Was it kino?
Was it kino?
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Mastermind twist was really good. Never expected that Ray was behind all of this.
best game in the entire series
What game you fucking faggot
Wasn't the mastermind urmom?
It's in nip you faggot
Was just about to ask if it was worth playing. Great job you imbecile
Way too kino for dirty gaijin
End yourself
Ace Attorney Investigations 2 Miles Edgeworth.
The dumb nigger is you. Why are you in this thread if you haven't played it?
play it anyway.
oh no no no
how some rookie managed to beat wright is beyond me
Raymond is mastermind?
Sorry, can't remember anything about the plot because AAMI is so forgettable
What’s the point of this meme? Is it to protect new players from genuine spoilers?
seb is good boy
He’s not the mastermind. Now go play it before you really get spoiled you mongoloid.
I liked how the AAI games tried to introduce more lawyer characters. Yew, Raymond, Gregory and Debeste were really cool to see and I wish we could have seen even more faces of the japanifornian legal system.
She did nothing wrong
absolute kino
- story was good and actually gave a reason for Edgeworth to be the MC when AAI1's protag could've been anyone with minimal changes
- definite improvement in the soundtrack over its predecessor, even if it has the second-weakest Pursuit theme after SoJ's
- Kay is slightly more tolerable and you actually get to do some forensics with Ema this time
- final confrontation doesn't take forever over stupid semantics like the AAI1 final boss
- Logic combinations still feel clunky and Chess isn't that great of a new element
Like how some rookie beated Edgeworth
>even if it has the second-weakest Pursuit theme after SoJ's
I love both AAI and AAI2 pursuit themes because they give a different feeling to the normal AA ones, instead of having the music push towards cornering the culprit and destroying the prosecution it feels like the music is more aimed at finding out the truth
Also logic is a great element because thanks to it there are no pointless testimonies that only exist so the MC can tie together multiple evidence/events and figure out what they mean when put together
Chess had some clunky implementation but if you managed to beat a chess segment on yoru first go without any errors it felt way better than the rest of the gimmicks in the series except maybe Great Deductions
This game is a ride, is probably the best in the series, makes all the cases feel important and have good soundtrack
The third case is the most fucking Kino, it really could be the final case
The post is a fucking joke you retard.
Now go play.