DMC thread

What about a DMC thread tonight?

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Other urls found in this thread:

is it ever happening

Okay, just keep the gay stuff to a minimum and actually talk about the games please.

Capcom are SHIT and you encouraging them is like battered wife syndrome to the max.

Extremely likely.

Capcom would be stupid not to since they already have Vergil wholly animated in the game. The only reason for it to not happen is if they're thinking of making DMC6.

you fucking retard dont call them

Next gen for sure.

next year

>tfw didn't preorder because I knew this shit was going to happen
It's like you people have a pathological hatred of your own money.

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Can we sing about our periods?

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I'm not a poorfag so i don't care lmao

>tfw on period and have to save the island from a dime store Heihachi in a business suit

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What DMD mission is the casual filter?

Yes, that was my intention. (t. OP)

I was thinking about how Nero could be improved input-wise in another game and I thought:
- Get rid of wire snatch and allow breakers while locking-on.
- Make DB neutral knuckle, forward snatch and backward buster.
- Make color up (but not charged shot) automatic
- Have toggleable lock-on because fuck holding more two or more buttons at once.
- Make maximum bet be DB+sword but only require holding sword (putting on the same button as breakages leads to fuck ups).
- Make exploder universal to breakers and mix it with break-away, so as to make breaker expenditure more common.


literally this


>not giving money to things you like
ur a faget

t. pirate

>- Have toggleable lock-on because fuck holding more two or more buttons at once.
are you literally a casual

>Mission 7 now with V
Its getting closer. Thanks

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If they make me buy the game again for a single character I'm going to pirate anything dmc from now on. fug capcom.

>not wanting to buy it so you can get more DMC content in the future that is even higher quality

I love Dante

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I'm a casual for wanting a free finger so I can do more with the game?

his games are dead lmao who cares
he ripped off alot of nero shit too

non-period Dauntie
>fun-loving weirdo
>a little bit of a thot, but still pure
>keeps reading Men's Fitness for the articles
>Keeps unsuccessfully hitting on Guy
Period Dauntie
>somehow gets a gun power boost
>keeps idly thinking about Guy
>annoyed when going on a mission
>eats several pizzas at a time in her underwear, crying from depression and cramping

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I dont even know why people keep expecting Vergil with his own campaing. No dmc game ever gave the dlc characters their own levels.

can you literally not manage holding down one button

did you scratch your ass with that finger?

>No dmc game ever gave the dlc characters their own levels.

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>letting capcom continue their shitty practices for a third time
>implying they'll ever give DMC the budget it deserves
No they don't deserve it

I can. I just find it pointless. You lose nothing by having a toggleable lock-on option.

I scratched your mother's ass with my dick.

Vorgil had it.
Itsuno should be trying to one up the reboot by releasing vergils own campaign.

>I scratched your mother's ass with my dick.
Why didn't you just fuck her you cuck

>confirming pencildick
I didn't even ask but ok

He would be a great friend and husband.

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After discovering himself, Vergil was hoping to attract members of the same sex but these women keep flocking to him like harpies. One demon spawn is enough.

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She was not worthy as my paramour.

>DMC5 needs to get to DMD in order to get a casual filter


He's also a good bro.

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Is that Bael?

I've been stuck on mission 12 for like 6 days bros... I just can't fucking S rank it.
The first room alone made me pop a blood vessel at least 2 times.

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Stop it

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>"grrr i hate dante"
>"wow nero you beat me after i was already incredibly weakened by fighting dante"
>"wtf i dont hate dante anymore"

>tfw no more good comfy DMC threads
They used to be comfy and fun not it's just faggots talking about gay shit, like how every RE thread gets derailed into thread about nuClaire and her goblino face.

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>tfw starting mission 12 with 7000+ points only to get killed by proto

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What was the inspiration for the sin devil trigger for dante?

Mechanically? DMC2 Sin DT and DmC DT.

Vergil would be a sister fucker if Dante was female though. He's autistic enough for it. Using the whole "keep the bloodline pure" excuse. Thankfully Vergil is too disgusted by Dante to even think of that scenario without cringing.


>Huh? Whats that, bro? You want me to put on a shirt?
>But it's so hot today! I need to air myself out, y'know.
>geez, you really don't understand girls, do you?
>hehe, maybe your little sister could teach you a thing or two?

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Just as bad as the disgusting fujos kys.

>first V mission on DmD
>2 devil triggered behemots

epic for the win
doing all this shit just for super costumes

not looking forward to Vergil

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we writing fanfiction now?

You just don't understand Vergil. Also Dante would not be a flighty anime girl if he wasn't male. She would probably more edgy.

>heavy rain outside
>listening to the main menu theme from 5
>/dmc/ has not completely turned into a V vs vergil shitshow yet
it's a good night, lads.
if anyone has some fun/wholesome dmc requests for drawings, bring them on go easy on the (you)xV requests PLEASE

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how ? DmC DT was just time stop

>he's still stuck in mission 4
Man up!

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What the fuck is wrong with these threads

Anybody else cringe and wince a little when shoving their ring finger up their ass haha

Is this better?

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Nero and Vergil trying to play Wii sports awkwardly


Dauntie being sexually awkward in front of Nero an Vergil getting angry

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I'm playing dmc3 for the first time, and I'm stuck trying to understand how to reach SS with Negan, can anyone give me some tips? Having to use the left stick for combos is a pain

I have a curious one for you. Let's say Vergil based his humanity off of the man that let him read his books? How do you think he looked? It would be similar to V but not exact. Maybe older? In a nice suit? Glasses? I'd draw him watching lil' Vergil write his name in the William Blake ethology. Would be cute.

r63 is still gay




>how to reach SS with Negan


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DmC DT didn't build as fast as in the rest of the series, at most you could use once or twice per mission. It was also extremely over-powered and lasted very little, being more of a nuke than a super-mode. And SDT has the same effect it has, where all enemies are launched into the air when you pop it. The way you manage SDT is about the same as you'd manage DmC DT.

This does not answer my question.


New cute comics?

i hope i'm not the only one who thought vergil's boss fight was not as challenging as it should be, especially as dante
good taste

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I mean the electric guitar thing

He kicked my fucking ass on SoS, his second phase is pure nightmare

dude just rotate the combos, and do crazy combo somewhere at the end

Nevan taunting Nero

dante trying to read vergil's poetry book
vergil looking at dantes porno mags

You won't be SSSing with Nevan unless you've got all her upgrades. Get her stinger (both levels) and the one that adds more bats at the least. Nevan is amazing if you're fighting crowds, especially the crazy combo you do with the right input. You can also do the side inputs without locking on.

>tfw he was part of the reason I continued to watch that dumpster fire but even then he couldn't keep me for much longer

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I second this.

the doppelganger parts are the true threat imo. you can RG/TH the shit out of his other attacks because they get very predictable after a while. i guess i just wish they'd give him a more complex moveset.
jesus user
i'll give it a try

Negan and rick were really carrying the fucking show

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>Vergil based his humanity off of the man that let him read his books
This is a great headcanon.

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why is dmc so fun im gonna pee

get out

wait I mean dmc in general not DmC

>heavy rain
You live in the South?

Pretty much. Everyone eventually got sick of the redneck dude with the crossbow since it was incredibly obvious that they originally intended to kill him off at some point in say the 3rd season, kept him around because he was so popular and had no idea where to go with him.

No it's stupid. His humanity should be based on his mother not some old guy.

I know, get out.

He's brazillian


>His humanity should be based on the person he thinks abandoned him not the man who gave him his favorite book which he always has with him even now

then stop being a child.

that's really stupid and creepy
Vergil's humanity is based on his mother who he loved dearly

I know. It's raining in my part of Sudacaland too.

Vergil clearly hates eva, or at least hated her

Where's the proof?

>who he loved dearly
>went on a full autism journey to get power because he blames her for not finding him

>goes power mad because he couldn't protect his mother
>who gave him his favorite book which he always has with him even now
No he only got it back when he split himself faget


V shares facial similarities with Eva/Trish face. Where's the proof Vergil human side is a old man who he loved more than his mother? Holy shit fujos are so retarded sometimes
He went of power autism because he couldn't protect her

V has her jew nose and green eyes.


has this word lost all meaning

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>goes power mad because he couldn't protect his mother
Read the novel.

>demon dna is the only thing keeping Vergil from being a faggy twink
strange thought

>fujos now think Vergil hated his mom and loved a old man instead
Jesus Christ

>Holy shit fujos are so retarded sometimes

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I guarantee you that those mentally ill saying V human side is some random old man and that Vergil hates Eva are fujos

Fucking vfags they just aren't the same after their twink died.

Hope they reuse that female design for something later. I like the idea of a real daughter of Mundus.

lemme guess, the artist of that pic is a Dante/Vergil or Vergil/Nero shipper and/or one of those fujoshis who hates female characters for "getting in the way" of their gay ships
or it's just fun art of Vergil being an aloof bastard social autist

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how ? what the fuck is the logic ? they're not saying he's in love with the old fuck
the game clearly implies he respected the dude

I did, where does it say that?

Who said anything about him loving anyone? Why can't you shut the fuck up about fujos?

post pic of hand with timestamp

what are you implying?

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Vergil wanting power stems from growing up pretty much as a demon, not his mother dying.

V looks alot like Eva
where is this "mysterious old man giving books to kids" shit coming from?
>inb4 fujos
I mean, yeah but is that theory at least based off of anything



It's both.

>where is this "mysterious old man giving books to kids" shit coming from?
the game, read the files

V isn't a shape shifter you dumb fuck. V is a representation of Vergil's humanity which is what Eva is.

>where is this "mysterious old man giving books to kids" shit coming from?
From the game. Read the reports.

that's just your headcanon

here you go, have my skeleton hand

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no homo shit in this thread thank you

It's not my fault the writers can't keep their own shit straight. DMC5 retroactively ruined DMC3 Vergil's character.

what is dmc 3 manga/game

im about to end this man's whole career

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Both of you guys are retarded, he does not look like eva in the fucking slightest

Yes, Vergil somehow got the old mans genes in him so he would look like him and not his mother.
Are the retards saying this from reddit?

*parries you*
*one shots you*


scissors is one of the most harmles enemies

ah yes green eyes and similar nose in both eva and trish are just a coincidence?

>similar nose in both eva and trish
fuck no nigga, have you looked at V's giant nose ?

Wait why did that guy wanted me to post my hand with a timestamp, what the fuck

Not according to V.

Read book.

Nothing in 3 says Eva's got anything to do with it. That's just your assumption. You thought Vergil was way nobler than he really is.

And if Eva were the motivating factor for Vergil's quest then his pondering on whether he could've had Dante's life would make no sense.

trish/eva have big noses too

>giant nose

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are you trying to sound gangster?

this shit SS'd my sides
have a low res meme while i work on them requests
how tilted would you be if i made it Negan

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Yeah, big =/= not the same

it's because the actress looks awful

the n word is bad now ?

homo shit will always exist in these threads theres no stopping it
just be glad its not spam and continue on with your posting

You think I care?

>Nothing in 3 says Eva's got anything to do with it.
read note of naught

>Eva were the motivating factor for Vergil's quest
it's both dumb fuck they both can be factors

Bat devil arm made from bats where?

>Yeah, big =/= not the same
Why the fuck would you take it literally?

No shit they aren't going to have the same exact nose but its similar enough to Eva's

you got me user

>how tilted would you be if i made it Negan

time was wasted.

no it fucking doesn't

>note of naught
Does 2 take place before or after 4?

you're fucking blind

on Yea Forums it always is, why are you here

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none of your business

ok vergil

>someone possitively mentions V in any shape or form
>thread goes nuclear for no good reason
It's time to calm down.

what does that have to do with anything? note of naught is a companion book to dmc 3

No, someone wants their stupid headcanon that Vergil human side is a literal who old man to be real

>posts retarded headcanon
omg stop attacking me

and ? acting like a fucking monkey won't change is headcanon

why do you give a shit, shut the fuck up and move on

It's an art book, come on.

Obviously none of the interactions/things that Vergil says in MvC (and other DMC characters like Trish and Dante for that matter) are canon idiot, but that's still an official bio for Vergil by Capcom. Also as a side note I don't think Eva is the ONLY motivation for Vergil going after muh power, but she certainly was a part of it

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What is the best Yamato design?

It was posted ONCE.

Your fucking point?

>but V looks like his mom

>DMC5 retroactively ruined DMC3 Vergil's character.
>What is the best Yamato design?

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Ok and it was responded too. What's the problem?

I'm not sure if he's referring to NoN or what's in it he's referring to, but Trinity of Fate backs up what he's saying.

>Speed 3

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It's pretty obvious to me that his motivation in 3 was intentionally left vague. Yes, there are things that could point to Eva being the reason, but in 5 more things point towards it not being like that.

It's hilarious to me that people can't just have theories, they have to make them a headcanon and fight to the death for it.

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>hey what if Vergil based his human looks on the only male human we know he has some sort of connection to

The four empty bars are for how he walks everywhere, the three full bars are for teleportation.

5 obviously

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Read mother fucker

>Prove it's retarded with actual reasoning

Does anyone else genuinely have fun playing V?

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>side material from 10 years ago
Did Bingo even had anything to do with this?

Substituting headcanon for headcanon is not proof. V was never said to look like Eva anywhere.

Now tell me, where did the fujos touch you?

Oh so now you're just making excuses?

Vergil sought power for both reasons and nothing in that contradicts anything dumb fujo.

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>did Bingo even had anything to do with what Bingo wrote

If you know how to use him he can be a lot of fun.

Well did he? I'm actually asking you. I'm not going to read all that shit right now.

Imagine if someone told Trish's model that they cast her because of this.
'You and owen have the same big nose! haha'

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>V isn't a shape shifter
>V is Vergil's humanity
>Eva was human

>Old man gave book
>not related to Vergil in any way

woah so convincing

Can someone explain his big ass bitch to me? Everytime I jump on his back this clunky boy never does any of my button presses and then dies instantly

So, most of the VAs will be at E3. Do you think we'll get some good news?

Everything after 1 and 2 is Bingo doing, even the Anime

I find it kinda hard to believe he wrote absolutely everything. But whatever, I concede.

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baijiru's human side as big nose so I need your big nose to model his mom

Yes, they will announce that they'll be working on Dragon's Dogma 2.

If all three are going then whatever they'll reveal will have nero included as well? Guess it won't be adventures in hell.

No. Nothing will happen. People keep on hyping themselves over nothing.
Just expect nothing and get pleasantly surprised if something happens.

Trish already exists though?

Generally I don't use promote too much except in specific situations, and even then it's only for an action or two. The one that flows best for me is Forward+Back for Illegal Move into Domination and then immediately dismount into Checkmate into Royal Fork. Illegal move itself has a large amount of I-frames (enough to I-frame through Cerberus' explosion) but Forward+Forward Illegal Move is a lot less responsive than Forward+Back Illegal Move. Even just mounting him to immediately dismount adds another vector of movement to his game (It takes a bit of practice to do Dismount into Checkmate correctly).

>the man wearing a sleeveless bdsm vest-trenchcoat-corset thing and birkenstocks could've ended up being a woman wearing a bdsm latex-tracksuit-bodysuit thing and sneakers (without socks)
V is a weird motherfucker in every incarnation

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it hurts like a motherfucker but you're right
here's hoping it won't be like BP all over again

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What about period Vergil(ia)?

>tfw Dan and Ruben are going to E3 because Dante is in smash
How would you react to that being the news and not dmc5 dlc?

>Just expect nothing and get pleasantly surprised if something happens.
thats quite an optimistic view on pessimism

>Dante is in smash
Please no, we have already too many autists in these threads

He did, of course some he had help and DMC4 was a clusterfuck of writers, but he did

Yeah JYB pretty much confirmed he'll be there. So no Brothers in hell game or DLC.

That likely won't happen so nothing to worry there

It's bound to happen though. Dan and Ruben working on a new project and Matt said there is no dlc in production. They're going to E3. Dmc is on a nintendo console which Itsuno said is the only thing keeping him from saying yes. Capcom already has good ties with the game. The stars are aligning.

Yeah last night we had a DMSmash thread already. It was a mess.

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What if it's a dlc with all 3?

Theres no Nintendo in this year E3 though, so there's hope Dante will never be on Smash

JYB might be there as well and they likely would only put Dante in not Vergil.

>Just want more content for DMC5
>know that nothing will be announced at E3 because any content will be released after the announcement of the next gen as a Special Edition
>all these anons already getting hype for E3 like something is happening
Just accept despair.

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I thought only Sony pulled out?

Dan mentioned he was voicing a character in another game, anyone have a clue what it is?

..but all the VAs are going they and Dan said that Capcom has something planned!

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So how does RQ combo B work? Do I have to input all hits to do the last attack or is it just some? Is it always the number or does it depend on tapping speed?

But we have hope

It's the possibility of it not happening that creates the hypest hype.

Deep stuff.

E3 is going to be BP. Nobody is being promised anything but people are getting their hopes up. When nothing happens, people will get mad at the devs when no promises were made.



>tfw imagining E3 with no DMC5 announcements

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Needs a name

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>feel like going through campaign again
>remember having to fight dogshit AoE spam faggot 3 times
>playing as V

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I hope Vergil adopts a shadow. Having a pet panther would fit him so well.



I wish I could adopt a Shadow
or a Griffon
or both

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>playing as V
He's legit the reason why I didn't play DMC5 more and after Capcom announced that they killed DMC5 I stopped playing all together. I just can't deal right now.

supposedly if we get a new demon character in dmc, what would he/she be like and what are their motives and powers? lol

Indeed, V is very tiresome to play after the first run

>what would he/she be like
It's Vergil
>and what are their motives
Wandering devil hunter under the banner of DMC
>and powers?

>what would he/she be like
femMundus, she would play like V but way more polished, since V isn't coming back anymore. Not entirely pet dependent, have a couple of melee attacks

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Whoever though Urizen would be fun to fight three times need their fucking head examined.

>what would he/she
just be honest already and say you want a succubus to beat off to

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El Donte who summons a giant esqueleto by playing his guitarra.

Imagine if they put a El Donte reference as the comedic character

I don't care about carnal desires, I seek power...

yeah thats what Vergil said before knocking up a whore
then she gave birth to this absolute bunga

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I am different.

Make another not Vergil so we don't get Vergil in the main game again.

thats also what Vergil said before knocking up a whore
then she gave birth to this absolute chunga

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But I actually follow through with my word.

True but look at all the power locked up in that chunga bunga.


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That's a cute vest Itsuno. I like your cat.


He walks the cat, that's damn cute

My cat doesn't need a leash, when I tell him to follow he comes with me.

It might be a new cat user. Your cat is trained. Like my older dog will follow me if I call and I don't need to leash them but my 1 year old dogs don't listen for shit.

>spotted this thing out back behind the van last night
>Nico says I can't keep it but I'm going to smuggle it in when shes not looking if it comes back

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That makes sense.

What the heck is that thing?
Is it a demon?

My cat only follows me when it wants food. He's mean ;_;

Not all cats are the same user. I have two cats about the same age and one of them is really obedient while the other won't let anyone near her most of the time.


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kek is that a big foot picture?

there's no straight pron with sin dt dant and lady anywhere....



I've seen enough spiney scaley demon cock
so I'm glad

I'm not amused.

i hope all people who fuckin praise this piece of garbage that you call a game die a painful death already. i hope curses and hexes and real so that i can cast them on all of the people in this board

seethe more...

Attached: vergil says give up.png (337x481, 150K)

Annie, are you ok?
So, Annie are you ok
Are you ok, Annie
Annie, are you ok?
So, Annie are you ok
Are you ok, Annie
Annie, are you ok?
So, Annie are you ok?
Are you ok, Annie?
Annie, are you ok?
So, Annie are you ok, are you ok Annie?

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good for you?
But why should I care and who are you?

what're you seething over?

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How does V being who Vergil really is not imply even a little that he's a bit of a faggot? And that's being generous. He fucked a woman and when he mentions it he looks like he'd cringing (I know anons say he smirks but I just don't see it after watching that cut scene I don't know how many times).

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autists can often be mistaken for faggots
I think you're just seeing what you want to see

Hi barry
fucking retard.

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Nice headcanon vujo.

Why do you see it that way?

Isn't there some countdown on a DMC website that counts down until a date in May or June?

That could be the dlc or maybe even Dante in Smash.

He went on a full autism journey cause there was no one to protect him, not just his mother, and he had to do everything himself, which is quite a challenge when your dad's ex-boss is a total douchebag.
He simply embraced the demon way of living.

>Isn't there some countdown on a DMC website that counts
there's a new DLC TAB TOO OH SHIT

this gotta be bait

>yfw DMC5 wins GOTY

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reminder that acknowledging a post is bait but still biting makes you equally as retarded, if not more than someone who actually fell for it

>your blind user, the gay mannerisms don't exist
V was designed as fujo bait. The manga even pushes this harder and V is Vergil. Vergil is a prancing lala homo man. Not completely. He represses it for his power autism, but it's there. It's who he'd be without his obligation to his heritage. And don't give me that shit that they're two separate characters or V is an exaggeration either.

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he might be a fag but he doesn't want to fuck men
big difference


Why is dmc1 so much harder than all of the other games. Am I the only one that has the problem, Im getting destroyed on fucking normal mode on dmc1 but I do completely fine on dmd with all the other games I dont understand

Yes we know you love your kylo ren look alike phantom. Go back to twitter.

fucking over hyped game. gameplay is trash, youre forced to play 3 characters when you actually want to play one, bland stage designs all i see are more grays and brown. character monolgue doesnt make sense, power level doesnt even matter because there's always an asspull and theres always a person that will defend it. capcom pushing nero as the new face of DMC and people never even wanted it. i will never understand why people like to literally waste time on garbage

dlc tab was already there

DMC1 is the only one that's actually hard. 3 was hard on release but made easier for SE onwards. 4 and 5 are casualized and super easy.

1 Dante is storng, but he's a glass canon. Both the enemies hit hard, and he has little health, but they're faster and more aggressive too.

gonna have to delay these drawings a bit, lads. my tablet is acting up.
if i miss future threads, look for them on the booru.

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Because on 1 you don't have
fast weapon switching
good camera

>i will never understand why people like to literally waste time on garbage
and yet you waste time posting this in a thread where no one cares what you have to say when you could be playing a game you actually enjoy

asking anyone who S ranked every difficulty, be honest did you cheese?

because cheesing is not gouda

Yes i cheesed furies with rawhide

well you cared and others who (YOU) me. so that makes your argument invalid you fuckin dumb piece of human trash

Honestly that's a good point. Another good point is that flamboyant bisexual villains in japanese media are all too common. Vergil doesn't fit the trope but V fits it to a T. With as faggy as V is, the man swings both ways.
The other thing to consider is that Vergil went to Fortuna to find Sparda's power and/or to understand his motivations and one of those was settling down with a woman and having children. What better why to understand why when there is a willing woman around. He just don't seem to react well when he thinks about it. I should probably just screen cap the face he makes. Then there is the shit Dan said to consider.

You're confusing me with someone else.

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No problem based drawfag,take your time.

for real? some of the missions are just straight up broken, you can barely reach the point limits on some of them without cheesing

>Isn't there some countdown on a DMC website that counts down until a date in May or June?
What are you talking about?

you cared enough to wait for a (You) you're one to talk
>I was only pretending to be retarded


How about you have the thread over at /vg/ where you and your ilk belong

He would want power purely, no matter if he was or not a son of Sparda.

Nero taking up all the pron, he just too hawt

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Daily reminder that the level is considered completed only if you received S rank.

Not even bait at this point.

>I should probably just screen cap the face he makes
Mentally ill. Seek help


No. Game is flopped. Hard. Even harder than RE2make

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wait??? that rich coming from you, im not a narcissist like you asshole. if you actually didnt care you couldve just ignored my post. but then again youre too egotistic and too dumb to do that

Imagine trying this hard

too bad i dont have speakers dude. so i guess ill never hear them

>Game is flopped
Capcom Reports Strong Sales for Resident Evil 2, Devil May Cry 5, & More as Mobile Games Slow Down

Ret ard

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Ok fujo you need to get your head checked.

okay little timmy

>still replying to doomposters

Sparda protected humans and then fucked Eva. That was part of his legacy. Vergil was tracing his steps so to speak.

It's not a smirk as many times as you try to push it. And Dan said the line with the intention of not trying to give away his feelings. Like Dante, he keeps personal matters close.

I don't understand why they games have to have an overarching story and not independent ones like Lupin III or Discworld. The tone of the games supports it and I don't want the next games to be dedicated to a single character or for Dante to leave. It still leaves room for characterization and for characters to grow.
Also the story is not the reason most people play these games.

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Dan already said It was a girl Vergil fell in love with. Keep your sick headcanons to yourself

Every company says that they have STRONG SALES because these reports are for investors.
2m and 4m copies sold in modern world are BAD.
For example BFV made 7m copies, Battlefront 1 11m copies and Battlefront 2 9m copies.

And all these games have additional monetization.

Only MHW did a good job with 12m copies sold and he literally save Capcom.
RE2make and DMC flopped hard and probably don't even cover the money spent on the development.

In modern industry even 9m copies = mediocre sales. 2m copies sold = FLOPPED

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how about releasing fucking vergil eh?

imagine being in threads where you just have fujo posts one after another after another because you can't accept that DMC5 is mediocre

>9m copies = mediocre sales. 2m copies sold = FLOPPED
Haha. Ok famalam


Yeah, sure

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Yahoo man u totally right, dmc5 had the same budget bfv had

Wait for E3

He never said he was in love with her. Anything he said isn't offical canon. He doesn't know what capcom has planned and those were his words. Getting triggered this badly that you have to make shit up is pretty sad user.

Vergil never fell in love with her, dan just said she was significant enough.

>anything he says isn't official canon
>literally rewrote vergils line himself and capcom approved it
Dan has a pretty big say in vergils character

>Anything he said isn't offical canon.
DMCs VAs has alot of influence on devs fujo. Anyways anyhow Vergil Will never be gay because Capcom isnt degenerates. Keep your shit headcanons to your Tumblr

No. But it had 50 times more budget than DMC4.

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Are we going to argue again what the term significant means in the context of a man and a woman having sex?
Cause Vergil doesn't really trust people he does business with, and to get intimate with someone means to trust them. And this is what Dan meant, she wasn't just another part of his grand plan, she was someone he genuinely cared about.

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who gives a fuck
Vergil has shown some kind of interest in a woman and not once a man
he is not a fag now shut up

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Continue being ass mad barry.

He didn't physically rewrite the line, autist. He said the original line was out of character and wouldn't do it. They rewrote it until he was happy with it. Let's not also forget that the reason for this is that the line sounded like it was a one night fling. Dan has no idea what they are planning for the character. He even said that himself.


It's a fucking MP shooter you fucking brainlet.

>sales faggot pushing his retarded shit in actual DMC thread instead of shitposting one made by Barry
>he think anyone here would fucking care

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Source = Capcom Co,. Ltd.

Inafune? is that you bro?

Oh so you work on Capcom and have inside info?

Yeah. And what? Why does it matter in profit terms? Do you know why service-games are so popular? BECAUSE THEY MAKE CASH $$$
While DmC and other shit - don't

Investors don't care about came quality or its genre, they only care about money and if multiplayer shooters and service-games make more money - then you HAVE to do these games.

>has shown interest in a woman
They never showed it. They showed this which doesn't even confirm a damn thing. The reality is, they've shown nothing.
>but user he got a woman preggo that-
Right, but why? Why her? We don't know. We don't know if he enjoyed it. We don't know if he even cares at all. He cares about Nero, we've seen that, but his mother? Who knows. Dan said she was significant. But again, he also doesn't know who is she. He wants her to be significant because, to him, that makes sense.
Throwing V's characterization into the mix makes this even messier. Vergil is actually an entirely different person if not for his trauma. So who is he?

He's the one who actually suggested it retard and he knows what will happen with his character since he's the one who itsuno listens too. He never said that he didn't know where they're taking his character, he even said capcom has plans for vergil.

He was lonely and wanted company. The end.

Wait... What if they are going there to have Dan and the others read Blake to the audience?

>service games so popular
Oh you mean some of the biggest flops of the past 2 years?




> >Bf
> 7m copies sold
> Flop
Hater please
> >anthem
Made 100m profit in one month. That's more than DmC5 will EVER make

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user, go listen to it again, especially when he says the original line was out of character.

Yes, I know that's what you call yourself every waking moment of your life but it doesn't humor my thought with a hypothetical answer.

Seethe more retard.

can we have a normal DMC thread?

Kys fujo. Vergil isn't gay.

>It's almost that time of year..
jesus christ what the fuck, I can't believe how close to E3 it is. In like a month it'll be a year since DMC5 was announced

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Not sin dt but here anyways senpai

keep seething

Keep your demented fujo posts on twitter you're in good company there.

good luck on the broken levels where you get like 3000pts for keeping up SSS for minutes

What kind of new demon sword should be made to be in DMC?

Name 1(one) such level.

>people keep shitting on Vergil because his magical evil split half killed a city
>just one game ago, Dante let thousands of innocent people get raped and murdered by demons even though he could have solved the problem in a second because he wanted to give his newly-discovered nephew a chance to be the hero
>Nero and Kyrie are even taking care of the orphan children resulting from that event full-time
Vergil did nothing wrong. Dante was negligent but Trish straight up gave Sanctus the Sparda so she should get most of the shit for it

>in one month
DMC5 sold 2 million copies in 2 weeks, 2 mil * 60 = $120,000,000

so even if everyone bought the standard edition (which they didnt) it still sold more than anthem

That actually would make a lot of sense when you think about his exceed mechanic, rocket boosted hammer would make a perfect addition

you mean multiple times per day every day?

> 2 mil * 60 = $120,000,000
Steam takes his 30%
Disc retailers take their 70 fucking %

And each time for some anons it is tonight.

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I beat DMD the other day, gold orbed through V missions because Shadow's delay finally started pissing me off. I dont think I've ever beaten Elder Greyon Knight without gold orbing.

17 to 20 were a blast. Surprised how easy Mission 20 still is on DMD, buster devilbreaker is busted in addition to how easy it is to damage output as Nero. Somehow first tried mission 18 (no S rank though.)

aw shit i forgot about retailers
we dont know how much it sold on each platform so we cant get concrete numbers then

what do you think it tasted like?

Like liver with cranberry sauce.

what the fuck happened to these DMC threads?

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Nothing good left to discuss.

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Is vergil's jet dt as strong as dante's sdt? Also does it replace his normal dt because dante still has two dt forms.

There is a picture of normal dt for Vergil among bonus art, but this was never used in the game, so it's hard to say if he has one or two. He could have two, not just to match his brother, but also cause one would be his natural evolution, whereas sin dt would be result of the fruit.

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About to start HaH, how much harder is it than DMD

About 0.5x harder

He didn't look like he cringed though ? And also did you forget about all Vergil's story and what we now know about his personality ?

So that means it's easier?


Thought you'd die in one hit
Is it harder to S-rank though?

Well of course they never showed it. It's Vergil we are talking about. As Dan said, this is someone he wants to keep close to his heart or something of the kind. You can imagine that's why we don't know shit about her. To keep up the mystery. Also you seem to imply that V has to be gay, right ? And why is that ? Because to me there is not really anything that shows an attraction to a gender or the other. It's just you presuming.

I'm still waiting fucker.
You said some shit and now you have to EXPLAIN yourself or you are just a shitty lair