when did you get a job and quit vidya?
When did you get a job and quit vidya?
What a fag
i haven't i have a job and play vidya
This guy isn't even a blue-collar worker. He was a communications major who got into showbiz, yet he LARPs as some hard-working American and acts condescending to people who criticize their workplace, regardless of how legitimate those criticisms are. There is nothing glamorous about working a shit job for shit pay.
>Debt is bad
This guy will never make it.
fuck off yid
Gay, saged.
Cringe as fuck
Even the most outrageous fantasy of Mr. Shekelstein doesn’t debase his workers like this.
Don’t go to college if you can’t afford it. Don’t buy a car if you can’t pay cash. Don’t own a house if you need to borrow to do it. Stay in your lane. Work humbly. Don’t complain. Don’t unionize. Cede your living space. Cede your labor. Cede your physical safety, the integrity of your body. The economy erupts like an infected boil every two years, ride it out quietly and respectfully. The men who ravage it without consequence earned that right, don’t resent them. There’s a hole in the economy, a hole made just for you. The dreams and the passions you always desired are fantasies, push them aside and cater to the labor needs of ownership. When that devalues your labor through excess supply, thank the boot on your neck for giving you a job in the first place.
The first two are unironically good advice, and the rest are a pretty good bait. 8/8.
why do you keep posting this
well yes the first three things you posted are actually things you should do, thats why you get scholarships
What the fuck is the “pursuit of happiness”?
Isn’t that just Boomer-speak for “work”?
>If I am unhappy at work, I'll find a new job
Good fucking luck m8
It’s a phrase from FD Roosevelt so basically yes.
I want to make somebody else a lot of money!
You are a cuck and you will always be one. Get the fuck out of my board.
"Pursuit of happiness" basically means that you are going to slave away to reach the "american dream" while making others rich and gaining peanuts yourself, but since you're working hard you know you'll get there one day yourself so slave away!
The american dream has been dead since the 70s. We need to destroy the shit we have today if we want the american dream to come back
7 years ago. No regrets.
I didn't quit though. I stopped playing Free2Plays like League of Legends and moved to single player games.
Now life's great. I earn shitload of money, bought my own apartment, OLED, XboneX. Life is million times better than NEETdom.
Mike Rowe thinks debt is only for the corporate masters who can leverage millions freely while the poor and working class are expected to be financial ascetics in a modern world which revolves entirely around credit.
It's one of the inalienable rights granted to all citizens of the US by the founding fathers, and stripped away by the corporatization of America. What it means is that nobody is allowed to hinder your ability to pursue happiness, but since it's vague on the specifics of that, people were able to pay a lot of money to make it so that "forcing you to spend literally every moment you're not sleeping, eating, or shitting on work just to survive" is somehow not taking away your right to the pursuit of happiness.
Fucking ungrateful kids
Your parents and grandparents fought in wars you little shits
Good goy!
>Not quitting your job to go home...
Actually nobody in my family has fought in a legitimate war since World War II. Vietnam veterans didn't fight for our freedoms, they fought to fuel the military industrial complex at the behest of jews.
War is the ultimate wageslave job.
Against the wrong people
And look what it got us
If boomers didn't want us to spend all our time playing video games maybe they shouldn't have invented the fucking things
when you stopped making this thread over and over
Ay, that's it, goy! Borrow, borrow, borrow!
when did you quit a job and get vidya?
Stop making these stupid fucking threads.
Well my dad was keeping the peace in Libanon and all that accomplished was it made him racists against jews and sandniggers alike.
The girl on the right is cute, would gf her
>boomers invent vidya
>a couple decades later they push for a welfare state knowing they are going to retire
>logic dictates young'uns have to get a job to pay for said hobby
>fail to account for emulators and piracy.
Congratulations, you played yourselves. You just gave a bunch of NEETs a way to sit and home and get welfare.
Is the one in the middle with the plaid shirt and short hair a girl or a boy?
well yeah im sorry i dont have enough to gamble away in the stock market, i only have $15000 to my name and why would i buy a house or rent a place where I can't even afford to live (which is basically all places in my area) if i have to give 80% of my income for rent/mortgage? and yes, poor people should be expected to not spend stuff on needless things, which sadly us americans have been trained to do it seems
You dad wasn't "keeping the peace", he was an imperialist amerimutt.
>implying me or my dad are amerimutts
Based as fuck.
Literally the only useful part of this thing. Fuck debt, fuck credit cards, and fuck the scam known as a credit score.
I remember seeing the original pic, I think she's a girl that's somewhat masculine.
Doesn't matter, youre dad is an imperialist dog crapatilist.
>I believe that all people are created equal
>Yes, goyim, borrow more money
>Get a loan to buy that new car, goy
>Oh, and pay interest on top of that
>What? You can't pay it back? Oy vey, better repossess everything you own
>What do you mean that I shouldn't have given you that loan? It was your choice, goy
Reminder that usury used to be considered a sin in Christianity and still is in Islam.
Buttmad mudslime/jewish swine detected. My dad is based as fuck for shooting both jews and sandniggers.
8 months ago
not a good trade deal imo
>no time for gaming anymore
>not happy even though I'm 100x more active than before
>body aches
>interacting with stupid people fuels thoughts of shooting up the workplace
>I hardly fap anymore so my testosterone is through the roof and I'm super aggressive
shit sucks senpai when does the good stuff happen?
>thinking borrowing money means you're going to spend it on a car
Yep, never going to make it.
have sex
I've been a NEET since I was 17, I'm 24 now and I've never worked a job outside of a summer job when I was 16.
You don't understand, it's in the soul. Even if you're a cripple with real mental problems born in a shit hole you have only yourself to blame and should do the best you can of the situation and that genuine effort will bring you peace and satisfaction.
>>body aches
What do you do senpai
Remember to renew your pledge of allegiance to Israel.
>should do the best you can of the situation
Like move to America or Europe
i hate when boomers use basic wisdom about having a good work ethic and subvert it to promote abject bootlicking
Work ethic is bootlicking though
Trust me. I do.
>don't work
felt worthless
doesn't change
I don't get it, you all lied to me.
>>don't work
>felt worthless
Peak slave morality
I don't understand
People mistake "working" for "having a goal you want to work towards."
You can only be happy when you have an actual goal you want to achieve. If your goal requires money then working a shit job will be made infinitely easier.
On the other hand, even a NEET can be happy if he has a goal to work towards.
I'd rather quit job and get vidya
Hm that's a good bit of advice
I like that user
Not that fag, but that feeling eats away at you if you let it. Might be different if you are on autism bux, but when you actually know and like the people taking care of you, it feels awful not pulling your own weight.
i mean in the sense of being disciplined to be the best version of yourself for yourself kind of thing, not being a good worker bee. working hard on yourself for yourself and your passions is good.
DON'T call me a fag DUDE
It hurts my feelings man, come on
>the cuck yourself with unpaid overtime for boomerstein pledge
NEETchads win again, baybee!
This guy has the right idea but it's also worrying how he's helping employers push us back to the 19th century again. There are bad jobs, they have to be made safe.
don't you yike at me
that's worth 1 facesitting
>9-5 job
>stay till 7 pm yesterday because the boss' still here
>turns out the boss wouldn't leave because we weren't leaving and we weren't leaving because the boss wasn't leaving
>this fucking thread
Might as well open up those borders and let the immigrants do the job you zoomers refuse to do.
Is it a good job?
Of all the the things to be vague about you’d think it wouldn’t be that whole clause about not letting your country turn into a wageslave state.
>1. I believe that I have won the greatest lottery of all time [...] I live in America.
>12. I believe that all people are created equal.
>trust me
Haha this guy doesn't have sex
american logic
this guy knows what's up
you can be a NEET without being a pathetic slob, you can work hard without being an NPC worker bee slave, it's all about being the best for yourself
>mfw I just do odd jobs around the local neighborhood live off my family and just make enough to get by and have more then enough time for vidya, feels good m8 I fear the day my family dies off tho and I have to get a full time job
All American people obviously.
Not really
That's pretty much what I do
I do oddjobs occasionally and just pay for groceries and stuff
By the time your family dies, you'll be old enough to get welfare presuming that war hasn't broken out and you've been conscripted.
anons, I'm 22 and i'm feeling like a colossal failure. I stopped going to college because of some life issues after 1 year, now the people around me are graduating left and right, so what if I was a restaurant manager for 2 years, i'm not now. it was physically and mentally killing me. but i regret leaving because the pay was just too good. I'm a colossal fucking waste of brain matter for even thinking of leaving. prioritizing mental health was just a weak bullshit decision. i'm a fucking coward. the job market is fucking trash and I'm stuck living at home when I should already have a degree, some kind of meaningful career or job going, which I HAD and WASTED. now i'm working part time for a shitty boss and i feel guilty for wanting to quit. How do I make the guilt stop, anons. I ask my father every day if he's disappointed in me and he says he'd never be. But I don't believe it. my brother is now 25 and is a permanent NEET. I dont want to end up like him. I NEVER want to end up like him.
Can't be too bad if the boss watches out for employees. Probably isn't great since there is little communication/cooperation that led to that misunderstanding.
I've got three months of working one day a week coming up that nets me as much as the dole
fucking based, rule the waves 2 is out next week as well
>18 and her parents look like that
holy shit did they have her at 35-40
I'd rather work in an air conditioned office for 8 hours a day than have to be a fucking subsistence farmer for 14.
There's work ethic and then there's being a bootlicker and that veers well into the latter.
Gig economy is glorious
A managerial position looks really good on a resume, I'm sure you'll be able to find something better if you keep looking
>6. taxation only goes to these worthless humans
>but I am not included in that classification by any stretch
yeah idk the NEET credo is missing a few things in the logical consistency department
You're half right, but Debt is only useful when its in pursuit of something that can generate income, like real estate or a business.
Anything else is either wasteful (like a car) or not hugely beneficial (like building credit to rent an apartment)
Car is an investment
it depreciates in value the moment it leaves the lot, do you not know what 'investment' means?
I like how that's your only issue with it.
>Tfw you love your job but hate the people
Nurses and surge techs are the most retarded people in the world.
Maybe. But I'm also dying to get away from the food business. It's not easy to in my area, especially without a degree. Currently stuck working for some shitty little cooking class business called Cookology as Basically a glorified receptionist/event host. Days are either boring and impossibly slow or worse than any bad day at the restaurant. The stress and anxiety of the food business pretty sure caused me minor neurological damage. I stutter practically all the time, or repeat parts of my sentences, and when shifts get insane, my anxiety kicks in and thinking straight is impossible. The owner of the business is a FOUL BITCH who, i cannot exaggerate, ACTUALLY has no in-between. shes either sickeningly sweet, or treats her employees like dirt. Out of 32 total employees between our 2 locations, 19 have either been fired, quit, or are going to be leaving in the next 3 weeks, myself included.
>9-5 desk job
>pay is less than stellar but student loans don't have any interest in my country so it's all good
>still live at home so I save most of my money
>pretend to work hard when I'm really spending most of my time shitposting or watching netflix at work
My coworkers are fun and I feel better going in to work as opposed to staying at home since at least I get to talk to other people.
I still find a reason to bitch about even minor stuff at work and my boss keeps asking when I'm getting married at our bi-weekly meetings or whether I've got a girlfriend. He seems a little disappointed each time when I say no. Either way, haven't given up on vidya since I play at least 3 or 4 hours each night after work, not counting emulated games on the train to work.
But the pic in OP is bullshit asslicking. I see guys doing that at work and they've been stuck here for 10 years. They're bitter cunts that are horrible to talk to.
You're literally better off buy a slightly used car outright. Don't fall for the brand new car meme.
A car is an asset, but you don't need to get one from a dealership for $15k + interest when a $3k corolla on craigslist will work fine until you're making enough income to justify buying a fancier car.
Even so, managerial experience can transfer over out of the food business to any type of retail if you're able to nail the interview
Is the wagecuck lifestyle dwindling? I can't imagine it being sustainable these days when you need to work multiple jobs to maintain a decent living in some places (in a fucking first world country). What could possibly replace it if everything collapses?
you're 22 man, pleanty of time to get things sorted. a lot of people you're age are still fucking around in college and havent worked a day in their life.
I'm a legit cripple getting NEET bux, in the age of the Internet I could probably get a job but instead I sat around and wasted my mind.
>tfw went to uni and did a stem degree
>completely fuck it up and make no connections
I'm 25 with fuck all work experience and the only work I've managed to get are pick packing jobs in warehouses. I should kill myself cause I've fucked it all up.
>my NEET days are finally coming to a close this year
I'm scared, bros.
I think it is, everything is getting so bloated
I personally think everything is going to end up like the sanctuary districts from deep space 9 until some type of revolution happens
Owning property so you could provide for yourself and your family and live free from the constraints of society and government. That was the idea anyway.
The odd clauses, without context, are fine.
You're right, but the people who are responding to you are taking it as though you're talking in accounting or financial terms.
considering that that paper is directed towards wageslaves and not self employed (point 7), if you propose something like that for employees, it should be balanced by equal employers ethics (eg. I will give employees a proper pay, I will not hire a lawyer army to elude corporate tax, I will not fly to the meeting on private jet etc.)
This. I agree with some of his sentiments, but the problem is that he undermines most of it simply by being a wealthy liberal arts major who acts for a living, telling everyone else they should be happy cleaning unclogging his drains.
>Tfw you got a stem degree, made connections, did internships, and still got fucked
Found a job in my field eventually, but it was a long six years.
>first 5 rules are basically retarded versions of the marx's teachings
>6 is not only a double standard. But reads like edgy cuckservative meme
I'm on NEET bux too but I go out for walks and read to prevent my brain and body from rotting. You have a grand opportunity, user. Learn how to use it.
Literally what it says, the freedom to Persue Happiness.
Because they knew Happiness was unobtainable
>fuck debt, fuck credit score
Are you just going to rent forever, then?
More like grandparents, maybe?
doctors are pretty bad too m8. I don't know how most of these med professionals got through school this retarded tho
>first 5 rules are basically retarded versions of a retard's teachings
Learn something creative. Then figure out how to turn it into porn so you can cash in on horny wagecucks.
man, reading some of these replies makes me feel I've lucked out, If I'm honest with myself I've pretty well dropped out rather than deferred to work in a museum, getting great pay for pretty effortless work
My body is rotting and I can't do anything for it, it's why i'm on NEET bux, but I should really read more.
>he doesn't work night shift doing absolutely nothing but shitpost and unironically get paid for it
Get on my altitude.
I'm in my fourth year of post uni life and I've basically cut all my friends off in shame.
Marx was unironically right, smoothbrain. Subjugation of the working class as cuck slaves is the backbone of capitalism.