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Other urls found in this thread:


I really hope none of you fags plan on buying BL3


>as of now

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It was a magic trick.

What else is there to look forward to?

You'd think that rich CEO in games industry would have thicker skin and less fragile ego than Randy does.

>collects cp and puts it on a usb he brings around with him in public places
>steals money from companies
>beats up people
what's the consensus of Randy?


I am. There's nothing else coming out this year that I give a shit about.

No, but I do plan on pirating it.

>Respecting wahmen

Attached: the-virtually-unreal-tumblr-com-nothing-is-more-badass-than-treating-a-18018725.png (500x522, 164K)

The average liberal

you can't make this shit up. hahaha

Attached: 1304444480558.jpg (500x486, 44K)

imagine getting beat up by Randy Pitchford

Did the VA have it coming?

Attached: 1530965643857.jpg (466x550, 19K)

you clearly can


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Randy is a badass guy who hasn't done anything Wrong. All of these false allegations against me are going to get revealed as lies soon enough. I for one am looking forward to buying his next game.

>cons the chinks out of a shitload of money for a 6 month exclusivity deal
>beats up voice "actors" in his spare time
>has a multi-gigabyte collection of just-18 porn on a thumbdrive for access anytime, anywhere
>hired Anthony Burch's sister because she did anal
wtf Randy Pitchford is actually kind of cool

Yeah, 18 is legal, why do people keep trying to imply it wasn't.

The best magic trick Randy could do at this point is just disappear off the face of the Earth until after the game launches. Put some other Gearbox employee on stage for events, and just lay low. That would be the smart option. He's not particularly smart.

I'm pretty sure Randy just has some kind of autism and thought giving a co worker a punch on the shoulder is just being friendly.

>Randy Pitchford
God damn, look at this Chad. He's invented a futuristic version of Sleazecore, is a CEO, and has enough spare time to beat up shitty Voice Actors?

That's efficiency.

Attached: CJ8xHTrUcAEuHuB.0.0[1].jpg_large.jpg (1200x800, 88K)

Because it's funny

video of david edding being assaulted
viewer discretion is advised

Attached: claptrap.webm (1280x720, 1.13M)

he beat up a dude tho

I am and you can't do shit to stop me

It's always the ones that preach the hardest that are the sickest in the head.

Attached: chandy chadford.png (1219x1024, 77K)

Oh shit, do you think he was trying to be Sharia compliant?


That's pretty progressive of him actually

I plan to.
Once it's on Steam or available as a standalone.

already preordered it on epic

Attached: moze thrust.webm (1280x720, 1007K)

>Be a rich CEO
>No one dares to insult you in fear of losing their job
>Now even the smallest insults set you off since you're not used to them
I'm not surprised.

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For a badass, he fucking cries on Twitter a lot.


Attached: chin_kee.jpg (350x351, 44K)

I REALLY hate Randy, but It seems like accusation was done out of desperation. If it happened, okay, but the Claptrap VA seemingly made the post after no one cared about his sob story of not being able to be back as Claptrap.

Attached: QT.png (330x330, 120K)

when donald trump btfos nigtards on twitter do you also call that crying

Attached: amara chicken dance.webm (1280x720, 1.2M)

based and red-pilled

Borderlands 3 is worth to me what borderlands 2 was.

I spent $20 on borderlands 2 .. actually I lied I think I was gifted it from a friend now that I think about it.

In any case, i MIGHT buy borderlands 3 when it costs like $20 in a couple years. and that is only if I have friends who will play with me.

what a BADASS

Not BL3

>that absolute no emotion in her face
Gearbox is seriously so fucking lazy.

See for me, I'm in the boat of "this dude hasn't shown any evidence to back up his claims so I can't believe it as truth" but Randy is a fucking pathological liar so I automatically can't trust him

Unfinished, no bitching allowed.
But yeah, agreed. :^)


Don't forget you have to pay real money for them too.

you sound like an sjw games journo

>sob story
Additionally, Randy and him have mismatched stories which means it's just he-said she-said claims with no basis until someone admits fault.
>Clappy's VA says that they couldn't afford him now that he wasn't working for them and doing it pro bono (I.E. they declined to pay him)
>Randy says they offered him the industry average rate and he declined
>Each party says it's the other's fault

Yup, I might buy the complete edition for $20 much later on. No way I would ever buy a borderlands game on release though.

Where are the sources for

has a multi-gigabyte collection of just-18 porn on a thumbdrive for access anytime, anywhere
>hired Anthony Burch's sister because she did anal

it was after randy a known pathological liar started to lie about him. This isnt event he first VA he even lied about with borderlands 3. Its pretty clear there is some bad blood between the 2 but i cant help but see everything as true especially since 2k wouldnt deny the lawsuit

No, but stolen egl login credentials

You got a chuckle out of me, I admit. Go to fucking bed, Randy


>first one
He left it in a Whitecastle.

i thought it was at a medieval times

some kids found the floppy disc in the chucky cheese ball pit that contained government secrets

I think you're right and I'm retarded.
Either way,
>Employee takes it home and looks at some of it
>Randy pays the dude a bunch of Borderlands merch to give it back
>Someone gets an interview with the lad

that mans name...

The real heros

Amara's hot but the laser focus on her and absolute ignoring of this qt is bummin me out. There's exactly one lewd.

Give it time dude. She doesn't even have gameplay yet.

Honestly it kinda makes it a lot funnier. Just stone cold chicken dancing.

I mean people jumped Amara the moment the announcement trailer dropped.

>volunteer to do something for a company FOR FREE
>surprised when company wont pay you after youve done it for free
Is this dude retarded?

Don't forget
>pushes feminism so hard feminists are pushed away by it
>gets in twitter arguments and always loses them
>likes to be pissed on, literally
>lives with a landwhale and his fedora-wearing-3ds-playing son
>still advertised a game no one played even after it went f2p
>evades taxes

Anthony Burch let his sister get railed by Randy “Badass” Pitchford

Randy is 100% a sleazecore idol.

>shitty paisley dress shirts
>used car salesmen haircut
>keeps camgirl porn on pocket usb
>cheats on his fat wife with his friends desperate sister for a job
>doesnt pay his longtime friend for VA when he’s always done it for free
>does literal card tricks to entertain people
>cheated the japs out of a shit ton of money legally then cut ties

Is there anything I missed?

i love randy now
what a BADASS

Attached: file.png (600x243, 11K)

what a badASS

Attached: carlos.png (205x205, 66K)

Doom Eternal, Ion Maiden (full release), Blood Remaster and possible Remake if it does well enough, and the one E3 reveal each year that actually looks okay.

based, i am buying it now.

based af

ofcourse not

Post fw you're not Randy, but you're especially not Anthony Burch.

Attached: his sister actually filmed this.webm (640x400, 1.74M)

he's definitely a gamer

>beats up whiny VA "actors" who complain about wages and work conditions (based)
>spergs out on the morons around him who fuck up his presentations, like PAX, or are generally asking for it (based)
>hits on cosplayers half his age (based)
>hits on women he hires and hires them just to coerce them into sex (based)
>has a foot and piss fetish (based)
>has a nuclear family (based)
>gets all the credit for one of the most popular games in the industry (based)
>SEGA hands him a bag of money with no promise of completing a game, he pockets most of the money (based)
>vexes Yea Forums for eternity (based)
>likely got his dickhead licked by ashley birch (based)
>has so much money he hands over his credit card to his assistant and gives gifts to everyone close to him (based)
>brought an instathot cosplayer up on stage during PAX just to sleep with her (based)
>has a collection of loli porn (based)
>literally no scandal sticks to him, lawsuits fade away (based)
>probably runs 2K by now via a puppet regime (based)
>made a satirical song about Trump and pissed off all of /pol/ (based)
>making sick business deals with EPIC and the new chick overlords that will be the one world power by 2030 (based)

Childhood is idolizing Yea Forums, adulthood is realizing Randy was right all along.

What is this badass meme? Did I miss him unironically calling himself that or something?

To be fair, manlets need to make up their size with agility. Claptrap's fault for not dodging Randy or reading how far south the situation was going.

This isn’t going to stop people from buying or supporting borderlands 3

Badass is Borderlands's favorite word

It was the tagline for Battleborn "For every kind of bad ass". Randy still rolls with it to this day.

This is supposed to be a triple A game? I'm not one to complain about graphics but it looks like they hired some of Bioware's college dropout animators. It's seriously amateur level animation, body parts just move without any mass or any muscle movement or forces exerted on the rest of the body.

Why try when your last game from 10 years ago already looks better than Fortnite and can pretty much closely mimic it?

>industry average rate
>for acting
aren't they obligated to pay him more for every reprisal of the same role?

you forgot
>hires a tranny to play to a character thats there real sex
(hired a ftm to play a female(female))
this man is ultra basedass

0 +anynumber is zero dumbass

Badass and Randypilled

Oh fuck off with this shit. It's just another guy forcibly pushed down another guy against his will. Men do this shit all the time in the work place.

user, Ashley Bursch is 100% female.

user stop pushing your coworkers down you fucking homo

that's not a true statement

What kind of shit place do you work

do they also fuck you in the ass against your will?

>“Randy physically assaulted me in the lobby of the Marriott Marquis at GDC 2017,”

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This is some lame attempt at gaining lost wages from the video game voice actor strike isn't it?

There are literally millions of games already released that you haven't played yet, try one of those.

In my experience, people in upper management levels are completely detached from reality and the moment someone disagrees with them, they go ballistic.

why didn't he go to the police?
this stinks of #metoo bs

the voice actor did it for free
the reason hes not voicing claptrap at 3 was because this time he wanted to be paid

>haha butts! xD
SJW "humor"

Nobody likes a badass, unless he's cryin'

he was his boss at the time ?

Haha Claptrap is so hilarious hahaa

Haha, fuck no.

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I am 100% certain you do not



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more like BADASSlands am i right?

Attached: bordermemes.png (1699x400, 172K)

All shit

Ofc not. y'arr

I unironically think Randy is a Chad.

I can't be alone on this.


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No doubt Randy was defending his beautiful wife from unwanted advances. Not many can resist the syren call and sometimes boundaries are overstepped.

Attached: 1554774353069.webm (640x360, 381K)

youre not
everyone here does
these memes are ironic

>this thread: zoomers idolizing randy
how far we've fallen


It's the Chris Brown/Sid Vicious effect.
Doesnt matter how much of an asshole you are so long as you never say sorry.
Society loves assholes.

>Sid Vicious effect
>cooking your steak the reddit way
go back

I genuinely envy him. If only his wife was better looking then he would have the perfect life.

What are you even trying to say?
Sid was an idiot. Fucker was taught by Lemmy and still couldn't play for shit. Still got into the Pistols which even he couldn't figure out why.

Bro he gets defrauded out of millions by those closest to him

>BL3 fanboy tumblr nigger has a bad taste in vidya
Not surprising.


And he will make boatloads more by releasing bl3and being behind the release of ror2.

this one is so unlistenable

only 2 years after release as a complete edition at an 80% discount on steam

I'll do with it like I've done with every Borderlands game to date.
Wait for someone else to buy it for me. It's what I do with every multiplayer or co-op game, really.

How old is this?

why are steamniggers like this
we all know it wont go on sale until summer 2020 and then it will be like 10% off
it wont go on that big a sale until way longer than 2 years

so im playing BL2 with a friend trying to finally do the dlc and go all the way to OP8 but holy shit the writing in this game is insanely bad, there's so many massive plotholes


in my country, people from upper levels are usually really humble, I was supposed to do some IT stuff to a guy and when he came to my office with his laptop I didn't even know he was the CEO of the company until someone was laughing at me for being so chill with him

He's a biddeR boosT

honestly this is pretty based on randy's part. How many of you can beat the shit out of one of your subordinates (if you can even get that far, peasants) and face no legal repercussions? He was also caught with CP and still isn't even under investigation right? above the law despite only being a gaming figure. is there anyway he could be more based?

its actually less fun with freinds

epic's launcher is garbage and buying exclusivity is anti consumer Winny the poohTienanmen Square

you are delusional my friend 10% off is the pre-order default and it'll be available for 25% off from authorized resellers

how so?

funny, i didnt mention epic
i only play on xbox one

oh wow a rare xbot how do you do

is he jewish?

>implying I would after BL2
literally have been calling BL2 shit since day one in what seemed to be an echo chamber for that sentiment; what happened to Yea Forums; did people's tastes collectively get shitter?

i dont game too often
im too busy fucking playstation's and nintendo's girlfriends
every single one of them

>buying a copy myself
But Epic already paid for my pirated copy? Why would I purchase two?


>nintendo and sony
>having girlfriends

He tries SO DAMN HARD to seem likeable and cool when he's actually a pathethic greedy childish cunt and a pedophile.
It's like poetry, it rhymes.

Attached: Randy-Pitchford-Gearbox.jpg (1920x1080, 110K)

>everything i want should be paid for by someone else
liberal tier logic

it's literally already paid for though, and they denied me the option of purchasing on my preffered platform

why not make use of epic's generosity

He also makes Yea Forums seethe from the mere mention of his name so he's pretty based

then just buy it on the platform its on
on reason for these mental gymnastics

>then just buy it on the platform its on
why though they already have the money and their platform is garbage

because your playing the game not the fucking store

Attached: ricky.jpg (500x375, 25K)

but i care about more than just the game user, and there's good reason to

this is you

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Borderlands is the least interesting video game series I can think of.

God, she is so ugly.
What purpose does having characters so ugly that you want to avert your gaze have?

kek what a tool

no it's not john green is a mongoloid and no one or two games are worth enabling cancerous business practices


People randy has BTFO:
>incels on Yea Forums
>the children that were exploited to make the CP he enjoys
>all his underling employees at his company
>the most noteworthy VA involved with making borderlands

How does he keep getting away with it bros?

/our fucking guy/

press R for respect


>all his underling employees at his company
like his personal assistant that stole millions from him because there were no segregation of duties, and when he was caught the first time he just said "oh yeah, I'll pay that back" and randy just said "okay sounds good" and then didn't change a damn thing with his controls?

On the December 22 episode of The Piff Pod, Pitchford talks at length about porn that he enjoys watching, including "camgirl" pornography, in which a host exposes themself to a live feed and takes requests and financial tips from consumers. Pitchford explained that he was "a consumer of this content." He confirmed that he copied a specific video "to this memory stick" to, as he describes it, "work out the method" of how a camgirl host faked the act of female ejaculation. (Be warned: he describes how the video looks in particularly graphic detail.)

"I realized, this is not a sex worker," Pitchford said on the show. "This is a fucking magician." Pitchford, for those unaware, has a vested interest in the field of magicians and owns the magic-focused Genii Magazine.

"This was before I learned I should probably have password-protected memory sticks," Pitchford says, before admitting that he had indeed left a USB flash drive at a Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament restaurant. "Some kid, an employee of Medieval Times, discovered this memory stick, took it home... and discovered secrets of my company and future games in development, and also discovered the pornography. It was 'barely legal' porn. This girl's handle was 'Only 18.'" The USB flash drive was returned to Gearbox, Pitchford says, in exchange for "swag" and video games.

Pure chaos

I don't know if I even want to pirate it.
It looks the same as BL2 and I played more than enough of that already.

have sex

As if not giving a fuck about borderlands in general is enough, it's also epic exclusive so the chances of me ever touching that shit are lower than winning the lottery

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But what if Neptunia made a shooter?

How can one man be so based?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-08_20-50-53.png (1008x659, 779K)

Silly worker drone, you are disposable to me and you need your min wage paycheck while I make 5x that for telling you how shit you are at your job

That's right, I'm HR.

How's that backlog? faggot

Attached: 445 - OiutJWX.jpg (320x379, 10K)

>food analogies

Attached: 9612908.png (210x240, 197K)

Nah epic shit killed any hope of me getting it

>Epic store
totalbiscuit didn't die for this

Attached: 7ac.jpg (1864x1495, 236K)

>lmao this thing thats supposed to be special and intimate is just like eating breakfast!
I fucking hate sex-positive culture

yes i also stick my dick in cheerios and cum all over them instead of using milk
sometimes i also call them names like, cheeri sluts and cheeri white whores

thanks for ruining today by reminding me we lost TB again

Physically assaulted? Why didn't the victim go to the police?

TB died for our anal health user. Remember to get checked if your have weird poops anons. Take care of yourselves. It's important.

Attached: 1543329584144.png (500x425, 54K)

you don't get fame by going to the police and also liberals hate cops

One copy for me and another one for my sister, we love playing co-op this franchise

fuck cops

since you're gonna buy two copies, i can pirate it and all is balanced as it should be

>is literally becoming Handsome jack

Attached: tenor.gif (498x280, 3.65M)

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Didn't he shit on someone recently for having 0 followers since he wasn't able to argue against him?

Fuck off Randy, you deserved it.

Who is this fat cuck

what is this thin bait

Sorry, I can't keep all this literally who e-celeb cancer straight

Randy attacks people and says "I will sue you if you touch me"

He hits workers at Gearbox all the time.

i cut my wrists on that edge user, but i didn't cut them right because i want to show off how edgy i am like you

Bayo 3

> It's real
> All of it

I don't know what the fuck you're trying to say here but you sound retarded

oh maybe you were born in 2005 and didn't get to see any of the stuff TB did for gaming as an industry or as a whole

I'm 32

>Fuck off Randy
the guy pointing out his critically massive fuck ups to the person defending him is randy? what logic is this?

never gave a fuck about the series. Definitely don't give a fuck about this either

> 32
> never heard of TB or seen his face
holy shit, are the autists who hate (((e-celebs))) all boomers?
that explains so much

If this guy died of TB he should've been vaccinated for Christ's sake, it's a very preventable disease

> boomer that doesn't think vaxxing is gonna make you sick or autistic

Do you have a source on that? I honestly wouldn't be surprised but im curious. The tension on the stage during the BL3 reveal was palpable

It's Yea Forums, what the fuck you think will happen? Of course 90% of this board gonna buy this crap like every other big AAA shit.

Yeah. He also bans anyone who slightly criticizes him and claims he was being bullied

im buying borderlands 3 on the pc
So are all my friends
so are you

Attached: tenor.gif (220x221, 46K)

sadly yes, i've seen enough e-celeb threads to realize that most anons think they know better than the rest of us folk and need to try everything out themselves before confirming if something is good or not


Terminal autism

>on Yea Forums

where else would a boomer be accepted if not here

>hired Anthony Burch's sister because she did anal

wait what?

i don't get it

I'll probably get it week 1 on PS4

>Randy tries to justify why he has a flashdrive of porn on his USB full of sensitive company information
>It somehow makes him look even more pathetic

I wasnt. Now i am.

Heh. You really showed that anonymous imageboard.

This 5.

I got my pre-order already. I had to choose between bl3 or more fortnite skins. It was a difficult choice but BL3 takes priority.

Attached: 1557241174476.jpg (720x1034, 196K)

Randy you cocksucker finish Brothers in Arms instead. I've waited a decade

>work at the company receiving a salary and put in work to voice act a character on the side if your usual duties
>leave company to go work elsewhere
>ask for compensation when requested to do more VA work by original company
>"You did it for free before why can't you now?"

>being this protective over literally who e-celebs
r/totalbisquet sounds like it'd be more up your alley, user.

That seems to happen all the time for some reason. Chuck Palahniuk, the writer of Fight Club got his entire bank account robbed by his accountant and can't get it back since the guy won't say where he stashed the money.

>epic is depending on BL3 to really sell the epic store as a legit platform
>randy is literally poisoning the hype this game may have had by just being randy
>mfw epic is sweating bullets right now

Attached: worlds-largest-gummy-worm-1.jpg (1000x1000, 177K)

>Randy is throwing himself under every bus in sight in order to bring down Epic
R-Redemption arc?

>voice actor
barely even human, was probably asking for it

someone post that song he wrote

Can everyone stop fucking with Gearbox until BL3 release? After i pirate it you can do whatever you wan't.

Attached: 1547557608925.jpg (241x299, 18K)


How has Randy not been fired yet? It seems like every week he's up to no good

Who is going to fire him?

Nobody in the real world actually gives a shit about that. The game will sell very well.

Shareholders aka the people who actually own the company

Gearbox doesn't have shareholders, dingbat

Gearbox is a private company.

Well now I feel like a fool. Well I guess he can't be stopped then.

It embarrassed him.

you only need a team of vaulthunters. It worked for Jackie

rage 2

I hate that you're correct, normals must die.


Attached: D5--lFzWwAEyTjE.jpg (720x731, 85K)

based and redpilled and /ourguy/ desu

I would fucking slap him as well
his voice is annoying and if he's half as annoying as his character, he deserves it

It's be simpler for you to just get a life even though I know it sounds impossible.

he's talked about having aspergers in the past


>"I realized, this is not a sex worker," Pitchford said on the show. "This is a fucking magician."

Attached: 1556783749958.png (400x419, 46K)

why is there fortnite dancing mechanics in my bl3

Randy is legit hard as fuck. Chad/10


How new?

What's wrong with this ?


Attached: Randy_Pitchford.jpg (700x655, 377K)

uh no?

Because no F2P crap

Attached: rando.png (1225x290, 37K)

You wish you were as alpha as Randy Pitchford.
I am genuinely impressed.

This. We anons are a moral legion and stand with victims of assault, especially sexual assault! Do your part and let them know we don't tolerate rape!

everyone who bought BL1 and BL2 will buy BL3

if you're the kind of person who can play BL1 from start to finish and say it's a great game you'll probably buy fucking anything with the BL label on it

I really liked BL2 until I got to UVMH, then I hated the game.

BL was kind of bland and boring, I couldn't finish alone but playing it with a friend made it enjoyable, the DLCs were cool. BL2 was a great improvement and from what I can see BL3 will be much better than 1 or 2. At least regarding the mechanics and gameplay. Content wise, we can't tell yet.

Attached: wmIbDQn.png (1024x550, 745K)



>if you're the kind of person who can play BL1 from start to finish and say it's a great game you'll probably buy fucking anything
fixed it for you

underrated post


Attached: preorder.jpg (1564x1229, 172K)


Yes almost like they have an agenda to hide


I think you're forgetting that Handsome Jack was the hero, not the villain.

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Randy is the used car salesman of the games industry.
>Cheep suit
>Tries to talk hip
>Sells you shit you don't need
>Has a reputation of being shady

>putting your CC info on one of the most easily breeched platforms out there
>clicking the box to have 2K spam you
you do you

Animation is dead, it's all mocap now, so why would they have talented animators?

>has way more money than he's entitled to, earns his living off of other people's labor

I do this dance at every weeding and i'm 46 years old

...Why did he settle for that hippo? Randy is decent looking, he could do so much better
Or did she gain weight after the kid?
Anyways, who can blame him for looking at barely legal porn, look at what he's got to fuck at home


>...Why did he settle for that hippo?
same reason peirce brosnan did. some dudes love'm chonky

Attached: sAFP_17Q6B0.jpg (620x463, 47K)

Have you seen his wife and son? Not a chad

She didn’t look like that when they married

cause he keeps feeding her and said he'd get a divorce if she got liposuction

Take your alt-right memes back to youtube you fucking faggot.

Actually makes me think the usb stick was for setting people up for blackmail

>18 year olds
in all seriousness, he's based. he should just be more blunt about being selfish, it'd be endearing and piss off reddit

Chad is a state of being. Sexual preferences(aside from cuckolding, deviant and outright gross shit) are irellevant.
He likes em chunky. Not the worst fetish a guy can have.

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I wish this was true, I have yet to shoot a coworker.

Randy's career is honestly hilarious and baffling. He must have some serious blackmail material, or he's just absurdly lucky/charismatic. How the hell do you blatantly steal $12 million from SEGA and get away with it? Why would you try to tell the most obvious lie about playing a poker game with Gabe? I think he's at the point where he wants to see what he can get away with.

I don't allow my dick to go anywhere near where another mans dick has been. I beat the shit out of my friend for passing out on my bed then bought a new mattress.


>imagine being so closeted that you get passionately violent when you think about dicks

Attached: 1553907518684.jpg (326x182, 20K)

If he was doing the voice, then I think I'm with Randy.

I wanted it but now I don't but I heard it's cross platform with Xbox one so if my cucksole friends get it I will

I can hear him seething at the epic store in my head right now.
RIP in peace.

Sounds like he needs a bullet in the head

rocket league, fortnite and sea of thieves are all cross plat

Dont that retard know that the most dicks a woman has had the most likely she is to divorce you, cheat on you, abuse her kids, be a psychopath etc?
Its a complete direct correlation too
Yes you should care how many dicks a woman had its extremely important if you want anything serious

>he is a literal fag
Am I surprised? No.

>Ashly Burch does anal
I require more info

To be fair Claptrap was REALLY annoying. I wanted to punch him to.

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Randy did the very classic fuck-up of admitting to a portion of the accusation being true. It does not matter how you spin it afterwards, that gives serious grounds to EVERYTHING ELSE SAID being true. But he's also an autistic retard who thinks he's got some kind of genius guile and thinks he can talk and lie his way out of everything so I'm not shocked he tried it.

Holy shit I wasn't serious when I posted that I can't wait to see fortnite dances in BL3.

yeah but I already played the good games out of those
what am I suppose to do, listen to Yea Forums and play bad games?

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Childhood is finding Claptrap annoying and being dismissive towards him
Adulthood is appreciating his company and finding his jokes funny

Actually tho. Like the male feminist with a pack of roofies

Unironically our guy

Nah my dude, the VA had another job at the firm and did the VA for free, he has since been laid off, but was asked to VA despite that, at "Normal VA Rates"; He said no.

At this point it's crossed over into respect

holy FUCK Randy.

he also held parties where his friends thought it was funny to show their junk to kids.

I'm not buying it but why the fuck would a care if someone assaulted an employee? It's not my work place. Why have you faggots, and the rest of society, become so fucking empathetic? Maybe it's all the estrogen in the water that's turning you all into fucking pussies.

We just enjoy laughing at Randy's weekly JUSTs, user

I somehow can't get this visual of TB as a cute but upset cartoon bedsheet ghost with tophat out of my head whenever he is mentioned.

>having aspergers in the past
I'm sorry did he cure his autism?

People only care when its a white person though.

When some young woman in Sri Lanka dies in a factory fire making t-shirts nobody cares.

Beat me to it

Randy is a scumy asshole, but who can blame him for beating up VA fags?

have sex


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>POW right in the mouth
what a chad

>still nothing

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It's not even like a new phenomena. This shit goes all the way back to Shakespearean times.
>Hamlet's dad - the king - got murdered, Hamlet suspects an inside job (thanks to his dad's ghost showing up and cryptically telling him this)
>Hamlet starts poking around and interrogating people
>Hamlet's mom Lady Gertrude suddenly freaking out about how horrible her husband's murder was, acting stereotypically "outraged" and over the top about it
>Hamlet: "Methinks the lady doth protest too much..."
>Big fucking surprise, Lady Gertrude was the killer


wasnt it some camgirl that he said was barely legal

>buying vidya
>buying gearbox garbage
I've know they where trash since the mid 00s
Only good vidya they made was the first band of bros

She's honestly hotter than any Indian chick I've ever seen.

The cup is empty. :)

>Yea Forums spammed by frustrated neonazis literally every minute of every day for the past 6-8 years
Yeah that checks out.

>wasnt it some camgirl that he said was barely legal
You have to be fucking retarded to believe that excuse

Day 1 buy for me. Sorry lad.

is this how the brain of a gamer works?
do you forget things faster than a gold fish?

Yeah and I'm bored of all of them

Maybe, but sometimes you just find the right person. My wife gained like 150lbs after we got married. But I can't imagine being with anyone else. No matter how hot they are, you will eventually get tired of their shit. When you find someone who you don't get tired of after 4 or 5 years, you should probably go ahead and marry them because that's probably the best you're going to find. Most relationships fall apart after the initial lust phase (~month).

Way to spoil it for the rest of us. That shit JUST came out, too. God dammit.

The man is an absolute fucking legend.
How can you stay mad at him at this point? The guy runs his life like a GTA character. His balls have their own orbit.

I used to dread a Duke Nukem title from Gearbox. Now i can't wait for it.

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>Childhood is thinking you need your partner to be hot because of all the hot sex you want to have every day with someone hot and sexy, and what's hot and sexy is what everyone else thinks is hot and sexy, that way all your friends will be jealous of how sexy your partner is, which makes her even sexier

>Adulthood is realizing that no matter how hot your partner is, you inevitably "get used to" having sex with them, and your libido tapers off with age anyways, so sex eventually gets dull, the time you spend having sex with their body is like 1/10 the time you spend doing everything else with their personality/mind, and everyone eventually looks gross when they're old anyways, so choosing your partner by their body/face guarantees you nothing of the actual person you have to live with every day, once you and your friends all have your own lives you don't give a fuck about what they want or think is sexy, and you've always been better off just focusing on getting a partner who you actually like for who they are, as long as they have SOMETHING that can make your dick hard for the times you have sex

I won't.

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Knowing I'll die one day is the only thing keeping me alive

>can't keep time
>even with that basic ass chord progression
>out of key
>laughs at his own "jokes"
>says he's gonna do it an octave higher and proceeds to just do it a bit higher and more flat instead
Is he, dare I say it, Yea Forums's guy?!?

I'll buy it, in a couple years when the "complete collection" is on Steam for $10

did you see the actual content? you would think if it were public knowledge and in fact illegal content that he wouldn't be a free man right now.

of course not. day 1 pirate since before it was even announced, just like I pirated bl2


based randy clapped his trap

epic gamer, all he has to do now is talk about how much he hates minorities.

This guy is so based, living his dreams.

>only dudes with mon shirts get laid
I want off the planet


nobody in public has and thats why hes free
for one he is rich as fuck, and with no serious proof hes unteachable to anything as he can alwyer up to fucking end of the world
he stole millions from sega, and they settled as he draged out the case endlessly, cp s nothing here

and you are even more retarded if you think influential and rich will go to jail for any crime in US, Hillarys friend ran a child trafficking sex slave ring for rich and he got one year suspended sentence no jail time, Smollett faked hate crime and he had to forfeit his bail as punishment
pay off few jews and you will get away with anything

>claptrap VO got canned because he asked for money
>plays the #metoo card

at least hes showing how stupid and abusable this movement is.

>hired Anthony Burch's sister because she did anal
Yeah I'm gonna need more details on that for research purposes

>This isnt event he first VA he even lied about with borderlands 3
For reference Randy said something along the lines of contacting Troy Baker but his salary being too high to pay to which Troy responded that he hasn't received any contact from them and in fact OFFERED to voice the character for BL3.
Randy is a known pathological liar and should never be trusted.

wtf I love Ashly Burch now

>4 or 5 years
That's nothing, people divorce 15+ years down the line all the time. Remember, she isn't yours, it's just your turn.

>>and his fedora-wearing-3ds-playing son
can you really use this as an insult towards someone else when this describes pretty much all of Yea Forums?

>niggas should work for free
t. a retard

you poop from your butt is funny haha!

>Anthony Burch let his sister get railed by Randy “Badass” Pitchford
>implying a failure like Randy could talk a younger girl into fucking him

she wants you to fuck her ass

Randy is untouchable. He's gotten away with everything else that would send a regular person to prison. Must have sucked off the right jew.