Why aren't you playing Splatoon 2 right now, Yea Forums?
Why aren't you playing Splatoon 2 right now, Yea Forums?
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I just bought a Switch online a few days ago.
It's stale, it has various connection problems, the player base is trash.
Waiting for Salmon run to start
Cause I feel like a fucking pedo just by playing it.
That says more about you than the game
I can't because I am at work. But post more Marina
It's an E-rated Nintendo game. Literally nothing lewd in the game at all. You must be an actual insecure pedo
Because I'm not autistic.
I literally am right this moment.
I like it but I get this weird anxiety about whether I’m using the right gear/weapons and its trashing my mental when i play.
>Kensa Dualies with the Baller
>Quick Super Jump/Comeback/Steath Jump for primaries
I just hate the whole stats attached to the fashion concept. My squid is fashionable but I feel too restricted.
I’m probably just being retarded though and gear abilities dont change shit.
because sploon 2 sucks. the first one was about one hundred and seventy five thousand fucking times better
I wana be a cutie squidkid but I don't own a switch because all the games on it are expensive as shit in NZ (tho maybe digital download is cheaper)
Because Splatoon is a terribly designed shooter with netcode somehow worse than games from the 90s.
I did after I got the the free switch online.
Still fun but stopped playing it after 2 weeks. It’s good to come back to, but not something I’ll play constantly.
Salmon run seems permanent now
>got my switch replaced under warranty
>all splatoon content is saved locally
aside from that i'm shit at it
because I just want to kms right now
I got soulcalibur in the sale, it's breddy fun
I'm not a kiddy diddler
I don't care for shooters
Nintendo's online is still horrid
Also check these digits
working will play when at home
>pedo caller is a newfag who doesn't know about Yea Forums digits
Wow, who would have thunk?
I just lost interest in it.
2 didn’t keep me hooked as long as 1 did.
because Im inseminating marina right now
Because the game thinks I'm good enough to play with X ranks, but I'm not good enough to play with X ranks.
Because I don't have Splatoon 2 or a Switch.
Because I'm waiting for Mario Maker 2 and CTR to come out before paying for online
this is pretty fucking good desu.
>Horrible netcode
>Horrible balance
>Horrible matchmaking
>Horrible maps
Gee I wonder
Because it's not Splatfest.
But I am.
>bad connection made me miss the entire clam blitz rotation
Because I refuse to pay for the online service. I miss Splatoon, but fuck that.
If you have Amazon prime you can get it for free
>another fucking disconnect right near the end of a really good game
Fuck me. Fuck this internet. I guess I'll go do a couple levels of the campaign. I need to finish it so I can buy the Octo Expansion anyway.
Clam Blitz sucks.
It's fun.
Best Expansion.
What if the Map announcers for Splatoon 3 are a punk band?
I really like her hair tentacle physics
So we can all agree that Marina is best girl.
Playing right now and struggling to secure my zones A rank. Shit's getting tougher.
How's the salmon run rotation looking?
Would you take a Veemo home and raise her as a daughter Yea Forums?
Taking a break from it so it'll feel fresh when I pick it back up again. Usually got 2 months on 2 months off and it's a lot more enjoyable that way for me.
Yes. Octo daughter best daughter
Would raise a squid or an octo, cephs are love
I prefer this little octo but both are great choices.
Cephs are everything
I got like 250 hours before I got bored. Will buy Splatoon 3 or a fun looking spin off when they come out, though.
Splatoon 1 was better
Fukkin saved
Too cute!
I disagree. The only thing Splatoon 1 had going for it IMO was a better final boss and the Wii U pad having better gyro aiming.
Got it secured with two cracks, I'm scared.
I literally can't choose, I love them all
Gimme your ideas for new ranked modes
Now I want fries, fuck
Anything that's not clam blitz.
In seriousness, maybe something ike Battlefield's Rush mode, where you have to set a bomb on an objective and the other team has to stop you and/or defuse the bomb
I want some more score based objectives like Clam Blitz that aren't over in one go like Tower or Rainmaker...but that also aren't Clam Blitz.
Because some dick head stole my switch, that had my game cartage in it.
Well that's some shit user, sorry to hear that.
That fuckin' sucks, dude.
Damn, dude.
I feel like I should experiment with the sensitivity on my motion controls, what are you guys playing at?
That's a very unique gun woomy has
But anyway, if you wanna experiment, set it to max and work your way down until you find your preference.
to busy looking for any bestiality splatoon porn i can find out there. Shit takes up way to much time away from my day to actually play the game.
The Hero Shot in Splat2 is literally a fucking P90
oh nice i didnt think one was gonna pop up for a while
Yes, I'm aware
But that's just a FAMAS F1 with a hose attached to it, which if I must point out, not other splattershot or other shooter does. No weapon in this game has a connection to the ink tank... for some reason.
good nyoomy
I just happened to look and here it was, was a nice surprise
That pic was also like week one fanart after the initial reveal that I still have lying around
big cute
hopefully we're in for a comfy thread that has a good mix of actual discussion and cuteposts
I played it all week. Let a man play carnivores mods
Last thread died half way through, I wanted to bump it but was too late.
That's the trend with the past few threads
>last event will be in a couple months, then squid radio silence is likely for a year or two afterwards
I'm not ready
It better not be Pearl vs Marina. I fucking swear.
yeah, and ive been thoroughly enjoying it that way
you never know, a spinoff game could come relatively earlier than we'd expect
You know it will be, and it will be pure suffering.
I'd be down for anything . Rhythm game seems like an obvious choice.
Rhythm game makes the most sense, I'd reckon, but I wouldn't be surprised to see a woomy sims kind of deal.
Don't you fucking dare tempt fate like that. I'm so sick of waifu wars. The annoying secondaries brought in by the end of S1 and beginning of S2 were shitty enough. We don't need a third dose.
I want it to be a combination of that and an idol (maybe not idol but it's the only word I can think of) sim that also features and develops all of the various in-worl bands.
Kinda burned out at the moment, playing fighting games in the meantime.
>it's Marina vs Pearl
>they're repping each other
What fightan you playing user? Fightan is pretty much the only other type of game I play.
this. besides salmon run ive been playing a shit ton of yakuza 0 while i recover from being so burned out from the main game
>tfw playing For Honor when burnt out on Splatoon
It's an odd feel. I play a game I burn out on super fast to recover from a game I burn out on super slow.
>the futa pic where she has big green balls
why do I find this arousing
I have been playing Sekiro while being burned out from playing Splatoon
If you get worried about people thinking you're a pedo just because short humanoid characters are in your proximity, you might be a pedo.
Because futa is 99% garbage and so is your taste
All these pics of Pearl smoking oversized cigs amuse me more than they should
yeah i find yakuza to be a good time waster that i really enjoy, still havent burned out on it yet, but i hope when i do ill be good to go with splatoon again.
Been alternating between SFV and T7, with some Rev2 on the side. I'm dogshit though.
I get burnt out on it really quickly, to be honest.
A combination of connection issues, getting stuck on teams with shitty players, and poor balance.
Though I do enjoy coming back to it now and again.
I haven't played SFV since Smash dropped, I was in Super Diamond but still feel like trash.
When I get burned out with a game, I just stop playing it for a week or two.
>poor balance
I don't get this one, the game is really well balanced, you can do good with a ton of weapons in solo queue and the meta only starts to matter at the very highest ranks
usually a week or two isnt long enough for me. when i get burnt out, i *really* get burnt out. takes me a long while to get back into it
I mean, it's more balanced than say, Smash, but there's still shit like Bwasters that drive me nuts, but that could just be in combination with connection issues that make one-hit weapons like that especially annoying.
Do any custom lobbies ever go up?
Is the Bloiblobber cancer or am I just bad?
It's a scrub stomper. You learn to deal with it in time.
in these threads? not as far as im aware, /ink/ has them sometimes
It just feels like being able to put out hitboxes that stay active for that long is pretty fucking ridiculous.
Because I just finished a big salmon run session and it was an absolute nightmare. Usually a shit weapon loadout means the people who suck ass stay away but I could barely get any wins this time around. I'm amazed I kept my level above 400. Might try again later, see if the japs are any better. Octo daughter best daughter.
what the fuck is grizz thinking
how difficult would it be to play through octo expansion if I'm playing on a japanese copy and cant read kanji to save my life
Ceph grins are so fucking adorable holy shit
you need to avoid SR for a week now because the golden rotation carried a shitload of kids into the higher ranks, they'll soon get weeded out
I would rather have the bamboozler than the fucking goo tuber, it takes fucking forever to get a charge and it's not helped when your teammates only have a squeezer and fucking slosher.
The most precious thing in the world to me.
I'm sorry user, SR is the whole game to me. When I want to Splatoon, I play SR and that won't change. I'm prepared for the worst.
Probably not very, the challenges are pretty self explanatory
I love cute user!
>Thought I typed goo tuber
>typed bamboozler
I need sleep. Work has not been good to me today
But yeah, easily worst charger in game.
then try at least to play with friends, Yea Forums or the general because kids on Ark polaris and Salmonid smokeyard are especially painful to deal with,
SR is way more stressful than anything in multiplayer at the top ranks, those motherfuckers take the gloves off
I know they always have to put one shit weapon per rotation unless they're feeling generous, but the only decent thing this shift is the sploosh o matic and it can't save a mediocre team.
Despite how frustrating SR can be I still play it mainly because of how fun it is and to relax. Actual ranked multiplayer can send me into a frothing rage.
>Despite how frustrating SR can be I still play it mainly because of how fun it is and to relax. Actual ranked multiplayer can send me into a frothing rage.
fucking this
nice, my dumbass bought the Japanese version on launch because it came out on eshop first, so I've been putting off playing the dlc since I heard it was pretty story heavy. doesn't matter that much now since I've already been spoiled anyway so might as well try it out and watch a playthrough online for my lore fix
On the plus side, Annie finally stocked some fucking shades today on Splanet, too bad they are the ugliest ones but it's a start!
Marina is the only force on earth that can tame Pearl
Hopefully there'll be more soon. I personally want better versions of the Halloween and winter gear.
sadly i popped into this thread a little later than i would have liked, so long friendos, sleep awaits
Sleep tight, user.
>missed both due to just starting the game at the end of March
I want the witch costume dammit
that's amiibo gear though
Wait what? Really? Which one?
female octoling
Good night, Callie lover.
Gonna have to spend money for witch veemo, I'm afraid. The skills aren't the best but she's just so damn adorable it makes up for it.
Ah shit. I'd gladly buy them without a second thought if Nintendo actually made enough of the fucking things but of course they're retarded and only made like 50 of them.
I am, just got S rank finally
You can still import them for like 15 bucks, they're relatively recent and aren't in huge demand like Squid Sisters or Off the Hook.
>can get a reasonably priced splatoon pro controller from Play Asia
>it's not the fixed Xenoblade 2 version so I'd just be shooting myself in the foot
This world isn't fair.
post weaponfus
Well that's good at least. Cooked myself some late supper for the first time in months and feeling pretty cozy at the moment.
She may be simple and basic but that's never stopped me from destroying any and every other type of weapon out there. It was even more ludicrous in 1 with the bubbler. Maybe Custom with point sensor if I was feeling generous.
don't have it
Late night home cooking is top tier home cooking. Also, I just checked Play-Asia and they're having a sale. You can get veemo for the same price as in burgerland, just with some shipping fees.
I wish she had better fans.
I should give it more chances.
It's easy to forget how great it is at turfing, and while it's damage per shot is low its fast fire rate will still take anyone out quick if you can get to point blank range.
Problem is that splattershot and dualies exist.
Gotta wait till I get paid on Thursday but I'm probably gonna take the plunge
I wish I could buy her plushie without selling a few liters of blood. Also, looking at that picture I wish I had gotten the green squid pillow instead of blue so I could pretend it was Marie.
have fun in S+ hell
The sale doesn't end until the 24th, so no hurry. If you're into knights and shit the octoling boy amiibo gives you that.
>Problem is that splattershot and dualies exist.
Just have to flank and outmaneuver those bastards. All else fails, ink armor exists so pop it, get in their face and murder.
I'll pass on the armor, I just want a cute witch outfit. But that's cool. I've never really imported anything from PA though, how long does stuff usually take to arrive?
Honestly, I couldn't tell you. I do the majority of my importing from other sites like Amiami. The last time I imported through PA, I was getting myself a copy of Jump Ultimate Stars and Ouendan 2. For what it's worth, I don't remember it being any hassle.
Allrighty cool. Thanks veemofriend.
She has wonderful fans
It's just that few of those are on Yea Forums
Anytime. That squid's look and posture are far too lewd.
>make a shooter
>set tickrate to 8
Yea Forums is probably better off than somewhere like reddit or twitter at this point.
They can't all be darling angels
Hell, squids are more inclined to it what with their hedonistic lifestyle and military-based hobbies.
>assassin woomy launching ink ambushes
Actually terrifying
I'm poor.
I bet the other marine species in the world are thankful that inklings occupy their time in harmless self-conflict instead of trying to conquer all other life.
>one random squid kid can storm militarized Octo strongholds and single handedly defeat their most advanced weaponry
The casual Turf War generation could easily overrun the planet if they weren't too busy goofing off and buying clothes
They already rule the world
My headcanon is that Inklings are perverted and very sexually carefree and the octos that have just moved into Inkopolis have no idea what they're in for
In all likelihood that's probably not too off the mark, given what we know about inklings.
I think it was mentioned during an interview that (((jellies))) were the inkling world's sponsors
The way I see it, Inklings are a "do what makes you feel good" society. They eat when the get hungry, they sleep when they get sleepy, they fuck cause they wanna fuck. It's not even a big deal, it's just shit you do cause it's what you feel like doing. Which is absolutely fucking degenerate and it's a miracle Inkling society doesn't collapse but eh what can you do
I wish she was my little sister so I can fuck her
the only thing perverted are headcanonfags
All the more reason to protect our octos.
>>the octos that have just moved into Inkopolis have no idea what they're in for
>when they're showing off their vagina bones like
They know.
>not wanting Marina to be your doting older sister instead
Shit taste friend
Nice Engrish
It's too expensive.
Just wait till decadency hits
Good question, is it too late for a newcomer to get into the game at this point?
I've only been playing a few weeks myself, hop on in if you wanna.
Nice reading skill.
Octo expansion implies they will eventually destroy themselves for the same reason humans did, so rip
Well without nukes and polar ice caps to melt they're gonna have to find another method at the very least
Shame on you, user. She didn't choose what Octavio made her wear. Getting rid of this outfit was probably heaven for her.
There's only about 2 splatfests left so if you want in on those then hop to it. Otherwise it's as full as it's ever been, feel free to get it anytime.
I'll be sure to file that under my ass cheeks.
Octavio did nothing wrong
Rescuing octo from the underground and giving her the fresh clothes and good home she deserves.
I'm gonna dump some Marie while I'm here.
Octavio did literally everything wrong. OE pretty much spells out that the Octos don't want anything to do with trying to make war with the Inklings anymore but he mind controls them into doing it anyway.
What a wonderful squid.
You wouldn't accuse sweet little Marina of lying now would you?
Not a real evidence
I wish there was more art of bioluminescent Marie.
I think the biggest loss from the end of Splatfests will be the night versions of maps becoming literally unplayable forever without hacks
Is she even that species of squid?
I wish the games had a day/night cycle
Yes, she's a firefly squid. It's even her namesake in the Japanese version.
It's a significant loss because not only that, we don't get to hear Pearl and Marina singing in the square anymore. All the shifty stations will disappear despite a good number of thing being 10/10 maps.
I did not know that, that's really cool. You'd think they would have worked that into the splatfests since they took place at night.
Her hair does have some glowy bits, but all squids ingame have that.
And Callie is based on the bigfin reef squid:
Cause I only fap yo big titted Octoling
The more you know, I guess.
And Marina is based on a webfoot octopus while Pearl is based on a pygmy squid.
Now that I did know. Pearl's species fills me with chortles.
Don't bully Pearl, please.
>Pearl is so tiny the Shoal's automatic doors don't detect her
I will lovingly bully Marina's senpai and you can't stop me.
All the squidlet jokes during the stage announcements are top tier.
>lovingly bully
I'm not sure that's how it works. Also, the squidlet jokes repeat too often for them to be good.
My heart tells me that's how it works.
Pearl being such a firebrand despite her size makes me love her more
Goddamn CAPTCHA.
She's a treasure.
I don't understand how anyone can hate Pearl at this point. She's great.
People who didn't play OE and still just see a little gremlin would be my guess
I had already warmed up to her considerably. She's just naturally endearing and you can tell she really loves Marina. OE put her over the top and in serious contending with Marina. They're a fantastic pair.
Splatoon porn >>>>> everything else about Splatoon
I'm upset Marie didn't wear anything different in the square for Splatoween or Frostyfest considering her love of costumes.
>Pearl literally telling Cuttlefish she'll fucking shank his ass if he ever went after Marina
They really do love each other a lot
I thought it was cute Pearl and Marina switched their color schemes for Spooktober, though I wish it had been actual costumes.
Damn straight.
The balance is better than its ever been in the past. So many weapons are viable now. Of course you retards wouldn’t know anything about that.
Last one. Good night.
Blessed plush Marie.
Thank you for the good squids. They were much appreciated.
I need to start collecting Pearl and Marina pics to add to my ceph folder, though not tonignt because I'm phoneposting from bed now and my folders are on my PC
Shame, there's a lot of great images out there.
I mean I'm sure there are plenty so I'm not too worried. Also Jesus Marina
She can't help being sexy. It's her nature.
I haven't played in a while, so if I just started playing again I'd end up fucking my team over. Especially in Salmon Run, I don't want people ranking down 'cause of my idiocy.
You can't get better if you don't play. I'd rather have one guy fucking up but still trying to improve himself than 3 more braindead idiots who can't deliver eggs or kill a steelhead with a charger.
How will they top Marina? I want her as a main girl again in Splatoon 3.
It can't be done, they'll just have to put her in another important role.
>solo queuing gets boring
>no voice chat
>connection is all over the place
>ttk too high
>clam Blitz and rainmaker are shit modes
>the gear system is retarded
>motion controls don't work properly all the time
>can't change gear to adapt to teammates
>leveling up takes way too long
>salmon run is boring imo and you can't access it sometimes for some reason
>can't skip opening talk
>you spend more time waiting than playing
The worst is that most of these are all on purpose.
Up you go.
>just bought
I hope I can experience at least 3 splatfests before it’s over. God i’m So damn late :(. Also bought a pro controller since the joycons are crap. Wish I could use my Wii U gamepad.
I fucking told everyone the gamepad was a blessing, but nobody believed me. And now that it's gone I can't ever get it back.
Happy veemos are the cutest veemos.
How about sad ones?
Don't make my baby cry, you monster.
Girlfriend too the Switch with her when she left, so all I can do now is save and post photos of cute woomy and veemo
She can't be happy all the time, also one more sad ceph.
Hunt down that bitch and take it back. No man should be deprived of their veemo.
Obviously not, but it is a parent's sworn duty to keep their beloved child happy. Someone makes her cry, I make them cry.
I didn't even get to buy Octo Expension for it so I have no idea how cute the veemos actually are
The cutest thing to ever exist.
They are pretty dang cute
My heart!
how can nintendo create iconic characters so easily? what's their secret?
God dang it. I spending my 5 o clock with Veemo posting
Focus testing. Also blue balling everyone in splatoon 1 with non playable octolings
Well they went through several design iterations before they nailed it. I don't think they would've had the same appeal if they stayed with the bunny idea.
Paruko fans rise up
It seems kind of fun, but I would much rather play smash.
I miss Marie
a lot
a loooooooooooot
>ass cheeks poking out
>whale tail
good lordy
What is the worst ranked mode and why is it CB
>camo brella
>kensa pro
>camo brella
>mini splatling
>camo brella
>camo brella
Last tested with version 3.1.0 on July 1, 2018
Someone must have just blocked Gal Hell from their memory
Because im stuck at rank because im always matched with losing teams
That input lag difference is a fundamental thing, Switch controllers work on plain old bluetooth while WiiU spoiled us with bespoke high-speed high-bandwidth protocol specifically for Gamepad.
Splatoon netcode is a lot better than Smash Ultimate's.
It encourages brush users. It's the most decentralized objective. It's the hardest to score in so drawn out games and overtime are more common.
>be ninty
>have a game coded for native 60 tick
>deliberately send every fourth packet when playing online, slashing that tickrate to 15
It's not even incompetence at this point.
Thread survived the night, excellent
The player base being trash really is the main problem with it. Nintendo refuses to properly stratify the skill level through the ranks. C through S is entirely made up of absolute shitters peppered with smurfs leveling through them.
S+ is about an even mix of shitters and people who know what they're doing but struggling to win games because they're paired with shitters.
And X is about 75% people who are good and STILL 25% shitters.
The problem is that you're ranked by wins, not by individual performance, so people get carried easily.
Yep. It would be wonderful if you were scored by a combination of kills, specials, and how much you as an individual pushed the objective.
I'm just glad Nintendo has been fulfilling my ebony queen fetishes lately