A toad on the front page!!
Have you bought the game on Switch yet?
A toad on the front page!!
Have you bought the game on Switch yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm poor, what should i do Yea Forumsros?
Does the switch version have content the original one doesn't?
play ygopro or duel links
Yup. Link summoning is included as well as DLC coming. It was also announced for the west a week ago
It has MR4 (Link Summoning), Link monsters, some Vrains story and some new cards. So yeah.
I'm not getting it though. Even if I had a Switch the game just looks so fucking cheap and I know there'll be more DLC down the line, plus I doubt online will be active for very long.
>Single cards with 3 or 4 different effects
New summoning mechanics didnt kill Yugioh, this shit did.
Adapt... or have sex...
pirate it
>OTKs you
Its not out here till like June or some shit
Or you can get it from the japanese eshop since it has multiple language support.
Can't sell it when I'm done with it, though. I can do that with physical editions
>buying physical copies of games on Switch
For what purpose?
With digital I cannot sell it when I'm done
With physical, I can
This is my son say something nice about him
OK but my point is the Switch is supposed to be portabl- anyways you do you user
he just said
user, I can fit the fucking thing into my pockets - I can also fit 15 fucking gamecarts into my pockets too
Do you understand how small they are or did you expect me to carry around a fucking case for each cart?
your son is starving, go feed him
>I can also fit 15 fucking gamecarts into my pockets too
Nigga you stupid?
Yeah. It's fun. Little pissed that they fucked over the last series, but whatever still a ton of content.
post your ace
So let me get this straight.
You're telling me I'm stupid because... I decided to throw a bunch of tiny fucking pieces of plastic that weigh less than 1lb into my pocket and then selling that shit on Ebay for money when I'm done instead of digitally downloading them, locking it to my account and buying a fucking SD card to store all those games on?
I'm so sorry that less than one pound of weight makes something literally non-portable
Are you illiterate user?
I wish I could but the banlist took him
Why in the fuck...
Stop being a jew user
The guy you're responding to is a manlet. That's the only explanation.
I'm sure your son is a very friendly boy, user.
>A level 2 monster with 2200 atk that lets you special summon a monster from your deck, negate and destroy magic/trap cards and set them for yourself and finally retrieve monsters from the graveyard.
He really is "Toadally Awesome"
>I can fit the fucking thing into my pockets
Fuck off fatty.
>level 2
its rank 2
The cursed boy is very good, but it's rank two, meaning it's basically 2 level 2 monsters
Anyway, rate my Lunalight tech choice
you get the point.
This fucking toad was cancer last format. Fuck Paleo
Uh... user, if I was obese it would make it harder due to the fat making the pockets smaller - you split the joycons off, throw the switch itself into your blazer inner pocket and the joycons into your pants pockets
>putting games in your pockets
>with no protection whatsoever
Wtf is the correlation between fat people and pockets? Are you retarded?
t. fatty
>any of the story decks past DM with MR4
I know they didn't exist until Vrains, but putting in a fucking Link monster into Jaden's deck or something would make it a lot more bearable.
Or just give me an option to play with MR3
You can probably drop a switch cart from the God damn stratosphere and it would just have a scratch. The bigger issue is wtf are you putting in your pockets that would require carts made of nintendonite to have protection. Are you somehow carrying a small atomizer in there?
I wonder what the next summoning mechanic is going to be
>inb4 tribute summons make a comeback
Probably another extra deck mechanic.
I can't really see them doing anything else without adding/changing more zones. Links are already the most generic possible summoning method. If the next series just changes it so you don't need Links any more, I'd be okay with it
Anyone who bought the new switch game, is it fun to play online?
Apparently it's going to be a twist on an existing mechanic
I made a Thunder Dragon player rage quit today, so yeah its pretty fun.
Considering Links were supposed to slow the game down they didnt and make you buy new support for your current decks, I would expect something that changes the field drastically to try and hinder the game more.
Or they could stop being retarded and just start putting limits on special summoning.
For the online versus do you have access to only the cards yuou own or all cards?
>last format
The last time paleo were top-tier, zoodiacs still had all of their cards unbanned
>Considering Links were supposed to slow the game down
They never were
>Considering Links were supposed to slow the game down
Are you serious? You have to play the stories with MR4? Stuff like Jaden’s deck was already almost impossible to play. Do they at least get some random Link monsters?
You use the cards you obtain, so get grinding for your ash blossoms.
>he fell for the reddit meme
>played game religiously until Synchro
>fell out until Xyz happened
>came back and loved every second of it
>stopped at Pendulums and this Link shit
Okay, I get adding new mechanics to keep the game fresh, but that's why you introduce new Effects or Monster archetypes, not this dreadful mess of new zones, link arrows and shit. The game was incredible for 15 years, why the DRASTIC change? I only stopped at Synchro because I was poor, but the mechanic itself was crazy fun and so were Xyz monsters.
No. Went through all of GX's story and going through 5Ds now and you're stuck with 1 ED zone.
Even Jaden's last deck which had good stuff in it like Dark Law and Shadow Mist didn't even bother to put in one, even though they did update certain story decks, like how Bastion has the new Water Dragon support
>still playing babies first card game and not a real one
Can I download pre-built decks or at least make my own that the AI can use to play against me?
Pendulums were and always will be a mistake. Links suck mostly because it killed old decks that don't have their support yet
any tips for making a deck based around fusion?
Go create your own MtG thread you absolute fucking autist
I'm mostly fine with Pendulums because they can't really be splashed in many decks and are basically a kinda shitty Archetype gimmick anyway aside from the few broken decks they had, but I can't stand Links because of how necessary and generic they are. I hope the next MR guts Links because fuck them
As an MtG player Wizards couldn't make good cards anymore to save their lives, the only formats worth playing are Modern, Legacy, and EDH.
pick a fusion archetype and see what competitive decks run those cards (if there are any) and go ftom there.
Depends on what kind of fusion deck you're after. I think Fluffals and Gem-Knights are pretty cool
AG has fusions if you want that BIG NUMBER UNGABUNGA
>complex means it's good
Never played with Demise before, but this is pretty fun.
Also anyone know what pack to get Uni-Zombie from in this game? I need it for my Skull Servant deck I'm making
And forgot my image.
>anyone know what pack to get Uni-Zombie from in this game?
my guess would be Bakura, his pack has general zombie support
>Dark Necrofear is getting more support
Based Konami
Don't have the game yet, but I'm happy I don't need to pay +500 bucks to play her deck.
yugioh is shit user. The game is broken and its literally meta jerking.
>he doesnt know about the new rulings
its never getting a physical edition boomer.
Is it out in America?
You can pay 0 bucks to play his deck on ygopro
Comes out in June broski
not till summer for that sweet day1 dlc
better question which is the best yugioh game for singleplayer
Literally LotD
Post cute cards.
I need them
This new synchro card. Find a generic level 2 tuner if your deck of choice lacks the ability to make it. I recommend red resonator since it will drag out a level 4 so you can instantly go into this and then your fusion as long as you can get your other material on board.
you didnt hear shit
Anyone have a post-links decklist for Deskbots?
Maybe it's because I haven't played against them alot to see how bad they really are but, pendulum summoning seems like such dogshit. If I'm not mistaken you special summon monsters who's rank is between the two pendulum cards. They don't even die when you beat them, right? They go on top of your extra deck to be summoned next turn? Fuck that. Swarm decks existed before pendulum and were easy to summon then.
I'm not familiar with him. I'm guessing it's a tourney player using the name of the big wizard guy from the spell counter set? He some sorta pendulum using bitch?
You got it right. It's a lot more reasonable now that you have to give up backrow and need arrows to mass revive, but it's still mind-boggling how completely inept Konami is that they thought archetypical OPT soul charges were a good idea.
Yes, he's the big boss monster of pends nowadays. Special summons itself on the field if he has enough spell counters on him which is very easy to do
Not the original Endymion, but the retrain. The whole new Endymion support puts Spell Counters to good use, much like Mythical Beasts. Thing is, setting Pendulums is like using Spells, so the whole archetype is now fully Pendulum based.
I noticed that and was glad it seemed like it got a Nerf. Is the only true way to deal with a pendulum deck to have effects that banish monsters? Pendulum summoning just feels so fuckin cheap. A buddy and I downloaded the new Yu-Gi-Oh game and he's one of these tier sluts that always gravitates towards the easiest and most OP builds and he's hopped on this pendulum cock.
They're dogshit in the sense that they suck and the number of viable pendulum decks throughout the history of yugioh can be counted in one hand, yes.
Anti-Spell Fragrance or Ghost Ogre his ass. If you Ogre a scale it goes straight into the graveyard
>Master Rule 5
>you can only special summon once per turn
This kills so many decks but would it save the game from the solitaire format?
You don't even know
Was any pendulum deck other than Qliphorts, PePe and Odd-Eyes meta?
What solitaire format? if you mean mystic mine shit, then the easiest way to deal with that would be to ban mystic mine.
Pendulum Magicians and now endymion
PePe was absolutely broken
The pen. summoning from the extra deck is shit now due to MR4. It sounds crazy at first but you need "extra monster" zones to summon them to because they are still coming from the extra deck.
The only pen. decks that can do anything are ones that are technically better spells than monsters. All other pen. archtypes are hot garbage in practice like says.
TLDR pens are only good for their spell effects. The extra deck summoning is joke in MR4.
*blocks your path*
Pendulum Magicians are another, but other than that, nothing much. Pendulum as a whole was underwhelming and no one other then nostalgiafags think it's broken.
Never seen the Arc-V anime, but I do like that the era seemed to give each summoning mechanic something good, and then Vrains hilariously comes along and says
>fuck your Extra Deck buy Links
B-Bros nobody told me this game was deep?? yugioh.fandom.com
Free my nigga Sangan!
Metalfoes were pretty good at some point, though i don't think they were ever the best deck of a format.
he is, just no art like they did for TER
engine wise tho
Mystic Mine won't be banned
See you in July
It's not even banned in the OCG why would it be here
>inb4 some stores ban it
>all these fucking zoomers complaining about mystic mine who don't know you can actually main deck s/t removal
it will be on the next ocg list, just watch. TCG is more likely to use bullshit like this because we have no shame
Mystic Mine just seems like a fuck you to monster effects and hand traps. Doesn't even protect itself, either. I don't see the big deal.
ocg does tho? like how they will dq you for abusing SDB.
nigger everyone plays HFD there but the storebans still happen. being a "draw ur outs" fag is absolutely retarded
They run many replacements as well as maindecking lots of fuck yous to your "removal"
If your deck is such a fucking combo heavy flowchart that you can spare space for three twin twisters and auto lose to Mystic Mine, you deserve to lose to it.
>To be Newly Unlimited for the OCG on April 1, 2019:
>Fairy Tail – Snow
Fucking BA is back on the kino menu boys
Did it ever come off?
Pretty much this.
>tfw have a Harpie deck with 3 Hunting Grounds
Post list? I love Harpies wtf
Don't have a list and I'm at work unfortunately.
People actually play this game outside of Goat format?
Goat format is overrated.
Yugi-Kaiba is where its at.
Game's pretty cheap nowadays desu especially if you've played in the recent years. A bunch of old cards are still relevant today.
*laughs in monarchs*
Congrats you killed the game in your dumb need to turn the game back into Normal summon,set 1 pass
>What solitaire format?
>Spyral Dangers literally just won a regional
Playing one card and a bunch of backrow and passing isn't solitaire you fucking dumbass.
Solitaire is when you spend 5 minutes moving all your cards around in a flowchart you memorized with no interaction with your opponent.
>it's another "I REMEMBER THE OLD DAYS" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me summon summoned skull unga bunga me equip axe of despair" thread
>it's another "well when /I/ play I [long list of backwards house rules that ruin the game]" thread
>it's another "I Solemn Exodia!" thread
>it's another "my 60 card deck of one-ofs beat peep!" thread
>it's another "why do I need a magnifying glass for a card, and I'm not talking about Reinquished, TER, or Last Turn!" thread
>it's another "archetypes (anything non-generic) killed the game but Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, HFD, Heavy Storm, and the rest of Chaos/Goat staples are totally ok" thread
>it's another "is mirror force banned????" thread
>it's another "monster reborn needs to stay banned" thread
>it's another "Synchros/Xyzs/Pendulums killed the game (forgets Airblade Turbo and DAD Return)" thread
>it's another "holds up summoned skull let me have fun the wrong way" thread
>it's another "any card thats black or white is sin!" thread
>it's another "pls mak dark majishiun gud" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me hate speed and combos" thread
>it's another "unga bunga we need no white" thread
>it's another "I hate extra links" thread
>it's another "I hate settingu scales" thread
>it's another "solemn is negated by jinzo" thread
>it's another "lol remember when he attacked le mooooon" thread
>it's another thread full of anime-only secondaries who miss le "golden" days
>it's another "why do you keep slaughtering my gate guardian deck with these 'ritual beasts', they arent even blue!" thread
>its another "muh kozaky lock" thread
>unga bunga another beatdown only unga thread
>its another "g-guys why can't I use my Stardust Dragon from Starlight Road again???" thread
>its another "Ring of Destruction on Peten!" "w-what do you mean it missed timing???" thread
>its another "flips Despell you activated my trap card!" thread
This sounds like bullshit. How consistent is it?
A pretty bad take. What's so interesting about linear and overly destructive spell cards, and 1700 vanilla monsters beating each other up?
>muh interaction
>b-but mine is ok
It's extremely consistent. Salamangreat players main Fusion of Fire in their deck. It's a win condition
>Game's pretty cheap nowadays desu
Quite consistent with super poly at 2.
Your son is in prison because of this slut
Do they have like 100 dollars worth of on-disk DLC this time?
Is the UI still complete fucking ass?
Yes it is.
Because set 4 activate Mine pass doesn't waste your time like triple Draw 4 dragon Danger decks do.
Name me ONE (1) meta deck over $300. Also that is cheap compared to MtG and a bunch of other card games
anything with dangers in it. But yeah you're right on that, it's just a card game players idea of cheap after playing for years and a normalfag just getting into a game is way different
The extra deck alone for any meta deck will get you over 300 easy.
never played yugioh before. is this worth getting on switch? i have the autism.
Waiting for physical, thank you.
It sounds like this one will be shit.
Get the one on steam if you have to buy it or just emulate one of the DS games for free.
Not really. Only borrelsword is pricey at $60 and it's seeing a reprint in about 2 months that should knock that in half roughly.
>he thinks putting a bottleneck on special summoning will fix it.
This is such a shitty fucking uneducated opinion. Plenty of decks get by just fine without special summoning more than once a turn.
Free my nigga Master Peace!!!
Master peace shouldn't be niggas with anyone.
This unironically. TD is a fun deck to pilot
>get the one on steam
>when its the one this is an update for
Vanguard can get you tier1 stuff right now for $150 max
>which the Steam version is not getting, at least not any time soon
Wtf I love Vanguard now
>dead game
One is too much.
I think 3 special summons would be a good limit per turn.
Anything that summons more than that in a turn is generally cancer but it doesn't outright kill shit on a summon limit scale.
The new one forces MR4 on you during the story duels for all the previous gens, meaning the story decks are worthless and you can't have fun with them.
Also all trial decks contain max copies of the relevant cards and can compete decently out of box
Is it out yet?
Nah, fuck Master Peace and TD.
God I love this card
Yeah but fuck bermudas. Absolute cancer.
How about this
limit ED to 5
I'm pretty sure salamangreats are still good, and the whole deck costs less than 100$
How do I even buy it.
Screw that. One of the worst parts of Duel Links.
they were already shit. J & Yuma only spam one ed mon at a time anyway.
Bermudas are a pain, but everything else is solid
The ED should increase to 40
Where can I find decklists for my petdecks like darklords and lunalight?
ygoprodecks or yugiohtopdecks.
Here's one for Lunalight
You make a Japanese account and buy it off the eshop.
Anyone remember metagame.com? Cant believe it's been 10 years that they shut it down
He ate millions...