Hope you like her Yea Forums, you will be seeing a lot of her.
Here's your canonically strongest character
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claptrap had a hard life :(
Eh, makes sense. Sirens are generally the big artillery of the series, and she seems to be a very combat oriented siren.
it's not exactly shocking
I DO like her, and hope to see her on the various pornography sites soon!
I never played any Sirens in Borderlands, I don't know why. I think i'll give this one a shot.
>a kid with a robot
>the strongest beings in the known universe
He just wants to help dammit
Brick was a terrible end game character, zer0 too. What makes you think this melee character is magically not shit when it comes down to end game raiding?
I'm fine with it. She kind of looks like she plays vaguely like a Titan in Destiny, and chicks with visible abs is sort of a turn-on for me.
>Siren is the most powerful character in Borderlands
Well no shit, it's been like that since the first game in 2009.
No sweetie
We all know the Siren soul sister is stronger than some little white girl.
What's that an Asura's Wrath reference?
1. It's a Siren
2. It's a strong woman
3. It's a person of color
Don't worry, she'll be able to handle the bosses.
if there isnt an ORA ORA ORA ORA reference then gearbox dropped the fucking ball
>lets make a character that has either baby mode skills or nothing but kill skills which make her wildly inaccurate and useless otherwise
They really dropped the ball with Gaige.
Krieg was fucking great though if you built him right.
anarchy stacking is the coolest mechanic in any loot shooter, prove me wrong
>telebords your cidy
sub :DDD
Of course they are, it's Borderlands, stale memes are all they know.
Nice jotaro ripoff
Melee is just 1 of Zero's builds, #1. He could be built as a sniper, a shotgun specialist, etc. Zero with the Twister was incredibly devastating.
2, melee zero can and did raid and succesfully run OP8 digistruct tower. Just because you're not good enough to do it doesn't make the character bad.
There were no "bad" characters in 2. some could kill faster than others but nobody sucked. eat a dick.
What is even the justification for anarchy though.
no character is stronger than the arbitrary level penalty. and that is the reason the game is shit by itself. those annoying bots dont help either.
Her active abilities and skilltree are boring shit, zane seemed 10x better than her, and i can only hope moze isn't dogshit now that i've seen amara.
>those proportions
greatly bothers me and I aint even an artist. he looks fucking retarded
At least Gearbox got this right about Mexicans. They're all fucking manlets.
What's her abs' smell and taste like?
It is canonically stated that the reason for his stunted growth is that he did a shit ton of steroids growing up. seriously.
I'm glad him and Athena got along a bit.
what are those steroids that bulk your torso and feet but make your lower body not grow?
He's literally a midget.
5'4 is definitely not a midget. he just looks weird because he's very disproportionate
imagine the handjobs
I remember hearing about the Dual Wield Glitch with Salvador and then soloing bosses that were not easy to do with a well coordinated team. Whoever discovered that deserves huge praise, and fuck Gearbox for nerfing it after it got out.
Aw fuck asura is back again
There are plenty of borderline glitch or abuse techniques for soloing raibosses.
Sal is pretty much raid boss king.
I honestly think her voice is hot as fuck, and so far she seems like she has a fun, upbeat personality in and out of combat.
>"How many troops did you bring?"
>"Do you count each of my biceps individually?"