If the Phantom Thieves really existed, how would Yea Forums react to it?

If the Phantom Thieves really existed, how would Yea Forums react to it?

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Naruto is for homos and if you ever liked it you are one of them.

Opposite of reddit's opinion, same as it has always been for 6-7 years now.

Literally who cares. kys weeb

execute them all. criminals should be caught and punished to the fullest extent of the law. 99% prosecution rate in japan.

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They're in Japan and I'm not so I don't care

Wouldn’t give a shit until they took the heart of someone major in the industry like Randy Pitchford or something. Then they would be /ourguy/.

welp, time for a burg

Phantom thief’s just soles Randy’s heart and just made Duke Nukem public domain


I wouldn't care, but everyone would probably call pic based and redpilled if he was real

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Fake and gay

It would be the exact same thing as the phansite

>Phantom thiefs just send a calling card to Valve

>implying the Phantom Thieves exist

Are the phantom thieves just?

>Thread gets deleted because not video games

>>implying the Phantom Thieves exist

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>only involved in Tokyo/Japan
I wouldn't give a shit

sounds epic

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By asking them to steal the Jew's mementos treasure

Akechi-kun is bae

Gambla Goemon is bullshit, fuck RNG games

>group of teenage brats thought policing
Are we supposed to be rooting for them? Fuckers aren't even out of high school and they have the gall to try and act like they know how the world works.

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big supporter. we need change

Bigotry isn't even a fucking deadly sin.

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stop shitposting lol

/vg/ would have a field day since that means Goro is real.

But how would you get it to him?

Somebody post the Yea Forums version

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They didnt even typeset this correctly. Pathetic.

Twitter duh

Who was in the wrong in his case?

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>PT steals X's heart

More like
>X did nothing wrong, Phantom Niggers deserve to hang

So Cool!

I would unironically beg them to steal my heart and fix whatever the fuck is deeply wrong with me

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send it to Fox & Friends

I love Queen!

that's shopped

>go to your palace and it’s just a stool and noose

I would try to have sex with joker

what would his palace be?

Sex dungeon

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The White House obviously

They would call them SJW's for invading other peoples minds and literally forcing them to change their opinion

Of all the ways one might express dissent of a politician, this takes the cake as the most retarded one I've seen besides the inauguration day screeching.

>transform into boss and kill your own shadow, both preventing the thieves from stealing your heart, killing them by destroying your own palace, and killing yourself in the process

Because that's what they are

as if you faggots wouldn't plug an anons IP address into the meta-nav the second you lose an argument

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