Why did Blizzard update the Gorehowl model then not let anybody be able to get it?

Why did Blizzard update the Gorehowl model then not let anybody be able to get it?

Attached: Gorehowl.png (569x570, 242K)

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Gorehowl belongs to Garrosh, not you.

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How are you still not understand blizzard policy?

>looks worse
As expected

Planned to be a Legendary drop, originally Grom was gonna be the final boss

Archimonde was suppose to be the boss in Shattrath & Grom in Hellfire Citadel

Why can't Blizzard design any weapons or armour which don't have a bunch of excessive details or particle effects on it now?


Jesus WoW really gives no fuck about any lore consistency
Instead of being small adventurers, the "champions" now slay God entities every month.

How do did we go from this

Attached: Frostmourne.jpg (490x798, 335K)

... to THIS?

Attached: made in Taiwan.jpg (750x1000, 43K)

We've been slaying God entities since vanilla

One literally who dragon isn't a god entity you dumb fuck


>it has "God" in the name, therefore it has the lvl power of a God.

you mean apart from cthun, the old god?

What is a god? What ppwer level denotes a god, and what makes you think Archimonde is at that level while C'thun isn't?

I'm talking about power lvl you retard piece of shit.
Cthun only has "GOD" in its name. It's just a jelly monster nobody cares about in vanilla.

Prove to me that Archimonde's power level is greater than an Old God's. Also, stop sperging out

Archimonde is unstoppable. It requires to bait him and make a word tree explode in his face in order to beat him you stupid wowbaby.
In TFT Illidan soils his pants when he's talking to Kil Jaeden and is forced to attack the Lich King only because of how much he fears Kil Jaeden.
There's back story. One random monster with "god" in its same and no backstory means jackshit. At best you can imagine that it used to be powerful but not anymore.

Are you OK

Ashbringer truly is the DUMBEST LOOKING weapon in the game. There is nothing that comes close. It looks like a literal 6-year-old drew it.

Nothing to do with the discussion, but
>dumb fuck
>stupid wowbaby
>you retard piece of shit
>all this rage over bideo gayms
You're autistic, buddy

>gets rekt
>"lmao why are we even talking over bideo gayms"


Coolest looking*
If you disagree you're a filthy undead

I agree with you, but you're a sperg. Settle down, okay

Only Titans were capable of outright killing Old Gods.

So out of curiosity. Does the armor still clip through everything with the new races?

You understand that the nu lore is being criticized here right? Therefore it brings nothing to use the nu lore as an argument.

Imagine acting like you know what you're talking about but you really don't

strangely enough, when I was an autistic little kid obsessed with fantasy and video games every single sword I drew looked more like frostmourne
I distinctly remember designing every single sword and dagger with pointless hooks in them and jagged edges on the spine

What do you consider nu-lore? The corpse of an Old God killed by a Titan is on display in Darkshore. Not that that proves any strength on the Old God's part

Then just say "I'm right, you're wrong,' because you clearly aren't capable of discussion, just throwing your retarded opinions around as fact. Old Gods are just below the top of the food chain, always have, always will.

>When in vanilla you beat an old god, nothing indicates that it has the power lvl of the god like entities of warcraft such as archimonde


Stupid fuck

I think he's talking from the perspective of Warcraft 3, where the world tree had to be sacrificed to banish Archimonde. That certainly doesn't seem like the same Archimonde that we killed

Beware, the kind of dude you beat every month in WoW.


Such good story. No wonder why Blizz is aiming at the gook audience, the only ony who could enjoy their games.

If your argument is sound the name calling is excessive and serves no purpose other than to invalidate yourself. However youre on Yea Forums so who gives a fuck call everyone a piece of shit

You're fucking embarrassing, even if right

looking for dungeon groups is so boring

play guild wars

What will you play in Classic ? Femdead Afflilock for me

Because it was going to drop off Grommash when he was the last boss of the expansion but partway through development of the expansion as a whole they abruptly dropped that shit and went with a direct lead-in to Legion instead with demons and nuHFC. And if you don't believe me, ask yourself why absolutely none of the characters introduced at the beginning of the expac matter at fucking all after BRF. All you get is Khadgar, who coincidentally plays a major role in Legion. Almost like WoD's development was a hijacked shitshow.

more like "dead whores"

dumb fuck

looks like some shitty axe you would get from howling fjord quests

You're completely fucking wrong. From The Sundering, a book released in 2005, Krasus says that if the Old Gods escaped their prison, even Sargeras would be powerless to stop him. This was the lore until 2014, when it was retconned. The new lore has nerfed Old Gods into the ground and buffed Titans, whereas the old lore (the lore in place during Vanilla, when we killed C'thun), said that they were incomprehensible god-level beings.

You're a complete fucking moron and if you'd ever done an ounce of research in your life, or even played the game before the giant retcons around WoD, you would know this. Instead, you come on a message board and talk bullshit about something you know nothing about, for no reason. Fuck you.

Best looking weapons are the ones with the most simplest design, yet still manage to look powerful, which only the strongest can wield, not just some flashy magic and animated enchantments, but INNER power. That's where power really resides in.

Holy fucking shit Blizzard needs to get their fucking story straight. I can't think of another property that retcons their own lore as often as Warcraft.

I don't care about your shitty books you nerd ok?
I only care about the videogame itself. If we beat something that sargeras couldn't then the game should have shown it, acknowledged it one way or another.
Nope, it felt like beating a random monster instead (as it should be).

>waah waah how dare they disregard the lore
>except I don't actually care about the lore lol
Have considered getting a lobotomy?

Attached: 1557193716242.jpg (245x282, 36K)

You have ousted yourself as obvious bait by going back on your previous claims to care about lore and also pretending like C’thun wasn’t literally impossible to beat for the longest time.
Find a hostel, book a room and take a fucking overdose of barbiturates, you waste of skin.


you're just a waste of oxygen

So you are saying that the lore was shit from the start. But at least in vanilla it wasn't blatant.
Only those who read the books would find strange that the players just beat the " incomprehensible god-level beings."

it's one thing to tolerate WoW's gay ass visual design, but how can grown people like it?
it's the Lego Duplo of item design

>books from 2016

so you actually have no idea what you're talking about, gotcha

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>by going back on your previous claims to care about lore and also pretending like C’thun

>Ahaha you were supposed to know that C'Thun was was at a god tier power lvl, even though the game never shown it in anyway and it was quit the contrary. You didn't read the shitty book, got you!!

Yes, i admit it. I didn't read the book. I assumed that when you play a mmoRPG with a game MANUAL, it's enough to understand the story.
Seems that i was wrong and that WoW was worst than i thought.

>literally called a god
>gee wiz, I'm sure he's just another chump

Hakkar is also called a god and he's just another chump.

Yes, beside the name that's it. And since you beat it like a regular world boss, there's no way to suppose that it was more powerful than the other world boss you encountered.
Also tons of shit is called "god" in fantasy.
Cenarius is a demi-god and lost to an Orc.

Hakkar is a loa, which is basically a chump-level god.

Cenarius lost to an army of orcs hopped up on demon juice.

correct me if i'm wrong but didnt the game stated that we didn't actually beat c'thun but only managed to contain him? as in, what we fought at AQ40 was just him poking his head out?

or did that get retconned as well?

who cares, if they want to make an old gods expansion they'll resurrect all the old gods we killed and say "they weren't really dead lmao" anyway

We did "beat" him, but that doesn't necessarily mean we killed him. The theory goes that none of the old gods we've fought actually died, so not only C'thun, but Yogg'saron are still alive too.

Y'shaarj, on the other hand, was physically pulled from the earth and yeeted into space, so he's done for good.

Pretty sure that was what happened, yes. No idea if they retconned it though, I wouldn't rule it out

I... was cool... once...

Attached: basedbringer.jpg (800x718, 99K)

>old god yeeted into space

I havent played wow in a few years and havent cought up with lore books from the last half decade at least, but that sounds hilarious, tell me more

From the wiki:

Y'Shaarj was the most powerful of the four Old Gods to plummet into Azeroth from the Great Dark Beyond, and the greatest bastion of the Black Empire was built around its gargantuan bulk.[3]

When the godlike titans arrived to shape and order Azeroth, they created the titan-forged to battle the Old Gods and their enslaved elemental servants. Though the titan-forged were successful in defeating and imprisoning the Elemental Lords, the titans realized that Y'Shaarj would prove too great a challenge for them; as the titan-forged approached the temple city that lay at the heart of the Black Empire, Y'Shaarj twisted their thoughts and drew out their darkest emotions. Thus, Aman'Thul, the Highfather himself, reached down through Azeroth's skies and heaved the Old God from the surface of the world. At that moment, the massive bulk of the Old One was ripped apart, and its death rattle caused entire mountains to shatter and hundreds of titan-forged to be instantly obliterated where they stood.[6]

He still did a lot of damage in pandaland after being removed like a zit and being only there as shitty shadows and a heart.
>Blizzard retcons Y'shaarj's death and pulls a Dalamund with him slowly appearing in the sky over the course of patches