Will games ever have soul again?

Will games ever have soul again?

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Funny, IV was soulless from the beginning


Zeromus is a robot? I thought he was supposed to be a grotesque amalgamation of flesh and bone.


Looks like a second form?

Probably TAY bull

The top probably sounds better than bottom, not just looks

To idiots that will get baited.
Top is the final boss.
Bottom is the post-game Lunar Ruins dungeon alternative final boss.


Attached: Rydia.png (32x48, 491)

Isn't Rydia's dress supposed to be green? They done fucked up.

One of the rare times they actually followed Amano's art

Attached: FFIV-Rydia_artwork.jpg (715x1000, 119K)

I really dislike this game
Been going through all the FFs in order, and 4 so far gives the player no freedom to customize each character in any way
As bad as 2 was, at least you could build your party mostly how you wanted

OP is shitposting in case you haven't noticed.

Attached: FF4PSP-RydiaSprite.png (58x88, 1K)

"Japanese anime/game characters all look like generic trash!"
>Looks at the Final Fantasy 4-6 art.
"You know, the generic look isn't so bad."

I started playing this the other day, I was surprised when I made it to the first weapon/armor shop, it didn't show you which items were an actual upgrade. The characters just cheered if the item was equippable. The fuck? Did I miss something?

Green arrow = upgrade
Red arrow = downgrade
= sign means already equipped

>There's literally a ninja character named "Edge"
FFIV was shit.

There's no arrow

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Holy shit if you don't like ff4 just stop playing videogames. Also the ffbe sprites would make for a better remake


GBA is SNES with new content and QoL, also vastly improved translation
PSP is GBA with even more new content, even more QoL and improved visual and soundtrack

Why the fuck are you playing SNES?

Is ff6 good? I hear its good. I wana try it.

Whats a game soul? Can you fuck it?

Use your common sense bro. A leather hat is weaker than an iron headgear and so on. FF IV is brainlet-proof

I have an actual SNES, so I can play it without emulating. Also I wanted to try a romhack

His real name was Edward.

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It's a normalfag tier JRPG but everyone jacks off over it. It's mediocre


EDward GEraldine

Boy are you gonna love FFV.

Well, not exactly, there was a version of FFIV called "easy game" which used thebsecond form instead of the original. The GBA remake used it as the ultimate boss of the bonus dungeon, he even calls himself "Zeromus EG".

It’s like boomers personally want to piss me off with these threads just fucking loot at indies or shit from Japan there’s still plenty of soul just ignore gatcha and loot boxes and support the industry that you want

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>FFIV remakes are cool
>FFV and VI get this

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>No mention of 4-3DS
Was the 3D remake so bad it was retconned or something?

play the gba version with the color patch
it's way better than 4 but not as good as 5 in my opinion

Reminder that Zeromus has a giant dick.

Attached: Zedongus.jpg (483x336, 46K)

>improved visual

It looks like the FFVI mobile, which everyone hates.

In case anybody doesn't know, bottom design is easy type Zeromus. I think newer versions reuse it for a superboss.

Attached: zeromus easy type.jpg (256x224, 22K)

It was fine, the PSP sprites for 1 2 and 4 were also fine, it's the mobile ports that fuck things up because they use a bunch of awful filters and don't readjust the aspect ratio correctly

Maybe no one else played it. Personally I found it great, I heard it fixed a ton of bugs, glitches and issues with the original game, the models were pretty nice though the framerate on DS (I think Steam has a mod or fix) is not so good, the OST is strong and the one the PSP version used, it doesn't have the bonus dungeons from the other versions but it adds some extra dialogue originally cut through showing character thoughts in menus, and the new Augment system is a cool way of letting you customize characters a bit more and have the old party members live on.

The PSP remake fucked up the enemies' ATB making the game too easy, they barely attack anymore

Its a form thats exclusive to the PSP version, an alt boss

The After Years

>get 1 2 4 5 and 6 on GBA
>love em as a good way to finally play through them all the way
>get 1 2 and 4 on psp
>also good ports with slightly updated sprites
>wait with baited breath for 5 or 6 on PSP to be announced
>absolute crickets
>never happens
>now 7 is stuck in vaporware hell
>5 and 6 only get shit mobile ports

PSP got the best version of III at least

Man the after years is better than 5 and 6 on mobile, at least it was always cheap/bundled with 4 and you don't have to play it

What was different from the DS version? I know it exists but I've never looked it up
I barely finished that game because I could never adjust to not being able to buy phoenix downs

I liked the difficulty and the augment system was fun

How can such small pixels send my heart aflutter?

Still though. I heard nothing but bad things about TAY. I tried 3 on the DS, had it for a while, got fed up with the constant requirement to grind in order for your classes not to be horribly gimped right out of the gate. Hated that with a passion.

Reminder that Edge was actually 6 years OLDER than Cecil

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Why would you lie about this?

Why would you choose soulless over soul?

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I don't know what age I was expecting Cecil to be, but 20 doesn't seem right.

This. Cecil's transition from sick Black Knight into a faggot white gaylord is retarded

He was gold and blue in the og version you fuck

>NOT wearing a gimp suit makes you a gaylord

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No, it was great, albeit a bit ugly. Why would it need to be retconned if it's mostly the same as the original?

those fucking swords in dissidia are so fucking retarded

Black Cecil fucks, tiara white Cecil gets railed by Tellah

I want to be pegged by Rydia!


>posting pictures from the GBA version


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FFIV's GBA cover was fucking sick. I wish I still retained it.

Attached: Final-Fantasy-IV_GBA_US_ESRB.jpg (1000x1001, 205K)

That's more like a spear. They gave him it as default to make him a little more distinct, but he has proper swords as well.

>draws david bowie over and over again for years

wow amano what a visionary genius

Which is retarded since he never used spears.

I swear to fucking god, is everything David Bowie to you?

Amano does suffer from sameface but Bowie didn't invent effeminate men.

At least you got to play 7, 8, 9 with the PSN PS1 shit + FFT, Vagrant Story and Tactics Ogre. The PSP was wicked.

I thought the DS one was the best, plus the voice acting was really good.

Wasn't he able to equip them as well as swords, or was only Kain able to use both? When I was typing that I also remembered those special weapons for the no metal cave, maybe they're inspired by those.

It appeared first on the GBA IIRC

It is. The new balance of the game is fantastic.

No spears but he could use axes.

Was TAY any good?

Hell no.

Fuck no


Ah, I did remember axes. Oh well artistic licence, though I'm sure it came from somewhere. The games are really good about that.

It's good, I loved it. Augments were cool

Simultaneously retreads and shits all over the original game.
Bogged down by stupid shit from when it was an episodic title.
Retarded and generic plot twists with bad sequel bait.

Its sprite is ripped straight from the Japanese Easy Type FFIV on the SNES (they changed it for some reason), but the boss itself first appeared on PSX as an easter egg.

Since we're on FFIV, can we agree that this is the best terrain theme this side of FFVII?


go back jerking off to your beloved mother 2 you shitstain

Absolutely not. FF3 crushes every single other contender.

I got a soft spot for II's. I can't explain it.

Forgot about that. That's fine.

it's a sequel that is like 85% the original game with new situations and characters slapped on without much in the way of originality or interesting ideas. and when it finally does get around to doing new ideas, surprise surprise aside from one or two moments it's pretty fucking mediocre

Thanks anons, I'll skip it.

That one's good too. I personally prefer the wild rose theme from that game.

thank you

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>When the guitar starts

Play final fantasy dimensions.
The first one, stay away from the second one.

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redpill me on IV lads

What's the definitive version?

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Kek, that game is also trash, are you even trying? Get better taste, nigger

DS for a better game, GBA for dolled up SNES with more content, SNES for the original.

It's overall a "nice" game. Nothing too spectacular considering the wild scene that was SNES' JRPGs.

Gotta go with IV DS. Augments are fun, the difficulty was refreshing the first time through too.

I like Amano's designs way better than the shitty chibi character sprites

How come games don't do this anymore?

Attached: And You.png (947x675, 294K)

DS for sure.

DS is a better overall game but if you want something as close to the originally intended experience as possible, go with the SNES version with Namingway patch.




>GBA is SNES with new content and QoL
GBA is Wonderswan with QoL and an improved translation
Wonderswan is SNES with new content and QoL
PSP is GBA with even more new content, even more QoL, DS's soundtrack, and absolutely butchered visuals

It's literally part of his artwork, which is what all Dissidia appearances are based on.
The only exception is Garland because he had absolutely no artwork of his armor.

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The original version and the DS version are basically different games with the same story.
If you want the original, the psp version honestly is the best version of the game that's out there.
It has all of the bonuses of the other versions of the games other than the DS version with a fresh coat of paint, with some actual work put into it compared to the iOS versions of V and VI.

Yea Forums is so easily trolled it's ridiculous.

wait they actually both look semi decent what's the issue here?

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I always thought he mirrored the style of Leon Bakst

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The letters a and n have more soul than I do, fuck.

Can't go wrong with Bowie, user.

I'm not the guy who asked, but I'm wondering if that version is the same that is sold on Steam.

Also, is the GBA version as bad as they say?

Yes, its the same.

>Also, is the GBA version as bad as they say?
It's a glitchy mess.

iirc, the Steam version is the iOS version, which is nearly identical to the DS version but with way uglier menus and fonts. That aside I think they're exactly the same though.

The PC version on Steam is the DS game, right down to the flaw of 15fps battles, but it also uses the shitty mobile menus.

Its nearly identical but,
Whyt is cut out
You only get 1 limit break augment across all 3 playthroughs so plan your distribution accordingly.

Thanks for the info. I'll keep an eye for it on the next sale since I'm playing FFV at the moment. From a pure gameplay perspective, is vastly superior to VI, and Exdeath is quite the charismatic villain.

This, too. What a letdown. Guess I'll pass it, then.

Has anyone hacked the GBA improvements (especially the better battle backgrounds) into the SNES version?

I hate the GBA version just because of the awful sound chip. And yes I'm aware of the hack, it doesn't help with the scratchiness

TAY is a sequel, not a remake.

May as well play the psp version if you want the GBA additions without the crappy sound, it even gives an option to use the original SNES soundtrack IIRC

I remember someone was hacking the backgrounds into the SNES version, but I don't have the link. It wasn't finished last time I checked.

>trap door used 9th dimension

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These visuals and mobile ui nearly makes me throw up in my mouth every time I see this shit, plus that infamous pic of bart near the meteor.

I've got an snes copy of V with the fan translation patch and I'm sticking to it.

Reflect :)

*blocks your ultimate attack*

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He could equip spears though. There was just usually no reason to since spears were generally weaker than swords.

Based and darknesspilled

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Who is this chad?

The XIV Warrior of Light

Both of those versions of the game are soulless. The GBA version is shit.

>Warrior of Light

Well in one month he's going to be the warrior of darkness now.

Cecil is a young rising star in the Baron military, and just beginning a serious relationship with his childhood friend Rosa. The design of DKC and Paladin make him appear much older than the actual game text does.

Free Enterprise with no free lunch. All of the fun of character roster changes with none of the package bullshit.

his people do look samey if they dont have beards or staches.
His creatures and monsters fucking rule though.

I wouldn't call it soulless but it's definitely overrated as fuck. V runs circles around it.

My only real gripe with his designs back when CRTs were a thing, was how difficult it was to tell sometimes where an enemy started and ended. Then again, that seemed to be an issue with a lot of games when playing them on my old small CRT, seriously, thing had a turn knob on the side to change channels.

that guy has a lady for a penis...

I just think his stuff is too overdesigned. It was better when the characters were simple.

ayo hol' up, no one's said you should actually buy that trash port
It's a DS game, with a phone UI, in an android emulator, with butchered aspect ratio cutting off top of the screen&black bars to side, running at 15fps

If you're not going to play the DS version on an actual DS... then just don't pay money.

The /People of Light/ wield the power of darkness

I just want FFV 3D bros, I mean that's like 80% why I bought a 3DS on it's early days before the fucking price cut.

I will never not be incredibly disappointed about the fate of FFV and FFVI after how immensely pleased I was with the FFIV and FFIII remakes. At least there's Bravely Default, but I want FFV.

Just play Bravely Default

Isn't the bottom just the original uncensored Japanese version, while the top was the American easy type version? Probably the one instance I can think of the US version getting a superior design, that robot face just looks like a goofy retard in the bottom.

How do I like FF5? I just found it mind numbingly easy except for the final boss, and the classes don't allow you do to anything really fun imo. I enjoyed 4 and 6 a lot more, after FF4 going back to only 4 characters feels like a complete regression
The plot also just feels like a constant adrenaline rush that never fucking stops and there are way too many boring bosses

one leg back and one front give dynamism bottom doesn't have

Try not grinding like a retard
Actually that's how you enjoy pretty much every RPG

When I played FFV a lot of the fun I had in it was trying out different setups to figure out what the most broken job combos were.

It depends if you want just IV or IV + TAY.
If the former, DS.
If the latter, PSP.

I don't think I even did any grinding, that's the worst part
The only bit that had me struggle a bit was the double tower thingy where one of the bosses took me a few attempts even with the right party members
and then Neo Exdeath who kicked my ass for a while until I managed to get him
all I did in most bossfights was juste haste the whole team, and then nuke the boss out of existence before they got to do much
I still have my save in the final dungeon,
I have Bartz as a Dragoon/White Mage
Lenna Black Mage/Summoner
Krile White Mage/Time Mage
and Faris as a dual wielding Samurai
all at level 40

It hasn't aged well. Retarded story with everyone and their mother dying a dramatic death, and then getting a deus ex machina resurrection, characterization is shallow, ATB is one of the dumbest turn-based systems ever made, etc. To be fair, these issues applie to most of Square's games from their supposed 'golden age'.

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