Is Pikmin a dead series?

Is Pikmin a dead series?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Miyamoto just can't figure out new gimmicks for it anymore.

Creative people see faces in inanimate objects? Kinda right I guess.

Is there any hentai of ordinary girl?

Why do i want to fuck both, is it because im lonely?

>notvidya thread with vidya text in op

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A lot of ordinary people ruin their hair with bleach too

Creative people are much likely to be depressed or on schizo spectrum.
Depression doesn't make one see faces, but schizophrenia sure does

fucking KEK

>vidya text

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having borderline personality disorder doesn't make you creative

Ordinary girl is cuter. Her dress and hairstyle are simple and to the point. They value function over form. Creative girl is trying way too hard to standout and her hairdye distracts overall from her outfit.

I love how "creative people" are much more common than "ordinary people" nowadays.

I gave my 10yo sister a drawing tablet as a present and she draws less retarded shit, what the fuck?

What's the difference?

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Didn't they say they're working on Pikmin 4? Shiggy doesn't really focus on hard gimmicks to revitalize the series.

They could also have some kind of pattern perception disorder where they DO see faces but they recognize that they're illusory.

>Creative person
>gives a generic personality to inanimate objects
I do that and I'm not creative. I'm just fucking starved of positive human interaction. I can't create shit for the life of me.

she thinks imagination is creativity which is "admirable" instead of "juvenile"

>creative people

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Get that shitskin whose trying to brown my perfect waifu karen OUT OF HERE NOW

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So creative people either have schizophrenia, Demwntia or some other mental illness that makes them see faces on flowers? Good to know.



creative people girl is way hotter than the ordinary people girl, try and prove me wrong, you can't


biggest homo in town

Hair dye is not a substitute for personality.

poor fella... I'd be that furry's friend

You'd be friends with someone who attracts angry street shitters?

>unnatural hair color and problem glasses
Go back

I'd protect him from them

Puppy rapists go away.

>tfw no ordinary gf

Attached: 1543441403805.jpg (970x545, 50K)

> useless glasses
> FOUR (4) necklaces
> fake hair
> braid that serves no purpose since the rest of the hair is free flowing
Her look is retarded


look at these fags

Attached: lmao @ ur life.jpg (891x717, 77K)

>the fuck is that smell

>hurr if you do something weird that is all you do literally all of it you must be ultrabland otherwise your personality is
Just because you personally are ugly on the outside, doesn't mean you aren't also ugly inside

Wow, looks like he struck a nerve.

enjoy your damaged goods with daddy issues

>implying that showing up in a fursuit isn’t just as obnoxious and loud as shouting “LOOK AT ME I FUCK DOGS!!”

Wtf is this image even supposed to mean

im gonna fuck that flower

Imagine actually defending mentally ill hair coloring unironically. Where the fuck do you "people" and why won't you just fuck off back to where you came from?

They're lonely incels looking for a waifu who is bland and boring and thus non-threatening.
Incels are afraid of women who look like they have a choice in sexual partners because incel worldview dictates that anyone with a choice in sex partners is changing them all the time and has as much sex as possible.

Furfags do much worse than fuck dogs user. Not only anally raping them till thry're spazzing out in a seizure agony (tied down) they then behead it and put it in a freezer. These disgusting furniggers all need to be hanged.


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have sex


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Ordinary is better in every way except for the colour of her eyes.

What are some games that involve imagination?

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>everyone I don't like or disagrees with me is a not see

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Now THIS is based.

name one genius that aint crazy

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Woah, this is really deep...

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>itt:people arguing which is better instead of fucking them both at the same time


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No,I'm asking why the "creative" is basically a generic whore,do creative people looks at them a see something like that? That would explain why they are all ugly

what the fuck does this even mean?

Can't believe no one has posted this gem yet

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Didn't know that creative means racist

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Game of Pretend

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depraved people: i wanna fuck that cat

>tfw no creative gf


Everything has a sacrifice. For creativity, it's sanity.

it's not weird, it's the most non-weird thing you can do besides like game of thrones
you're not cool or unique or clever or original or edgy or interesting

top is prettier

Having the girl who drew this crap as GF would be such a fucking chore.

she seems like the type of person who would threaten to chop your cock off if you dont respond to her text messages in less than 5 minutes

Why the fuck am i laughing so hard to this!?

Idk if its related to the context of the shitpost but i see a cowboy chewing grass

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>I color my hair

>I wear a t-shirt with metal band logo
>*tips greasy hair* m'fellow white male

People just do some things because they like the effect, incel. Learn to be normal.

Who would smile while looking at a damm flower getting irrigated

You'll get more responses to your bait if you don't make it so obvious.

Ordinary people you mongrel

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fuck i see it too now

Not an argument
Normal women color their hair, deal with it

Is this the EL OH EL thread

You need to spend more time in the hyperbolic shitpost chamber.

>he calls it bait because he knows it's true
Enjoy being alone for the rest of your life filling the void by playing video games lmao

more like pic related

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>Yea Forums
>playing video games
You're not getting any better at this.

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Give her a beard and it'll be peak incel


I could say the same about your life, but the only thing fixing that mess is by suicide.

>no neck/shoulder tats
What a basic bitch, totes not creative.

Normal person watering a flower
Patheitc strung out druggy high on pills

fuck off, clown. People laugh at your grotesque vision of yourself. you aren't normal, you are a living laughing stock.

>I could say the same about your life, but the only thing fixing that mess is by suicide.

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That sounded better in your head.
This is why you're supposed to lurk before posting.

damn, thought this would be a pikmin thread.


I'm sorry but what the fuck are you talking about

>not people who like pineapple on pizza

Dang, you beat me to it.

i want to fuck them

I'm trying to help you out here.

normal women dye their hair with natural colors, not violet, blue, green etc


holy kek

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Under rated


anyone has that picture of a first-person view of a noose, where everything surrounding the noose is grey and sad, and the inside shows a colorful, beautiful world?

I'm gonna need it for something

But she's not creating anything, she's imagining.

is this what furshits actually believe?


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sneed people

Wow, I did Not See that coming.

>Top: Someone who can potentially be a creator
>Bottom: Someone who thinks that drawing attention to herself with superfluous accessories and trying to make every mundane thing exciting is being creative.

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holy fuck I hate tumblr

Yes, they believe they're doing nothing at all while forcing their fetish everywhere.


>he doesn't know
Turn back now. This is for your sake.

games for this feel?

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Im on the train and you made me wheeze like an idiot. Thanks.

Men want: debtless virgins without tattoos
(and dyed hair)

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I miss Moon Over June.

>gain height

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dont you dare

Finally. A meme I can relate to.

What's the vidya equivalent of this?

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I can get behind this one.

Don't what?

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This one.

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>Playstation or Xbox?
>PC faggot

All fucking furries should fucking hang.
All furries that are on conventions break shit and leave diapers everywhere.

I actually used to cum pretty hard to moon over June

It looks like James Dean from Rebel Without A Cause

>worm toss


>walking down the street minding my own business
>see dude in catsuit
>Oh no
>Feel rage deep inside of me
>can't control it
>I try to run
>I look down at my hands
>its began
>they are starting to darken
>I feel them through my hair as it begins to curly
>Think to myself maybe my boss at work knows how to deal with this
>as I run to work I can feel the streets calling me
>I get to my work center
>I open the door, a man answers a ringing phone
>Welcome to iYogi support center, what seems to be the problem with your computer today?
>its to late
>my co worker pajeet waves to my, asking me if I want to take a break,
>I nod, unable to resist the call any longer, I walk onwards the street curb...

>americans need to ask their women to have no debt
Imagine being a burgerclap.

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do they mean drugs in the 2nd panel

You're a renegade.

Does your country have jews?

What if I want just a little wider hips?

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Is it creative when I scream at my plants for dying?


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God, imagine being dominated by a goth girl.

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I fucking knew it

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Pikmin was never good.
The core idea is good, puzzles/levels/bosses are all fucking shit.
The fucking Overlord did all that shit better. Hell, Overlord TWO is better than all the Pikmin combined.
And that picture also make me really sad. I mean there is at the very least a single person that honestly believes it.

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Creative people augment their appearance to look like retards? I don't think "creative" is the word you're looking for there, when they all look the same.

haha what if you posted the full one as a joke haha
imagine the jannies being embarrassed trying to clean it up haha

I do love that furfag like being shat on.

That's silly user, why would you want that?

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Why would you want it whored out?

thanks, it took me some time but I made this amateur-ish edit

Attached: normal people vs creative people.webm (958x390, 361K)

I'm too lazy to make an edit with some actual engineer or a painter that actually does some shit and not just dyes hair, wear useless glasses and takes some LSD. There is no point in that.

>Ron is tanner than harry

The poor lady just wants to stay relevant, user.

fuck off commie shit

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>tfw uncreative as fuck
>all i ever wanted to be growing up was being an artist/musician

Attached: almost over.jpg (640x480, 98K)

sensible kek

modern artists don't know how to draw, so you're half way there


I'm trying, Mr. Architect.

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>at work in december (restaurant)
>they set up a christmas tree
>on a slow day I check out some of the cards hanging off it
>its addressed to the owners of the restaurant
>pic related
>can vaguely, just BARELY tell that those were my bosses in the fursuits

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top kek

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what in the fuck

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I dress like creative people, but I'm not a schizophrenic that thinks there is a dragon in my oven or that my plants have faces and can speak.

remember. The path to being a furfag is paved with acceptance.
Don’t say “furries are whatever. As long as they don’t do [this]” “the art is fine” or “as long as they don’t bother me”
It’s a slippery slope and I am far beyond recovery.
You don’t need to hunt them, but steer clear of it
I’m not a faggot in a suit, but even if I only fap to it you’re still furry.
Save yourselves

Hope you quit

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yiff with them so you can get a promotion

The path to the gas chamber is paved with fursuits.

abuse the system user.


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Make the creative girl thicker too.

Good to see some non Wojak OC

someone put a spade on the creative girl.

Apex lel

>Better than Tarantino

Other than Space Odessy, that's going to be a yikes for me.

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tarantino is just a one trick poni

Creative girl should just be purely fat, not thicc

This wouldn't even make sense without the context of the other comics


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>haha foot man make actor say n word
>hehe foot man make ultra violent moobie
Tarantotinos is a hack.

is this an arlo reference?

>the fuck is that smell?
holy shit i fucking lost it

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but how could you tell

>furfag doesn't jack off using the shit as lube

That's honestly pretty unrealistic.

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Uh, user, are you okay?

umm sweetie that's a cultural appropriation and a microaggression

W.. A.. T... E... R... ME.

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>creative people have fascist cats

He has a style, but all his movies have fantastic direction and solid writing for the most part.

came in this thread for this one

Ripped off from good films he watched working a Blockbuster counter.

>dude random feet shots lmao
>dude everyone's screaming NIGGER for no reason lmao

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>theres a dog in the photo

You need to report them for animal abuse ASAP, lord knows what that dog has been through when living with furries

>Every other reply is from the first guy
>I am now the second guy

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I keep seeing this variation. What is the original from

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>creative people as thin as ordinary people

Just give me ports of the first 3 on Switch if you're not going to make a new one

I did but not for that

fucking kek

Why must EVERYTHING be a gimmick with Nintendo?

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>want to be very creative about watering this flower

>Why must EVERYTHING be a gimmick with Miyamoto?


Nintendo is Miyamoto so

IF you fap to anthro furshit, NEVER fap to “anatomically correct”
It’s like a slide to sin. First you get off furries. Then they start having horsecocks. Then it gets to hyper. Next it’s feral. And further down that road is the road of no redemption.
Don’t say “it’s just a cartoon” (as if that made it any better). It’ll warp your mind
Save yourself

The autism is strong with this one

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>IF you fap to anthro furshit
You are already lost

Attached: consider the following yossi.png (1413x745, 429K)

Fucking OP ruining a potential Pikmin thread with his shit comics.

Shit taste

Attached: Literally youuuuuuuuuu.png (850x315, 32K)

>I need to find a way to become psychologically, irreversibly addicted to shit
>can't stop eating poop

And there are fags who think the slippery slope isn't real.

Uh oh the cats getting fucked...abort!

Fuck I know Yossi. And I know I’ve lost.
It happened to me when I took the firdt mistep and sympathized with furfags.
Before I knew about th drama and shit stained diaper furries, I only saw clean art.
I saw some sexy but I said to myself “only hentai and irl women. Nothing more” I already lost by going to hentai but by jerking my dick to one furry pic I couldn’t stop.
“It’s just once in a while” I say, but now it’s more frequent with hentai. The day I found Zonk was the point of no return
Yes. I lost since the very beginning

The dude needs to fuck the “antisocial” girl and make her slowly become like the girl on the right just like my doujins

I sounds to me like he was already at the rock bottom of said slope. Forcing yourself to be 'addicted' is functionally identical to being addicted.

werid I've been fucked a few times but I'm still anti-social

No there is a difference. Addiction isn't a binary state. That's what the slippery slope is.

People who are addicted to some stimulus will constantly push boundaries. At any point, an addicted person can say, "Ok, that is a bridge too far" and never cross a certain threshold. That's why some people, for example, never get into extreme fetishism or get into harder drugs.

For those that don't have the mechanism that tells them to stop pushing boundaries, however, they keep on going until they're eating shit or permanently prolapse their asshole (or die Mr. Hands style).

For you it must seem like an 18-carat run of bad luck. Truth is...the game was rigged from the start.

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damn bad luck
i managed to escape the furry pit
unfortunately the shit i found myself into is even more degenerate but at least it isnt beastiality

>not being creative enough to appreciate life and growth out of soil water and sun

They’ve planted the seeds and they’ve sprouted
I stopped myself from feral so that’s good but I’m still in the shit. Lucky that you managed to avoid it

wheres my pikmin thread :(

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If my creativity bleeds that hard into my visual perception it's an indication to take meds.

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well im into exophilia shit, aka feral for shit that doesn't even exist, so i dont think was so lucky

This is fucking fantastic, holy shit

I always thought it was xenophilia. So it’s exophilia. I actually like that more than usual furshit.
Thinking on this, I think I’m just a sick pervert into most things 2D.

post more braixen

man that looks retarded and I don't think a girl would like looking at a guys hairy gross ass

I also can't imagine any girls like ballsacks slapping their nose 69 pose

Because how are they going to sell the same old game with slightly better graphics if it doesn't have the pretense of some innovation?

Tekokagari has to be the worst sexual position. It's ridiculous, uncomfortable for both parties, provides little pleasure for the female, completely detached from any kind of intimacy or even any kind of domination play. Anyone who even entertains the idea of tekokagari is too bored and consumed by sex and needs a new hobby.

t. ordinary person

So if my calculations are correct and each Pikmin game takes longer to make than the last one, we should get Pikmin 4 around 2031.


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what a sexy braixen.
>tfw pokemon will never be real and you'll never take a braixen on a date

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Super based

>no visible stretch marks
Fatphobic asshole.

>implying people hate furries without reason

Oh man, she’s dressed like an InCase futa.

yeah with normal colors, not this shit

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Did incase stop being bad or is he still drawing sameface shortstack breeder garbage?

Both girls are objectively hot, but the """""creative"""""" girl just seems really insufferable.

kys youre'selve

fuck that's amazing, can't unsee

pic for ants but nice

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Pineapple is a necessity in pizza. It's just bread otherwise.

dumb frogposter

I actually find those weird dyes like blue, green, etc. to be very cute, Although the girls having those are usually not cute.

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>Yea Forums is a normie board REEEE alternative types GET OUT
imagine being this much of a 2016 T_D /pol/fugee

yeah okay weeb

porn addict

>I dress like creative people
So you dress flamboyantly? Like some sort of faggot?

have sex

If that was true then why do all the biggest furry conventions ban diapers now? If all furries were into that shit wouldn't make it impossible to have a convention without them?

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Post more braixen

Sameface is still there. Short stacks are pretty confined to Alfie at the moment.

Unfortunately, it seems Hey Pikmin fucking murdered the series, just like ZipLash murdered Chibi-Robo

Miyamoto having to say that 4 was still in development after the backlash, and then nothing for 2 fucking years makes it seem dead

Attached: i feel just like a purple pikmin.jpg (1280x1116, 74K)

Shut it

Am playing Little Kings Story on PC, it's pretty fun for a pikmin doesn't have the charm of pikmin sadly

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Pretty much that exact same thing happened with Pikmin 3. It was said to be in development and then years later it was announced. Pikmin 4 could be in that same situation.

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More like real people want to have a stable and trustful relationship instead of trying to fix an insecure girl with daddy issues who needs a cock-score to prove herself as an independent woman.

pick up an acoustic guitar, learn four chords, then sing about how much you hate your childhood, it worked for AJJ, the Mountain Goats, and the Front Bottoms among many others

even better

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Oh, god, you're one of those people who throw hot sauce on everything, or uses your favorite three spices on shit to make it taste exactly the same as everything else you eat, aren't you?

the bottom one.

Do you REALLY wanna fuck a cat user?



based Homestar poster

Stephen King did that by writing books instead of tweets.

>normal people
>basic bitches

Question to non furries, would you become one for 1 million dollars?

what do you mean, "become one"
what does that entail
ill wank only to furshit for 1 million

You type like you donate to e-girl Patreons lmfaoooo

What does "becoming furry" mean here?

If I had to anonymously wear fursuit and post "murr" on discord a few times, I'd do it.
I'd also do it if it meant fapping to a bunch of horsedicked anthros a few times.

But if it meant having to genuinely invent a fursona as my new "spirit", then maybe still, a million dollars is a lot for a thirdworlder.

Fuck off furshit

Honestly? I stay the fuck away from furries or even non-furries that have diaper, scat, piss, etc fetishes compared to others. Can’t think of any other fetishes as bad as them, but those are the lowest ones.

i don't see it

>furshit saying hi to somebody
Yeah lets just forget your crippling anxiety and self loathing that led you to wearing animal mascots

>it shows the guys face

Attached: ed with a gun.jpg (640x482, 31K)

Dis I like.

Creative a.k.a. freaks and money leecher

it's like an inverted vase illusion.

Some specific replies here are practically proving the point of this image.

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It just occurred to me that I've never met a "creative" person that I respected. Because most of them can't actually DO anything or contribute anything to society. They just dye their hair and punch holes all in their face and say "weee I'm so creative"

Dr. Strangelove is better than all of Tarantino's filmography

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haha lol

>gets better and better with every new revelation

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>I need to find a way to become psychologically, irreversibly addicted to shit


Is Rowling mentally ill? I need info on why she's just suddenly shoving in all these bizarre retcons and stuff into Harry Potter.

nah i like g/fur with feminine dudes particularly with crossdressing, but theres no way i'd ever start wearing fursuits or ERPing and real life dicks are fucking disgusting and literally make my penis recede.

Well, lads?...Which one? (And you can't choose "literally me")

Inclusivity starts with being proactive

Probably midlife crisis from someone who makes mountain out of molehills, and decided that to be hip and cool again is by pandering to SJWs

i want porn of this

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Okay, this is epic

Is the joke saying she turns him gay or something? Why does his scar hurt? Can someone explain the joke. I know Rowling likes to do retcons and shit on her twitter, but I don't actually get the joke here.

Not until now

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>tfw worked with a lot of 'creative' people
>their art looks like shit a friend of mine did in middle school
>find out one coworker that doesn't constantly go 'lol I'm so creative and an artist' is into art
>actually fucking great at painting
>still have one of his paintings in my living room

someone make a version of this where the furry picks up the shit and smears it on himself

The old bastard just wants to stay relevant after years of being practically forgotten

Your genetic line is a dead series LMAO

enjoy breaking your dick

saved, good job user

It is now that smash ultimate made everyone hate olimar

please tell me there's a full version


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what this is missing is the furry constantly replying to everyone, including himself, because he is that desperate for attention

Thanks, was exactly what I hoping it would be

Now I want more of these two...

Found the ordinary person

>blonde doesnt have blonde pubes


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>Bland and boring
Why do you think that the girl in the first picture is bland or boring? Why do you think that the first girl don't have choice in sexual partners? The first girl has it's charms over the first one she looks more mature and humble, very important qualities for a long term partner

She has a borderline personality disorder and is most likely asexual.


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>Written by NPC
Be more discerning in what you read, user.

>shortstack breeder garbage

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>furfags think they're some cutesy cartoon character
lmao every time

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>CIA niggers won't believe this shit

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It's not 2000 anymore

Wtf is wrong the cross legged kids feet his toes don't make sense

this just proves that fat people are disgusting and should never be seen, that also goes for Gaben

Someone post the Fighting Polygon Team edit.

I don't think that's much better user

Stephen King is a hack

it was pretty hot when he wrote about children fucking each other in a sewer tho

>Suffering from vivid hallucinations is "creative"

>vivid hallucinations aren't creative

Almost fapped to the full image once. Maybe I should try next time.

its funny cause you clearly see the truth the comic just from this thread alone

The best part is I'm not even a furry, I just know that newggers can't resist trying to gain Yea Forums cred by cargo culting oldfag behaviors like apes on ladders.
Oldfags know that /pol/ is the current furries.

dwarf fortress

The most imaginative part of DF is coming up with cope when people list all the objective flaws of DF.

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I would have just done a strap on or whatever, but this is alright


>OP asks if Pikmin is dead

>instead his thread gets overrun by underage millenials shitposting about the innocuous picture he used to make his post, no one even gives a shit about Pikmin anymore

There's your answer I guess. BTW Pikmin 4 is canceled thanks to Mario Maker 2, MM devs are the Pikmin devs

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He made the classic blunder

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No idea why but i lost it and am laughing so hard my sides hurt.
This just exacerbated it.

Then inshallah I shall make a pilgrimage to /u/

Based as fuck

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Not yet.

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