Thursday, May 9th

Thursday, May 9th
Save the date, that's when E3 officially dies.

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idk why they dont just do one of these at E3 like Nintendo does with their directs/showcases

Because they have nothing worth showing comparable to what the competition has. All these big Sony exclusives they’ve hyped the past few years are getting shoved on PS5.

This. PS4 is on its way out which is why last years E3 was a complete train wreak. Guess PS5 isn't ready for prime time or they want to wail to play their hand til after MS shows there's.

why of course, they have nothing to show
remember last e3? uhh-rrr guys.. were taking just teeny weeny intermission, *20 minutes later* we're back!
and thats all coordinated to stretch their conference to 1 hour
what an embarrassment

>10-minute stream

fuck you faggot the last one was complete garbage and you're not baiting me to watch another

>direct killing E3


Last year was a disaster, I'm not sure who came up with the plan for their conference but they were clearly on some sort of illegal substance. We went through so many years of absolute garbage conferences on all sides, silly live performances alongside a focus on VR or motion controls, finally Microsoft realized no one cares and they put out a very basic conference that just showed games with no fluff while Sony decided to have a pow wow and double down on all the stuff no one liked from the last 7~ years of E3 conference.

I'm curious to see what this event has to show becuase it'll go a long way in explaining why they ran away from E3. Do they have something amazing and want to beat the others to the punch or are they hiding because the competition can't be matched.

Okay retard.

I genuinely wish Sony hadn't gone down the censorship path and I could just be honestly excited. I finally got around to getting a PS4 Pro when I saw one going for $170 on craigslist a few months back, first console since the ps2 so don't really have much comparison but I've enjoyed a bunch of vidya on it just fine. If PS5 has full BC like they say and is where the fruits of going to normal x86+GPGPU really starts showing it might be pretty nice. But they've honestly ruined my ability to really like it, I just really am oddly bothered by censorship.

They didn't need to cave on this, it's as financially pointless as every other time. So it's a real bummer. Back to the PC for me next gen.

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why do you guys act like blocking anime porn is some sort of affront to god? it's pathetic

e3 went to shit forever ago tho, it always is and always will be. particular for moonland companies since they always want to debut their main shit at tgs. like does anyone serious expect anything from e3 beyond some fun scorecards and maybe a few niche things you have to dig for outside the main presentations?

The only games even So-so interesting were crash and MK11

Why do you act like someone else seeing some skin is some sort of affront to god? Why not just go play your own games? If other parts of the world that don't like violence (like the EU which is a big market too) got Sony to start censoring any bloodshed would that be fine with you too?


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if covering up titties ruins an entire console for you then you're a fucking idiot.

The only thing that's gonna die is its audience out of boredom.

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>they have nothing worth showing comparable to what the competition has.
MS literally abandoned xbone for next gen

>if covering up titties ruins an entire console for you then you're a fucking idiot.
If censorship doesn't put you off of a luxury where there are a wealth of other options you're an idiot.

My god you are all such whiny bitches. I know you all feel left out when VR gets a rare spotlight but please either cope or go buy one, they're not that expensive. Go have fun for once in your miserable entitled lives.

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nah, titties don't dictate what hardware I buy. I am literally begging you to find something important to care about.

Sony wants to censor people's vidya and takes your games away for being a bad boi by their definition, no thanks.

Gimme MediEvil. It's Sony's last realistic attempt at impressing me for the forseeable future so go in guns blazing and gimme both games at a discounted price point.

>becuase it'll go a long way in explaining why they ran away from E3
Their at the end of a very long console cycle. Everything's shifted to PS5 development but, since PS4 is still going strong their hesitant to fully show their hand I think. So instead of spending $$$$ on another dumpster fire their going to regroup and comeback next year with a full PS5 reveal.

people arent going to bother making games for PS5 when they have to censor themselves. Once they move on to developing new games they won't go to PS5.

true true

PS5 baby

do you think making titties is game developers' number one priority? go play a porn game and calm down

>uhh-rrr guys.. were taking just teeny weeny intermission, *20 minutes later*
Seriously fuck them for that. There is only ever one time where making an audience wait 20+ mins is acceptable. It's called waiting for the headliner of a rock show and even then the headliner is going to come out with a bang. Not this soft, slow whimper.
Then again, if they did have something come in with a fuck-huge bang, TLOU2 would've been totally overshadowed and made to look like an opening act instead of a big player.

sorry, that was meant for you dear

>covering up titties
yup, that's all it is. you fucking retard.

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>Go have fun
sony doesn't use that word anymore, remember?

>I could make a game here but I would have to limit my ideas because they might decide to censor it by their ill defined "rules"
>sounds like a good idea

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>titties don't dictate what hardware I buy
But I already asked you this user: what about violence, or profanity, or "blasphemy" or whatever? If Sony caves in America where they don't even have any legal or even any real business reason to, do you really think it's going to stop there? Or hell even in America, the pendulum is going to swing back towards the totalitarian lefties "progressives" at some point here, how are you going to feel when they demand that 50% of every game be queer persons of color no matter what, or whatever else?

I mean shit man, 90s weren't that long ago, remember when Nintendo was censoring all blood and major violence, or demanding that crosses be edited to something else because no Christian imagery allowed, the "Holy" spell had to be changed to "White" and on and on? You're a retard or very, very young if you don't have some respect for where this stuff goes.

The time to oppose it is early on while it's still easy to do so. Not like there aren't tons of great vidya on other platforms, more then I could ever play. Right now I can move and not even have to worry about it.

Let's explain how this works
>Games exist on PS4
>I buy PS4 for these games
>Buy those games
>things are good
>suddenly Sony act like turbofags and censor those games
>Those games however can be bought elsewhere untouched
>There is now no longer a need to buy Sony consoles as the rest of their games on offer are casualized kusoge
If the only games worth buying can be bought elsewhere untouched, why wouldn't you do that instead of sucking corporate cock like a hooker in desperate need of blow?

'limit my ideas' titties is an idea now? I've never heard of such creativity in my life!

the slippery slope of women not being sexy enough in video games. I guess you got me


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No, however there are gameplay mechanics that can be used in regards to things like say, stripping clothes could be used in a way to change up how one approaches a third person shooter, creating one of the few wholly unique games this gen that isn't casualized shit.

okay, gay teenager, what do you think happens after they censor all females into burkas and men into cloaks?
will they censor speech?
will they censor "dangerous" ideas?
(this is already happening in book publishing btw)
all in the name of their perfect, clean, reality.
>he doesnt like titties
sad life.

Have a little forethought. what comes after step 1?

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>I know you all feel left out when VR gets a rare spotlight
You're joking right?
No one wants VR.

Not him but Nintendo did the same thing to the Wii U, it's expected from a failed console. I'm happy both Nintendo and Microsoft abandon the Wii U and Xbox One, both were pretty much terrible consoles.

Oh boy I can't wait for 9 minutes of VR tech demos and 1 minutes of showcase of an already announced multiplat!

I hope its amazing as the previous one. Here are my expectations
-Days Gone video
-Spiderman DLC
-Indie games
-Ghost of Sushi

>Implying Sony wants to alienate their new ghetto playerbase with a series with a problematic name like that

You get
>Medievil since that's been confirmed in
>3rd party VR

mark my words
Ape Escape VR is coming

Fuck off pedo