Sequel is much worse than the game before

>sequel is much worse than the game before

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Why do people play nothing but dust 2? Dont the enjoy other maps? If I leave dust 2 or mirage on its the only map I ever get.

mass effect 2

>remake is better than the original

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Samus returns

CSGO is objectively and mechanically the best CS game

Just cause your childhood memories are tied to playing Zombie Mode and jail break in CSS, doesn't mean it's the best

I was a 1.6 player who never switched to source because neither I nor any of my friend liked that game, and when GO came out, we all thought it was literally CS:Source 2. That being said, GO is way better than source.

take me back bros

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Source was the real cancer, GO actually feels like cs

That's my problem with GO, it's trying to emulate the way 1.6 felt, and 1.6, and all games made on GoldSrc feel like shit.


ZM servers are filled with people, go join them


Attached: cs_italy 1.6.jpg (1024x768, 211K)

>Sim City
>dark souls II
>risen II
>suikoden IV
>mass effect 2
>dragon age 2
>Diablo 3


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They felt way more fluid and less bullshit than source games
Who the fuck wants to jump around shooting people with the awp like some tf virgin

>mechanically the best CS game
it's spray'n'pray gunplay and no penalty for getting shot at.
It's shit.

this. I remember in 1.6 you actually had to have the crosshairs *on* someone. This "flickshot" bullshit is retarded

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it doesn't feel like 1.6 at all. If you go from GO to 1.6 you immediately get punished for all the bad habbits you acquired in GO. 1.6 is a lot harder

Failing to press control every 2 seconds is hardly an acquired habit

objectively wrong, try again but this time dont babble nonsense

Wasn't crouch walking patched out a decade ago?

not in 1.6

Agreed. I like 1.6, especially for the movement, but GO improves upon it in a lot of ways. The amount of at least situationally viable guns is huge compared to it and the grenades are much better designed. Almost every map's gone through tweaks that make them more balanced. One spray pattern per gun. Not a huge fan of the most recent economy change though, losing 2 rounds worth of the loss bonus would be better than just going back one step.

Instantly accurate scoping was a thing for probably less than a year after launch. Now the scope accuracy behaves like in 1.6 and the crosshair even visualizes it.

it's not as fun anymore, my young autistic brain loved hearing the p90 noise spammed really loudly constantly and shooting sofas into zombies and getting them stuck

Marmalade Mom is overdesigned garbage

not quite. I remember in 1.6 the tactic was to jump into a crouch then aim to breach a corner in 1.6. In cs go I can peak and twitch shot with the scope while standing up no problem

>crouch walking patched out


Ahem.. source?

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I've been playing through MGS for the first time and this one fucking sucks compared to 3

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I bet you think the one on the right looks better in pic related

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