Why was he not in MK11?

Is it because of that discord scandal?

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He's canonically dead. Also, what scandal?

I heard he was gonna be a DLC character, according to the supposed leaked.

Honestly, who is he?

I though Mileeena killed him
how the fuck do people get killed in the MK comic and then they come back alive again???

Because he sucks.
He's nothing more than a shitty Shao Kahn wannabe.

Death means nothing in MK.
Everyone has died at least once.

Death means literally nothing in mortal kombat, I dont know why people keep clinging to the idea that it has ever mattered. It means even less than nothing in this one with all the fucking time travel.

i was gonna say he's too shitty but they kept jacqui, and fujin is allegedly coming back as DLC so that doesn't really mean a whole lot

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MK11 fucking sucks

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friendly reminder that the comics are not canon

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I like new scorpion. Sub would be fine if he didnt have those rims on his head.

Rain didnt die in the comics, he just got fried. He can come back from that because hes a demigod.

noob saibot was supposed to be a regular playable in mk4, but then Boon came to the conclusion that the game had too many ninjas, so they painted a weird middle aged man face over his mask and called it Reiko

Isnt noob in MK4?

secret character, that's why I put the "regular playable" in there

>He can come back from that because hes a demigod.
he would still have scars all over his body if that was the case

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>Death means nothing in Mortal Kombat
>Mortal Kombat
ed boon was a mistake

i really don't get why they didn't give most of the longer-established females klassic outfits
i get they want to be prudes despite the men being shirtless and people's spines getting ripped out but it looks really fucking dumb to be able to make most of the roster, fucking sonya included, dressed in their old outfits but not kitana, jade or skarlet, but jade and kitana do get to have half their fucking kostumes be those shitty gray-skinned revenant versions though
i might be mistaken but i don't think cassie even gets her mkx look but she does get those shitty armor outfits, i think half of that is people would noticed they nerfed her titties for some probably stupid reason
really half-assed work all around and im 85% sure its because they're really just lazy and not for whatever social justice reason they're hiding behind

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every character here is overdesigned in 11. shit looks like someone gave a deviantart tranny too big of a budget

Why do you think hes wearing a mask?

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i cant read this shit, learn to punctuate senpai

Jacqui tit size got nerfed hard. She was pretty stacked in the last game. She's like an Acup now.

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isn't that just shao kahn without the mask?

oh u

lol we got skimpy outfits when a tranny from deviantart made mk9 but now that we have mk 11 we get no sexy outfits for females. fucking logic

>i really don't get why they didn't give most of the longer-established females klassic outfits
they are going to sell those as DLC

>I'm autistic. Make it easier and shorter for me to read.

Originally Reiko was supposed to be Shao Kahn. He was a general under Shinnok. When it became obvious Shinnok was going to be defeated he fucked off to parts unknown then eventually re-emerged as Shao. After seemingly dying in 3 he once again adopted the original Reiko persona. Shame we lost Tobias, maybe he could’ve saved MK

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