Why do dude-bro 20 somethings think this game series was anything more than AAA mediocre console FPS gaming?

Why do dude-bro 20 somethings think this game series was anything more than AAA mediocre console FPS gaming?
Did they think it was deep?
Did they enjoy it with their friends?
Did they just have shit taste?

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OP = Faggot

Why do boomers think quake is good when its literally just a toddler FPS?

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Dudebrod have invested the gaming community the nostalgia threads for Call Of Duty and halo are sickening

Dudebro gamers are taking over YouTube

>Did they enjoy it with their friends?
Yes and most importantly it was ____fun____

2 is the only good one

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Halo 3 multiplayer when it first came out was literally the peak mulitplayer fps experience

>Button comboing
>terrible boss fights
>the misleading marketing
>the entire scarab sequence
>no AR or Magnum

Look 2 was great but it had ALOT of issues.

you sound like an """18 year""" weebtrash fan

>"I want my FPS to have vehicle segments!"
Have you ever thought this?

>the entire scarab sequence
the Chief part was good unless you mean that awful Arbiter section involving it at the end

Arbiter missions were somewhat deep

Sip your monster and go to bed old man, Quake has been pushing daisies for over a decade now.

>the Chief part was good
Are you serious? even Bungie knew that entire part was bad.
>the insane downgrade from e3

So who wants to take a guess on what kind of person OP is? QuakeBoomer?
Weeb? Or a Playstation "Killzone shouldve won" fanboy?

The magnum was still in the game. It was just pushed into an obsolete cqb role because the BR became the new mid range weapon. It's only use after that was dual wielded with a plasma pistol for headshots.

Xbox 360 definitely was living its peak moment with Gears of War 2, Modern Warfare, GTA IV and Halo 3 ruling the 2008 Xbox Live charts

It types like a Sony tranny so I'm going with that one.

Playing Halo with split screen co-op is something I will hold dear in my heart for many years more.

Here's your (You), faggot.

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a euro

>misleading marketing
I don't remember what the marketing was, tell me about this.

the e3 demo was smoke and mirrors

Master Chief, fighting on motherfucking Earth. There's literally 2 missions on New Mombasa and thats it.

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Utter lie, it was a real build of the game but they scrapped it because the original xbox couldn't handle it.

>OP must be someone I don't like
I mean, you probably wouldn't like me but it doesn't answer my question

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now this is a kino meme, hopefully the zoomers don't ruin it like the halo one

Required viewing

I will say that Halo 5 has good mechanics but the game itself is a mess.

Utter lie. It sucked and looked like a generic overly scripted fps game. The kind that we have too much of these days. It was custom made for e3. E3 demos are sometimes games within themselves. Bungie thought so too.

OP is a shitposting gaylord that doesn't deserve a serious reply.

Lie again.

There's a documentary of them talking about why it was scrapped AND of them playing the build.

Eat shit 343cuck.

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button combos added another layer of skill


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I don't like 343 you gullible retard. If you think Halo is about epic grafx and explosions then best just stick to the 343 games yourself.

>he thinks CD keys are the things boomers bitch about
Copy protection used to be "go to page 47 of the manual and type in the fifth word in paragraph four, sentence two".

Unironically seething.

ah yes the deep fps genre where you point and shoot thing. bonus points if you can snap to cover and wait for an arbitrary moment when the enemy exposes themselves. all the depth of a target range.

Nice argument but you forgot your epic reaction image to go along with it.

>first console FPS to use twin analog sticks
>dumbed down the genre to the bare minimum, making it easier than ever for single digit IQ fratbros and twelve year olds to pick up and play without having to worry about things like "bruh why are there so many guns wtf there's too many buttons" or "dude come on you killed me before i could get to the health"
>unlike 007 and Perfect Dark, it wasn't on a Nintendo system so there was no "kiddie" stigma attached
>campaign has enough cinematic qualities to leave a mark on all the kids playing it
>marketed to the "GAMURRRRR" crowd
It's the perfect combination for people to get into it while they don't know any better, and by the time they're old enough to realize their favorite zoomzoom game has flaws, the nostalgia will be too deeply ingrained within their brains for them to acknowledge any of them.

>dumbed down the genre to the bare minimum

Its amazing HOW oblivious someone could be especially because you consider yourself to be a man of better taste. Games like DOOM were ridiculed beyond belief for being simplistic.

You're turning into that old man which happens to everyone so I guess I can sympathize with you a bit.

>dumbed down the genre to the bare minimum
ah yes the deep point and shoot thing genre

Halo had pretty deep mechanics. The AI was impressively good, the gunplay was top notch and the campaign was the first of its kind. had it not released on console you would not complain about if anything you would most definitely praise it.

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Because it's a great series, Europoor.

The only ones worth playing did get PC releases

If you were going to be a consolewar faggot you should have just told me earlier.

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Bungie actually didn't even get started with the game when they made that demo.


>first console to use twin analog sticks
Goldeneye with two controllers has shit to say to you, fag.

Dumb frogposter

I think your confusing halo with cod.
Go to sleep.

Halo is the game that turned the genre into the slow "point and shoot" genre, pre-Halo FPSes incorporated additional mechanics beyond simple aiming and shooting to make the games actually interesting to play.
>large, open ended levels filled with secrets to encourage exploration instead of "walk down straight path, shoot enemies, watch cutscene, repeat"
>enemy encounters designed to encourage players to learn to dodge and maneuver around enemies and their projectiles instead of slow, cover-based gameplay as described in
>physics that allowed for fast paced movement via techniques like bunny hopping, rocket jumping and strafe jumping, making multiplayer FPSes require more than just "grug aim good" and adding an additional layer of creativity and depth to single player as well
>game specific gimmicks like Tribes' jetpacks and skiing, or Team Fortress introducing classes to the genre
Everything you hate about FPS was the result of Halo's influences, Halo made FPSes more linear and took away significant secrets, leaving only the skulls from Halo 2 onwards. Halo made FPSes more cinematic with a focus on Hollywood-esque setpieces and cutscenes (Half-Life 2 didn't come out until later, so you can't shift the blame here). Halo popularized the two weapon limit that would later be copied by other, similarly cancerous games, most famously CoD which I know Halokiddies tend to hate. Halo popularized regenerating health. Halo popularized slower FPS gameplay, developers gradually removed more and more complex movement from their games to try and chase after the audience that preferred Halo's slow and floaty style.
Halo did not have deep mechanics, Halo's mechanics were objectively simpler than other popular shooters at the time. Halo did not invent "good AI" or "good gunplay", not to mention the existence of the AR and Plasma Rifle disproves "good gunplay". If Halo was released first on PC, it would've been forgotten entirely.

Gross. Anyway it was some alien vs predator ps1 game that did it first. Halo just made some devs realize "oh it shouldn't suck that much hmm." I say some because many still thought that FPS on console with zero aim assist was a good idea.

>first console FPS to use twin analog sticks
The earliest console FPS game I know of that supports twin sticks was Rainbow Six for the PS1. Another notable FPS game that did contemporary FPS controls was Alien Resurrection for the PS1. Your argument is automatically bullshit.

Halo did everything on there before CoD did, zoomer. CoD is the product of Halo's influence, they actively changed the series to be more Halo-like starting with CoD2.

>I nitpicked one thing with two obscure PS1 ports, therefore everything you said is wrong because I want to cover my ears and pretend my first FPS has no flaws

>Halo did not invent "good AI"
I stopped reading there. Halo's AI was light years ahead anything ever shown before, they spent hours tweaking patterns, difficulty and play styles.

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>no "kiddie" stigma attached
It's funny you mention that when the aforementioned dude-bros all play fortnite now. Hypocrites.

Why is it every single time we have a Halo thread a bunch of old ass boomers have to come in here and regurgitate their same lousy opinions?

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Because fuck you faggot, Halo sucks

the campaigns are fun for co-op, but yeah the multiplayer is really really bad. people are going to have their rose tinted glasses smashed to bits when MCC comes out on PC and it's not even half as fun as they remember it, especially when you can actually aim with a mouse. I played that dewrito shit and multiplayer halo is a total shitshow with awful time to kill, turtle movespeed, and just is in general boring and gay.

dude all these FPS titles that came before it were trash, thats why Halo left them all in the dust.

>slow "point and shoot"
Deliberate and thoughtful. Cover shooters turned it into that. As bad as Halo has gotten, it's still not a cover shooter.

>halo doesn't have large open ended levels
Wow you've never played it what a shock. So it's not an annoying contrived maze level where you find a key to open a thing so you can find another key to open thing. So deep! That design went away because it sucked.

bhopping is a glitch, not a design. You can grenade jump in Halo, sword cancel, super bounce and BxR (if unintentional glitches are allowed to be used as an example of deliberate design.)

Classes are the dumbing down of the importance on map control in multiplayer shooters in order for a team or a player to control powerful weapon and vehicle spawns. Halo subscribed to that depth over cowadooty class systems.