Have you ever been carded to but a video game before...

Have you ever been carded to but a video game before? If you work in retail have you ever carded someone to buy a game before?

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I literally am bald with a full beard and got carded buying Nioh on Friday at gamestop.

>card him

Yeah, I was carded for Persona 4 Golden. Shit you not.

Went to buy stalker SoC on release, gamestop fag asked for id; ended up going to walmart instead where the game was $10 cheaper. Holiday salvation army donations lady stopped me while I was leaving the mall, gave her the $10.

>I literally am bald with a full beard

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They wouldn't let me buy MGS2 because I was 14.

It was a store like gamestop, can't remember the name but I think they went out of business. I think it was something like "game freak"

When i shop for anything IRL ask but one 1 question of the min wage cuck on duty: Do you want my money or not?

If their response is anything besides ringing up the register i leave

You sound like a faggot.

want to know how I know you're a sociopath


My cousin and I went to go buy RE6 for a co-op experience and he got carded. He was 17 at the time so they wouldn't sell it to him, I asked if he could just give me the money and I could buy it and the dude said no. So we walked out, I walked back in and took the game to the register and checked out and the dude acted like nothing happened. Real retarded gamestop moment.

We were told to card every who looked under 30 by our DM so we carded and got yelled at by a lot of assholes. Learned lots of people drive around without a license.

I got carded when GTA:SA came out. I was 19.

I was waiting for someone to post this lol, you should see my roommate. he has an actual patchy beard, is bald, and has glasses. looks just like fucking soĆ® wojak

If I suspected I would be I would just go with my mom or dad and give them my money to buy the game. Most of the time the clerks didn't give a fuck.

i thought you could buy m rated games at 17?

What's the point being rude to wagies?

I was when trying to buy Parasite Eve at a Toy's R Us. I wasn't necessary carded but the girl at the cashier wouldn't let me buy it so I had to drag my mother out of the car..

English is not my first language. The fuck is carding?

I was actually IDed today.

Went to buy Borderlands Handsome Collection and the woman at the counter didn't think I looked over 18.

I'm fucking 26. I had no ID on me either.

in america, cashiers slide a cold metal card between your ass cheeks when you shop at a store

When you buy something and someone asks to see your ID to check if you're old enough to buy it.

Carded people back when I worked at Game Crazy
Got carded myself exactly once (buying GTA3)

Take it from a doomer, be grateful people still think you look young

GameStop employees can be fired for not IDing people. It's weird how many people get upset about it.

You can. This person doesn't know that and lied for some reason.

Then they should just let you walk out
Your money isnt worth the risk of being shit on for selling to minors

I got carded when buying Resident Evil 4 in 2005. I was 16.

Got carded once trying to buy metal gear solid portable ops.
>Had my own money at the time so I biked over to the closest GameStop without my parents.
>Guy asks for my ID because M-rated.
>Thought it was T but that was portable ops plus I was thinking of
>Tells me not to do that.
>Do what?
>Try to buy m rated titles without a guardian present or proper ID
>Never go to that GameStop again.
>return home and spend that night hacking my psp instead and downloading portable ops the next day.
>mfw getting carded saved me 20 bucks and got me to hack my psp into my favorite portable emulator at the time.

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id assume its about being id'd in which case its only 100% retards that get id'd because i worked security for years and the only people we ever id'd where one we knew would mouth off so we could beat them up legitimately

>all these idiots posting angry stories about being carded

Dude, just take your fucking Drivers License out. What's the goddamn deal?

Do you also yell at a cop and get in his face when he pulls you over and asks for License and Registration?

one or two times when I was 11 or 12 trying to buy M-rated games like Vice City
just had my cousin buy it for me
when I hit 13-14, the retailers just stopped caring because I looked old enough
and then once at fucking 28 because I tried to buy bloodborne at fucking gamestop from the soi-est soiboy to ever soi, all because it was the last shop in town to have a ps4
fucking little twat even gave me a trigger warning because it was so violent
I was fucking floored, and more than a little disgusted

i don't think so but my brother got carded trying to buy the doom trilogy collector's edition so i had to buy it for him. this was like 10 years after Doom released so it was funny that they were carding for pixelated gore. those were the days *sip*

if you didn't put it out of its misery you missed an opportunity.

>It was a store like gamestop, can't remember the name but I think they went out of business. I think it was something like "game freak"
This is really bothering me. Anyone know what I'm talking about? It was a video game store in the United States like Gamestop, but its logo and general color scheme were green and black I think. It was connected to a Hollywood video rental store when I was a kid. What the fuck was this store called?

i was like 13 when red dead redemption 1 came out and i went to some game store with two friends so we could all buy it.
i walked up to the counter and
>"you need to either be 17 years old or be with an adult to buy this game"
>"oh...we walked all the way here"
>guy behind the counter looks around
>points at some older guy in the store
>"you're with him right?"
>"lets try again. you're with him RIGHT?"
>"OH...yeah we're with him"
>"cool here's your game"
i did get carded for gta v as well but i was 18 by the time that came out

I've been carded for buying Travis Strikes back

game crazy. we had one attached to a Hollywood video in my town too. it's an autozone now.

because I'm not buying a pack of marbs and a case of bud
I'm buying a video game
something that I hadn't been carded for since my pre-teens
it was a complete shock to the system, and then the disgust set in because that's where we are; carding adults over a fucking video game

game crazy


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When I was 16 they wouldn't let me buy Silent Hill 3. My mom bought it next time she was at the mall.

I used to work at Gamestop and I would card kids all the time. Not because I cared, but because I liked pissing off tweens. Most of the time they'd come back with a parent, and as they were checking out, I'd go, "Just so you know, this game is rated M for violence/sexual content/etc" while reading off the ESRB label. It was my favorite thing in the world when the parent would refuse to buy the game.

>tfw my job requires me to write down the plate tags of customers vehicles when they pick up their stuff from our warehouses and half the time it's some balding dude freaking out thinking we're actually going to do something with it other than shred it 2 weeks later
Too many half-functioning schizos in society now, it's no wonder there's a shooting every week.

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yep that was it, thanks

i bought mario party 5 and the guy at the till said "jambon" when he handed me the game
this was ages ago but i think about it a lot

I can see your "let me talk to the manager" haircut already. get over yourself female

there is not legal requirement to card at retail my straw man. age ratings are advisory and have no legal standing.

Game Crazy?

I got carded when buying Demon's Souls at GameStop, surprised me because I had bought most of my other M rated titles before that online or had them given to me as gifts. I just handed my ID over and the clerk looked surprised (likely because I look young as fuck) and checked me out promptly.

Taking out my drivers' license takes considerably less time than whining about it on the internet.

When working at a game store I would card if they looked young. Sometimes I just didn't give a shit and would sell M games to teens that seemed alright. Never sold M games to little kids since screeching soccer moms aren't what you want in the middle of a shift. Still remember one young teen kid coming in, acting nervous, then putting a stack of games on the counter to buy. Had the 360 rumble roses and the DoA volleyball game on the very bottom trying to hide them. Didn't ID, discreetly rang it up, got the discs back at the counter, put it in a black bag and told him to have a cool weekend.

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Got carded for l.a. noire at ebgames

I've never asked to see a manager once in my life
what would that do? just get a spiel about how it's to "protect kids"
as if kids weren't playing CoD for over a fucking decade anyway
this mickey mouse shit is so fucking tiresome

Theres no legal requirement to sell you the game at all if you're being a cunt about it. Doesn't change the fact that I'll lose my job if I sell an M rated game to someone under 17 and get caught. If you cause a problem about that then the fucking manager can deal with it, or just tell you to fuck off.

>I've never asked to see a manager once in my life
I did once; in my best, sincere attempt at a bitchy white girl tone I could muster. To be fair, the manager was a friend of mine, and I was in that store specifically to see him.

then thats just your stores policy my dude.

content advisories are just that, advisory. they have zero legal weight.