I still can’t believe he’s in. Thank you based Sakurai.
I still can’t believe he’s in. Thank you based Sakurai
Literally the only character I wanted though I would've supported Ridley if he hadn't made it
I still can't believe Genofags are begging for their shitty character to get in. Thank you based Sakurai.
whats the appeal? or is it to appeal to furfags who like Bara?
>tfw you realize if DK was added today there'd be posts like this about him
what went wrong
You can fuck right off. If the King can get in so can the puppet.
>the main antagonist of one of Nintendo's most iconic franchises is on the same level as some Squeenix OC from a shitty RPG that got replaced by the superior Paper Mario games
you didnt answer my question
he's a funny fat guy
people liked Chris Farley, I don't think people were rushing out in droves to fuck him
plus crocodiles and pirates are cool
He's one of my favorite inclusions, but at the same time, I didn't expect him, he is a very strange addition.
Reason being Donkey Kong is already seen as one of the bad guys of smash, he teamed up with Bowser in the first event match in smash 4 , plus he's kind of become obscure. Over the years Bowser and DK kind of became rivals in games like Mario Party. K. Rool is also huge compared to DK, even Ridley can at least be bigger than Samus but now Donkey Kong and King K. Rool are the same size in smash.
Basically when it seemed like all hope was gone for him and the kremlings, Sakurai of all people to revive him.
>not todd howard
I’m mad sakurai
genofags got shit taste, making way for best RPG one off
>people liked Chris Farley
Now I know you're just shitposting
Marvel crossover is pretty much a given at this point desu.
based as fuck
DK being a villain is literally retarded and should be stopped, I hate how Nintendo is still trying to force this when no one actually sees him that way
That August Direct was nearly fucking perfect.
>People are now pretending that they were never lumped in together
T-that's a BIG belly...
He's isn't fun to play
Now its MY turn!
I still can't believe they put Dixie in, Mario Hoops was based
Wasn't Ridley on the righthand side of this image once?
Why the fuck would anyone want Geno in when Fawful is the superior Mario RPG representative?
wtf ridleybros i thought we were friends
10+ years of waiting has finally paid off
They're both meme characters, but Fawful literally talks like a meme.
genofag here and i'm utterly happy with k. rool, even if geno didn't get in
>generic RPG sidekick
>good potential for a moveset i'll admit, but not much else, no personality
>the most iconic Mario RPG villain
>lots of potential for a good moveset
>tons of personality, plus more villain representation
nice meme genofag
Wow this aged badly
amazing how anti-genofags are the ones who bring him up and seethe way more than geno's actual fans
come on, as a k. rool fag, i hope anyone gets their most wanted and gets to experience the elation i did on 8.8
>Paper Mario
>Phoenix Wright
They all deserve it
K. Rool is the peak of masculinity.
All these years after Brawl and I still don't get the Geno bandwagon. He's not even the same class of character as Ridley or King K. Rool.
If they're stupid enough to have characters like Geno as their "most wanted" then they don't deserve anything.
I really wish K. Rool falling down and pretending to die was a taunt. Or, preferably, his belly counter could instead be him playing dead, and then striking back when hit?
Belly like that shows that he has more than enough means of taking care of himself.
I wish he had these animations in smash too but I'm content with how he is now
I'm not a fan of how he runs in Smash, and I think his jump animation would be cooler if it matched DKC's.
I don't have any room to complain, though. It's still fucking badass that he's in at all.
as a fan of geno, i honestly think he should make a return in the mario series before he gets into smash. the catch-22 is that square is rarely ever on-board for anything involving mario, and going out of their way to get his likeness for another game would be like pulling teeth. it's not lucrative for nintendo unless they come out with some sort of overarching agreement for the character, which i don't see happening ever. meanwhile, square is on board with smash, not to mention that brawl introduced the possibility of third parties. that gave people hope for geno to come back.
as for why? design's cool, concept's cool, nice lore potential, general potential that i feel was just squandered on. mallow got a lot of love in smrpg, but geno was a bit neglected. he could have been more, and i think he would have been if smrpg2 came to be. i just like his character. do i think he 'deserves' to be in smash? hell no, especially compared to other square enix reps, but i think the general consensus is that we just want to see our boy come back. it's just an unfortunate situation he's in, so it's not gonna happen. that said, even in my bias, i get why people don't understand the geno love. i really do.
also i think he's really cute.
>Nerfed in the very first patch
>Sakurai literally admitted the reason he was nerfed isn't because he was good, but because casual players struggle against him
It's only bittersweet
Barely nerfed, they just lowered his Blunderbuss suck time and the attack range of his recovery, which are both reasonable. He was pretty significantly buffed in 3.0.
And Fawful's personality is Penguin of Doom speak
Did you play the M&L? Fawful's a fairly nuanced character. A huge thing I like about him is his progression from Cackletta's toady in SSS to probably the most effective Mario RPG villain ever in BIS. SSS:Bowser's Minions shows he was planning to overthrow Cackletta when he realized that he was the only reason why she ever got as far as she did, and in BIS he is constantly three steps ahead of everyone else until he underestimates them in the final battle.
>*did you play the M&L games?
I am retarded.