Gaming Hall of Fame

Well, do you agree with their choices Yea Forums?

Attached: Easy Allies Hall of Fame.jpg (1920x1080, 481K)

Other urls found in this thread:

For 2019, their inductees so far were these
> Dark Souls
> Portal
> Super Mario Bros 3
> The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past

>red and blue
I get why they did it but fire red/leaf green are just overall better games

>All but 2 are Nintendo games
Sonyfags eternally and irrevocably BTFO

>Resident Evil 4
Is not a survival anymore.

What would Yea Forums's version of a hall of fame look like?

>TTYD over the original

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To be fair, Shadow of the Colossus objectively deserves to be on here instead of Tetris or Paper Mario TTYD

>instead of Tetris
Tell me you are joking. You can't seriously believe that fucking TETRIS does not belong in a video game hall of fame.

MGS3 is unironically better than MGS1 in every way

Mario Sunshine is unironically better than Mario 64

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into the trash this list goes
inb4 angry snoozefest boomer replies

lmao REmake is considered one of the best games ever made, stay sore

All great games

Everyone says it’s better lmao

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>safe and boring as fuck list everyone has seen before

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Mostly correct aside from SM64, Sunshine and Galaxy are very different than it.

all 4 should be added

thousand year door sticks out like a sore thumb compared to all those other titles

I dunno it isn't a bad list but it feels like literally every other "best games of all time" list. I'd rather see something more personal, like those 3x3 threads for example.

And also MGS1, 2 and 3 are great.

How does it stick out

didn't really mean it as a bad thing. like it feels like a title someone genuinely cared about rather than something put in to tick off checkboxes for what every other list like this has.

I see

I should have included that the series peaked at 3

What the fuck is an easy ally? Is it a filthy fucking casual?

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its gay manchild cringe but also good