ResetEra Censoring

Why did Koji Igarashi censor his Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night just because certain journalists complained about the ingame model of an enemy character?

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>women are not allowed to have breasts! REEEEE!!

the absolute state of SJWs

second looks better, top looks like a mutated pair of lungs

a better picture of how it was meant to look like

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1277x720, 168K)

>not all women have tits, bigot
>t. male "ally"

game looks like shit anyway. visually I mean.

>disgusting torpedoes over shapely yet still large breats

Attached: 1556079956489.png (122x173, 54K)

Bottom has smaller titties but it looks less retarded

small breasts that look good > big breasts that look bad

Attached: 1550488347031.jpg (500x500, 26K)

looks more like a straight up redesign
than just censorship.
also those are some ugly ass titties, i'm not against big tits, but the original just looks awful

no censorship here. move on. there's plenty of porn to go around.

No one said anything about Luella. Why the commotion all of a sudden?

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Fuck off you kike apologists, that's not the fucking point you fucking retards.

Small, well-shaped tits >>>>>>>>> those ugly fucking sandbags

Top one is incredibly stupid looking.

It's a fucking random creature nobody gives a shit what it is

>almost no r34
fuck this gay earth

This looks fucking disgusting, kill yourself

Now devs can't even redesign enemies of games still in development without some fag whining

>censorship is okay when indieshit does it!

so what is the argument here exactly? with your logic so far, the breasts could have started out as the size of the observable universe, but then they decided to make them "only" half that size, and i guess that's censorship?

Her tits look like bags of curdled milk. You should be thanking them for making them look better

That creators are not allowed to make changes to their work?

why does the subject field say resetera when it was igarashi who censored the game?

guys, bayonetta was censored because jeane is flat now

Designs can change for reasons other than "muh feminist bad pr." At least wait until we know what the fan voted for succubus and vampire designs will look like. The OP image isn't even comparing the latest builds of the game, it's from forever ago. People keep bitching about every single thing that looks like it became vaguely "less sex," when in shit like the OP where the original design looked like shit.

Something similar has been happening with the covers of Switch and PS4 versions of games. Some, like that SNK collection, are pretty obvious especially since the art is different. But others, like the KLK game, are just what happens when you have the same art used for covers with very different dimensions. Something is going to get cut off or covered up regardless.

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Those actually look good.

The old textures look weird and I prefer the newer textures but I wished they kept the breast size.
No big reason other than I think big boobs are beautiful

>tfw Yea Forumsincels don't fall for your falseflagging
Go dilate more, tranny

Attached: modern-vincel.jpg (600x599, 221K)

>why did (...) just because
I fucking hate people who do this, is there a word for it?

people trying to push an agenda? activists maybe?

I mean, we straight up gained nipples which would NEVER happen on a cowtit model
I say no, this isn't censorship

Because big breasts make liberals feel bad because they're ugly:
The women are all fat, angry looking, and have short blue-hair, and the men are scrawny and have beards and glasses to hide their ugly faces.

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No, I mean that specific kind of not actually asking a question
There must be a term for it




Because Super Neogaf actively attempts to sway developers towards their will by threatening the next big media shit smear campaign.
They probably didn't cause this in particular, but they're probably responsible for shit like MK

FYI Yea Forums this is a stealth troll thread to hate on Bloodstained

Begging the question

I want to play her game NOW

The glasses are meant for seeing, but I see your point. Why do people choose big ass “nerdy” hipster glasses.
God I hate the trend

Improving the art is not censorship. You fags are retarded.

Because SJW rule the industry now and no one can change that.

Because flat is justice

Hmm, seems close enough to satisfy me

even so it's the developers or maybe publishers decision in the end

>The glasses are meant for seeing

>Why do people choose big ass “nerdy” hipster glasses
I started getting big frames years before the whole hipster bullshit trend because they were simply more durable than wire frames. My current pair has lasted much, much longer than any wire frames I ever had. And contacts are a pain so I just stick with glasses.

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>i-it's a falsefag cuz it makes me look retarded!

>also those are some ugly ass titties, i'm not against big tits, but the original just looks awful
They are, but it is a horror themed game. They might have been going for ugly-ass titties, a hag look.
They probably had a change of heart and decided they wanted her to be attractive.

this isnt censorship


This. Also the bottom has nipple bumps

Please go back to 4x2chan

Castlevania had plenty of hot busty female monster designs, so I don't suddenly want monsters with literal tumor tits in this game.

So how is it SJW pandering if they shrunk the tits to make her hotter?

Because journalists didn't play this, only people who like video games played it.

Shut the fuck up


It's a complete redesign user. If the only change you notice are the tits then your probably not old enough to post on here.

the giant tits didn't look good desu

I wish they were bigger than in the second pic but smaller than the first

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Are you fucking blind, those are small as shit.
Even my 3dpg girlfriend's tits are bigger than those new ones.

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>Yea Forums defending this shit
There isn't even any jiggle physics on the second one FFS

>leftists: we need to promote 8-year-old tranny strippers

>also leftists: big boobs in video games is going too far

First is too big. Second is too small. Need a happy middle ground.

The nipples make the new design way better. Most changes were made because of how many people bitched about the game as a whole looking ugly. Shit, the original boss model was one of the main things people picked apart.

Game looks like it will be a lot of fun and I am looking forward to it.

So what forced them to make this change against their own free will? Do y'all fuckers actually know what the word means, or are you just whiny manchildren?

The textures are different too. According to you idiots, anytime anything changes during the development of a game, it's censorship. You should be whining about that too. No way devs would ever decide to change something about their game.

Did it occur to you that- and stay with me here, you fucking retard- that things get tweaked as they are worked on? That maybe the reason the tits went from horrible misshapen pieces of shit to actual tits is because it actually looks better?

For fuck's sake, the nipples are even more defined in the newer version.

For all the bitching you guys do about SJW's and liberals, you sure do love to get offended over everything and incessantly pretend you're some sort of victim.

Ah the old boogieman reversal, classic, just classic