Founding fathers: Big government is bad. People are smart enough to make their own decisions

>Founding fathers: Big government is bad. People are smart enough to make their own decisions.

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It’s almost like the real problem is the Jewish people

Post yfw you're not a commie

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2019 leftism is really something else, goddamn.

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6 posts and none of you can write something intelligible.

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>rising up worked

>It's only bad when the "government" does it.
If the corporations control everything in society except the legal and military bodies, whom they simply bribe to do their bidding, who is actually in charge?

once the trend of banning things you don't like starts, it eventually ends up banning things you do like

this started with taboo fetishes and related pornography and it will continue past banning gambling in video games and eventually all sex and violence from video games. you cannot have a happy equilibrium only movement towards true freedom or total censorship

Leftists are for big government this is just a special case of a cuckservative advocating it because muh family values

>only goverment can be bad, companies can never be bad

Why are murricans so fucking stupid

>except the legal and military bodies

Corporations are the government

gambling is already illegal for minors dipshit and it has special taxes

>Because banning loot boxes TOTALLY stops the corporations from doing that
>Because the corporations don't ALREADY bribe the government itself into doing their bidding

>People are smart enough to make their own decisions.

The founding fathers very specifically did not think this.

Literally just fix the family unit by repealing feminist laws and all of this goes away without adding laws to the books.

this but unironically

if gamers didnt rise up sonic movie would never have been changed

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>People are smart enough to make their own decisions.
Grown adults maybe, but not children.

Based as fuck.

What's the point of freedom if you're destitute?
What's the point of freedom if you can't walk down the street without risk of being murdered, robbed or raped?
What is the point of freedom when the very air you breath is polluted?
All you can do is stay in a box shooting up drugs and masturbating to porn, and if that's all you want? Sure it's great! But maybe for everyone else that freedom isn't worth shit for dick.

>Founding fathers: Big government is bad.
>Found big government anyway
Nice try corporate shill

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Yeah I don't get this increasing belief that if I or someone else doesn't like something, then I should be indirectly using violence through the government to prevent people from doing the thing.

People don't seem to realize that you can hate a thing and yet still believe people have a free right to do the thing. I hate lootboxes and will always attack their concept but I don't believe they should be banned, it's just immoral to use violent force via the government to get people to think or do things your way. It especially sets a weird dissonance since trading cards are the exact same thing and yet aren't banned.

Loot boxes are shit you mongoloid.

More like
>let's let companies make tons of content and lock it behind luck based bullshit instead of rewards for progress and achievement
But whatever, eat dick I guess

>Founding Fathers: People are smart enough to make their own decisions.

Holy moly, actual underaged post on this site.

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>T. Jew

I don't understand what they think this will solve.
Publishers will still find ways to jew your kids.

Oh, by all means, please tell me how video games are making you destitute, stopping you from being able to walk down the street, and polluting your air.

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>People are smart enough to make their own decisions.
Well that hypothesis has clearly failed.

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>caring about what a bunch of cavemen thought about government
We live in 2019, not 1776 faggot.

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women, children and minorities aren't people

Because as it turns out, a large majority of people are low agency and thus need to be shepherded and letting them destroy themselves on the principal that it was "their choice" is detrimental to just about everything.

shouold divide all nations in administrative regions of 10 million habitants tops and tax big corporations so much they cant operate anymore.
yeah, sorry, I dont want crocked politicians ammassing power and making shitty decisions the same way I dont want some addictive sugary drinks corporation to own the patent of agricultural seeds, water sources wtc.

>The government has been corrupted by corporations
>So let's give the government even more power!

Real bigthink there.

The solution is to make the government less powerful so corporations are less incentivized to corrupt it.

Also to increase the number of governments by increasingly localizing their power to smaller groups of people, making the more accountable and a nightmare for companies to attempt to corrupt all of them individually and allowing people to simply move to the next city if they disagree with the policies of another.

>Lootboxes in 1776
I'm laughing just thinking about it.

>Gooberment bad
>Corporations using every trick in the book to abuse people with addictive traits to ruin their lives good

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>How could the promotion of socially manipulative behaviors like gambling, especially in those still developing be detrimental and feed into a snowball of shitty consequences?
Then again you aren't personally affected so why do you care?

Retarded americans defending lootboxes
Fuck off idiots
Balance is where big brain is, not everything against a corporation is communism

>mfw Republicans are against pay2win and (((microtransactions)))

Funny because the Republicans in the 90's were for outright banning video games and now they want to regulate the bullshit the video game companies do as they should.

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Ah, the slippery slope. Because if we allow gay marriage then next we allow you to marry animals.

yes user, that's why so many corporations are lobbying for regulations to be stripped, because they too want to see their power dwindle.

how does banning anything prevent your situation. the violent people will still be violent and you will be a destitute with nothing to jerk off to. a loose-loose it seems to me

>Founding fathers: eople are smart enough to make their own decisions
>that is why the president isnt elected by popular vote and you have to go through representative democracy instead of direct

>muh founding fathers
>basing your politics on argumentum ab auctoritate

>Normal people: lootboxes are objectively shitty and predatory, if people are too stupid to realize this then government absolutely has to take action before businesses are starting to base everything they do on preying on stupid people, ruining everything even for smart people who didn't take any part in lootbox purchases.

Ah, the false equivalence. Because allowing corporations to manipulate children is the same as allowing consenting adults to marry eachother.

There's really no way you can possibly say that loot boxes and gacha shit aren't gambling. You literally put money in, and don't know what your prize will be. All of this stuff is grooming a generation of gamblers.

You know, they have those capsule machines things where you put in 25 cents and get a capsule with a random toy or collectable in it (the collectable aspect is big japan). It's pretty much the same thing and I am curious to see if legislation like this would trickle down and make capsule machines illegal. Or what about crane games? Though that's a little different since it's skill based.

While that slippery slope is bad I've always wondered what people supporting every type of marriage say about polygamy
If you can love any one person what stops 3 people from saying they love each other?

Alexander Hamilton warned us that a nation which prefers disgrace to danger is prepared for
a master and deserves one.
You and I know and do not believe that life is so dear and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery.

This, balkanise the United States, that shit would be hilarious.

That's a strawman, no one said companies aren't bad, it's just that we are completely free to give money to another one.

The government meanwhile has a monopoly on violence which is dangerous as the threat of dying comes with a potentially infinite cost, completely destroying otherwise unaltered decision making in every area of the economy. When the decision is feel happy or not die, the scales pretty blatantly tip in a certain direction.


Any man with a wife is completely boggled why any man would want more than 1. Unless they were rich as fuck and all their wives were fit 18-21 year olds.

I'm not for polygamy because I think it's decadent. But they're not abusing children for animals, and they're all consenting adults. So they should have the right to do it. Sure I don't like it, but just because I don't like it doesn't mean it should be illegal.

I also don't like country music either, but I don't think it should be banned.

>People are smart enough to make their own decisions.
Imagine actually believing this.

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It will lead to other Bad Habits Like doing drugs. So some desperate niggers who grew up with lootboxes will have addictive behavior. They'll rob you for drug money user.

>Loot boxes breed and normalize a culture of gamblers.
>Gambling leads to immense debts and poverty.
>Poverty leads to crime as both a means to survive and fuel their addiction..

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wtf I love the GOP now.

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> >only goverment can be bad, companies can never be bad
You can ignore companies with their stupid rules and shitty ideology, but you can't ignore government with its stupid rules and shitty ideology.

>le black and white dichotomy
See I would actually want an anti-consumer invasive business practice to be regulated

The only way for you to percieve that as true if you immediately close the page every time you encounter a discussion about microtransactions, plug your ears in, close your eyes shut, and go "lalalalalalala I can't hear you lalalalalalalalala!!!!!!"

companies are so entrenched in modern society it's kind of hard to ignore them. You can't just not drink water because you have a personal problem with rhe water companies that provide it.

This is why they were explicitly anti-democracy. They wanted only white, land-owning men to vote and even then they were skeptical.

The idea that voting is a right everyone should have literally killed this country. Universal suffrage is putting a shotgun in your mouth and pulling the trigger.

Oh yeah, tell me how well Alex Jones is ignoring those companies that joined up to basically blacklist him from the internet
>inb4 lmao just build your own internet

Alright, let's ban video games. Video games normalize violence. Normalizing violence leads to more people commiting acts of violence and thinking it's okay. Society will fall apart as everyone just starts killing everyone else.

This is your logic. You are this fucking stupid. You think every little vice is just going to dump into an epidemic that will make a ton of people, without variation, go into a downward spiral, because it's completely impossible for them to learn and grow. They'll just buy one lootbox and that's it.

Clearly people are incapable of taking care of themselves. We need to seize the means of production and have the government regulate everything.

You are a child, or possibly worse, a retard. This wasn't true even 50 years or so ago either.

I can always decide not to buy something.
If the government bans that, the I can no longer buy that because I need to be protected from myself.

Also, not erocan btw.

Bottom line, Its not that the private sector can't evil, but they cant force me to do or dont do anything. But for some reason I never agreed to, the government has authority over me?!

>people are smart enough to make their own decisions
Yeah, back when intelligence was necessary. It feels fucking retarded to say but the average person being smart only applied back when living required knowledge on more things than today.

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He was banned from sites, not from the internet. That's his problem that big companies don't like him. That's THEIR right to ban somebody.

Why is it that there are always some retards who can only think in extremes, and try to use their fucked up extremist strictly bipolar worldview as the basis for their argument, and hope that people will somehow not think he is fucking retarded?

The logic is not so different from anti-governmentfags that think we shouls tear down the govenrment and have no regulations because it leads to Communism and everyone getting sent to gulags.

And yet so many are lobbying for just the opposite, to use regulations to cement their place in the market. There are corporations on the opposite side of each bill that wants to "strip regulations", and I can already tell you they aren't doing it out of the good of their heart, no more so than the ones fighting for it. People complain about oil companies backing one side of legislation for bias but not the solar companies on other side.

Do you really think your small 100 employee business can absorb the costs of new regulation as much as the thousands strong one with a team of in-house lawyers on hand? Or suspiciously specific regulations that just so happen to coincide amazingly with a company's existing process, completely screwing the other companies who haven't been doing said process and have to retool everything.

There are many corporations that simply want a market to exist in and they need to "strip" the regulations to do that. There are also many that don't want that market to exist since it may threaten them or it's our of their timeline. Why do you think Boeing bitched so hard to the FCC about SpaceX's satellite internet despite Boeing having plans for their own constellation for a while now, just that SpaceX was going to start sending them up before Boeing was.

>Alright, let's ban video games. Video games normalize violence.
Not remotely the same thing. That's like saying drinking out of straw normalizes smoking.

>literally "I need the government to regulate everything because I can't be trusted not to make bad decisions"
Yeah, no. If you're dumb enough to buy one lootbox and turn into a homeless gambler because of it, that's on you. Stop dragging everyone else down with you.

>let's ban video games
I sure as fuck dont want to ban harmless videogames such as puzzle games or even sword melee based games since no one will kill en masse with a sword.

looter shooter or battle royale game n129237 with gambling mechanics wont be missed though

>lootboxes existed in the 18th century

>He wasn't banned from publishing, all paper companies just happened to agree not to sell him any paper!
a-at least it wasn't the government

Oh, but thinking that lootboxes will make some kid homeless isn't an extreme?

>Surely they won't call me a commie if i replace capitalism with jews
Hello commie

>Help me! I'm being oppressed by having the ability to safely fly across the world, have electronic appliances, access the internet, use my cellphone and drink a soda!

Go live in a fucking cave then you retard.

Well yeah. If it was government then he'll end in prison with big fines

Fucking based. It's like the government is supposed to be a tool to protect the people, like a referee in a sports game or something. And it's like, we should actually use it. Nice. It's time to ban leftists and liberals.

If people are too stupid to realize this, they need the harsh reality of their money being taken away to learn and never have it happen again. All government interference in these things does is create complacency in people's stupidity.

Why bother learning when big brother government is around to tell you what to think, do, and feel for you?

You fail to see that retards buying lootboxes will affect you indirectly as services will be geared toward exploiting those weak willed, making everything shittier for you too. This is what anti government fags always conveniently ignore, or try to downplay, or claim it's okay because it doesn't affect them.

The bottom line is, there are some cases when government intervention is necessary. This is one of thos cases, just like in the case of heavy drugs, literal gambling, explosives, and whatever else.

But this is a Republican? I know it's rare to find a non-cuck on the right that isn't suck Ayn Rand's enlarged clit. But godamn do the libs live in your head rent free
Then again,this fagmaster is just doing this for the chirrens like anything under m. How half assed

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Capitalism is fine.
Jews exploit the fuck out of it though.

>There can only be two sides
Spotted the ameriburger

>Allowed gay marriage
>Socially accepted gays
>Now they're throwing parades in the street to have little kids sexualy dance for them and demanding we consider men who cut off their penises women.

Yeah.... slippery slope is totally a fallacy...

Imagine actually defending lootboxes
Just admit you got scammed and move on with your life, idiots. Nobody will miss them if they get banned.

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>Not remotely the same thing.
Why, because you said so?
Your logic is reactionary slippery slope dogshit and the moment I apply it to something you like, it suddenly doesn't count.

Besides, you're ignoring the huge mass of people who have done something to the effect of gambling at any given point in their life and didn't become an addict over it.

So you just want to ban what you don't like. Got it.

I hope one day you have a smoking-hot wife that is borderline retarded so you can understand why consumer rights and the 'less capable' need protection from predatory companies and their schemes. Because having a loved one that can't defend themselves because they weren't born with the same tools as you is the only way you'll understand. There's a people with mental retardation have a library of special laws to protect them.

>Yea Forums 2018: Lootboxes suck ass.
>Yea Forums 2019: Lootboxes are great and I love them please can I get another Mei skin Blizzard PLEASE I posted it again on Yea Forums please let me hav--

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What do you guys think of the idea of lootboxes in single-player that you can't pay for, but just show up as a bonus for completing a mission or a challenge?

Instead of "Unlock cool costume for beating the game on Expert," it's "Have a lootbox for a chance to win the cool costume amongst other items in the prize pool!"

>Nobody will miss them if they get banned.
This is the truth of the matter.

Read this: The problem is that it indirectly affects normal people. Normal people feel powerless against the retardation of their peers, which enable lootboxes to exist. That's why government is needed, not because they care that some retard will financially self-destroy themselves.

>And nothing of value was lost

Capitalism is inherently destructive. Jews only make it more apparent because they have no qualms when it comes to exploiting gentiles.

>making everything shittier for you too
Except it doesn't, because I don't play dogshit lootbox games.

Our freedom was.

the founding fathers were not superheroes idiot

This bill will btfo (((publishers))) and Devs. based af

user I'm not saying we should have expensive licenses or fees that stifle small businesses. I'm not even necessarily disagreeing witg you that they do this. But I'm also not in favor od stripping away every regulation on the books just because we have some bad actors who lobbied for expensive fees, licenses, etc. I'm for better governance, and I believe that getting the right people in, who will enact regulations not altered by megacorps is a good thing.

I'm just not going to throw my hands up and say "we can't have a government because some guys over there did a bad thing one time", then that leads to total chaos. It leads to the illnesses people contracted back in the day when meat plants were unregulated, the polution in China's cities. We can't just let them run wild in the hopes that some people somewhere might no buy products, some of which are required for survival.

Never bought a single lootbox, but i protect peoples right to do whatever they want with their lives.

See what I mean? See this shit?
It's okay because it doesn't affect me personally! Fantastic argumentation skills.

Nah your freedom is fine now devs will have to rethink the whole gambling thing .

you are subhuman and will never live to see 30

I'm not. I don't support lootboxes. But other people do and it leads to more lootboxes in games that I may he playing


If we had a 100% free market we'd be eating shoe rubber and rat poison in everything. Having any regulation =/= living in fucking assfuck China, you're just as much a bootlicker for corporatists.

>they weren't born with the same tools as you
So you're just completely throwing out the notion of trying to educate them. I bet you think people who are born autistic can't be taught better behaviours.

The spirit of “small government” is not that of “no government” but instead an attempt to build in the people the habit of solving problems without government at first and then with as little government intervention as necessary second, all with the goal of limiting the state’s power so that it may never reach the heights of tyranny. If the bill is clear and straightforward in its goal to protect young consumers, and if prominent video game lawyers don’t raise alarm, then I think it is a good bill. Microtransaction schemes have gotten out of control.

No one here is defending them. I just avoid them. I don't play games that feature them and if they exist I ignore them. If a developer puts something I don't like in their game I avoid it like any sensible human being.

I don't care if lil' Jimmy spent a hundred dollars on Fortnite skins. I do care if Congress gets the ability to mandate to developers how they should make their games.

>what you don't like
what promotes shooting chimpouts
and it happens that gambling ridden looter shooters or battle royales do
no one is going to kill en masse with a portal gun or one million stab some a crowd

remember we're ok with jews now

No one is forcing you to play these games. There are in fact plenty of games that don't feature lootboxes that you can play. The alternative isn't the same games without lootboxes, the alternative is those games not existing at all in the first place, making little difference.

This is like complaining that superhero movies is running the movie industry as a whole and should be banned because the movie industry is majority making things you personally don't like.

Absolutely this, best post ITT.

>Capitalism is inherently destructive.
No it isn't. You don't understand what 'inherently' means.

Funny how defending freedom always ends up being the same as defending the interests of big corp

well put user

Why should lootboxes have less restrictions than other forms of gambling?

Now hold on there my goalpost-moving friend, you were specifically talking about me.
>making everything shittier for you too
>making everything shittier for you too
>making everything shittier for you too
>making everything shittier for you too
>making everything shittier for you too
Now, if you want to talk about how it affects other people, you can join one of the other conversations I'm having about it that you've decided to conveniently ignore before tossing in that ad hominem.

Why are you so retarded guys? Can't you just DON'T play games with lootboxes or what?

>big corporations regularly lobby for control over regulations and regularly twist the law and legislation to favor themselves at the cost of literally everybody else
>being against this makes me a corporate bootlicker
How do people even come to these conclusions?

>banning capeshit
I'd vote for whoever suggests this.

>no one is going to kill en masse with a portal gun or one million stab some a crowd
Now you're just being intentionally obtuse to support your stance. You know that video games often contain real guns.

Funny how attacking big corp always ends up being the same as inflating the size of the government, the same government that give corporation status and rights in the right place.

Your inability to take responsibility for your own choices doesn't mean that other people shouldn't be able to pay for the services they want.

Nobody ever forced you to buy a game with lootboxes.

>Jumping on goombas will cause me to jump on real people or small animals

Shills are fucking fuming. I love it.

It doesn't affect normal people at all because "normal" people still have every choice to not buy the fucking games or lootboxes and support ones that don't. You are whining because the industry is not doing things in a purely "you" focused way.

It's a false alternative. The alternative isn't better games, the alternative is less games. Despite what it looks like, lootboxes aren't taking over parts of the market that didn't want them.

>companies are so entrenched in modern society it's kind of hard to ignore them.

Really? I haven't played a single piece of console trash with lootboxes because I don't own a PS4. My life is not any harder for not owning one.

Disgusting, both capitalism and communism are jewish inventions.

>This is like complaining that superhero movies is running the movie industry as a whole and should be banned
I would support this. Fuck capeshit.

>cooperations fuck you over
Please enslave me Microsoft-sama!
>government fucks you over
How dare you enslave me, Trump-kisama!

>what promotes shooting chimpouts
Grand Theft Auto? Retarded faggots used to be on crusades to ban that shit back in the early 2000s. If were gonna say that lootboxes make you a gambling addict, then logically we also have to say that Grand Theft Auto makes you a gun-toting psychopath.

>minors can't gamble
>gambling already strictly regulated
>video game companies exploit all of the psychological weaknesses involved in gambling, but circumvent gambling laws with "but these things you're paying for with funbucks (purchased with real money) aren't worth real money!"
>anyone surprised gubmint is coming after these practices

>ok I'll disregard government legislated and enforced copyrights

let's be real, it's not about small or big gubberment, you just want to defend your bideogames corporations. HOW WILL THEY MAKE MONEY IF LOOTBOXES ARE BANNED? I NEED MY BIDEOGAMES

What's the whity economy?

Yes, it is making everything shittier for you too, you don't see it because you lack foresight.
If this thing becomes normalized due to no government intervetion, then literally every video game will base their monetisation on it, meaning eventually it will affect your video games too. Your only choice will be to not play video games if you want to avoid lootboxes.
This can be avoided by government saying to fuck off with the lootboxes.
inb4 no it will never affect my games, yes it will.
inb4 I don't even play video games so it can literally never affect me, then get the fuck off this board.

>You know, they have those capsule machines things where you put in 25 cents and get a capsule with a random toy or collectable
Also known as gacha

Exactly. Saying lootboxes will make you a gambling addict is like saying jumping on koopas in Mario will make you jump on real turtles.


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yup, and nothing of value would be lost

You really think products are a single line between the final good and a single corporation?

>Founding fathers: Every household should be allowed flintlocks
>2019 americounts; WAAAH I NEED MY MILSPEC ARMOURY!!!!!

See It's not false alternative, you simply lack foresight to see that this will affect every single video game if left unchecked.

>Getting the right people in

The biggest meme in the world.

Also China is one of the most regulated countries in the world. Those companies are being actively protected by their government from their own citizens (for their citizens "interests" of course) where as in a truly free market, those companies would be facing a huge pile of lawsuits.

Ban TCGs

Please show me a game with lootboxes where the content of those lootboxes is only available if I buy it.

>People are smart enough to make their own decisions.
Americans apparently aren't

say it with me

It's easy for you now because it hasn't reached you yet. It'll eventually evolve into a standard industry practice provided it's profitable enough.

Think about it like this, do you know any soda pop company that doesn't use high fructose corn syrup? It's an industry standard now. No soda pop is without it.

Lobbying =/= regulation, that's why. Most everybody here is specifically against vidya lobbying and have been since DOOM caused its "scares", and that they still don't exist yet provides an advantage. We're not at the level of Disney, Texxon-Mobil or Monsanto yet.

If companies like EA, Actiblizz, Ubisoft, etc. are only going to continue prmototing this cancer, a risky stance would still lose less than no stance.

I was of the same opinion, but I listened to psychologists taking about actual gambling addiction and it's really not a matter of "choice".

It's like alcohol, drugs, it exploits a vulnerable part of anyone's brain. Some brains are more susceptible to gambling, but there is no brain that is completely immune to it.

That doesn't mean it needs to be banned, but it needs to be regulated. You can't just slip a potentially-addictive substance into casual games, just like you can't slip addictive compounds into regular food.

American local Tech companies like Facebook, Twitter, Google, Silicon Valley, Youtube, etc... have much as influence or more in the public than the American government itself.

Why would you, as a consumer, literally ever defend lootboxes?

Why would you want to gamble to get the item you want instead of just buying the item you want from the cash shop? These lootbox bans are not bans on microtransactions in general, it's just about lootboxes which are about as anti-consumer as it gets.

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>pray with me and let our gods decide for us, amen

In a true free market these companies would win a great deal of lawsuits because they have deep pockets, or just settle out of court. keep dreaming nigga, because reality is fucking horrible.

Most weebs here probably play at least one gacha, that's why.

God I fucking wish.

MtG invented it, Richard Garfield said that it was meant to be "balanced by rarity" from the very start. He even fucked Artifact with the same mentality, even though he hasn't designed a single good game since.

>kids should be responsible guys, just like me.
Why don't you ask for the removal of age ban on alcohol and tobacco then? Kids should know when to stop after all.

It is, and Marx was delighted about it, as he saw Capitalism as the agent of destruction that would abolish the traditional order. A necessary dialectic step on the road to Capitalism.
Capitalism, due to the imperative of interest, is forced to not just optimise the modes of production and distribution but also to ever expand its markets. This means that globalisation is a natural consequence of Capitalism. So is women being mobilised to be a part of the workforce, as it gives them autonomy and actualises them as a demographic for goods. And so is the commodification of race, gender, culture, etc. - and through this a homogenisation process is happening. Borders, languages, distinct cultures - all that makes way to a global mode of consumption. And ultimately also the people will be homogenised. A rootless cosmopolitan is the man of that new age, a single race, a single culture, a single language, and as the disparity between that slave race and the capitalist elite reaches its apotheosis the world revolution will happen and bring forth communism. That is the prophecy of Marx. Whether the revolution will happen or whether the elites will keep their slaves content is yet to be seen, but any good conserative, anyone who cares about his nation, culture, race and a healthy, traditional society should realise that Capitalism is a poison that needs to be handled with great care.

>Smoking is illegal for kids
>No problem
>Drinking illegal for kids
>No problem
>Porn is illegal for kids
>No problem
>Gambling is illegal for kids

Regulation for healthy adults is bad, regulation for kids is common sense, they can't take care of themselves.

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I'd be willing to bet most people in this thread have never bought a lootbox. And for all of our not buying them, they're still running rampant as ever, infecting more and more games by the day and lowering the overall quality of the medium.

If chucklefucks like you were in charge, cigarette companies would have never had to pay for all the cancer they knowingly helped cause.

Not sure what you are trying to get at here. Letting you earn lootbox stuff in exchange for insane grind is part of the cancer that is the lootbox system, it's deliberately designed to try and manipulate you into paying instead. It doesn't help your argument the slightest.

I'd absolutely love it if these bans took gachashit with them, actually.

But no, I'm pretty sure they'll find a way to liken gachashit, at least in terms of card games, to irl card collecting games.

Those people actually do need someone more responsible to make decisions for them.

There's a generation that remembers when none of this existed and a generation that's grown up with it and thinks this is how things are supposed to be.
Also fuck off with that microtransaction bullshit, I want all of this monetization shit out of my vidya.

they deserve to get fucked then

Well, it should. Kids already drink, kids already smoke. If we stopped calling these items "for adults", they would lose their prestige in the eyes of the children.

Lootboxes are a socialist concept. They allow someone, who does not care about loot, mooch off people with too much money and gambling addictions who keep the games running for worthless trinkets.

Please be trolling

>Founding fathers: Big government is bad. People are smart enough to make their own decisions.
Where did they say this?

Google has more power than most countries in the world

In my eyes, gachashit is indistinguishable from lootboxes, and to be honest it blows my mind sometimes that people don't consider it the same thing ad are treating this separately for some reason.

What I'm trying to get at is I'm an adult who can choose not to pay for lootboxes, or choose not to buy dogshit games with insane lootbox grind.

That's a complete slippery slope fallacy. There is nothing to suggest that lootboxes will "plague" every single game. There's a massive and increasingly thriving indie scene that majority lacks anything in the way of lootboxes. There are in fact indie titles made in specific spite of lootboxes.

You have no argument

How are lootboxes any different than randomized loot from enemy drops?

>>Smoking is illegal for kids
cant squeeze money out of a kid dead of lung cancer
>>Drinking illegal for kids
cant squeeze money out of a dead of liver failure
>>Porn is illegal for kids
easily pirated, no money to be made
>>Gambling is illegal for kids

So the slippery slope only applies to corporations' encroaching greed and not the government's own corruption? I don't trust either entity, trust is wasted on people who can buy and sell you off, I'm just saying you guys are fucking stupid if you don't think this will come back to bite you in the ass, especially if you're the same group of retards that want to protect anime games from Sony.

>do you know any soda pop company that doesn't use high fructose corn syrup? It's an industry standard now. No soda pop is without it.
So don't drink soda. It's calorie dense, has zero nutritional value, and the only thing that can maybe be said about it is that it tastes good. Drink tea or water instead.

And honestly, comparing lootboxes to junk food is a losing battle because our country's attempts to curb obesity haven't been very effective.

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>People are smart enough to make their own decisions
You're adorably wrong.

>if left unchecked.
The government isn't the only body that can "check" something. Consumers can do so as wel.

Do you remember the Battlefront II fiasco? Where the lootbox shit was really bad because it wasn't just cosmetics, but actual content that could only be unlocked through it? And it took a genuinely inhuman amount of time to unlock all that shit, unless you paid for it.

Surely you remember there being such a fucking massive backlash for that. It was so massive, in fact, that Disney is now overseeing the video games more closely. Love them or hate them, Disney knows they need to keep their customers happy, which is why they put a big dick in JJ's stupid fucking mouth.

I digress. Point being that you don't need to automatically go crying to the government to keep a check on everything.

>Capitalism is a poison that needs to be handled with great care.

Imagine being so dishonest you just completely ignore the Jewish question

>Also fuck off with that microtransaction bullshit, I want all of this monetization shit out of my vidya.
It'll never happen. As an MMOfag I'd much rather go back to B2P and P2Play games, seeing as basically any new title is now F2P P2W shit that I just skip.

I'm 100% fine with cosmetic microtransactions though, at least assuming there's no other way anyway.

Really makes you think

See You lack the foresight to see that this will affect every video game and in the end you will have no choice, other than not playing video games at all if you want to avoid loot boxes.

The people who are for this are the same people who support writers of Kotaku and Polygon

based conservachads destroying commie corporate bootlickers

> and lowering the overall quality of the medium.
Name 1(one) game that become worse because of lootboxes?

>And for all of our not buying them, they're still running rampant as ever, infecting more and more games by the day and lowering the overall quality of the medium.
Yes, such modern classics as Shadow of Mordor, Star Wars Battlefront, Call of Duty, fucking etc.

All of these games are the same flavor of shit. If you had any expectations for them it's your own damn fault. There are countless games you can buy RIGHT NOW that have no microtransactions whatsoever and you're still going to bitch about games you probably don't even play.

>It is
No. It's not.
You still don't understand what 'inherently' means.

>So the slippery slope only applies to corporations' encroaching greed and not the government's own corruption?
Gonna tell you right now before he even replies:
Yes, that's what he's arguing. He's been arguing this whole thread that the slippery slope only applies to corporations and nothing else.

>It'll never happen
I know and that's what hurts the most

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Why would it bite me in the ass? We already have regulations on the books for entertainment. We don't allow children to watch an R rated movie unattended. What exactly did that do to the movie industry?
>hurr just don't buy anything
okay user, let's all live in some mudhuts instead.

>implying settling is cheap if a company just settles anytime someone comes in with a case
>implying settling isn't a completely concious and voluntary choice the plantiff makes

If the plantiff feels righted with $1 million in their pockets, then who are we to judge? What's to stop that plantiff from telling his friends that just a little bitching gets them money too?

Okay, prove it. Prove that literally every single franchise in existence will adopt the lootbox model.

My country (Belgium) did it some time ago. First I thought they were pretty based because fuck these money grubbing practices but now I'm not too sure about government putting its nose in vidya like this.

Everyone ITT needs to have sex

Whoa no way they banned an attempt at using casino tactics to exploit kids?

Who could have predicted this?

dont like corporation? dont buy their shit
dont like government? dont vote for them
that worked really well for both

>People are smart enough to make their own decisions

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Except there absolutely is, see Season Passes, DLC, and paid online.
People bought them so they become normal monetization options, publishers now treat them as if not doing these, they are literally losing money by not doing these. Once lootboxes are normalized, it will be the same thing, from publisher perspective you are losing money by not monetizing your game with lootboxes. There is no slippery slope fallacy here, only you refusing to see things for what they are.

It's pretty much unlicensed gambling.

Who's defending it other than memeing retards? You can hate something and yet still defend its right to exist. I hate commies but I'm not going to ban them from speaking.

Sorry, that argument doesn't work when we have age ratings in play.

Here, proved

It's at most, a slap on the wrist, which is why companies seek settlement most of the time. They have more money than God? what's a million dollars to them? They'll just go back and do whatever the fuck they did because they merely paid some chump change to get rid of some angry consumer. Meanwhile everyone else is still buying their shit.

What next?

I meant not with your sister

Your “argument” is that corporations will suddenly stop pursuing their best interest for no reason at all

>go to local dollar store
>pick up a fresh new pack of Crazy Bones, the latest craze in my middle school classroom
>hand cashier a crisp $5 bill
>open pack
>all crazy bones I had already


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The ESRB in America is not legally enforceable and gambling is regulated as fuck.

You first

AAA game publishers are the worst.

Ah, nope. Where's the lootboxes in Mario? Where's the microtransactions in Crash? Where's the intense grind for content in Kingdom Hearts?

>Consumers can do so as well
In two generations you can entirely remove this notion via social engineering

>inherent (not comparable)
>Naturally as part or consequence of something.

I know exactly what it means and I've precisely told you why Capitalism is a destructive force. If you disagree, respond to my line of reasoning rather than my choice of the word "inherent" which perfectly applies here.

You say that like it's a bad thing. You some kinda normalfaggot?

Legalize piracy and people will naturally want to stop buying shitty microtransactions and lootboxes, while avoiding giving the government more power than necessary

All the examples you listed have legal age requirements, as do most games with lootboxes. Blame shitty parents or start enforcing the esrb age ratings.

Ok that's a tiny step forward.
Now how about reverting copyright protection back to "20 years" it was pre-Disney, so we can actually have our public domain back?

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>People are smart enough to make their own decisions.
Top zozzle

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You either don't understand what capitalism is in principle or you don't understand what inherently means.
Either way, shut the fuck up.

That's kind of what they've been doing already and clearly it's not working if there's still backlash for shit like Battlefront 2 and MK11.

You do not have to buy those games. Nothing is forcing you to buy those games. There are tons of other games to buy and play that don't have any of those things. Hell you are free to develop your own game without any of those things and people do.

There is no basis for your argument that this will "spread", just a non-existent Boogeyman. In fact, if you look at the revenue data, none of these things increase revenue, they just stabilize it over time. Shareholders of big companies were getting tired of inconsistent dividends and also spreading themselves out between too many games. None of these are an issue with a private company so there's nothing to suggest it will "spread" unless people truly want it.

That's basically the reason why people who don't play games care about this. Most countries have restrictions on how old an individual has to be to gamble at Casinos. This circumvents the law by not technically being gambling and being able to market to people with access to mom/dad's credit card. It's really easy to get kids hooked on vices like these.

>Prove that literally every single franchise in existence will adopt the lootbox model.
>will adopt
>future tense
I didn't say everything had lootboxes right now, nor did you ask me to prove everything has lootboxes right now. Go back and read my argument again if you didn't get it.

literally irrelevant what consumers do.
microtransactions were supposed to die in 2013
then some marketing mumbo jumpo here, paying journos and youtubers there to say "bideogames dont cost enough and mts make up for it" there, and there you go

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Goodbye lootboxes

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How is this a bad thing? Or are you one of those people hate things on principle without any sense of context or nuance?

Your conclusions are retarded.
You make these connections where none exist.
Enjoy giving all of your money to the state, comrade. I'm sure human nature isn't the true problem and every single economic system you could think of totally wouldn't be abused and result in "the rich elite".
You're so fucking retarded.

First, I am not him.
>start enforcing the esrb age ratings
The ESRB was creted precisely so the government wouldn't stick their noses there, like the MPAA. There is also...
>Bans on the sale of violent video games to children without parental supervision violate the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment. United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirmed.'n
If they gave every game with lootboxes an instant AO, this shit wouldn't have happened.

Literally nothing happened with MK11 or BF2 user. Nothing, the long war against the consumer hasn’t stopped for a single moment, partly due to soldiers like you.

I really want this to be a joke, but I can just see the Best Buy employees face when he brought up his purchases.

So you have no proof that it will happen, you're just asserting that it will. What you have is proof that it MIGHT happen. Just as I MIGHT be shot by someone any time I go outside.

And of course, because it MIGHT happen, that means I should never go outside ever, right?

A companies best interest means nothing if no one buys it. No one is forcing people to buy video games. This market literally didn't exist 50 years ago so it's not like it's a necessity by any means. People can just completely stop buying video games if this "plague" scenario comes to pass. In reality there will be plenty of companies trying to take advantage and marketing to that audience by not having lootboxes, just like they are now.

He’s not retarded, he’s just subhuman

I'd say Disney stepping in to keep a closer watch on EA's antics is something.

America is a fucking joke at this point.

>if no one buys it
Which will never happen

>There is no basis for your argument that this will "spread",

I wish I could describe how I know you’re too young to be having this discussion without sounding like an asshole, but I can’t. It already did spread and if you had the slightest memory of video games over the last 13 or so years you would know just how absolutely, flat out wrong you are. The trend already spread and became an issue. Developers themselves will correct you and educate you to the fact that these types of games can be highly profitable, which is why they decided to go this route.

>Founding fathers

>There is no basis for your argument that this will "spread", just a non-existent Boogeyman.
Yeah, this is the major, most significant point where anti gooberment and normal people's view clash on the matter of lootboxes.
You go "lalalalalalala it won't happen", and this is where I rest my case as I won't go to any further lengths to convince you since the signs are pretty obvious to anyone in the form of dlc, season passes and paid online, who cares to look.

Until you realize corporations control the government anyway. Wake up, bluepill

People won't stop playing though dumbass. It's like with movies, they are so entrenched in culture due to constant shilling for over a hundred years that you'd never get people to stop paying to see absolute garbage.

It's become a social symbol now. You go to hot new movie as advertised and use that as social grease with others. You don't go, you are outcast. Videogames are the same thing now. You don't buy new FIFA or Madden and you are bad consumer and good consumers will ostracise you.

Capitalism was a mistake. Can't wait till the state controls everything, they know what is best.

Yeah, a good thing for corporate interests. Congrats user.

You mean that rating that people ignore and still sell gambling to kids?
Oh yeah, totally dismantles my arguement, lmao, you fucking retard.

What do you think guys, how many corporate shills are in this one?

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Commie scum need to be purged from this earth. All of them. Every. Last. One of them.

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>communism win
>no more games at all
>only legal entertainment is propaganda movies, books and songs
yeah, what a future you have there, clown.

One right under you

I'm not sure what world you exist in but profit margins are not that massive and shareholders really want their cut. Apple is the highest in the world at a whopping 30% profit margin. Settling directly eats into that cut and a 1000 people getting even $100k each very quickly adds up. Especially since that comes from cash reserves the company may not even have. Billion dollar companies have gone bankrupt for a couple million negative on their cash on hand.

I have cracked the code, everyone can go home.

Those who are against government intervention refuse to acknowledge that this shit is absolutely going to spread to everywhere, that's why they think it's okay to leave it alone.

Loot boxes specifically target people with gambling problems, similar to mobile games. This wouldn't be an issue if it were stated on the game itself and only was available for adults, like casinos. But since it is so hard to regulate and keep away from minors (yes I know it should be the parents' job, but obviously they won't take the blame for little Billy buying thousands in loot boxes) the only option is to ban it.
I wish consumers were smart enough not to have this shit at least in full priced AAA games. I understand in Free to play but come on guys.

Capitalism being "inherently" destructive means that a Capitalist economy will naturally eradicate the traditional order of things and I've explained you why: interest. Interest poses an imperative of ever expanding markets which will naturally commodify the entire sphere of existence. If you are in denial about it you are either a liberal who embraces the degeneration of society or a Jew who tries to exploit the fractured individuals it produces.

Please kill yourself

>People can just completely stop buying
not when the target demographic is literally mentally ill or not able to consent, aka kids and whales.

>no more games at all

Communism already created the greatest game ever made.

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iF yOu DoNt LiKe CaPiTaLiSm YoU mUsT LikE CoMmUnIsM

Fuck off retard


>echange toys
>get what you wanted
>go online
>buy each piece individually for cheaper than 5 packs

Fuck off, Matthew.

well first of all, pepsi sells throwback and every store now imports mexican cokes, and corn syrup is being rejected by consumers, which are consuming less of it every year since awareness campaigns started. "healthy" foods have had to dump it so they can advertise to their base as fructose-free.

more to the point, corn syrup is used in the US and nowhere else precisely because of govt interference in the marketplace, making it cheaper to use corn syrup than cane sugar. govt is what fucked that up for you, the companies are just caught up in it too.

>For decades corporations have enjoyed disproportionally more government-given rights than individuals
>"No wait we didn't sign up for responsibilities that come with it!"

>nobody makes money out of porn lol
>haha they would die and totally not become medical corporation #1 customer guys

>Capitalism is inherintely anti-white. The reason blacks were brought into white civilization was simply because paying whites was too expensive, natives got sick too easily, and blacks were simply the most reliable slave laborers at the time. If plantation owners didn’t bring in black slaves they would “lose” the game of profit to those who did.
>As you can see, capitalism is inherintely globalist. The rich will always shill for more cheap labor, the free market does not care about skin color.
>You may then ask “but sir, blacks and other stupid lazy poor people are no longer profitable, so why does capitalism tolerate their existence?” It doesn’t, that’s where abortion and chemicals in the water that turn the fricken frogs gay come in. Why do you think feminism and transgenderism is so intensely pushed? Because it reduces the birth rate of retarded NPCs.

You wrote one of the most sensible posts on the thread and you got completely ignored. Figures.

Next the government should address these gambling machines that prey on children.

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Oh no not the worthless fiat money I’m sure the elite that control central and international banking institutions are really afraid.

It’s about power.
>traditional order of things
You are a subhuman user, you are not human and you are not part of the natural order. This is why you get confused and miss the most obvious contradiction in your ideology: this capitalism you despise is a result of the natural order. It’s a false dichotomy

Big government can be significantly more dangerous than corporations since they have actual power over your lives. Oh no, a game has loot boxes? You poor oppressed gamer.

fuck lootboxes and fuck gachashit

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>he thinks age rating is the same as legal ban

Retards who preach Communism never think they will be the ones in the gulag, just those "evil nazi's", who is anyone who disagrees with them at all.

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That's not a fucking issue inherent to capitalism.
That's just greed.
Show me a single economic system that wouldn't be exploited by jews or jew-like people.
You're naive if you think human nature isn't the core issue.
I almost want capitalism to be replaced with whatever utopian model you assume is infallible just to see it crumble around your head and watch you try to point your finger somewhere other than "humans" as the cause of the problem.

Those capsule machines aren’t ruining an industry with greed.

Most people don't buy lootboxes and microtransactions.

They're still a scummy business tactic that psychologically manipulates people and has a negative effect on any game they're put into.

Loot boxes are bad because if they're in a game then the company will care about hiding content behind a paywall, not presenting content to the audience that bought the game in the first place.
And sure you can say "b-but most of these are cosmetics!" but they're still focused on selling said cosmetics, not patching things or adding good content for everyone. You want new weapons? New maps? New perks? Fuck you, have a purple bowtie and a bowler hat

Daily reminder, you can be pro-consumer and hold companies to a high standard while still respecting their rights and not going full blown "eat the rich".

Anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is trying to manipulate you.

captitalism isn't perfect but that doesn't make communism a good alternative

Literally look at any game big EA game. You jewish shill.

While I agree it's a parent's job to not let their kids use their phone, America's obsession with imagining they live in a world that even slightly resembles the one their founding father's did amazes me.

You realize the role of government has been hotly debated from the very founding of the country right? The Constitution itself was created out of a desire for a stronger federal government, compared to the Articles of Confederation where the federal government couldn't even maintain a proper military.

If someone ever tells you that everyone from a certain era thought a certain way, they are FUCKING LIARS and trying to trick you into buying into their pseudo-traditionalist narrative. There have always been intense arguments and strong ideological disagreements. The Federalist and Democratic-Republican parties sprung from an ideological divide.

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Gears of War, Call of Duty, Destiny, Fortnite, Overwatch, Star Wars: Battlefront 1 and 2, pretty much all modern MMOs, and almost all cell phone games.

Sometimes they're made shittier by having unique items that can only be gotten through paying real money, other times they let people by the things you can buy with in-game currency with real money, and then adjust the prices of items using in-game currency to ridiculously high levels in order to incentivize people to pay real money. Having to grind something like 5,000 hours to get all the items in the game, for instance, which is common.

>somewhere other than "humans" as the cause of the problem.
Ironically, he would be correct. People such as him are the ultimate problem. He has disdain for the natural order and hasn’t realized his true desire is release from the oppression of the disparity of existence. He wants death

For once a frogfag is right.

Loot boxes and pay-to-win mechanics are specifically designed to manipulate people, retard.

The fallacy is that you are ignoring the fact there are more good, non-lootbox games being released than there ever we're a decade or two ago. Just that now we have lootboxes games on top of it as well. They did not replace one another at all.

The pie is not being taken over, the pie is simply growing. There is still just as much total pie as before, in fact there's more, just now there's another section of lootbox pie added next to it. The fallacy is assuming that other section of pie would still exist without lootboxes when it just wouldn't exist at all.

But user, the communism I have in my mind is perfect, unlike your actual capitalism.

It's a little more complicated than that. It's exploitation of some pretty complicated, yet also very base, psychological urges. Most people lack the knowledge needed to resist.

So why are pro-capitalist right-wingers against this again? I'm on the left side and I don't have a problem with lootboxes. If you don't like it then don't play games that use them, isn't that what freedom is all about? Isn't this basically like banning porn because kids might get addicted to it and then trying to paint PornHub as an 'corporation'? Raise your damn kids properly.

It feels like we've switched places. I'm anti-corporation when they do something actually shitty like dump chemicals into the water table, but lootboxes? Who even gives a shit?

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Only stupid people, like yourself so I can see why you'd be against them.

Good. I love TF2, but fuck it for making loot boxes a standard

Slippery slope faggot. Look at the internet as proof

Is this the part where you respond to yourself

>Most people don't buy lootboxes and microtransactions.
Doesn't matter. The term "if you aren't buying the product, you are the product" comes to mind.
Take MtG Arena for example. You can play that game for free. You don't have to drop a dime. That's fine for WotC because you're still helping them. The whales that play the game can only do so if they have opponents to play against. What better way to ensure there's a crowd buzzing around the game to keep the whales interested? Make it free with microtransactions.
If you think you aren't part of the issue because you "only play the games and never spend any money", you're wrong.
You need to uninstall these games and let the userbase die out. It's the only way to end this 'whale'/microtransaction problem. You're the product, mate.

>there are people unironically defending lootboxes IN THIS VERY THREAD
Jesus, I knew Yea Forums was flooded with retards but this is ridiculous.

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>muh freedom to make shitty decisions
I draw the line when my quality of life suffers because someone else is a fucking moron

You're a moronic neo-capitalist poorfag instead

The point is a lot of us don't believe in retard proofing literally everything. Loot boxes are scummy as fuck and are absolutely gambling, but it is the parents job to keep little Billy from having access to the credit card. Plus once the government gets it's hands into gaming even slightly god knows what other bullshit they'll try.

Economic right wingers are fucking retards who think no regulations or laws will magically work and that corporations wouldn't magically assert their own laws when they consolidate power

I hate that I get lumped in with them as a conservative. They are my enemy as much as commie scumbags are

So they do what you wanted yet it's not what you wanted.

I can't help but sympathize with some government entities. We're in this mess because the general population was never taught how to vote with money, so now they're trying to herd these retarded cats back into normality.

Who forces you to buy AAA shit?

They manipulate everyone. Just because you're smart enough not to be manipulated doesn't mean they aren't trying to manipulate you, and that is the issue; the manipulation shouldn't exist in the first place.

I play games to have fun, not be manipulated into spending more money on top of the $60 I already payed.

I guess the government should step in and stop us from leaving our houses.

Voting with your wallet does not work, voting with bullets does

>there are more good, non-lootbox games being released now than there were over a decade or two ago
This is how I know you were a kid a decade ago.

Part of being an adult is realizing that just because you don't like something doesn't mean you should outlaw it.

Well thats pretty gud. We will have an outrageous demand for ultra violent games and tits since only 18+ games will allow lootboxes

They were also never taught how to vote period.

>lobbies to stop the bill
thankfully it'll never pass

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Way to move the goalposts. Besides, Disney stepping in is the only reason we're getting the Fallen Order. Which, of course, will probably still suck because it's EA, but more specifically Disney stepping in is the reason why there's a single player game with no lootboxes at all.

How do loot boxes make your life worse? Devs will just find another legal way to jew you, you do realize that right?

I hope a new wave of games with interactive sex.

I'm not a commie, I just want the government to make decisions for me.

Lawfag here, all this is going to do if the nonsense of it actually succeeds is double down on what defines the label of what a loot-box is or isn't. Then the likes of EA and the rest can simply apply 99% of what that definition is and get away with it because they aren't going 100% so as long as it isn't a "loot-box" even though it might be almost identical, they can still get away with it.

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I’m playing the devils advocate because I don’t agree with big governments regulating everything. But I can see the point of not letting games rated for children have lootboxes.
The biggest problem is that the government whether dems or libs are completely incompetent and will write a retarded law that doesn’t help anyone and will fuck both sides. If the law passes they’ll ban lootboxes yes but they’ll also ban something else you like

No one benefits from loot boxes and microtransactions except greedy businessmen.

>I didn't buy a popular product so voting with money doesn't work

No, john. You are the retards.

No, I genuinely don't understand. I don't understand the angle here. Gambling? So are we shutting down casinos? Games that are attractive to kids to waste money on? So we're shutting down arcades? Are we shutting down obviously rigged ring-toss carny games?

What's the angle here? 'Think of the children' makes no sense here, 'Gambling is a big problem' makes no sense here. Why does this man, Josh whatever his name was think that this should be banned?


What did I want?
What did I not want?
I don't know what you're talking about.

>If you don't like it then don't play games that use them, isn't that what freedom is all about?
I haven't played anything with a cash shop in 5~ years and am a lot happier for it, but I still think lootboxes should still be classified like other forms of gambling and need to be 18+ with games being given the appropriate rating for having it.

It's really turned games to shit though. Any game that has it seems to be more likely to focus on getting you addicted instead of wanting you to have fun.

This shit exists since decades.

I don't see a sound argument on your side, only hapless insults directed at someone who criticses your liberal religion. I've described to you how Capitalism will naturally eradicate the traditional society and I've told you: if you don't care you're either a liberal or a Jew. Which is it?

It is inherent to Capitalism and Marx was not the first to point that out. Thinkers like Oswald Spengler, Ernst Niekisch, Gregor Strasser, Gottfried Feder were quite aware about the nature of Capitalism. It is an Anglo-American peculiarity to find the advocates of Capitalism on the "conservative" side of the political spectrum. Anglo-American "conservatism" is rebranded whig liberalism. Historically, conservatives have been anti-capitalist and were highly wary regarding bourgeois upstarts.

fuck corporations


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Woof. That brings back memories.

Nothing happened to big corporate with BF2 user. They only benefited from the fiasco because Disney is more competent than EA.

>companies will finally stop putting basic shit like customization and characters behind a pay wall

>So are we shutting down casinos?
No one said anything about banning casinos nor lootboxes.

The founding fathers definitely did not believe that and neither do you.

If you believe that truly then you're retarded.

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Nobody is "banning" anything, you dishonest shitheads.
This is simply the existing gambling regulations catching up with a new form of gambling that managed to fly under the radar so far.

>since it's skill based
The strength of the grip is the main thing that determines if you get a prize, and that part is randomized/patterned based on the pre-programmed payout percentage. The skill component of claw machines is minimal to nonexistent.

He's right, though. In the "voting with your wallet" system, the only people who get "votes" are the people who buy. And the determining factor is how many buy. How many more didn't buy is irrelevant, because only enough people need to vote yes, so to speak. Even if the majority "vote no" by not buying, the yes votes will still win as long as there's just enough.

Is this the continuation of before, where you respond to yourself again?

Cool story.
Neatly dodging the points though.
You're fuckin retarded mate. Go live in china or something.

Slippery slope. It started with horse armor and we kept letting companies get away with progressively scummier shit until we ended up where are now.

Ideally, it would have never reached this point, but we're at the point where government invention is the only way out of this dystopia.

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The sheer concentration of libertarian autists, reflexive partisans, and blatant shills in threads like this make me consider the possibility that Bin Laden wasn't wrong.

You're moving the goalposts again. I never said they put a stop to corporations being corporations, nor was that ever even relevant to the discussion.

What's your evidence for that? Fallen Order has been in development for years now, before the Battlefront lootbox fiasco happened.

It’s making the one thing I enjoy even worse. Fuck em, fuck em, fuck em right in the ass. I don’t even care anymore.

Didn't they specifically say the game wouldn't have any lootboxes?

You can literally just google it, it's all over the place.

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Who forces you to buy soulless brand new games with lootboxes? You know there's a vast backlog for dozens of platforms completely free of microtransactions and lootboxes, right?

Zoom-boy won't use your credit card if you're allowed to whip him. Bring back corporal punishment.

Voting with your wallet needs to go along with actively trying to get your opinion across to others and for them to agree with your decision. You can't just not buy something and ignore the people still buying it.

But shouldn't they then support this sort of thing? Game companies making money however they want? It doesn't make sense to me. I can't really draw a comparison to communists because outside of some kind of 1960s Vietcong image I don't really know what they support nowadays. I consider myself pretty far left but I'm alright with capitalism for the most part, I haven't seen a better solution come along and it works pretty well so long as people aren't being actually trampled by it (Those bits need fixing). Lootboxes though? What's the difference between psychological addiction to virtual cosmetic items and an physical addiction to fast food?

Gambling regulation has been a pretty long-running political issue, practically every single state in the US handles it differently.

>Who forces you to buy soulless brand new games with lootboxes?

In an ideal world, these games wouldn't fucking exist

I would be more inclined to care about lootboxes if they weren't literally only ever in bad games.

>Muh slippery slope

No one benefits from you sitting on your ass playing video games either except for yourself, yet we aren't trying to outlaw it.

>I don't see a sound argument on your side, only hapless insults directed at someone who criticses your liberal religion.
Where is your argument?

Mine main assertion is plain to see:
You are fundamentally not human, and I supported this with evidence.

You claim that capitalism is some sort of outside force, infringing on and destroying the natural order. This is an impossibility. The only possible way you could fail to see this discernible fact is if you yourself were 1) not human and 2) not part of the natural order.

Your only desire in this world is death, which is why you serve any ideology that pushes humanity into eradicating you.

Slippery slope is a valid argument after the gay marriage shit, but to address your point I think people simply won't buy them if the price increases too much. I agree they are shitty but the government fucks everything up and EA/Blizzard are going to get their lawyers to find a way around whatever legislation they pass. Plus I genuinely don't think banning loot boxes will make AAA game developers actually make the games any better.

I don’t play AAA games. The less money the make the better they need to be taken down a peg

Then it's not really a matter of voting with your wallet, is it?

But isn't that hypocritical? Can't have lootboxes because it's addictive gambling? Well so is every Casino. It's literally in the headline.

If you seriously deny that slippery slope is the fact of life, you havent been paying attention.

>Neatly dodging the points though.
There are no points on your side.

Your argument is: Capitalism is natural as it naturally occurs and what it brings forth is therefore natural.
In the same sense you might argue: homsexuality, transgenderism and whatever else degeneracy is a part of nature as it naturally occurred and therefore it is natural and we should not care about it.

But that is not what this is about. I did not argue in favour of letting things play out on their own, I argued in favour of the traditional socitety. And Capitalism is a force that destroys it. Marx knew this and he was quite happy about it.
Why do you think do progressive liberals and global corporations march hand in hand nowadays? It's because Capitalism can function quite well with them. It has no problem with anything they propose. More genders means more goods to peddle. More political fliers to print. More products for unique snowflakes who want to express their unique identity with their own kind flavour of Starbucks coffee.

You don't want to preserve anything. You are a literal degenerate.

>Plus I genuinely don't think banning loot boxes will make AAA game developers actually make the games any better

It will because then the games won't be made grindy as fuck to push microtransactions

That's why it's important to teach the younger generations about the values of good products, it was literally my whole point. People seem to think it's fine if they have money, they can just spend like however the fuck they want without worry about anyone else, it's this whole societies hubris that needs toning down.

Do you remember when microsoft tried to make GFWL exclusive? I fucking do and now look at that shit.

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wtf i love being jack thompson and I love using think of the kids to pass laws

why the fuck am i supposed to tolerate something as subhuman as GAMBLING just to not be labeled "commie"

it is not even a question of me deciding if i want to gamble or not, i just don't want it on any products at all

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I mean the evidence that Disney was behind it. No shit a single-player story-focused game wouldn't have lootboxes. The game has been in development for years and I'm pretty sure it was always planned to be single-player.

Where is your argument user? This is fallacious and dishonest behavior.

Why are you even here then? I know why. You’re a soldier for the corporate march against the consumer. That’s all your are here to do. A rat.

When did Yea Forums start pretending to be the peoples champion?

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See , as it applies right to you.


Why do commies always assume everyone is as pathetic as them? Is it projection or can they literally not imagine that people had better upbringings than them?

I literally, unironically haven’t bought a game released after 2012 except Wolfenstein cause it was on sale for five dollars on Steam. I’m not even lying, look, I have an original Xbox set up under my TV right now.

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Ok? How that changes the point that there's literally hundreds of thousands of games that are completely free of microtransactions and lootboxes.

>Well so is every Casino.
And every casino has to deal with enforced age verification.

>microsoft tried to make GFWL exclusive?
When? GFWL enabled games are sold everywhere and every developer is free to remove it.

All you want in the world is to die.

I was literally just bringing up a point with , not trying to make an "argument." Chill the fuck out.

The government is not to meddle in the affairs of the citizens under the guise of "security". The people should be responsible for themselves and their land. At its most basic observation, Loot Boxes sort of fall in the category of "let those fucking idiots blow all of their money."

However, the government is supposed to protect its people from fraud, from entities that the people can not combat themselves - corporations that have grown too powerful and are able to dominate a market can fuck with the people and stiff any competition. Government regulations are to keep them in check. Loot boxes and other predatory shit that incentivizes people to spending excess amounts of money for a the mere chance of a paltry offering allows them to gain a stranglehold of a market's potential revenue. It is the equivalent of selling snake oil, fraudulent in its execution.

Loot Boxes and Pay-to-Win do not deserve to exist.

I find it funny how only america is dumb enough to have outrage about this.

>And every casino has to deal with enforced age verification.
Yes but this is about specifically banning lootboxes.

Fair enough, it would be hilarious to see Blizzard freak the fuck out considering the make ridicules amounts of money on them. Plus the money they would spend in court fighting this.

Sydicalism is the true alternative

Moving the goalposts user.

How in the fuck is capitalism natural? You could just as easily say feudalism is natural.

Exclusive was a poor choice of words, I meant mandatory.

>300 year old laws are always perfectly applicable to modern society & technology
Fuck off you imbecile

There is nothing wrong this; free to play mechanics have no place outside of free to play games.

>People are smart enough to make their own decisions.
lmao no they aren't

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>teach the younger generations about the values of good products
THANK you. I don't know why this is such a hard concept for people to grasp. No, we gotta have the government regulate it for us, right? God forbid we do any parenting.

Every game with micro-transactions would be better without them.
Why not make the skins unlockable through ONLY playing the game?

>they're still running rampant as ever, infecting more and more games by the day and lowering the overall quality of the medium.
You say that, but I don't know of a single game with micro transactions or loot boxes that are even worth playing without such things. Plenty of decent games came out this year alone that don't have any of that shit.
I hate those companies as much as you, but maybe you should stop playing games that are designed for people who actually like gambling and paying for new skins.

You are being intentionally blind to the hundreds of good games being released today and are viewing the past through rose-colored glasses. The industry as a whole was smaller and released far fewer titles than today. Yes each company released more but there were less companies overall. The indie scene today is massive and full of quality titles. There's a lot of publisher titles now that started out as indie but we're snatched up before people realized.

There are just as many games to play, and in fact more, that are just as good as the ones from the past. Those games just simply aren't the "top" portion of the market.

The existence of capeshit didn't kill off comedy, or romance, or horror movies. There are still plenty being released independent of them and being just as successful as they were in the past because the market as a whole has grown.

>Yea Forums created for social outcasts to talk about unpopular hobbies
let them fucking die. stop trying to save stupid people

It always amazes me how Libertarians start to sound like religious nutjobs the moment you confront them with actual arguments.

The end of Capitalism is not the end of the world.

>how is the creation of hierarchies natural?

Eh. I was with you until that last sentence. People who still smoke deserve what happens to them. They know what they're fucking doing.

Source? Only a handful of games from a handful of publishers ever used it and most of them removed it when the Marketplace shut down?

Im a right winger and i don't support loot boxes. None of my friends do either and they're almost all right wingers. Stop trying to push this as a right or left issue. It's not that simple

Trump really needs to destroy liberalism.

Big govt = democratic view

Small govt = Republican view

But I'm not. Now you're just spouting what I said back at me because you don't understand that all I was doing was bringing up that point. There were no "goalposts" to move. Do you even understand what that phrase means?

Are you implying companies can't do that as well if they wanted to?

So you do agree feudalism is equally as natural?

>It is the equivalent of selling snake oil, fraudulent in its execution.
No it isn't. 'Snake oil' means 'Literally not as advertised'. Snake oil is a lie. When I buy a lootbox, I know that I might get a skin I like or I might not. That's my choice to make, unless you're being told that every lootbox contains a skin you know what you're getting into. Why should I not be allowed to make that decision myself?

>b-but I want to buy the newest bland AAA gaem too

I think people are hoping that getting rid of loot boxes will make games less grindy, not cause they care about normalfags. They will probably find some other way to fuck us though so who knows.

American Libertarianism is disgusting.

Once upon a time, skins were unlocked just by playing the fucking game.



And yet the legislation is being introduced by a Republican.
Can you even read?

Yes but fuck the government more. At least I can choose to buy stuff from another company. Can't really choose to pay another government.

Not exactly. It's more like they differ on where the government should have control.

You have no arguments, so disparate you to resort to meaningless labels that do not apply. I have only used your own words.

I despise the hierarchy, and I despise those that do nothing to threaten it.

Most of the people here are faggots that immigrated from Neogaf and Reddit when they started realizing criticizing people was not okay if those people are a protected political class.
Anyone concerned with retards getting scammed shouldn't fucking be here.
You're not "saving the industry", normalfaggots, AAA was never a concern on Yea Forums

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Loot boxes are turning red blooded Americans into souless bug chinks

>Im a right winger and i don't support loot boxes. None of my friends do either and they're almost all right wingers.
So right wingers don't support lootboxes? Is there a typo in your post? You've sort of proven me correct and it doesn't sound like you intended to do that.


Do you feel in charge?

>All this bitching about liberals
>The senator that introduced it is a Republican


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user, you will die a worthless death.

You could say that you can vote for the people in the government, but no for who are the CEOs of corporations.
>At least I can choose to buy stuff from another company.
That is not always possible.

The creation of hierarchies is natural and a feudal order is a natural order.

This also means that there is no free trade because the guilds set the prices and moneylending is under tight supervision by the rulers who will expel the (((moneylenders))) if they start trouble.

>Every game with micro-transactions would be better without them.
This is the implicit assumption that they'd even bother making the cosmetics (or, at least, the same quantity) if they couldn't use it to extract cash from people.


This. I cannot believe all the people I here defending this shit. If you defend loot boxes you are exactly why games are nothing more than shallow and full of microtransactions and DLC. Why make a decent game when I can just make money from dumb asses buying horse armor?

The government gets its power from you

The only power a government has is the power given to it by its citizens

The 18 year old nihilist.

liberals are evil

Unironically. State capitalism an economic nationalism is superior to neoliberalism.

I genuinely don't remember what game or what policy caused a fucking uproar over GFWL but it was a decade or so ago. Microsoft tried something to the tune of making it the only platform you could use on windows and people were not fucking having it.

That would be convenient for you.

>"Hey guys these lootboxes suck don't they"
>Government steps in
>"WHAT why are they removing our lootboxes?!"

Citizens can throw a snowball, doesn't mean they can stop it once it becomes an avalanche.


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>expecting nu-Yea Forums to read
Why do you think the vast majority of the threads being made nowadays have really short bait-heavy OPs? To attract phoneposters with tiny attention spans.

Seriously try to make a thread with a multi-paragraph OP, it will sink straight to page 10.

You guys are acting like loot boxes and micro transactions have just completely taken over the industry
But I can't think of a single game I played in the last 5 years that had any of that.

Faggots like this are just mad because his casual Call of Overwatch tranny simulator makes him pay for extra shit. It all has to do with the kind of games you like. Stop buying trash and then complaining that it's trash.

>ban videogames

Tipper Gore lead the charge on all that shit as well as music

>government related business is good
>I think this because of bad videogames
>its okay to fuck the country to death because of videogames
>my political ideology is formed around videogames
Only government intervention I want is a killsquad and sweep through this thread, and the voting age to be raised to 21.

None of the games I enjoy have lootboxes, so I'm pretty content in letting them be. The types of games that use them are usually so shit that they're not worth caring about anyway.

>dude just unironically legalize drugs it will root out the weak people lmao learn to parent

God you people are fucking nut jobs.

Ah yes, let's prevent the government from making laws against shitty business practices that outright plague video game development and encourage lower quality video games because

*flips through notes*

the government will be doing their job of making regulation and that's bad because....uh......well, video game regulations will literally lead to 1941 or something!

Get off the computer Mr. Kotick.

>Liberals defending corporations because the heads of said corporations happen to be on their side.
>20 years from now when their sons are in charge and the pendulum has shifted they'll hate corporations for not giving a shit if someone says something politically charged and simply want monies because companies are supposed to be amoral anyway

>I genuinely don't remember what game or what policy caused a fucking uproar over GFWL but it was a decade or so ago.
A decade ago? Pretty sure it was paid multiplayer.
>Microsoft tried something to the tune of making it the only platform you could use on windows
That description fits better to the Microsoft Store and UWP, the former being part of the fucking operative system.

This is how I feel about this entire thread.

Legalizing drugs makes sense, or at the very least decriminalizing them.

tfw ur a nazi

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So how would you do that? It's easy to say
>individuals need to do X
but how do you expect that to happen? Prayer? A Twitter hashtag?

>encourage lower quality video games
Don't buy them and just play old stuff.

>the weak and stupid deserve to live

>someone wants to spend $0.30 on a gun skin because they enjoy that

>Make the government less powerful so they can't stop corporations
Fucking retard.

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>the government will be doing their job of making regulations

fuck off blizzshit marketer

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I have presented a clear line of argumentation how Capitalism degenerates the traditional order here: , and I haven't seen a single line of text from you that would challenge it.

All I see from you is you not getting the point, referring to Capitalism as some sort of force of nature that cannot be messed with for it would mean the end of the world.

And I can only tell you: look at history. People have historically messed with trade all the time. People have banned certain demographics from trade. Guilds have brokered prices or kept people from posing competition if it would have disturbed the local order. People have historically been very cautious about interest.

Thomas Aquinas said god made the prices by rarity and inherent value of things so they shouldn't be messed with. Who are you to question a man of god with your made up religion?

Certainly one may argue that Thomas Aquinas was talking out of his ass, but the point remains that people have historically held different views from yours and they messed with markets all the fucking time. Capitalism is not a force of nature. It is something that exists between people, it can be bent and put into shape by agreeing upon certain things. And it is wise to do so because otherwise it will ruin the world - and I've made a yet unchallenged case why.

>it will root out the weak people lmao learn to parent

I have never seen anyone who's pro-legalization make that argument.

That money could go to the seething poorfags in this thread user don't be so fucking greedy, it's just a digital good, it doesn't exist I do give me money PLEASE

Paid multiplayer does ring a bell. I loved how booty blasted Microsoft was at Valves overwhelming dominance.

I trust the government more than companies. Companies literally have no reason to care about anything other than short-term profit maximizing. I don't understand the people who trust companies more than the government. You literally have a higher chance of winning a case against the government than against a big corporation.

This. The only games that have this shit are terrible games to begin with like Assassins Creed #342345 and CoD. What the fuck are you guys even playing?

As a married man I endorse this statement. 1 woman drives me crazy why would I want 2 more?

>Yea Forums would rather defend microtransactions than admit that capitalism has flaws

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how does that corporate boot taste?

>Character default voices never change

Yes they do, there are loads of legendary skins with unique voicelines.

I don't even fully agree with you but it's clear the dude you're arguing with is a moron who can only resort to the same platitudes over and over.

>Thomas Aquinas said god made the prices by rarity and inherent value of things so they shouldn't be messed with. Who are you to question a man of god with your made up religion?
Well if prices are inversely proportional to rarity, all of the world's digital content should be free. God wills it, apparently.

>All I see from you is you not getting the point, referring to Capitalism as some sort of force of nature that cannot be messed with for it would mean the end of the world.

Hasn’t been said, parasite.

>Let's legalize everything! Surely people can do the right thing and behave themselves! FUCK COMMIES!

Good thing you retards aren't politicians

What is your communism?

If you're not one thing you're the opposite, and this is determined by weirdos on the internet. Welcome to 2019

No, capitalism has flaws. I don't see how some guy consenting to gambling is a flaw. I don't know, maybe make it more clear that it's gambling so the person knows what they're getting into. But just banning it because you don't like it?

>forced lootshit system
>"micro" transactions

The kids are apparently playing enough of this shit to get a bill like this moving. If the practice is banned then I never have to worry about it making its way into my good games.

Laws and public advisories are a great way to start, which then leads to common ground in teaching and parenting. Europe had to go through these issues as well and we should do our best to emulate where and why those laws are implemented.

>Oops I’m eight and I spent 1200 dollars on a game because iTunes and Steam save credit card information
>Haha dumb parents

Dumb parents exist. Some things people just can’t handle. By your standards why isn’t gambling and drugs legal everywhere? Is it possible that some people are simply too stupid to control themselves and it causes a ripple effect that damages others to an unethical degree? Drug usage hurts people besides yourself, as does gambling.

Its actually government existing that causes this shit. With no regulations the spirit of competition would keep everyone on their toes.

Disney and EA get away with all the shit cause "muh copyright, muh property rights"

So they have no incentive to offer a better product

So clear you had to point it out so you could gaslight others instead of trusting their individual observations, right?

You vermin are all the same impotent husks.

Kids aren't allowed to have credit cards faggot. Blame shitty parenting.

>the government needs to put regulations in place to prevent shitty video games.
>creating regulations is their job, regardless of the usefulness of said regulations or their cost in taxes to implement and enforce.
Ban JRPGs so the nips will make more games I enjoy. Charge the boomers who don't play video games to pay for it.

Well then the government should ban kids since parents aren't smart enough to stop them from doing that.

This is an underage post if I have ever seen one.

Back in the day games used to be feature complete. No day one updates, no cut content to market as DOC, and no fucking gambling. If you wanted something on game there was a way to get it in game. But morons like you throw money at these greedy fucking publishers causing the industry to decline at a rapid pace.

Amazing strawman

While I do think capitalism has flaws, the thing is that microtransactions are just a giant red flag for me. I never played a game that had them and none of them are available DRM-free anyways. I would agree with an instant AO for any game with lootboxes, but that's about it.

user, their VOICES never change, all they get is exactly what you say; some voicelines are added/replaced
but all the same -voice-