Despite Sony not being at E3 this year we will still get some Persona 5 related news. First off the Switch will be getting the base version of P5 later this year, but it doesn't just stop there. P5 The Royal will also head to PC next year.
Despite Sony not being at E3 this year we will still get some Persona 5 related news...
Scalebound will also come back as a Switch exclusive.
That doesn't even make good business sense. No one will buy a Vanilla5 Switch port, so it's wasted labor = wasted money. Try harder.
You are not the majority of people.
someone post the pasta
keep internally seething OP, I need a good laugh
>switch getting the vanilla version
>pc get the royal version
Shouldn't it be the other ways around?
If what you said is true then those releases would flop hard.
Goddamn, you faggots need to buy a PS4. Fuck outta here with that bullshit, give me SMTV news.
Angel here, Jesus is coming back during the Microsoft conference and he WILL announce Banjo-Threeie.
Salty AF my dude.
never ever
>"Persona 5 will be 3DS exclusive"
>"Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive"
>Persona 5 announced for PS3 and later PS4
>"P5R will be Switch exclusive"
>P5R teaser starts with PS logo
>"I-It's VR!"
>Persona 5 The Royal confirmed as an RPG and listed as PS4 only on the main site
>"P5S will be a Switch port"
>It's a Musou spinoff
>"W-Wait for E3!"
People said P5S will be on Switch and guess what. It's on switch. What now?
Japan is getting an extra five minutes tacked on to their Sony State of Gay presentation tomorrow, which is devoted to Persona 5 Royal info.
no way fag
>People said P5S will be on Switch and guess what. It's on switch. What now?
Read it again
>"P5S will be a Switch port"
I don't need to read your fantasy version when I was here and actually read what people said. YOU think they said it would be a switch port, what they actually said is that it's going to be on switch. And they were right.
Just give up and take a shower Smashfag
stop trying to change what actually was being said you nigger
Nintentards are begging for PS5
You'll never get it
Stop pretending like you have a chance
What I find funny is that for the price of a Joycon pair or a mediocre Switch port of some shitty game you can find a PS3, hack it and enjoy endless free games, including Persona 5. Instead they resort to beging and feeding the hate machine when their own funded rumors turns out to be bullshit.
Why would nintoddIers want another sony system?
But that's exactly what you're doing
nincels were literally screaming that P5S stood for Persona 5 Switch. that's a fact