacking and the base movement and combat is super clunky compared to every other game in the series. Shame, because it has some neat ideas that should have been brought over to 3.
Use that one spear weapon. Santier's Spear? Unless it was nerfed to shit. But maybe do it anyway, that thing was so much fun.
Where do I find that. Only just started. Forest of the Giants and my main weapon already broke.
Yeah but the game never explains to you the benefits of building the counter, if anything you're discouraged from building up the Humanity counter because you lose them all when you die. There's no in game text that explains that building up LH increases your defenses. And there's also nothing that tells you that building up your Insight causes you to be more vulnerable to Frenzy effects.
I loved weapon stances, being able to use two ultra greatswords at the same time felt great, although there were a lot of interesting and good combinations.
Also I liked the idea of pharros lockstones and being able to change some of the level design, including the Doors of Pharros pvp zone. It was amazing watching new players seeing all of the traps activated and not being able to leave
The original is still better for a singleplayer playthrough experience, doesn't mean that DS2 didn't had its own strengths and charme, which for me still outweigh its flaws.
git gud
>if anything you're discouraged from building up the Humanity counter because you lose them all when you die.
that's like saying you're discouraged from getting souls because you lose them when you die
>Defend DS2 without bringing up 3
This kills the 2 fag.
There's a lot of posts in this thread that follow that guideline you twat.
>being a 2cuck
Why would I save them up if it's never explained in-game that stacking them increases your defenses?
Why is it okay when 1 does it?
I dropped it twice after beating the Pursuer when SOTFS came out and didn't touch it until last week. I just got to Drangleic Castle now. When I played it for the first time I was craving more DS1 and DeS so I got very frustrated with it because it felt completely different from what I was used to, I think that's why many people here hate it too. Last week I decided to beat it and also to change my approach on how to play it, and I'm enjoying it so far. There's still many MANY things I don't like about DS2, but It's still a fun game.
I feel like people who say things like
>You only hate it because dislikes it!
Are projecting because they only like it because eceleb criticizing it made liking it the contrarian choice.
Because i-frames and healing speed are much more important than some petty buff to your defenses. How can you even compare ADP with Humanities?
Yeah, DS2 has passive poise and active popise, but you'll only really notice passive poise at fuckhuge armor values, while active poise works on EVERY weapon with a multiplier as decided by the weapon.
It was in that second rat covenant area. I don't remember the names of anything anymore, it's been years.
>have a zweihander with old knight armor
>get interrupted 100% of the time by a longsword
>2 is the only game that bandwagoneers try to pretend is "irredeemable"
>It's the only From Software game that isn't universally deep throated by e-celebs
Quite the coincidence
I don't think you played the video game.
The effects doesn't matter, the point is that it's the exact same circumstance, yet no one ever complains that 1 has no in-game explanation to Liquid Humanity, which is inarguably an important aspect. It proves that people are willing to give From Software games free passes as long as the title isn't "Dark Souls 2."
i don't like dark souls 3 and it's a pretty good game
i like dark souls 2 and not a good game except the dlc is kino.
unironically. i just got tired of the same shit by 3. i hated 3 even though it's pretty much everything i wanted. i mean how many times am i going to have to attack a giant humanoid boss's legs? fucking change it up a bit.
imagine dark souls, but you have to climb bosses or use the environment or niche weapons to fight it like in shadow of the colossus or legend of zelda
Yeah but I found it a lot more boring
I liked how convoluted firelink shrine really is, and I still get a kick out of running all over it to get the items at the start of each run
I can't say the same for majula, personly
>The effects doesn't matter, the point is that it's the exact same circumstance
One is trivial and the other is fundamental to the gameplay what the fuck are you on about?
Nobody cared about humanities because not having them didn't make you feel like a cripple.
what's liquid humanity?
poe's law. i'm actually asking. i always thought of humanity as something that started to become more an more physical as the world descended into chaos.
I think he means the humanity stored on your person as compared to "Hard" humanity which is the usable item.
currently playing it again directly after playing DS1. DS2 is just better at everything. Casting is amazing, fighting is so diverse, levels are great.
If you dont like DS2 then you are fucken reatrded and need to KYS
You have hard humanities wich are items stored in your inventory, and you have liquid humanities which stack in the counter next to your health bar
>Not telling the player they can essentially equip another suit of armor is trivial
"Liquid Humanity" is the term used for the number counter you see in the top left of your screen when playing Dark Souls 1. It's different from "Solid Humanity", the ones in your inventory, because you can use them to upgrade bonfires, and the bigger the number is, the bigger your flat upgrade to all damage resistances is. You can infer for yourself how to use humanities to cure Hollowing and upgrade bonfires, but no in-game text explains to you that you take less damage the bigger the number counter is. And I guess it's okay when 1 does it?
So we can agree that it's okay when 1 withholds information from the player?
Yikes, unbased, bluepilled, ouch, oof
>Soft Humanity is as vital to the game as AGI
You're the one adding semantics. I don't care which one is more important. The point is that both games do not explain a crucial mechanic, yet you never hear people complain about one of them. Why is that?
Blind loyalty?
>Soft humanity is as vital to the game as AGI
It is funny though that instead of admitting you're wrong, you create this whole conspiracy in your head.
>>Not telling the player they can essentially equip another suit of armor is trivial
Yes, compared to INVINCIBLE FRAMES it is. Especially since you need to have had farmed extreme amounts of humanity for it to be a useful buff.
Doesn't it stop at 10? That's not an extreme amount.
>tiny defense buff
>crucial mechanic
Is this nigger for real?
People hardly even talk about demon souls. The most positive shit i've heard about it was from an e-celeb nostalgiafaggot
Because one of them doesn't make you feel fucking gimped.
It stops at 99. Hahahaha you don't even know about the mechanic you're bitching about.
It goes up to 99
I don't think it does. There are several things that scale off of soft humanity, you know.
>Soft humanity is as vital to the game as AGI
I did not say that once. But it is undeniably an important aspect of the game. I think you're the one hearing things.
>compared to INVINCIBLE FRAMES it is
Not only is that debatable, it's not the point. I don't care which one is more important, I'm just curious why Dark Souls 1 never gets flack for something that Dark Souls 2 always does. It's undeniably a double standard and it shows that people are willing to hold 2 to a different, harsher standard than the other games. Almost like an outside source is speaking for them.
It does and you're wrong. Phys defense goes up to 99. God I love BTFO of pseuds.
Doors Of Pharros, in the second part after the bonfire where you need 3 pharros lockstones to open a door
I'm not the guy you're arguing with, calm your autistic ass down.
>I don't care which one is more important
Then you're ignoring the answer because you don't like.
Bitch if you're not sure google it
>It is undeniably an important aspect to the game
>I did not say that once
By pretending it's a double standard, you are implicitly saying that.
I just did, actually. I am however in a discussion thread, dummy, so this also works as a source of information.
Hey be nicer to that user. Haha now there are 4 of us in this conversation :)
Do your research before making a response, you dingus.
I really appreciate that Dark Souls 2 has its own vibe. It really makes me think the world of Dark Souls has advanced in a way. DaS1 feels like a mythological epic when compared against DaS2.
And I'm not saying that DaS1 feels 'less real' like those events couldn't have happened or anything. I'm just saying it feels more strongly fantastical and epic compared to its successor. DaS2 feels almost mundane in a way that I really appreciate. Like it's so far away from the past that the past becomes romantic in comparison.
I know OP said not to mention DaS3, but I do feel like it's worth stating that DaS3 feels more directly successive to DaS1 than 2 does and almost just as fantastical, and that's not a bad thing either.
Let me simplify it for you.
Is it okay for Dark Souls 1 to never explain a game mechanic to you? Yes or no?
>Actually Liquid Humanity is entirely inconsequential! It may as well not even exist!
Goalpost shift
Once again you're proving that you're the one hearing things that aren't there.
That's not what a double standard is.
Nah fuck off, this aint no debate class, I don't need to do my research before making a post on the internet. What's the worst that's going to happen, some other user calls me dumb?
It turns out that I'm the one undergoing mental gymnastics
>Beating a mentally ill person with a persecution complex IS a good use of your time because *uh* of the satisfaction you'll get when you win the argument
But then I realized it was in fact not and talking to brick walls is a bad idea.
fucking hell that sounds great, just about anything is better than scuttling between the legs of overly large dudes for 4 games
>I don't care which one is more important
Then why the fuck are we even discussing. Piss off
How did they work back then? What was the stats plan early on?
Matthewmatosis didn't even say it was bad, I thought. Just that it had problems.
you don't have to save them up though, since they can be used to kindle bonfires or reverse humanity, and it only helps against curse protection so it's not completely crucial to the rest of the game
>Why is it okay when 1 does it?
it doesn't hinder your ability to dodge the same way ADP does
Is it okay that Dark Souls 1 doesn't tell you how Liquid Humanity works? Why?
You are very upset.
>>Actually Liquid Humanity is entirely inconsequential! It may as well not even exist!
We're talking about the passive buffs it gives you, not about the actual important things it does and that are explained in game. You're the one moving goalposts here, faggot.
Yes. You dumbass.
It's trash and adaptability is stupid
Yeah, well you're a fag.
>Is it okay for Dark Souls 1 to never explain a game mechanic to you?
People don't dislike AGI because it isn't explained outright. We dislike it because it's a pisspoor mechanic.
Whatever you say, dumbass.
Like I care what some fag thinks.
You keep coming back for more. :^)
I dislike it because of both, bitch.
Aight, skank.
What's wrong with ADP?
DS2 having more rolling directions makes it the objectively better game.
its gay
>Dodges the question, again
Does your body break into hives if you type something negative about 1, or something?
Negative. Only in the last year or two a few people started coming out of the woodwork to defend it
I'm a different poster pointing out that your original question is flawed.
Oh, uh, nothing. Dark Souls 2 is perfect. Forget what I said.
It causes a disconnect in gameplay where a player may have long since evaded an attack only to get hit.
>Git gud
I've done an SL1 run just fine. It's just not fun that something that is visually happening is undone by a stat
Also SHOCKWAVES is retarded
Why can't they just block the attack?
Because dark souls 2 has you take damage even when you block...DS1 and 3 are action games with RPG elements. DS2 is closer to an RPG with action elements because of ADP
blocking is almost always more impractical, and consumes far more stamina. It doesnt help when the guard break animation also happens to be reliant on adp
DS2 having fewer walking directions makes it objectively unplayable without mods
There are lots of 100% shields in DS2, what are you on about?
Soul memory is the biggest offender as it prevents proper interaction with others, for example you can't repeatedly assist other players in an area as a white/gold phantom before going over the areas usual SM range
>Is it okay that Dark Souls 1 doesn't tell you how Liquid Humanity works?
Yes, because a tiny defense buff is not as important as i-frames.
The loss of LH isn't a hindrance. Having it provides a negligible boost.
Not knowing how your i-frames work is not stellar. It's very important information that needs to be made explicitly clear to the player.
>Being left in the dark of a game mechanic is okay because of thing in another game
Because blocking can break your guard and leave you staggered for about 3 seconds
The point was that these things don't scale together. Not having a miniscule defense buff is not the equivalence of not being told your iframes are now tied to a stat. Youre being intentionally obtuse though so I don't know why I bothered explaining it
Why can't they just manage their stamina better? The only attacks that break your guard in one hit typically leave the enemy unable to do anything before you can recover
>Not knowing how your I-frames work is not stellar. It's very important information that needs to be made explicitly clear to the player.
There's also not a single line of text explaining the existence of I-frames in any of the games
So your argument is that it's ok to intentionally gimp one mechanic because they...didn't gimp another?
They can't manage stamina better because bossfights exist and those shields won't block all damage and maintain stamina. How many excuses do you have to make for ADP before people start buying into your bullshit
>compare 2 things in different games
>>x is x, y is y and x is better than y
>>lmao why are you comparing the 2 games
Swedish contractor.
Because Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1, Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne and Sekiro don't need to explain it because there's no stat tied to it.
Your i-frames work the same way throughout the entire game. It's rudimentary. But tying it to a stat means that you have to explain it.
Just use a better shield
Weight is a stat
Shockwaves exist in every Souls game I've played, DaS2 shockwaves only got memed by one autist spamming webms.
Speaking of, this has been getting posted for years.
Weight is a stat that is very well communicated to the player. Little gear makes you ninja roll, regular gear regular roll, lots of gear fat roll. ADP changes nothing in your roll animation, only the iframes, which you can't really measure beyond the threshold of reasonable or unreasonable that you took damage during a roll.
Dark Souls 2 is a step sideways. Miyazaki had no involvement in it and it was made by the people who made King's Field. You'll either love it or you'll hate it.
It's a fucking ugly game at times but I still enjoy it. Certainly doesn't disappoint on the amount of content.
I don't give a fuck, won't even try to defend it. I found the game fun and honestly if the game decided to teleport me into a hippo ogre's asshole after taking an elavator upwards I'd say screw it as long as it's fun.
I don't care about "how bad" the two issues are. Just once I'd like to hear "This thing that Dark Souls 1 did isn't okay."
Just to show that you do, in fact, hold the games to the same standards.
Weight in DS1 determines your rolling animations, which are a way of communicating the i-frames to the player,in DS2 you always have the same animation.
But you can. You can totally shield tank through DS2. I have no doubt in my mind people have even done no roll no shield runs.
>did a bunch of detail work for the Hamlet in Old Hunters
DS1 falls apart in the last half and the final boss is garbage. There's tons of armor sets but many of them are functionally the same, there's no power stances which are cool in DS2, upgrading weaponry feels more like guessing and checking than intentionally upgrading down a weapon path, backstabbing is stupid easy, NPC quest lines are difficult to follow at times if you aren't being thorough in exploration, valley of the drakes. That said the bosses in DS1 are more inventive, the graphics are better, and ADP is a shit mechanic.
>Valley of Drakes is bad
DS2 has the best jolly cooperation in souls history.
>The same enemy lazily copy/pasted on top of each other in a small location
It is pretty crappy.
I'm down for some JC
It is.
it connects 4 different locations together and the world design wouldn't be nearly as good without it, it's fine for that alone
So what's your opinion on Liquid Humanity never being explained?
That doesn't make it a fun or good area. The best part of it is what purpose it serves, not the area itself.
I never said it was fun or exciting, but the purpose it serves is pivotal to DaS1's world and replayability and for that I can't go against it