WingsofRedemption (aka Jordie Jordan)

Anyone else watch this disaster of a human being? He personifies most of Yea Forums but is somehow more pathetic in every way, if that's even possible.

>is 350 to 400 pounds
>literally rages at every game he plays
>blames his team for his own failure in ANY multiplayer game he plays
>thinks he has a fanbase but only "trolls" care to watch his streams to see him rage and bitch
>lies about mundane bullshit to make him look better
>lives with his grandmother but claims the house he lives in is his
>uses money donated to him for weight loss surgery to buy himself a new Mustang
>blames all his life issues on "trolls" and his weight
>has depression but uses his depression for pity donations
>claims to hate streaming and that he only does it for money, but refuses to get a real job
>was affiliated with PKA (the podcast) but was basically fired for being a lazy fuck that overslept all the time
>talks about PKA all the time for fucking him over even though it was his own fault
>claims to not give a fuck about PKA, but talks about them almost every stream

Here's a notorious highlight of this fucking fat retard faggot.

I've never been interested in Yea Forums-tier trolling, but I can't stop watching this miserable fuck.

Attached: buffalo wild wings of retardation.jpg (1920x1080, 82K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah whatever I hope your family dies in an automobile wreck

I said I hope your parents die in a car crash

Nah, I can't help but find the people who obsess over this fat fuck and DSP to be doubly pathetic compared to them. Same for this Etika cunt you all worship.



I hope you live the rest of your life without them


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DSP is fake as fuck. Wings is legit in that he's legitimately retarded.

I got a blister the other night I noticed when I was takin a bath

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wonder if he has to use the trough method like that ginger dude from the c-word webm

I used to watch him but shit got so repetitive. I prefer watching Dellor rage. He is funny but got permanently banned from Twitch for telling a girl gamer to go cook a sandwich and stop playing games.

I will miss his concentrated autism.

>shaves nothing on his neck so you can't see his double chin

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I stopped caring after PKA kicked him off. It just wasn't the same anymore, woody and kyle were balanced very well by wings. Wings has himself to blame, but Kyle and Woody acted like they were down forever friends and they just kinda shitted on him hard, I understand being pissed about the camping trip but I felt like everyone could have handled it better.


*finger sniff*

Like who is he trying to fool? Everyone knows he's obese as fuck so why would you try to hide a double chin? It makes no sense.

>grow no hair above the jawline and the mustache doesn't even connect
why even have facial hair at that point



>"down forever friends"
Huh? What does that even mean?

Wings admits to being inbred


>Lose weight
>Nothing changes

Is this the guy who stole money from charitable donations

thought it was nintendo shitcube guy for a second there.

i never follow le esports faggots because they're cringey as fuck. i only found out about this guy from jim, and it's just kind of sad.

at least he got paid doing what he likes, eg playing games and being a complete dick.

Wings talks about when he killed a kitten

Woody portrayed himself as friends with Wings no matter how bad he got since everyone understood his issues. They spend one podcast grilling Wings because he left the training camp, the fact that wings didn't leave that call should be a testament to how much he cared about the Woody and Kyle, it was absolutely brutal and I can't imagine many people would sit there and take it while being recorded for hundreds of thousands of people. Wings unironically didn't think they would kick him out over the camping trip.

Look man it ain't my fault okay I can't go to the gym cuz muh rotator cup is messed up and I'm a slave to food

Yes. Did you not read the greentext?

>>is 350 to 400 pounds
>has depression but uses his depression for pity donations
>claims to hate streaming and that he only does it for money, but refuses to get a real job

Ban anybody who doesn't get their grandma to put a finger in their ass

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He's a toxic motherfucker that will never change but you have sympathy for him? Come the fuck on dude. PKA is way better off without him.

Jihadi Wings or Jose?

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I haven't followed any of this shit since he got kicked off pka, woody kyle and wings were a strong core and it just wasn't the same. I've only seen glimpses whenever someone on Yea Forums is making fun of him over his meltdown and forever downward spiral. He wasn't this bad when he was on pka.

FUCK cats, the nigger animals who kill millions of small animals yearly

Jordie Jordan has been a gamer his whole life. He has a passion for gaming and shows this through his videos.His gaming alias is WingsOfRedemption.Through his honest nature, wings has built up the fan base you see today.

Ah ok let me fill you in. He wished death on someone's family over a game, scammed hundreds of people out of their charitable donations for his weight loss, is an obsessive compulsive liar, and is overall one of the most toxic fucking streamers on twitch.

Big ups Liquid Richard

>bullies a man at rock bottom
>calls him toxic

>is literally his own fault for being at rock bottom
>hasn't changed his toxic behavior despite getting shit on by hundreds of people on a daily basis
You for real? You suck his cock or something?

how come troll songs are always so much better than they should be?

This thread will reach bump limit while a thread about the legal aspects of game services will always get deleted within thirty posts. Fuck this board.

Does this fat fuck even play anything besides "brown-shooter flavor of the month #98"?


I've got the gist, I am just saying he wasn't like this, its been a downward spiral for him, its hard for me to not have sympathy. He is responsible for his own actions, but fuck I don't think most people would think they would be making that easy call of duty money to being someone people watch to see if you have a meltdown every stream.

Have sex

I'm banning anybody trying to give me advice

take a shower you homeless looking fuck

>shilling for 8head
PLEASE have sex


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take it to keeweefarms loser

He's shit at like every game he plays though, so he wouldn't be making any money if it weren't for the """"trolls"""".

look at that peanut-ass head bruhhhhhhhhhh

Kys fag

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Does he seriously have an indent in his head from wearing headphones so often?


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I'm saying you're a really bad person and you're calling him bad user, it's ok to just accept you're a sack of shit and trying to justify your actions by calling him bad.

I don't like him, so I don't watch him.

You don't like him so you make it your entertainment to harass him endlessly, then make out it's his fault you're a total cunt.

Just giving you a reality shot slugger.

Here is the story of this guy from what I've seen.
>obese guy in his late 30s, not much of a life expectancy left
>isn't making much money
>eats shit, lives in a shitty room
>can't sleep
>hates video games but has to play them because it's his only method of making money
>plays the same shitty games over and over and over again
>wakes up in he middle of the night to stream cause he can't barely cover his bills
>literally has to beg for money from people who mock him
>can't get a job as anything else as an obesse man with depression
>has to lie to have stuff to talk about, cause never leaves the house and has nothing to talk about
>is trolled endlessly
>trolls blame him for them bullying him

I would say you would be sorry if you bullied him to commit suicide but in reality you would probably see that as a win.

I think he resembles every COD player who's been playing nonstop since MW

this is the truth desu

Shoutout to muh fellow finger sniffers!

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Why does he remind me so much of KidBehindACamera?

Are you from Reddit? Seriously, fuck off dude.

No one fucking cares ia

Shoutout Gunslinger Levi for shooting his load in gangster gramma

Big ups to my main man Charles Manson!


i hope you and your e-family die in a car wreck

Why don't you just goto his house and shoot him, or is that a bit too far for you? I don't like him, but you're worse than he will ever be honestly, this isn't funny it's just awful.

I laugh at DSP because that guy is obviously making a lot of money and has a life, the trolling is just an annoyance to him. what fun do you get out of mocking this guy? he is at rock bottom, he has nothing, he isn't making much money, he has no life and he is fucking obese.

Do you also go and poke homeless people on the street too and telling hem how they deserve it? aka what the fuck is even wrong with you as a human being, are you a psychotic or something and lack any human sympathy at fucking all?

Wings is a nazi confirmed?

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>this post
Get a fucking life cuck.

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I don't know who you think you're kidding by leaving out all the lying, abuse, doxxing etc that got him into that situation.

He fucking threw money at a guy making fun of his "friends" autistic kid, is it any wonder he ended up where he did?

What awful facial hair

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>Do you also go and poke homeless people on the street too and telling hem how they deserve it?
Not before I get to know their life stories.

You're a terrible human being user, just saying.

I don't beat puppies heads in and I don't mock and abuse people who are obviously at rock bottom. If that makes me reddit, yes I'm reddit.

The only thing I hope for, other than not being him. Is not being you.

oh no no no no

Other things DSP didn't do include getting keemstar's girlfriend's address and threatening to send someone there.

There is nudity under this spoiler. You've been warned.

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>it's ok for me to mentally harass this man every day, cause he is bad
He hasn't even done anything any worse than anyone else on Yea Forums, you're just trying to justify bullying him and being a cunt. I get it's fun to bully people but really, this guy is right at the bottom of the barrel.

However "bad" he is, you're far worse.

>Hey Jordie long time fan from your old cod days. Don't let the trolls get to you man real supporters outweighs them, we got your back pimp
>actually my real supporters probably don't outweigh that's probably being disingenuous because like the trolls go hard... it's gotten to the point where I've actually gotten involved with law enforcement to try to curb some of the trolling
The way he manages to ruin everything even a simple positive donation and flip it into victimization is hilarious

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>Hasn't seen his penis in years and puts his stomach on the girl's back the few times he's had sex

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Oh god. Shouldn't have clicked that.

Laughing at people who got in a shitty situation because of reasons they have no control over is pretty bad
Laughing at people like CWC, Wings, Dobson and others is acceptable because they themselves got in some deep shit and always tried to reject help, blame someone else, and not fix their shitty situations in the first place
>uh oh you're even worse because you laugh at them
Fuck off

>someone is white knighting this ham planet eceleb

Attached: Reiner oh shit what are you doing.png (819x820, 479K)

I've never sent anyone legitimate death threats.

1-0 to most of Yea Forums

>Friend let’s him stay in his house to fix himself and learn to diet and excersize

>gives up while leeching off of him

These people need to be lynched

Is it true Brandi got blacked 32-some odd times?

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You wings trolls are pathetic, sitting on a discord all day like trannies waiting for him to stream

It's confirmed pimp. About 32 some odd times by Tyrone.

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Thats too skinny to be him

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>I need x amount of money for muh weight loss surgery man this is the last hoorah
>gets the money and gets it done in Mexico instead for much cheaper

>uses money donated to him for weight loss surgery to buy himself a new Mustang
Grammar correction please

>wished death upon another
OMG CALL THE POLICE! Surely there aren't countless people doing it right now on Yea Forums, let alone all across the internet
>scammed funds
How? He got the surgery and lost a ton of weight lol

I have suspicions that you're yet another one of his trolls that STILL chases after him after all this time, using the same old excuse of "ye but he was toxic on CoD that one time, and..." while planning how to best fuck his real life up & get his family involved, whilst you lot sit in a literal discord tranny server plotting all this

He ate the whole horse live on stream.

Ban anybody makin fun of muh V6 mustang man rill tawlk like it does everything I need it to I'm able to go to wendys just fine

You guys need to move on with your life, get a job and have sex. Stop obsessing over this depressing fat fuck already, jesus christ.

Hi jordie please have sex

Ironic, considering hating on Wings has a legit subreddit (which I no doubt imagine you browse)


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> puts his stomach on the girl's back

lmao that's pretty alpha. Is that how fatties dominate each other?

>Goes on Wings Subreddit right after
Ok pal



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Has wings surpassed Low Tier god and DSP in terms of most hated now?

DSP is boring as fuck now, LTG just does the same shit over and over, but this guy is more interesting in psychological way

it probably wouldn't happen if he had hair on his head.

DSP is defiantly more successful

losers that are fixated with lolcows are probably just as pathetic as them.

You keep ignoring all these other posts of things he did that not even Yea Forums would do. Interesting.

Streaming is harder than active combat man ril tawlk

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I will beat you with muh fuckin pistol grip.

So this is the power of the white race

DSP cant pay his bills and is drowning in debt.
Wings is about to pay off his house.

Mr. Big Guy is better than the original song and this is fact

I might drink a pepsi later

he's a fat moron, but the people who stalk him 24/7 are even worse lmao


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These trolls just fuck with me all day *whimper*

It's too depressing watching this guy breakdown over dying in cod. I can't watch.


>tfw this fat fuck was better with an lmg in COD ww2 than all the youtubers giving tips about guns



I legitimately resent Wings. The dude has literally everything in the world he could possibly wants, but he just CAN'T be happy. Why? Just because people make fun of him.

The dude is doing so well financially, yet he's still swamped with morons who pity him and give him free money.

F-fuck you I was born like this

>tfw 26 and still just scraggly pubes on my chin and neck area. No mustache whatsoever.

It's not even worth letting it grow. Clean shaven 100% of the time.

Dude WTF?!

It's worse when he plays Rainbow though...

I don't know this fucker, but it looks like all of his problems are self induced. How am I supposed to feel sorry for somebody who acts like a baby? He needs some tough love and he ultimately has to decide to take action and change his destiny.

The guy could use a friend who has some access to magic mushrooms and help heal the guy's conscience. Whoever did that would be guarenteed a spot in heaven, figuratively speaking.

god wings is stuck in such a fucking old ass mindset, it's incredible. I'm pretty sure he genuinely believes that "good gameplay = good stream" since he always complains about how bad a stream is if he's losing. he doesn't seem to realize that most people on Twitch aren't famous for their gameplay at all, it's all about personalities. I'd honestly believe he has this mentality after editing CoD videos for years where he just puts in nothing but the best footage.

And yet the fat fucking retard piece of shit still complains that he doesn't make enough. This shitlord admits to making almost 30k a year just from sitting on his fat ass and streaming. He sucks dick at games and isn't funny (intentionally) but he still makes a shitload of money...and yet he still bitches and moans about not making enough...

>He needs some tough love
Yeah, he needs someone to hold him down and fuck him in his ass

He's been coddled his entire life which is why he's in the position that he's in. His 62 IQ also doesn't help his predicament.

It's not my fault my youtube career went down the toilet man real tawlk

WoR is someone that I've known about since 2009, back in the classic cod commentary youtube days. Seeing him now after 6ish years, im utterly astounded by how exactly the same he is. He's had the exact same depression, the exact same mannerisms, and the exact same lifestyle this entire time.

Unfortunately, at this point, he's lived in his shell for so long that there's no way i can see him changing in any dramatic way. He has a serious lack of perspective. He has so many trolls because its so god damn obvious to see how much of a mess he is.

What a pitiful waste of life, really.

Why do you care? Is it like a sexual thing?

>2009 was 10 years ago

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>Did I do that?.....

Attached: null.png (419x900, 503K)


I totally get laughing at a trainwreck as it unfolds in front of you. Trust me I basically do it for a living working for a very successful tech company that makes body cameras and consulting Police Departments about their use. So trust me it's top tier humor watching people create bad situations and then act baffled when it bites them in the ass. But this? It's just pathetic. The dude is the definition of learned helplessness. But you do you OP, and whatever romantic idea of what you thought Yea Forums trolling was.

rel tawk

That was my depression

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>learned helplessness

This is legit true horror.


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>times he's had sex
reminder if this thing has had sex and you haven't you should kill yourself now.

this guy is more hilarious

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>pay me to turn my webcam on
Based nigger