Days Gone outsells God of War and Horizon Zero Dawn Week 1 in Japan, sells 114k units

B-b-but it has a low metacritic....

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Other urls found in this thread:

>snoy game with milion dollar marketing campaign sells well to normies
And water is wet.

Here comes the seething toddlers

It's because motorcycles are fucking cool. I didn't buy the game but just the fact that you can bomb around on a motorcycle is cool as hell

come home, white man

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fuck off weebnigger

>in japan
>114k units
lmao, must be a disaster to start using those half truth arguments

lol sonygoys starving for vidya

I've played all three of those games and Days Gone is the worst by far. How the fuck did it outsell the others?

Yea Forums is ALWAYS wrong.

Looking at the charts, it is the only PS4 game on the top 10, which means, literally starving for games.

>Guy with bike that shoots zombies and does cool bounty hunter stuff outsells Girl-bow game #300 and Sad Dad 2: Do you still sad with your dad? in the first week.
I am not in the least bit surprised.

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>Sad Dad 2: Do you still sad with your dad?

Damn... i guess people really like zombie games still

>game that appeals to lowest common denominator sells well
Who could have seen this coming?

you're happy about a bad game selling well... why?

You do know are Inferior and could not get any Japanese girl or any girl for that matter. You are ugly have a small dick low self esteem. No girls like you.rhats why you sitting online posting fantasy white supremacist pictures.

Who is this guy?

Sony succeeding just makes Yea Forums so mad, it's hilarious.

the game will drop off after launch, that's what happened to most Sony games in Japan outside of spiderman(which lasted a month), God of War's total sales in Japan were basically its launch numbers give or take a few thousand.

>fantasy white supremacist pictures.
Since when do white supremacists like Asian women?

>Game is shit
>B-but muh saelz!

nintendo for the past 15 years

ape escape fags btfo

>you now remember that 1-2 Switch outsold God of War in 2018

But according to Yea Forums, God of War and Horizon: Zero Dawn didn't sell well AND weren't good games, so I hardly see why this matters

I still can't get over how one Jim Sterling review led to long-term buttfrustration over review scores for BOTW when both BOTW and Horizon are good games that sold well enough

games "journalists" B T F O

Game is shit

>white male
>sexy women
>loves when men stare at her fat ass
>game selling gangbusters

How mad are democrat voters right now.

>horizon didn't even make the top 100

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Wasn't this the game being criticized by SJWs because of not enough females on the dev team?

only plebs judge a book by its cover

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Water isn't wet dumbass

Jealous Western women realizing that men won't marry 30+ bitches with princess complexes if they realize they have other options. So, better shame them by tarring them with the most injurious insult, call them a racist.

Game journalists are so disconnected they think a game is bad just for being a white guy

Neither are good games because no zelda game is good and western trash is never good

>water is wet
Retard. It MAKES things wet.

Game is genuinely a 8/10.

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Is this a glitch or easter egg

Where do you think we are?

Cheat code. Invisible bike.
i have no idea lmao

Great game, I'm loving so far

Wow, Japan sales numbers are shit aren't they? 114k can be made by your average shit house indie game anywhere else.

Imagine being this much of a projecting /leftypol/ user or an MSM journalist being paid to browse Yea Forums

Photomode lets you do it

In the photomode you can turn Deacon, the bike and NPCs invisible. Used to be a glitch where turning the bike invisible in photomode would carry over to gameplay, and you could ride around an invisible bike.

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You can remove the bike in photo mode

horizon zero dawn is the worst, god of war and days gone take the same "good" place for me


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No wonder Snoyfags have such a shit taste


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If water makes things wet, and water is often accompanied by more water, than the water is making the water wet, and therefore water is wet

since white supremacist feminism began and the white woman went against the white man

>exact one minute delay

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>Days Gone holds onto No.1 spot with solid second week

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Ring ding ding ding ding ding

>How the fuck did it outsell the others?
Big budget Open World zombie game, literal normie magnet.

This is probably the most hated game that people haven't even played in recent time and it's all because of low review scores. How shameful that even Yea Forums is a slave to journalists and their opinions nowadays.

>114k sales
>8 million consoles in Japan

wow gj

>it's all because of low review scores
No, it's because it's western shit.

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>per cent

Japan. Not america.
A game about some Hicks riding motor cycles through Zombies should sound like the most boring shit ever.

Who gives a fuck about Japanese sakes numbers?

Game looks pretty good, though FPS is horrible at times on regular PS4 though.

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but is also the best this year for people with taste




Its good to see the gaming media become ever less relevant. When even the normalfags start to ignore game reviews the tides are shifting.

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You do know that the metacritic shit goes from 0 to 100? How is 70 low?

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No one mentally sane even cares about this constructed debate. It's all about review scores, sales and what platform the game is on. Bad review scores and being on playstation made people automatically dislike the game.

Anything less than 90 is shit according to Yea Forums.


This baffles me. I have no fucking clue why people bought this. When it was revealed everyone collectively signed at another Cinematic Zombie game and then wrote it off.
No word whatsoever about it and it just releases. Suddenly tons of people bought it.
I didn't see a ad on any gaming news site. any Commercial. Any advertisement at all at any store.
I've seen gameplay of this game and it's just so unapologetically boring.
There was no campaign. It came out to no ads on anything. I promptly forgot it existed until like a week after it's release.

I beat Day's Gone last night and really enjoyed it. There's like a 3 hour hump before the world really opens up and you unlock your core abilities. The story is great and all of the characters feel very fleshed out. I'm excited for the sequel or any DLC. I'd give it a 9/10. People tell me it's very similar to other AAA Sony releases, like Uncharted, but I haven't played those so I don't really care. I had a lot of fun.

One issue I have is that it takes too long to unlock everything you'll use for the end game, and some of the unlocks are weirdly paced. For instance, the M60 is the best machine gun in the game - you only unlock it after clearing 60% of the hordes on the map. In other words, you unlock the best item for killing hordes after you've already killed most of the hordes. Same goes for Ambush Camps - you unlock a weapon that would be great for clearing ambush camps after you clear all of the ambush camps. Just a weird design decision.

im sure its not because its aa open world zombie crafting game

>In Japan

>journalists are being paid to make fun of my pathetic ass
this level of paranoid delusion should be grounds for indefinite hospitalization

Paid streaming again

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That the game looks generic and predictable just proves my point even further that people haven't played it in favor of being the fuckpigs of journalists.

>westashit in Japan

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>Its a bad game because reviews said so

Develop your own opinions you lazy piece of shit.

Looks like have GOTY already, lads.

>It came out to no ads on anything
Nigga I saw it advertized on TV 5 times in the last 2 weeks and I barely even watch TV.

>it's a good game because it sold a lot
Develop a brain you retarded piece of shit.

you're right, all it took was one look at the gameplay to see it would be terrible.

>This baffles me. I have no fucking clue why people bought this. When it was revealed everyone collectively signed at another Cinematic Zombie game and then wrote it off.
Stop looking to Yea Forums as the end all for video game discussion.
>There was no campaign. It came out to no ads on anything.
It has 2 tv ads that Ive seen frequently.

>the game will drop off after launch,

No shit Sherlock that happens with every game. Most lifetime sales are at launch.


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I do not understand the appeal of this game, at all. Especially for why the nips would want it.

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>weeb game sells 100k in 1st week in Japan
>"omg gotyay"
>western game sells 100k in 1st week in Japan
>"lol who cares"

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If I was a nip surrounded by anime on a daily basis I would also enjoy a very western looking game from time to time, not to mention that the main characters looks like an obvious trope that is easy to understand and is straight to the point which the japanese appreciate.

I like how these reviwers ignore the interracial lesbian couple in the game. Then again they probably didn't play long enough to get to them in the story.

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The things people would go miles to just to be contrarian.

What? Rikki and the black girl are just friends. Rikki tries to bang you at one point.

That's not contrarian, it's pedantic. Water isn't wet because water can't be saturated with water because it is water.

you act like console war shitters on all sides don't review bomb metacritic scores. you can't trust user reviews anymore since 9/10 it ends up being full of 10's or 0's with no in between

Game is good, start is a bit slow but as soon as you get decent skills and weapons it's really fun. Story and universe is pretty neat too

They are a couple. They talk about it in game, you even see them kiss.
And everyone wants Deacons dick.

>made bank in the global market
>only Americans were trashing it
I'm not entirely surprised.

because the Japan game ends up continuing to place after one week while most western games fall off after that initial week. GOW's first week was like.... 120k and then the total sales that year ended up being 144k.

>Deacon the hunk of masculine meat who can turn the most committed dyke straight

No wonder game journos hated him

Sony should make more games. Every game they release nowadays is a huge hit.

I don't even care about playing open world zombie games like this, but I'm so glad that the western SJW media's attempt at smearing this game has been a complete failure.

If Deacon "while male protagonist with a white male protagonisty name" St. John was replaced by a lesbian black woman and everything else in the game remained the same, then you can be certain that the press would be championing this game.

are you trying to act like Sony doesn't make games. Granted they don't release consistently, but they definitely release a lot(quality of them is subjective though)

It's easy to see why the critics hated the game, the main character is:

>straight white conservative male
>in charge of his household and his wife knows she's there to serve him
>sells meth (just like the Nazis)
>veteran and gun enthusiast
>the final mission involves you building an Oklahoma City-style truck bomb to BTFO the post apocalyptic government
>hetero friendship is shown to be the most powerful force in the world

God of war was so close to being good, but they whiffed 90% of the boss fights.

Japan has a history of romanticizing biker gang members so it's not too surprising.

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Nips wanted to play the Walking Dead the game. Consider that Negan is in Tekken 7, the star of the Walking Dead is the protagonist of Death Stranding, and Resident Evil 2 had a Cable TV-style opening during it's opening moments and you can tell they are obsessed with that fucking show

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>outsells shit Japan doesnโ€™t give a fuck about
Big fucking surprise. They love American stereotypes. Motorcycles are one of them.

Lolno, GOW surpassed 300k sold in Japan.

>the final mission involves you building an Oklahoma City-style truck bomb to BTFO the post apocalyptic government
I think you mean 'building an Oklahoma City-style truck bomb to BTFO the post apocalyptic militia border patrol who is lead by a right-wing, religious zealot version of J. Jonah Jameson'

Sony makes a ton of games but they can probably increase their output going forward. Their huge install base means there's always a buyer base for whatever niche they're aiming for.

He's not racist so he's not actually right wing. He's basically a Boomer neocon.

>not right wing

Retarded japs falling for the movie meme

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>Sony games still selling beyond expectations in Japan
holy fuck why does Sony trigger Yea Forums so much?

I noticed Yea Forums was beyond assblasted when the obligatory WEEKLY JAPAN SALES thread was oddly absent.

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they cover tiddy

>J. Jonah Jameson
Colonel Garrett actually looks more like an American version of Stalin.

Blaming the censorship on Sony when we all know the real culprit: American SJWs and moralfags.

Besides as pedo I can sexualize children just fine when they wear clothes.

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Isn't the Republican Party officially against racism? They even have a few black members.

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Did they even market this piece of shit? I haven't seen anything about it since last E3, which I'm assuming is when Sony realised it was hot garbage.

Can you imagine getting excited about a fucking zombie game in 2019?
Normies are the reason game developers arenโ€™t even trying anymore. They just follow the Ubishit formula and voila

>that kneejerk reaction
holy obsession batman

Snoyfag here, Horizon is absolute trash and BOTW is actually good. God of War was great fun though so I don't understand the hate that it gets on Yea Forums.

Well I do, but it's nonsensical.

They got SJW journalists to shit on it, which was a huge marketing boost to right wingers.

this is hilarious

>jap game censored by snoy

Pretty sad such a terrible game is selling well. At least this proves that reviews don't matter.

Or maybe people just like Zombie games faggot.

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>30% less sales than GoW

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And dont you ever forget it Nincel

it sometimes amazes me that you people can read

show me a post

lmao obsessed

Japan has objectively shit taste.

ITT: SEETHING Nintendo incels and Microsoft Poojeets

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I belive that v just love hack and slash games, GoW was one of the few ongoing series of that kind, and they changed.

That's my explanation.

The Japanese probably think that hicks riding motorcycles and shooting zombies is a fresh idea

When you show me a post

in physical sales. only in the UK

Mainstream Republicans, especially Neocons, aren't conservative or right-wing in any sense of the word. They're basically liberals who support Israel and nonstop war

>brought up Persona 5 out of nowhere
>somehow im the obsessed

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>Look guys it sold better than GoW and Horizon in ONE country
>dude says he expects it to sell 2m in 2 weeks worldwide
>GoW sold 3 million in 3 days

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Nah. They finally can play as something they envy. A White Man.

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I'm actually surprised

>Shit marketing
>Looks generic
>Mediocre reviews

Nice for the guy who made it, maybe I would give him a chance if they give it on PS+

It's because Snoy literally had to beg Media Create to not put the sales data out anymore, retard

>bring up P5
yes you are indeed obsessed

I mean Days Gone is a new IP while GoW is an already stablished franchise that didnt have a new entry in years so yeah

>Japan. Not america.
>A game about some Hicks riding motor cycles through Zombies should sound like the most boring shit ever.

99.99% of Japanese games are set in some facsimile of America and feature facsimiles of American characters.

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>It's because Snoy literally had to beg Media Create to not put the sales data out anymore

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It may have a new name but it isn't new or risky in the slightest.

>cinematic tps
>open world
>realistic visuals
>light survival elements
Normies love this shit.

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>make generic slop
>mouthbreathing mongoloid masses gobble it up
is this surprising to anyone?

>Worshipping a game because it has a generic straight white MC despite being one of the most uninspired games in months

I thought right wingers were supposed to be based and only care about if a games good or not?

I mean no one is still upset over P5 being Sony exclusive other than a certain group

>Blaming the censorship on Sony when we all know the real culprit: American SJWs and moralfags.

Then why do games released on Steam and Xbox, American platforms, not have the same censorship>?

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Thank you based Nippon. We're getting closer and closer to that oh so sweet Syphon Filter revival.

>you have to eat shit to know its shit

>game Yea Forums doesnt like doesnt sell in Japan
>game Yea Forums doesnt like sells good in Japan

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They're already working on a new IP so no Syphon Filter



Days Gone is good. Good game is good.
Reviewers would've rated this game even lower, because Deacon almost turned Rikki straight. Which kinda shows you that "lesbian" relationships are fake to begin with.

why though?
it's clearly a worse game than god of war and horizon zero dawn
so what do the japs see in it? they like zombies that much? or biker gangs?

If you have dropped any game because it looked interesting but was shit you have already proven yourself wrong.
>b-but I'm Mr. Perfect
Sure you are, Yea Forumsirgin.

>open world
>third person cover shooting

enjoy your shit game

It's a fun game. If you don't like it, it's probably because you're a fag. Or a leftist who knows that they'd immediately die in a SHTF situation.

wtf sony just keeps winning

Why a white protagonist is a must be for GAMERS?

I don't understand. Everyone seems to be enjoying the game, except for journalists and Yea Forums

The game is well-made and fun, but has features from a lot of other games. Yea Forums doesn't understand that normal people don't spend all of their time playing every new release, so they think the game is unoriginal when it actually blends new and old content together into an enjoyable package.

>a bad game slightly outsold slightly worse games

Enjoy being a brainless Yea Forumseddit drone.

No one cares about the skin color of the protagonist except for SJW's and Yea Forums.

>a game slammed by media sells more than "masterpieces" praised by basedlets
really makes you think

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The sales are out for all to see, nintenlard. We know why Yea ForumstendoGAF didn't make the thread this week.

it surpassed gow and hzd ONLY in Japan

>pleb and proud

What is this thread even complaining about?


These are both interesting points.

Good, it's better than those games. AND it's a good game. Based Nippon.

B-But ResetEra told me that sexist videogames don't sell. This must be a mistake, gamers (RISE UP XD) always listen to journalists...

Game looks like shit but it's a message that new IPs can still sell to whoever thought they couldn't

>only X does Y

The only game competing against it in sales was Muslim Kombat 11

>RE 2
>World War Z
>Days Gone
Zombie ludo is back on the menu.

>it's clearly a worse game than god of war and horizon zero dawn
How? The game is kind of broken in ways of bugs and shit. The quality assurance sure wasn't on par.
But otherwise you've got a lot more freedom and variation in Days Gone than in either of those two games. With lots of player influence and engagement. How is it clearly worse?

The zombie media burn out was greatly exaggerated. Zombies sell, it's like sex appeal and blockbuster action movies. These things never go out of vogue.

>Game is "shit"
>Everyone likes the game though
>B-But my reviews

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No wonder why the game is much much better then horizon or god of boi .

take that SNOYcucks and your cock sucking storydriven narratives of forced diversity and fuck God of My Wife's Son too.


>a look
pleb spotted

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Really? I only hear that days gone is trash from literally everyone.

Do you know what Days Gone is, user?

>literally everyone
you mean a few asshats on v who haven't even played it? Go to metacritic or any comment section of any social media site. There are negative takes, but 90% are positive, with a good chunk that are glowing.

noooooo it was supposed to fail like all the shitty games microsoi shits out

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Not him, but while it is a ps4 exclusive, it's still markedly different from those games. The main character is actually male and still has his balls intact.

so like botw?

doesn't matter
it outsold the yas queen slay, soiboys of war and wasn't aired up by cocksucking critics pushing for a pc safe narrative.

It's literally just ResetEra refugees and a couple of Nintendo drones who don't know better

Yea Forums btfo....

That's pretty much why the journos are so butthurt about this game

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BOTW has tons of sales AND journalists shilling it though. But otherwise yes

based Starkiller saving gaming

Media Create literally stopped releasing sales numbers, retard.

Famitsu still releases theirs though

* In Japan

>The sales are out
They aren't. All you have now is Famitsu... and vgchartz which is probably your source of choice considering your childish vocabulary.

>Sad dad 2: Still sad with your dad

I'm glad this game exists so I can more easily identify the shills.

>Days Gone is bad
>it's a western game and it has cutscenes, therefore it's movieshit
>but what about the gameplay

I have a feeling Yea Forums would change their tone if it was an eastern game with waifus.

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So what exactly is supposed to be so bad about this game? I really don't get it.

>horde shit and biker theme are great
>soundtrack is awesome
>characters are pretty likeable and sam witwer does a terrific job as deacon
>graphics are gorgeous and with bend being from oregon the game gets this sort of authenticity and heart a lot of games lack
>map is rather small for an open world, combined with the previous point you actually start remembering the locations and begin to know where to drive unlike with a lot of other games where everything is sort of a blend and you constantly have to check the map
>there is basically little to no grind/clearing shit of the map, it's FAR less repetitive than a lot of other open worlds
>there is an actual progression to be felt when spending skill points and getting better weapons and shit

So far the only tangible complaint for me is how dogshit the framerate is.

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Holy fuck, that's pathetic.
MHW on PS4 in Japan sold like 1 million units on debut

This is actually the one game that I wanted to perform financially well especially because of that IGN or polygon reviewer that said something about white male protagonists and sexism.

Seriously had it failed they would have said some shit along the lines of "white main characters are bad for business"

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I genuinely didnโ€™t know that but I still think you are a faggot.
Youโ€™re a smart faggot at least and for that I commend you. Faggot.

Okay now show me worldwide sales.


Same fuck ton of ads even playing during game of thrones
>50./00. [PS4] God of War # (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2018.04.20} (ยฅ6.900) โ€“ 104.395 / NEW
>inb4 "the article is on a nintendo website so it's fake" despite the fact that the source is famitsu

What the fuck man what do people see in this game

Nagan for Smash

Yes, it sold that in the first week, what are you exactly trying to say user?

The Japanese also adore mobileshit gacha games and Dragon Quest, they have shit taste.

It's just another zombie game with ideas that were done before and uninteresting gameplay and characters. The fact that it even reached 2 Million at all is a miracle. But I don't seeing it doing as well as GOW.

this article is detailing the sales of the whole year user... that's the sales data for all of 2018

Famitsu is close as fuck to Media Create. And last week we had the Famitsu thread.

But for this week, the WEEKLY JAPAN SALES was oddly absent. I wonder why....

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Lemme guess, Sonyfags are gonna pretend to like this game simply because of sales, right?

because there isn't a website up with all the data, even the twitter post doesn't actually have a source

>. And last week we had the Famitsu thread.
we literally haven't, thanks to golden week.

Better than pretending to like it due to identity politics.

Week before that then

>Iconic western protagonists
>A bunch of literal whos

seething incel

Since they do? Japan is fetishized by /pol/ as a country should go hapa

Here is why:
>it isnt a weeb pedo sim
>it has zombies in it
Literally it.

I'm also glad the rats didn't get the results they wanted. Still not very interested in this game though.

It's an underdog. Also it's legitimately not bad. Not amazing, but not bad.

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Seething so hard you can't even format your post or spell.

but Yea Forums said Japan hates Sony now and will abandon them for Xbox next gen

literally nobody has ever said they will switch to Xbox. In fact, everyone said that Japan will just stop caring and let Sony fuck them over, and that's part of the reason why people are angry about it, since everything will continue with 0 consequence

Yes in my country they run TV commercials for this game right before a big soap at 8 pm. Not cheap. Sony does a lot of marketing in Europe. God knows why they have been winning here for 25 years.

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Steam is blocking loli.
Xbox literally doesn't have Japanese games.

Some of you Americans are alright though.

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>graphics are gorgeous
Yeah. If it was on PS3.

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the funny thing is Yea Forums always shit on the original GoW games from as far back as the board existed

What's wrong with Americans?

fuck off, non playing weeb faggot

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Itโ€™s gets it hate because they will never be beefy daddies irl

Same thing wrong with the world

>"Hey, user! I just bought this game, Days Gone. Do you want to come play with me?"

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Wtf is going on here?

Japan has shit taste in games

>not killing inferior races by racemixing

GoW is half a game that had its second half stripped for a sequel. After a certain point, either coming back from Alfheim or Helheim, the entire thing implodes in on itself and the vast majority of what made it good disappears completely ans you proceed to faf about doing nothing for the last 5-10 hours.

PCfags dont give a shit because they can emulate P5
Xboners are practicly non existant dont give a shit about japanese games
that leaves only one group

>I have a feeling Yea Forums would change their tone if it was a good game

Shitposters? Falseflaggers trying to shir up drama?

>i-i-its all falseflaggers
>we dindu nuffin

is it only me? Uncanny valley and dread at once watching this? That bug-eyed monstrosity doing that horrible acting job, with all the make-up, idiotic anime hairstyle and post-processing, all to fool some desperate bugman to purchase whatever content this is from? It's freaking horrifying.

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who are you quotin?
who is "we" and who is "you"?

this is your mind on consolewar shitposting

have sex

Nips aren't bugs, you inbred fuck, that's chinks

They're both bugs brainlet weeb

>please glorious nippon give to a white pig like me your glorious cocks to suck

>reviews like eurogamer say that Sarah's a dumb bimbo
>play the game
>she's an actual likeable and interesting strong female character

I wonder why they hate her seeing as how Aloy from Horizon was praised a lot while she was garbage as a character while Days Gone has Sarah be far better as a female character than most modern games I've played.

Have sex

how did Sony do it

literally no one would care let alone discuss this game if it was multiplats

Deacon's voice actor makes the game for me. He's hilarious

But that's already false. You'd be right if you said Sony exclusive. But P5 isn't a PS4 exclusive

>Uninspired zombie game with 0 passion in it performs better than muh art interactive movies

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>than muh art interactive movies
I wouldnt say weeb shovelware is like that

I was referring to the tweet that mentions GoW and Horizon

>why did this cultured scientist fall for a charmless, monosyllabic man-child in a baseball cap?
"why do girls like the bad boys instead of me, waaah!"

weeb games have more soul than whatever this trash is

another vapid buzzword people spout when they have no positive things to say about the thing they are bent on defending

Good game, finished everything aside form collectibles. Looking forward to the sequel. Critics can lick the dried cum from my undies.

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They literally look and act identical

Why do people always feel the need to brag about low Japanese console sales? This is like 1/6th of a Kirby game. Home consoles are dead over there, stop competing for gold in the dead market category.

So like rdr2. I agree 100%. That was overrated trash

>Home consoles are dead over there
>when japanese devs keep announcing exclusives or games that are also on PS4
>when multiplats sell better on stationary consoles than handhelds/hybrids like the Switch in most cases

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>posting fantasy white supremacist pictures.
What the fuck?

>Snoyfags will eat shit as long as it is marketed well to them for three years
No suprises here, they are starved for normie/snoy games.

And this is with the PS4 starting the year with double the install base.

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>Mfw Sex farm is on the charts in Japan

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>PS4 exclusive sells well
>haha they are starved
>PS4 exclusive sells well again
>t-they are starved and it doesnt count
>PS4 exclusive sells well for 10th time in a row
>f-fuck sony and fuck drumpf

Ok, how does that invalidates anything what i said? also Nintendofags buy Nintendo games that's nothing new

Snoyfags are starving for games, prove me wrong.

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I don't even know who buys these games.

>Snoyfags are starving for games
>when since the start of the year they have been getting an exclusive or a multiplat to use their consoles
Ok retard

Multiplats selling better on the console with a larger install base and without having to compete with 40 PERCENT of the market changes nothing about consoles being dead.
That just means those games are unable to compete with Nintendo.

You haven't been here long have you? Like the same person does it almost everyday.

>Multiplats selling better on the console with a larger install base and without having to compete with 40 PERCENT of the market changes nothing about consoles being dead.
And devs keep making consoles games and those selling invalidates anything you just said
>That just means those games are unable to compete with Nintendo.
So that just means more games and variety for other consoles while Nintendofags only get first party and nothing else, got it

Much better than horizon jawn

Seriously don't spend all your time on Yea Forums and deal with normal people every once in a while. You will get it.

Wait a minute, that shotgun-

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Normal people, and let us be brutally honest most people are normal, don't care about censorship. Yes Yea Forums the world will just keep on turning.
Sony will keep on winning (smart folks at Sony know better how the world works than Yea Forums its what they are paid for).

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Have you ever tried saturated water? Shit's dank as fuck bro

And even with all those games they would rather repost wojak edits and shit on nintendo/Xbox/PC fans instead

>raiding a nest for that sweet NERO injector and intel
>go to leave
>night has turned to day
>the horde is returning to sleep
>mfw no way out

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Its a extremely specific example: physical copies in a country that isnt the target demographic for neither of the 3 games.
Its like winning the special Olympics.

>And even with all those games they would rather repost wojak edits and shit on nintendo/Xbox/PC fans instead
I could ask the same about those fans who shit on Sony

You really couldn't.

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Yes I could

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>from april to june

>those doesnt count!
i accept your defeat

lol ok user I lost
god nintendies are so annoying they shitpost all day (2 years ago, 4 times in 3 months)
not like us sony chads, we're quiet and only post the same thread 10 times a day

also good job proving that sony niggers with all their games shitpost as much as nintendo fans who, according to you, have none lol

i never said nintendofags had no games but if you're only defense against your boogeyman are strawman go for it

>MFW people drink regular water instead of patrician tier wet water

And these people have the gall to call themselves hydrated...

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Didn't most of them pretty much say it was a good game...

Am I the only one that feels like if they had just plopped some generic zombies into Hunter: Call of the Wild, it would have been a more interesting game than Days Gone?

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