Yea Forums forms an adventure party and set off to delve into the bowels of the earth

>Yea Forums forms an adventure party and set off to delve into the bowels of the earth

What skills/benefits do YOU bring to the party

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I can be funny sometimes I guess

A single chewit and piss bottles

Like, actual skills I actually have IRL? I have done a few 3 week Outward Bounds before and a bunch of hiking, so I do know how to put up a tent, read a map/use a compass, build a fire and cook well, stuff like that. I'm also a 1st responder, but not an EMT. Might be able to be a credit to team somewhat. Otherwise I work in IT and have zero real combat skills though besides having a few guns which I doubt would be of any use in a fantasy delving scenario. I suspect our adventure party is going to die at a relatively shallow level.

I'll be giving unbelievably gayish blowjobs while we rest after fights

I am accident prone, so I will find all of the traps and pitfalls.

I can be a massive pervert

My hand to hand combat skills

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like you're an actual /fit/ person who has done some sort of martial arts or some shit in the last few years? good luck keeping any of the rest of us alive bro if you even bother.

I'm the Yea Forums poster that is best at vidya.

I can carry shit. So I'm ok with just being an equipment mule that gets left behind when the shit hits the fan cause he has no charisma.

laziness, low self-esteem and procrastination

pretty high luck and charm though

I've had the sex with real females (no feminine penis, even at birth), so I can probably give advice in some way

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I come with bicycle, a sword and above average athletics skill due to my regular 100 mile bike rides.
Note I have no training with the sword beyond backyard tomfoolery.

I have absurd strenght even tough i never trained, but i only got 10 int. I can do button mashing Takahashi Meijin style tho

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we're going bowel delving so gays only sorry

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but the one attention seeking femanon who tags along as the party healer will need me in her bowels

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i can press a very rapidly

I'm the idea guy.

I can sail if we find a boat.

typical scout/skirmisher stuff, creative problem-solving, and a learned ability to detect lying psychopaths

I know many secrets about lurking around in caves.

bro, let's start a fighter stack

i can screech loud enough to break windows

Let's do it bro

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>never ever

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