Why is this considered a classic? All you do is run and jump. It's basically just pressing buttons

Why is this considered a classic? All you do is run and jump. It's basically just pressing buttons.

Attached: super mario world.png (511x448, 7K)

So what of it?

Every single game has copied it with the button pressing aspect.

You have fun with the running and jumping. Donkey Kong is simply get to the top and watch out for obstacles. Mario Bros. is simply hit everything with your head and the bricks.

Super Mario Bros 3 is infinitely superior and possibly the best NES game

Most of this game soundtrack was plagiarized from older songs.

>press buttons
>win the game
Consolefags will defend this

its a classic as it was made probably at least an entire decade before you were born
and thats not SMW you fucking idiot

Why is this considered a classic? All you do is parry and attack. it's basically just pressing buttons.

Attached: 1554132343272.jpg (780x405, 52K)

Dark Souls is the only From game that will go down as a classic.