yong out
Yong out
I hate that chink so much.
So in recent news yet another thing has happened to Anthem/Fallout 76/Sonic the Hedgehog
What did he do to you?
does he actually play video games at this point
If I had known all you had to do to make youtube bux and get hundreds of paypigs on patreon was stare into a camera and read other peoples' articles and reddit posts on a random gaming topic I would have hopped on that shit.
He has more subscribers than I will ever do.
>fucking pleb doesn't even have any fan art
nasty beard
Unironically watched a few of their videos because you faggots won't shut up about them.
>I'm a REASONABLE leftist! We exist!!! Fact!!!!!
sorry tim but i cant unsee your bald head
i wonder if he knows the hat makes it more obvious he's a slap head
That's my personal drinking game. You can really pass out from taking a shot for every "Listen" when you watch a Tim Pool vid or 2
He's aware. He wears the cap because its more or less his thing now.
shame really hope they can find the cure for being a slap head some day
Onions right
So what did you think about DMCV?
fucking hate this gook and all his fucking subs who he milks by repeating the same shit, he's like a slanty eyed boogie2988
Why don’t you? It seems easy enough.
ay fuck yong but he's nowhere near as bad as boogie2988 that dude is easily the worst youtuber since TB and jimmysterling
its called a bullet
i thought that was the cure for pedophilia it's amazing how impressive and powerful a bullet is as a simple home cure
atleast tb and jimsterling actually made varied videos though, boogie just makes a health update on all his fucking fat enablers and literally has zero creativity or anything decent to make a video about
>muh bad childhood
>muh bad eating habbits
>muh depression
god I was hoping he'd fucking top himself but it's looking more doubtful everyday
It sure made me want to cry.
What did he do that got him attention in the first place?
I hate all fat people so it can't be helped that i hate tb and jim
Boogie2988 is easily the worst constantly using his fake mental illness and bad childhood as a reason why he's a massive prick
Ive never actually made it through a whole video. Does he actually say that?
also as an Asian his parents must love the fake he still lives at home and makes youtube videos all day
>it's a "white male with glasses and a beard complaining about women, politics and diversity in video games" episode
This guy is unironically smart from a business point of view. He garnered shitton of followers for the past few months due to recycling Brie Larson hate videos, and people kept clicking on them
he used to make these videos called Francis in which he acted like a prick because ?
most recently he's been trying to go for this good guy on youtube and people have uncovered his fucked up past
Oh, and microtransactions.
predatory practices
With the amount you people bitch about soiboi look it boggles the mind why you all suck this guy's dick so much
*gets his ass kicked irl by a tranny*
i don't think anyone on Yea Forums likes this guy though my man
I want yong to straight up admit he inflates his videos to the 10 minute mark for money. until then he's annoying
all i ever see is people shitting on him so i'd assume they hate him
*moves all the time*
so [publisher] did this ...
*touches glasses*
let me pull this article
*reads tweets and blog posts*
they got woke ... and went broke
*gets excited*
and dont forget to smash that like button and subscribe to my patreon
*checks clock to see if vid is over 10 minutes long*
oh and please join my website
*gets btfo by metokur on stream*
so uhm
*yong out*
his fanboys are everywhere and they're annoying
That fucking beard is hideous
That birthday stream with Metokur was painful to listen to, he really got btfo hard.
So, not video games?
As usual with Yea Forums of course not video games Yea Forums is more like fucking kiwifarms or ED then it is video games