>"Game Workers Unite joins the French union Solidaires Informatique in a call for testimonies regarding the presence of potential sexual predators at Quantic Dream."
>"We have been informed of acts of sexual harassment and sexual assault committed against women who work and have worked in the company."
>"These offenses are extremely serious and are punishable by law, however they seem to be repeated with impunity for several years because of a strong omerta, this must stop."
>Game Workers Unite joins the French union Solidaires Informatique in a call for >Patreon funded bloggers say there totally should be an investigation >not by police though, police are violent capitalist pigs How is this news?
Zachary Allen
Who fuck still believes women nowadays?
Brandon Watson
>whaaaaaat?!??! you don't believe the womyyyyyn? omg you sexist pig i'm triggered!!! most people it seems
Jace Harris
huh, its almost as if this is coordinated since 3 different companies have all the same scandal in 1 weeks time
>Game (((Workers Unite))) This reeks gommunism. Can't bash le fash and smash patriarchy? Better make up sexual harrassment claims, fake death threats and hate crimes.
literally 3 game studios have made the headlines of "sexual harassment" in the past 3 days
Justin Reyes
>accusation There's proofs.
Mason Thomas
no there isnt
Charles White
This is a French studio, dummy.
Parker Nguyen
So its obviously fake for cheap advertisement.
Kevin Gray
>Hire people who believe sexual harassment is a common occurrence to counter sexual harassment >Everything falls apart because everyone starts accusing each other of sexual harassment Who could have predicted this outcome?
They're very well coordinated. It's ''gamers are dead'' all over again.
Justin Sanchez
post sauce
Jace Ortiz
> The allegations came to light last spring when members of staff, including the head of the IT department, filed a complaint against the studio regarding Photoshopped images of employees. These images, said to have been created by an unnamed member of staff and distributed around the office since 2013, are alleged to have included racist, sexist and homophobic elements. Some 600 Photoshopped images are said to have been circulated, depicting employees of the 180-strong studio in Nazi uniforms, swimming costumes and sexualised nurse outfits. Cage and De Fondaumière claimed they were unaware that some of the images were offensive, and told Mediapart that the images had been removed from the company servers as soon as the complaint was received.
>Quantic Dreams are made of tears. Bad jokes between colleagues happen everywhere. But it has, by a sequence of decisions that now belongs to a career magistrate to unravel (the Counselors have failed to agree and have sent the case back to tie), caused the departure of all the IT department of a video game company. It's not a trivial event. More than a simple bad joke, we are facing 600 photomontages of dubious taste, made by a manager in the workplace during lunch breaks, and shared on the internal network. A situation that, by its magnitude, its systematic character
Literally kill yourself for sharing this faggot ass site with this silly shit
Jackson Lee
this is fucking hilarious hahahahahaaha
Jace Rivera
With the rise of the #MeToo movement and how feminists are willing to weaponize sexual assault claims, our justice system needs to rethink how we handle sexual assault cases.
Dominic Harris
its so funny how these lefty commies forgot how the "cry wolf" parable works
Julian Wood
>Some 600 Photoshopped images are said to have been circulated Holy fucken lmao
Luis Morgan
This sounds like something a leftie would do to blackmail his collegues.
Benjamin Gutierrez
But the feminists won't stop bitching until the courts automatically declare guilty on a man accused of harassment. There's a possibility that it might lead to that if they weren't stopped dead on its tracks.
Luis Edwards
Jose Hernandez
They are, they're just rethinking them in the wrong direction. Proof she consented to sex is now inadmissible in many western countries.
Gavin Cruz
>if they weren't stopped dead on its tracks.
But they haven't been stopped? Our society is more feminist and pro-false rape accusations than ever before.
Samuel Kelly
Carson Ross
>Proof she consented to sex is now inadmissible in many western countries. No it's not.
Michael Thomas
Fuck off, incel. There are bigger issues in the world than your fucking video games. Go play with your children's toys elsewhere.
Chase Moore
>Yea Forums - videogames go climb a wall of dicks, tranny
Austin Harris
Not him but the vast majority of judges REALLY don't care if the women consented to sex.
Jace Roberts
Caleb Foster
have sex
Sebastian Roberts
This is it? This is hilarious what faggot would call this bants sexual harassment
Angel Jones
nah, it was way worse in the Obama years with shit like mattress girl
Adam Phillips
You can't make unsubstantiated claims like this.
Oliver Ramirez
>work in a factory full of men >photoshop coworkers faces on a bunch of sexy female santa models >everyone laughs >work at a game studio with female coworkers >include them in on the joke >literal lawsuit
hahahah fuck em
Nathan Peterson
I mean, you can't really provide a citation on something like this since there's never been a study done on it. But it's pretty safe to say that the vast majority of judges side with women when it comes to divorce disputes, custody battles, etc.
Benjamin Torres
Friendly reminder that several ex-employees sued over their treatment by the company and won. David Cage is still involved in a legal battle with several French newspapers in an attempt to suppress the results.
This fiasco was the primary reason that the proposed Sony buyout last year didn't happen
William Howard
>can't provide a citation then you can't say 'vast majority'. either post sources to your claims or stop spouting bullshit. >divorce and shit yeah, that sucks, but divorce is not the same as rape, and you're being disingenuous by comparing the two.
Zachary Turner
>implying this isn't happenening all the time Jussie Smollet, Zoey Quinn, Assange, Trump, etc. Leftards are pathological liars and use smear campaigns as a means to gain control over every facette of society.
you are right and wrong. It has to be specific circumstances. When it comes down to women, it's obvious that they are let off easy since onlye a few hundred thousand of them are incarcerated as millions of men are annually. A woman can get a man arrested for "assault" if she feels threatened because he yelled at her and grabbed her arm, true.. But the rape #metoo shit has died down drastically
Luke Perry
>hire women because you're so woke >women ruin and take down your company by making false claims they deserve it
Ryan Adams
Give birth
Nathan Scott
>There are bigger issues in the world than your fucking video games Your right get off Yea Forums this is for video games faggot LMFAO!
You are basically saying that people can't be dickheads and all these claims must be false just because some are. There is proof of these stupidity and you're immediate reaction is to jump to blaming your political rivals. It's intellectually dishonest.
Joshua Barnes
Bad bait. But have a (you)
Josiah Ross
>guys having some fun >women: REEEEEE STOP HAVING FUN
Austin Wood
>Life is nothing more than statistics >I refuse to see the fire even though there's smoke >Who cares if our society is embracing a witch hunt culture? >Who cares if sexual assault claims are being passed out like candy on Halloween? >There's NO WAY our judges are biased! >Nope! >Everything is okay! >the rape #metoo shit has died down drastically
I'm sorry, but that's just not true. Poor Vic had his fucking life ruined just because he hugged someone. Our society is still embracing witch hunts.
>hiring women in IT industry >surprised it goes to shit i mean.. it was pretty obvious..
Josiah Martin
source? French journal regularly break the "secret of instruction" so I have a hard time believing they wouldn't report this
Lucas White
okay user, if judges side with women so much in rape cases how come feminists bitch about some small percentage of rape cases actually resulting in criminal charges? >there's no way judges are biased i didn't say that >who cares if they're being passed out like candy on halloween again, you need to provide sources.
Embedded in recent affirmative consent laws passed in Sweden, Canada, and the UK are provisions that restrict, diminish the importance of, or outright prevent the use of text messages, written consent forms, or consent videos from being used in defense. Similar laws are being considered and are likely to pass across the EU and some states in the US.
Luis Cooper
I agree let's kill them all.
Ethan Rodriguez
just stop hirin women.
Austin King
daily remiunder the french are faggots and the article provided with "proof" is nothing but a simple joke
Jonathan White
>I refuse to see the fire even though there's smoke There's no question about a smoke but knowing which/what fire is causing it is important. It is the same reason why you don't just put water on every fire; effective solutions need to be based on concrete evidence.
Colton Robinson
>how come feminists bitch They only do this It's they modus operandi
Lincoln Taylor
That's a whole different kettle of fish. Most rape cases, at least in the US do not end in conviction.
>how come feminists bitch about some small percentage of rape cases actually resulting in criminal charges? Because most of them are sadists who genuinely enjoy watching men suffer. They want MORE men in jail, not less.
>i didn't say that That's...literally what this whole argument is about, dumbass.
>again, you need to provide sources. Do me a favor, son.
Go on Twitter.
Okay, you on Twitter now? Good.
Now look up #MeToo
There's your fucking statistic, faggot.
So what are you implying? If you concede that there's smoke, then where's the fire coming from? Why do you think that so many feminists are coming out of the woodwork and suddenly decide that they were raped out of the blue?
Even if that's true, people who are even just accused of sexual assault still have their lives ruined. They're pretty much blacklisted from every single career opportunity, they get threatened, they get assaulted, and nobody fucking cares.
Jeremiah Rivera
Where is your source?
John Ramirez
>Having your life ruined is okay because I personally don't like you
Typical feminist logic.
Bentley Bell
yeaa good point
Liam Parker
90% sperg males and 10% easily offended neurotic females with blue hair working together. Surely nothing can go wrong.
Samuel Wood
>So what are you implying? If you concede that there's smoke, then where's the fire coming from? That's where studies come in and help determine the possible cause. You can't just spew out unsubstantiated statistics and claim it to be true the same way as those feminists claim that false rape accusations rarely happen. If you admitted that there are no studies about a particular thing, then asserting them based on anecdotal evidence isn't going to help anyone.
>Why do you think that so many feminists are coming out of the woodwork and suddenly decide that they were raped out of the blue? Maybe it's because they had the opportunity to out their abusers that they previously had little power to actually confront? Or maybe it's because they are taking advantage of the mess to mess up someone's life? All of these reasons are just conjectures without proper evidence.
Luke Sanders
>dishonest Pot calling the kettle black.
Jayden Brown
>how come feminists bitch that's what they do that's what being a feminist means
Grayson Garcia
It's not anecdotal evidence. Please, look up your definitions before you spew them out.
You're being very dishonest, friend. You can bury your head in the sand and pretend everything is fine, but it's not.
Sebastian Robinson
>Controversial games studio Quantic Dream, developer of PlayStation exclusives Heavy Rain and Detroit: Become Human, has lost a court case against a former employee.
>The victim in the case quit their post due to the offensive photoshopped images of employees being circulated at the studio - images which came to light after a damning joint investigation into toxic workplace culture undertaken by a team of journalists at Le Monde, Canard PC and Mediapart published back in January. These reports variously accused Quantic Dream leaders David Cage and Guillaume de Fondaumière of inappropriate behaviour, overworking staff and colluding in - or at least turning a blind eye to - a schoolboy culture involving sexist and racist jokes. Canard PC's report [NSFW] includes examples of this - in montages of staff member's faces Photoshopped onto those of Nazi soldiers and nude porn stars which were apparently posted up around the studio workplace.
>Quantic Dream boss David Cage said at the time he was "shocked" by the allegations, and in a statement published to the studio's Twitter account Quantic Dream branded the claims by its own staff as "slanderous" and part of a "smear campaign". Then, in an unprecedented move and as discovered by Kotaku in April, Quantic Dream began quietly trying to sue these publications - three of France's largest media companies - for publishing their reports.
Then they were forced to sell out to Chinese several months later. Hope they go bust soon, Cage is a hack.
>uncapable >ESL lecturing anyone about the US lmao kill yourself reddit.
Daniel Carter
>our justice system needs to rethink how we handle sexual assault cases. Lol no it doesn't. These dumb whores that get "molested" should report it to the police straight away. It's literally their own fault the situation has grown this big.
Nathaniel Anderson
You can always count that with lefties it's always bullshit. Even if it wasn't, 90% of accusations of sexual harassment is made up.
I'd argue that 90% of the recent "rape" allegations were false. >I'll give you a job if you fuck me >*complies* >gets rich and famous because of that >take it back Regret isn't rape. Weinstein did nothing wrong, Michael Jackson did nothing wrong and Louis C.K. did nothing wrong.
Jayden Fisher
>women harrasment >nothing specific Ok, this should be bullshit.
No, Weinstein absolutely did stuff wrong. There's literal audio tape of him obstructing a door and preventing a woman from leaving unless she sleeps with him.
Levi Reyes
Hot. Where's this recording?
John Gomez
Isn't it nice that MeToo "organically" sprung up when Hollywood degeneracy was in the news and got everyone all distracted with stories about drunk guys groping waitresses?
FUCK I wish a fat famous jew did that to me. I'm so fucking horny right now. All I want to do is be naked and wear a collar and leash, and get treated like a dirty dog.
Luke Wilson
Sounds like you really need to give the porno a rest for a while, senpai.
Jack Peterson
what does being ionized mean?
Aiden Stewart
based they're frogs which makes this actually surprising. I thought they all fucked anyone extra based
Jacob Williams
Aiden Rivera
I actually do gross shit irl. I love getting deepthroated balls deep by overweight men who are really hairy down there. I love the fuzzy feeling of pubic hair on my face as I go all the way to the pelvis.
Gabriel Reed
Not that I agree wholly with you, but one thing I don't like about /pol/ infiltrating every other board is how their "statistics mean all", as if they are the most valid proof of anything.
When you do research, statistics only really show results, but they mean very little if you don't investigate the cause behind them. They basically only looking at the effect, without looking at the cause which leads into pretty much anyone coining whatever agenda, ideal or whatever into these statistics.
You see it with liberal feminist who claim that there is a wage gap between women by looking at statistics, grabbing that result and just injecting their agenda by saying it's the patriarchy and that there is bias against women without really looking at the source of the problem. You also see it from authoritarian right wingers who use the statistics that black people being 13% of the population commit 50% of homicides, they grab this result and inject their agenda by saying there is something genetically wrong with black people and promote separatism without really looking at the source of the problem.