LR Jobhan and goten coming soon, will you be summoning for them?
Dokkan Thread
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only if there was a discount. So probably not.
>mfw global isn't getting any worthwhile banner for a while
I think I'm gonna make it to 1k stones before summoning on anything. Also fuck DB Legends, I don't even recall the last time I had enough stones for a multi, fucking greedy bastards hardly give them out anymore.
I have zero stones, although I did manage to pull good stuff from Goku Black's banner so i'm fine.
I might summon if we get enough stones, but I don't care too much about this LR.
I'm patiently waiting for the new LR broly that got datamined. Not speding a single stone on the brothers LR banner
Nothing is gonna make me summon before K&C drop on global, except the guaranteed LR banner if we get it. I'm fine with them dropping all these celebrations and banners, more stones for me to save
If the banner has a few decent cards that I need featured, yes.
>Moderately unimpressive LR is Global-first
>Reddit flooded in shills desperately trying to argue that all its flaws are actually advantages
Why are Global players so fucking butthurt about literally everything?
Nah, they look pretty shitty.
no coins no pull
Really liked dokkan for 3 years but now its really ez mode with abudance of LR and newest op characters, so you actually spend stones to have as much cards possible to face battlefield/road/30lvl bosses
JP is getting the LR in a few days too.
People find it underwhelming because the super attacks are shit.
Hell, the 12 ki one is reused assets from the F2P Goku and Vegeta cards from the DBS Broly event.
There was something in the news for JP of some new hard mode or something coming out soon, so that'll be something else to use all these powerful cards on
user did you even fucking read his post?
I'm saying that his accusing global people from complaining, why would only them complain?
The people who are complaining it's because it's a boring LR.
Then you're illiterate like I said. He very clearly said people, he assumes Global players, were trying to DOWNPLAY him being underwhelming and insisting this LR is actually fantastic.
That's so sad, maybe you should stick to reddit, redditor.
Yes because you definitely get all the news about this game right here on Yea Forums
Who the fuck is damage controlling?
The only people not shitting on him are those calling out the fatass youtuber for intentionally making the LR look worse by not giving him the best rotations.
*muffled "all right guys" in the distance*
Yes, you clearly only use reddit for news when you are complaining about what they talk about.
Get the fuck out, redditors.
Holy shit you stupid nigger quit losing your head over a single fucking mention of another website and stop derailing the thread.
>Why are Global players so fucking butthurt about literally everything?
Because it works?
It's the way we got Bandai to stop fucking us over and stop being jews with the top grossing.
At least those dumbass gooks finally listened.
>Trunks and Mai
>Family Kamehameha
>Bee Pan
>Goku, Trunks and Pan
>Kale and Caulifla
>another Broly LR from the same movie the other LR Broly is from
Who the fuck asked for any of this shit.
Why are they flooding us with LRs if they are about shit no one cares about.
The GT Trio is actually a great unit, and Bee Pan is just making more use out of an existing free unit in the game.
Then leave, reddit.
imagine thinking this.
Here's the entire story
>WhaleDT made a video where he sabotages the Lr so they can't get any Ki and then bitches about how the waifu card is superior.
>People do some criticism pointing out the showcase was unfair
>Nobody flaming, everyone presenting arguments
>Whale can't take it, never responds to any comment besides the ones saying people only attack him for attention
>Goes to cry on twitter and the mods about the haters
>Multiple posts get removed or ghosted by damage controlling mods
>Fucking tranny redditor actually tries to dmg control on Yea Forums crying everyone else was mean
Holy shit, why does that fat fuck think his opinion matters? Seriously every new card is "the best card in the game" for him except this time when gloabl gets it first. What a fat faggot
they have the best leaderskill in the game, how could they be bad?
ALRIGHT GUYS remember guys, blue gogeta is trash, skip the anniversary, don't save for trunks, or zamasu.
Dump all your stones + buy some to go for Kale&Caulifla
Be sure to get at least 7 copies of them since you'll want the TUR which is the BEST TUR IN THE GAME.
In fact, you can baba you're entire box! The TUR is so good that despite only working well against specific enemies with a specific team around them they're the only thing you'll ever need to clear SBR, which is the only mode in the game.
>better leader skill then SS4 Goku
>does more damage then him
>can crit without needing dupes
>active is potentially available earlier then his
>might need some slight support to get 18ki in the first few turns
go back you corny redditfucks
That's the thing i don't get, is he just a giant waifufaggot jerking off that LR kale or does he have a jp bias?
he's a disgusting fat fuck waifu faggot
>might need some slight support to get 18ki in the first few turns
You're severely downplaying his ki issues. Even at his max passive he's still 7 ki from his ultra super. The new Gohan support makes it a little easier, only needing 4 ki, but in turn that Gohan's a pretty poor unit to use on a Goku's Lineage team, or really even the LR's own dual-cat lead. He's only especially great on Movie Heroes.
You're rainbowing her right?
I'll summon on anything that has SFPS4, SS3 Bardock, Omega, or Kid Goku. It's a hard pass otherwise.
what's wrong with her feet?
I think it'll probably end up another LR SS4 situation. Everyone played them down until they actually came out and got their dicks sucked. Gohan/Goten will be great as long as they get good stats as their passive is similar to the LR SS4s.
Not summoning until they put the coins shit in.
And I don't care about the two anyway.
They have a little over 21k attack. Closest gacha LRs to that stat is LR Bardock below them and LR Gohan above. They'll certainly be strong, and not the worst LR by any means. As long as they have defense comparable to LR Vegito and Gogeta I'd say they're worth summoning for.
They aren't on my face
That may not be the case; their defensive passive is good but their actual defense stat is one of the lowest of any gacha LRs.
>better leader skill then SS4 Goku
Missing 40% health
>active is potentially available earlier then his
59% health and a single enemy are way steeper conditions than a single extra turn.
>might need some slight support to get 18ki in the first few turns
You're going to need to run a support on rotation with him for even a chance at constant 18 ki.
Vegeta has a lower defense stat and can tank with 18 ki, so they'll only have a good defense after they've charged for a while.
I still can't get STR Rose.
hard shant
Her tits were never very big and she always wears loose clothing. You're letting R34 cloud your thoughts of what the show actually looked like.
I am way more excited by that new event announced that claims to be as hard SBR
I beat all of SBR a few months ago and now i have absolutely no reason to summon for anything except for LR, because my only gacha LR is Goku black with one dupe
>Missing 40% health
In change for getting stuff like Bra on the team it's worth
>59% health and a single enemy are way steeper conditions than a single extra turn.
Still earlier, if you're struggling on virtual battlefield against agl buu or something you won't have to stall as long with them
>You're going to need to run a support on rotation with him for even a chance at constant 18 ki.
>You're severely downplaying his ki issues. Even at his max passive he's still 7 ki from his ultra super. The new Gohan support makes it a little easier, only needing 4 ki, but in turn that Gohan's a pretty poor unit to use on a Goku's Lineage team, or really even the LR's own dual-cat lead. He's only especially great on Movie Heroes.
Every unit has a partner to max them out. You have the Gohan or you can also just bring EZA Goten so he changes orbs to rainbow which makes getting ki a non issue. Plus Bra and all the other +3 supports you can put on his team make it easy. Everyone's acting like he's the new Kid Buu
sprite still has some volume. Maybe they'll fix them once she awakens?
wonder how fast I'd get banned for posting this on the subreddit come friday
You should get banned for posting it here. It's not only Reddit drama but a really shitty screencap compilation. How come no one knows how to make these correctly anymore?
If they can give time kai some dobonhonkeros there is no excuse for 18 being completely flat
>In change for getting stuff like Bra on the team it's worth
At best, it depends on team comp and Ape Goku is still pretty good himself, even more so for his links with LR SS4.
>Still earlier, if you're struggling on virtual battlefield against agl buu or something you won't have to stall as long with them
First, you have a 50/50 chance of actually getting that extra turn early. Second, you probably won't beat Boo if you lose that much health that quickly. Third, that's an extremely specific scenario.
>the Gohan
1 ki link
>EZA Goten
He lacks synergy with the rest of the team and doesn't do all that much damage himself.
>Plus Bra and all the other +3 supports
3 ki will never be enough on his first tuen and probably not on his second turn either.
>You should get banned for posting it here
>It's not only Reddit drama but a really shitty screencap compilation. How come no one knows how to make these correctly anymore?
Though posting twitter/youtube/reddit drama was Yea Forums tradition at this point. Anyways, got any examples I can follow then? It's way easier to do Yea Forums compilations since it's all usually in just one thread. I had to dig for these that hadn't been deleted yet
The Time Kai gets big tits because of a transformation. 18 has no transformations and she's a full grown adult that can't grow more even if she wanted to. I'm sorry she's a womanlet and has no transformations but that's the way it is.
No, I mean they purposefully upscaled her tits from the reference drawing in order to make the dokkan card.
>gohan and broly lrs one after the other
i only have 800 stones fuck you akatsuki
took me 4 multis
nanomachines son
Congrats on the majuub
I ain't summoning until we get the coins unless it's straight up lr guaranteed lol
That LR is really meh.
But that Gohan support for movie heroes is really tempting.
Give me one single reason why Dokkan doesn't have at LEAST every card in Heroes
Seriously Dokkan units have to be effortless to make. Especially if they share resources with Heroes. Why does that game have characters and units that this one doesn't? It's very frustrating.
You think THAT's frustrating? Consider the following
Dokkan Fests make more money than collabs and it'd be retarded to bloat the game with banners so there's no reason to do any more than they already are.
Why is Global so fucking far behind? Seriously for what purpose?
I just want my LR Baby
do you want to see my 330 days global account instead
They really do need to do some other sagas. They've revisited Black and the Shadow Dragon saga like 3 times each. They're just remaking the same cards every year.
>mfw running dokkan on the nox emulator
>mfw macroed out rank 410 on the quest piccolo due to the 4x rank exp
Meh, I made it to 23 million and I quit the WT.
And don't forget the upcoming transforming Vegito Blue that was teased in those figurines.
They're adamant on keeping the anniversaries sync to each version's release date + japanese pride of them having to always have Jp a step ahead of the gaijin's
>Kale and Caulifla but worse in every way
>Dragon Ball
DFE Tao, DFE Teen Goku, DFE Piccolo Jr., general pool SSR Yamcha, sky barrage Krillin, Tri-Beam Tien, Chiaotzu, Bulma, Pilaf Gang, Devilman
Also extend Childhood category to 23rd Tournament too.
>Saiyan Arc
I doubt they'll do anything with it after teq Kaioken and phy Galick Gun.
>Freeza Arc
DFE transforming Spirit Bomb Goku, DFE tranforming Final Form Freeza, general pool SSR anger boost Kid Gohan, Krillin, Zarbon, Dodoria, Zenkai Vegeta
>Cell Arc
DFE transforming Imperfect Cell, DFE transforming Teen Gohan, general pool SSR armor Super Saiyan Trunks, 17, 18, Piccolo (Kami absorbed)
>still no new hybrid leader
can they release bojack teen gohan already
how many times did you get banned from the subredit by now
I just don't post on it. They have too many weird ass rules and their community is filled with highly unstable children. Place is only good for news and it's not even that good. Twitter is actually better than it and they mostly repost stuff from there. Only thing is I don't want a bunch of dumb phone game news mixed in with my porn.
Post teams
The reddit for this game is a constant reminder that the worst thing about dragon ball is dragon ball fans.
>Also extend Childhood category to 23rd Tournament too.
Just make a new category for the 23rd Tournament
>I doubt they'll do anything with it after teq Kaioken and phy Galick Gun.
Spirit Bomb Krillin
>DFE transforming Imperfect Cell, DFE transforming Teen Gohan,
These are what I'm most expecting and also really want
Who in their right mind would actually make an account for that shithole?
Buu fusions are wasted slots
>beeruses on realm of gods
>LR Gohan/Goten isn't a Hybrid Saiyan leader
What's the point, man? I'll never beat this stupid SBR stage
beeri, user
You can beat that stage completly f2p SUCKA!
Really need that movie hero support gohan coming tonight
Work in progress.
>UI Keku
This gives me hope, I've never been able to get Ultimate Gohan. Worst I wait til 4 Year, then
>Just make a new category for the 23rd Tournament
That's way too thin and there are very few good cards for a general WT lead.
>Spirit Bomb Krillin
Maybe if they make a regular banner like the Bio-Broly event had, I see no other way.
I can't say I care much for Cell Arc cards, but I'd love a DFE Rage Goku with this for a counter.
>global account for 3 months
0 LR
>jap account open in less than a month
5 LR
Will I ever beat SDS SBR?
For sure
If you get Teq ss4 goku or omega
I've tried, but they avoid me like the fucking plague. I've gotten so close too with this team at the last battle and enemies at half health.
Shitty LR with an awful super animation. Not worth.
>trying to finish level 3 of battlefield
Fuck PHY trunks.
i am probably not pulling on this Family kamehameha banner. The active skill is fucking retarded and it is probably jsut a huge trap banner for people to spend stones before teh anniversary
Also i am too busy farming the gt events i have to basically
>get another 5 copies of goku jr because his eza comes around teh anniversary time.
>farm all 4 units from the gt event
>farm the medals to awaken btoh f2p frieza dn cell and also dokkan fest frieza and cell (gt)
>farm enough copies to raise their super attacks
>farm the medal go the str gt goku
>farm story mode for the anniversary.
hows that kid goku eza?
it is just how the game is. ive bee playing for a year and got maybe 4 or 5 lrs
got the ultimate shaft during WT pulls as well. the best unit ive pulled was agl cooler.
Haven't used this in months
Last team is if I ever pull LR CauliKale
You have those bootleg ass teams and you're worried about F2P cards and turning down the chance at an LR? What are you smoking?
what kinda poorfag teams are these?
He hits with a 600-800k atk stat regularly on this team, has some soft tanking, and gets a decent amount of additionals/crits.
I couldn't say how good he really is though since I'm missing out on 80%+ atk with my leader.
Can't you replace ghostenks with AGL SS3 Goku if you put Gogeta as leader on fusions?
for the people who know how to have some fun you faggot whales
i am not saying it is bad but i rather spend during teh anniversary
what the fuck is wrong you with faggots holy shit stay on reddit, this is why I said this is a general, and this is what gets shit kicked off Yea Forums
He's free.
apparently the banner has "super discounts"
Oh shit triple story xp. What's the stage to farm for ez levels?
Because it came out 6 months later.
And it's not that far behind.
The only dokkan fest JP has that GLB doesn't, beyond the anniversary cards, is the Kid Goku.
>He's free.
wait what? the lr is free?
I do have him when I run a Movie Heroes team, Ghostenks is just to give LR orbs when I run Fusions.
Last one.
Why do you think he's an LR? It says "UR" right there.
Why the fuck would I use that shithole for anything but leaks and seeing what JP gets so I can plan.
I already feel dirty just for browsing it.
oh shit i am an idiot. i thought you were talking about the LR. forget what i said.
Looking at the daily dokkan events, I won't be summoning since I already rainbowed PHY Gotenks and that fucker already took 2 of my Super type leader spots in NY banner.
janemba is gonna get fuckin SLAPPED in his eza
>mfw optimal fusion with 2 dupes on ss3 gotenks and rainbow ss gotenks
>take a rainbow lr gogeta on top of my own
>he doesn't want more SSBKK copies
oh, and I haven't gotten around to ss3 vegeta EZA but I can't wait to slap him with my rainbow ss3 goku and my 3 dupe ss3 kid goku agl, also have 2 dupe bardock and ss3 gt goku support, optimal outside of lr goku
where do you exchange these scrolls, or is that coming in 6 hours
>already have gohan rainbowed and goku and goten have 1 dupe
Just give us a red stone ffs
thanks babe
So we're getting a DFE Android 18 with a Sibling's Bond sub-lead in the future, right guys?
>dfe not from the Black Saga
yeah right m8
I don't think they can ever do anything from Black again after this.
Makes more room for Moro_______.
i got like 100 stones and i pulled new black in 1 pull.
i don't have a time travelers team tho, is he any good on ROG?
>4th anniversary not too interesting to me
>waiting for LR Kale + Caulifla, Merged Zamasu
>new LR brothers doesn't interest me
>still no Goku Black
>pull one more time just in case
>get STR Rose
Considering I never got him, I'm far from upset.
STR rose is the best card on that banner
bros how do we get Dokkan in 1st place every week so we get free stones?
More Goku Black and Fusions
We're not allowed to do that. Top Grossing is for lack of a better term, staged. When Trunks and Zamasu came out they turned off stone purchasing for like 2 days so that we wouldn't pass the app Google planned for top grossing at that time. We're fully capable of getting it every week but we're artificially prevented from doing so.
bro these log-ins are wild jo
>Book of War : Son Family will be exchangeable for the Family Kamehameha Trio units in the Baba Shop
So which ones are you getting? Not even sure on how many you can get.
You have no clue what you're talking about. The reason we got fucked out of top grossing this time is because Fate/Grand Order released two of its most popular spin-off characters in a single gacha pool. There was no way any gacha on the planet could compete with that.
Sitting on 450 red coins. Is it worth getting my 1st dupe for Blue Gogeta/Super Broly with them, or should I save for when the TEQ Trunks or AGL Zamasu come back and snag a copy of them? They were the only fucking units I didn't pull a single copy of, on their own goddamn banners.
New cards > dupes
goten is the best by far
trunks and zamasu are way better choices in my opinion
good transforming cards with great double leads.
i ahve all 3 but my goten and gohan are the only ones with a dupe. i might try rainbowing at least one of these 2 depending on how much we are getting.
Dokkan could, we were right underneath it because we were forced there. Like I top grossing is planned and they force it to go to according to plan. We can't prove that Dokkan wouldn't have passed it because it wasn't given the chance.
You're an absolute retard if you think a company is actively sabotaging themselves from reaching #1 on the appstore, holy shit.
You need to remember that 96% of people here are mentally unstable autists. Don't worry about it
Or just underage which is why they love gossiping about reddit drama every time a new card or event is announced
>Dokkan could
You really have no conception of how disgustingly profitable GO is, do you? When a new servant comes out, in particular one that's based off an existing character, GO fucking wins for the next day, or several days. It's just how it works. Dokkan's kept above it in the appstore for more than 24 hours twice in the last eight months, and on both occasions it was when Dokkan was having one of its over-the-top celebrations with tons of free shit and overpowered units, and F/GO was in the middle of a rerun without any new SSR units.
No way bro it's all a conspiracy wake up sheeple
This isn't even the part you should be focusing on, just how fucking stupid you have to be to even think that a company would hurt themselves just to keep him from getting free imaginary digital currency that doesn't cost them anything.
LMAO, look at this dude.
It is a conspiracy and you are just a sheep.
Maybe you should aAte/GO fuck yourself, ya bitch.
This is the type of shit where anti-corporatism can get really stupid. And I am no fan of corporations, but some people can get full retard about it.
Major yikes
Same as mine, except I might switch out supreme west for phy Buu if I'm feeling squirrely
Outdated team but cool I guess
>Let's fit as many lrs as I can to make future saga look actually good!!" Cat is actual garbo
New realm of God's team is literally the best team in the game rn
>literally the best team in the game
Maybe when it comes to fun but it doesn't hold a candle to U6/7 or Lineage teams.
Is Zamasu's active skill transformation permanent?
most dragon ball z fans are real buttheads who don't have good taste
of course it is...
are you retarded my dude
>zamasu stans are still out here in force
In terms of what? Gogeta/vegito ramps up from 0 to insanity in 3 turns, rose/zamasu as well, and in 5 turns apt matches if not exceeds both of them and continues to ramp up to insane numbers with vegito
got fucking 2 INT blacks!
gimme fucking STR black, assholes!
I just multi summoned on it, got 5 fucking SSRs including a str black dupe and still no fucking ss4 goku ahhhhhhh
I'd trade you all the extra str roses for your int blacks if I could
>2 SS4 Gokus vs 2 Zamasus one of which is a floater so has lower apt
That alone put them on different levels when it comes to average attack per turn.
Same goes for the teams abusing LR G&F and LR C&K.
Is potara still worth going for or is Goku's family the new hotness?
Help me make a team that can beat warrior returned
Right but the other rotation is gogeta\vegito so that more than makes up for it. the second zamasu serves as a link whore for the main zamasu and a permanent tank/ healer and still dumps out 2 mil per sa
jp account
it has almost 400 stones left and 400 red coins
shit, could you imagine if you could trade in any game? it would destroy the game.
>so that more than makes up for it
It really doesn't when you are comparing them to the 3rd hardest hitting LR, UFPSS4 who is one of the most damaging DFEs and you have LR Gohan floating.
The Rose+ Zamasu rotation just hold the RoG team back. U7 and U6 are even more optimized.
Comparing it to Vegeta's lineage would be a better match.
It would repair my wallet tho
what event is that?
Angel SS3 Goku
Think he means this
Warrior returned from otherworld
I'm trying to lr my teq goku
The rose masu rotation that usually gets up to ~10mil apt is holding them back? Dog what
they link well together. it just werks
This event was fucking hell with str Gotenks as a lead.
in all honesty i think a full power team or a tiem travelers team might be your best bet.
you apperently dont ahve that many good cards to make a really good team so i think you should focus on farming the goku jr event. 100% a copy of him and save another copy with sa up to level 5 at least. he is getting an eza event down the line and a fully rainbowed eza that is also a leader will help you out.
also that other event with the gt cell and frieza
you also have a lot of EZA cards but you cant do their events yet.
>level up a super attack to 1, 3, and 5 missions
>use a sleepy kai on lr vegeta
>doesn't raise super attack
>complete all 3 missions anyway
Compared to rotations like SS4 + UFP SS4
17 + G&F
K&C SS2 + K&C SS1
Duh, just drop it already Zamasu is great but his team doesn't compare to the top tiers.
also farm the ginyu events later so you can get an entire decent team and a free LR for the ginyu force team.
it will help you blast trough most events.
>using 2500 stones worth of coins on a fucking dupe
damn, they just gave 15 stones.
very nice.
The first 3 days we get a total of 42 stones from logins.
Tomorrow we'll get 13, and after 14.
I hope I don't regret doing 2 multis right now because I couldn't wait a few more fucking hours to see what's coming. I still got 125, and still got the entire ss3 eza to do. Plus, I can grind for rank 500 for 20 more if need be. I think I'll be able to do all the discounts though easily, and not too hype about the new LR.
you should have waited. we are getting the new lr banner.
dont do it, only 4 hours left
>did 3 multis with the spare stones we got during the celebration
>pulled 2 FPSSJ4 Goku dupes and INT Goku Black
>still no trace of STR Rose, despite, by now, having dumped 1000 or maybe more stones in banners that had him
Am I really going to need to use the red coins to get him?
I was planning on using them on LR SSJ4 Goku, since i'm going balls deep on Vegeta's banner.
Is there any chance Kid Goku, Bardock, or SFPS4 Goku will be on the banner?
I am fully aware, but I'll be able to get up to 200 stones at least before the discount is over and like I said I don't care much about the new LR
I already did it lol are you guys actually reading the full post
>mfw global isn't getting any worthwhile banner for a while
Perfect, I could stand to save my Bamco funbucks
Buddy, Bardock and FPSS4 Goku are on the current banner already
Use coins only on LRs
Get rose on the Zamasu banner
I'm on JP, why else would I ask about Kid Goku?
ay u rite
I'm sure there's a higher chance i'll rainbow Zamasu than getting Rose.
I'm just fucking tired of AGL Goku Black and his utter inability to tank anything, but that 3 ki is too handy for LR Black.
>Use coins only on LRs
Why would anyone value an LR over a new category to use?
Dokkanfest LRs lead categories dummy
Cmon son... they're like what, the 2nd lr?
I'd move Broly to B and Bardock to C, but it's pretty accurate
Forgot image
7/10. Swap SS3 Goku and Boujack. Move GTP to Z. Move Barcock to C. Then it shall be accurate.
It's not a new category if you're saving for a dupe.
He said he doesn't have LR SS4 Goku
Bump Majin Vegeta up to A+, switch G&F with SS4 Vegeta.
Bardock is pretty decent on Goku's lineage, doesn't need much ki and his defense + sealing keep him relevant in difficult modes.
I was talking only about the claim itself, not the other user. Coins should be used on more than just LRs.
Obviously assuming you don't have the units since LR are hard to pull
I would go for at least one copy the DFE LRs before going for TUR category leaders.
DFE LR > Cat leaders > EZAs > 120 leads
I can only justify it if the LR has a new category. I don't have LR Vegito for example, but Kefla's a fine sub so I'm saving for Kid Goku instead since he's a cooler card and the only full Childhood lead.
Goten and Trunks are the most underrated card in the game.
The rest is pretty accurate
Did they ever fix the account seeding shit?, I remember being kinda interested but the second I heard you could just be locked the fuck out by a fucking account seed I noped right the fuck out
How long before blue gogeta is on another banner. I'm worried it wont be for a year
Unconfirmed and the whole thing died down after the 300 stone compensation.
November for Global
February for JP
A guaranteed second super from an LR is nothing to scoff at.
That shit was confirmed phony a long ass time ago, here we go again with some more of that full blown retardation anti-corporatism.
I'm sure it's bullshit
but I rainbowed LR vegito and have yet to get a single copy of Phy vegito
>Did they ever fix the account seeding shit?
what's this all about?
It was hypothesized that akatsuki had rigged their rates with a hidden seed which would keep accounts unable to ever pull certain cards
right around this same time they released a banner in which some cards were unlisted in the banner scouter, despite being featured, for some accounts
then they gave jp 300 stones and everyone forgot
That's fucked up.
it was never confirmed, but 300 stones is a lot of compensation for what they called a "graphical glitch"
I'll get the 4 dupes, but I won't spend any Kais on her until she gets a TUR.
Because he is the top tier. Gogeta\vegito top all of those combos
and also fake redditor salt.
The original "discovery" only affected whales.
no one cares about 300 stones, they showed their coding and everyone with a brain moved on
>Gogeta\vegito top all of those combos
Prove it, I wanna laugh.
JP Keeps winning.
They could at least just add them to the non-featured pools.
I would only say I need LR Gogeta to consider this team 100% complete.
>boring beam super
oh nonononono
I legit don't get their obsession over Krillin.
I love him
They did it with Fusions so it's possible.
this reddit general is so dumb
They have discounted summons for 100 hours/stone sale
What is this?
She wasn’t even worth the WT this time
>Does the flash
You retard
New base gogeta EZA, allegedly
I'm you, but stronger
They sell the most that’s why also you skipped majin buu saga
Jobhan needs to move down to B, he's not on the level of Cell or Beerus. I don't care how hard he hits, he gets his asshole torn like a wet piece of tissue paper ever he takes an attack.
Yeah I saw the video already that's how I knew that he has boring supers
>just got off my 8 hour wageslave shift
>gonna try to stay up until summons
I'm so tired.
Good luck, user.
Why not just switch leaders and run full fusion?
Because that team is stronger...
>pulling LR Bojack on a category trap banner has given me the urge to summon every single time
Unless you think SS3 Goku is better than any other Fusion card, wouldn't you benefit more from LR Gogeta's Leader skill?
the only worthwhile fusion card to slot instead of Str/Agl SSJ3 goku is Sealtenks, and even at rainbow he's barely worth it
as it is, I set up that team with links in mind, and I believe each member shares a minimum of 3 with any other member, except gotenks and LR gogeta, so gotenks still has a chance for his 11 ki super
>will you be summoning for them?
Sure, why the fuck no, I recently have been doing nothing but getting medals to awaken the dozens of UR that I have yet to awaken, a couple more to the pile won't do any harm, once I get ALL the medals of all of them I will awaken them all... after I rise their SA if it is grindeable.
Good thing I give priority to the ones that I can actually fit on my strongest teams.
You don't want 2 LR Gogetas
extremely funny alli66e you faggot
I'd like to. But with only 200 stones to my name, I'll likely get jack shit. Then again, I'll probably get the same if I wait for anniversary.
WT rewards when? I didn't grind more or less 20 hours to get top 2000 I hope for nothing.
Banner fucking when
Two hours if you're on global.
You ARE going to get LR Yamchad right?
sure, dude even loser at local rank 150 get it and im number 1
>mfw started with one hour left and used a single stamina bar and ended in the top 100 local
Not the best but its not bad for a fairly young account
I was around place 57, that jobber is mine.
>1.2 million atk stat linked with LR Goku/Arale on 140% lead
He's decent.
i already got 9 of those baseball yamuchas to up his sa to 10 right away
I legit grinded that event for about 8 hours one day, and I never got a single one.
1 hour left
>shit leader for a shit cat
Is anyone surprised?
It could be worse.
I'm annoyed that instead of boosting weak categories, they continue to add new ones that we don't need.
Could have been like goku balck where the leader is shit but the category is good
That new phy Gohan looks kind of familiar.
TUR Brianne when? fucking Bandai I want my peppy gals team to actually be fucking threatening.
>Beerus and Whis
Unironically too strong.
Nevermind I retract my statement
I would say it's okay, because the card focuses on Beerus, but Vegeta and Bulma aren't on there, despite BoG taking place after Tarble"so special.
Does phy Black's EZA make him better than int Black with a dupe?
Are we getting vados?
As long as they are at the same dupe level PHY Black is better and when facing a goku family unit he stomps
So what's the best team?
Yeah, because a team with the only DFE on there is also only LR is too strong. We need another pure Sayains support.
eventually, yes
When LR Kale and Caulifla come to global
yeah int black is trash
That makes me feel better about summoning on Zamasu's banner with the LR Kamehameha banner right around the corner at least.
When's that happening?
Fuck, I dunno. June?
5 minutes
No one knows but I'd guess some form of
LR Bros and new PHY Gohan
LR bros and 17
Bra EZA Goten PHY ss2 gohan
Most over rated in the game (one for global and one for jp) Go!
UI Goku by gloablets
TUR Kale and Caulifla by weebs
>that EZA base Gogeta
Fusion dance/Movie heroes chads, where are you at?
>make a siblings category
>tack on bond just to exclude Goku and Raditz
It's not even balancing at this point they're just making up reasons to make these categories shitty. Also even though Krillin has no good cards, it kinda annoys me that he's not on it either. Him & 17 acknowledge each other as brothers.
UI goku is so trash
Less than an hour
They don't have a bond like the category name implies.
If you really want to use your shitty great ape raditz the LR still gives 170% attack to goku's family
LR Vegito.
>tfw finally a base fusion card thats good
Can we get a base gotenks card thats worth a fuck next. The purple/black hair is so cool
It's so beautiful
That's not what I said at all though. I was mostly talking about Goku. For a category as shitty as this, every Goku card would've done wonders. But instead they changed the wording slightly and gave us another useless category.
Every time I want to play dokkan battle I reinstall, then my galaxy s4 nearly explodes because it can't even handle it anymore. I need a new phone if only because muh forced obsolescence saw my battery drain in an average day of use cliffdive from 30% over 12 hours to 140% over 12 hours,but they're all so fucking expensive. I've tried replacing my battery, but it did literally nothing.
Last time I really got to play was around when everyone was hyping up the free LR blugito. I'm sure my team is worthless now and I should probably just get a new account and start rolling that, since I had a mono AGI team that could barely beat the top events at the time.
I really don't want ster ssj4 goku to be on the new LR banner,
i already have one rainbowed and another one with 2 dupes that i just use for dokkan battlefield
Same but with SSJ3 Goku AGL.a
>still on an S4
Hello grandpa
Believe me if they weren't $700 or more, I'd have a new phone right now. I got one of those "non flagship" cheapo samsung phones and it dropped calls out the ass and had the same specs as my S4 so I just went back, but the battery shit is what kills me. It happened overnight too, so there's no way it's even the age of the phone.
I know that pain user, i used to play on an iphone 4 when the game came out, it slowly started being unable to play, nowdays i have an i phone 6 that plays the game fine but if you can't get a new phone you should try playing dokkan on an emulator
Still runs on my LG G2
There are pretty good cellphones for less than 300 bucks
Get a cheap chink phone or upgrade to S7. S4 wasn't forced to be obselete it was just pretty poorly designed as was the 5. The 6 was okay but once my S4 battery and the backup shit themselves I went to S7 is perfect and still useable after however long it's been out. Probably the last good Samsung ever now that they seem to be going full retard as of late.
Teg Vegito Blue and LR Kale and Califula.
>4 (four) leaders, 2 DFE, 1 LR and 1 F2P
>only 2 leaders, 1 LR and 1 general SSR
When are we getting more Potara leads/supports?
I'm hoping for base Vegito or Kefla.
not on verizon I'd switch if I wasn't getting a 25% discount for working in healthcare, but t mobile and at&t are both like 100 dollars a month over what I pay. I'd use an emulator like said but the whole draw of the game was something to play when I had a break or something.
7s were what I was looking at, I figure this black friday I'll get one. And yeah I wasn't trying to say the s4 is good, i'm only using it cause I got it for free back in 2013 (well, "free" paying the monthly "Radio tower" costs and that other bullshit.), but it unironically started using five times the amount of battery with no change to installed apps, to usage throughout the day, nothing about my life changed besides an ota firmware update fucking me out of battery.
I'm going to fucking riot if it's SSJ3 Gotenks for the billionth time.
You just got Zamasu
Me too
I have a lot of spare stones on my second account that I haven't summoned on since the Broly movie, so maybe a few multi's there. My main shit all over the latest Goku Black banner on single summons, so I think I'll save on that one.
i have him at 90% i hope i only pull one more
Yeah Samsung is notorious for their shitty batteries. S1-S4 batteries all turned to shit after a few years of any type of use and they heat up like crazy. Just be glad the shit didn't explode. The S7 is probably one of their best phones outside the Notes which I've never tried.
SSB Kaioken Vegetto and SS4.
No more version exclusives pls
Hey man the west has Heroes now.
Rewards are out
And somehow global dokkan still doesn't have adult gotenks
Gg no:re
Yeah that's killing me.
>No Android 18 even though I made the cut.
>can't use him in EZAs
>not elegible for battlefield
Enjoy the baba points
>can use in sbr
>can use in shit dokkan
>fun mechanic
You should at least have one from mission rewards. What was your rank?
Welcome Yamcha
>only 1 gacha lr
15 minutes until the big skip
i have shit luck man. there is nothing i can do about it, at least it didn't stop me from beating SBR
This is the first WT in like a year I didn't get the reward card. I won't really miss her anyway.
>no super class LRs
Yeah it's the weirdest thing to me lol but my box is good so it's no problem
>wasting 2 hourglasses to flex on other anons
10 minutes ya little niggle
10 minutes
>treating hourglasses as rare
im not that user but jesus nigga I got like 50+
>put zero effort into the WT
>Still got Yamcha
user, hourglasses are super cheap unless you are a new player who can't even get to the quest to collect gems
Why the FUCK does global get it in 10 minutes, but nothing on JP?
Enjoy your baseform cuckgeta
what does phy goku blacks eza do
Because there's some sort of downside to it. Everytime Global gets something first it's a Monkey's Paw.
>JP didn't get the +3 to extreme with the Goku Black EZA
It think it Extreme Z awakens PHY Goku Black but that's just speculation.
Should I put kais into LR Yamcha? He'd be a trophy, but I have every other free LR rainbowed.
Maybe the only thing that GBL has over JP lmao feelsbadman
Farm the baseball even up to SA10 then use kais from there.
ATK & DEF +15% per Ki Sphere obtained, Ki +1 (up to 5) with each attack received; randomly changes Ki Spheres of a certain Type to Rainbow icon Ki Spheres and an additional ATK & DEF +5% per Ki Sphere obtained when there is a "Goku's Family" Category enemy
Shut the fuck up, I already have optimal Fusions.
Give examples.
you didn't grind baseball yamchas? id you want it at max just use sleepy kais or funky kais, normal kais aren't worth it i got mine to SA 14
I used all the yamchas we got from aprils fools but if you don't have anything else to raise the SA for then yeah go for it with kais
Just jam the 8 million Yamchas you'll pull from the DB WT banner into him
>TEQ Hit drops first on Global
>He gets a farmable SA when he dropped on JP
My only gacha LR is goku black i pulled him twice during the new years banner
i really want the family kamehameha, im gonna pray to my LR goku statue for it
Baseball yamcha was something like a 5% drop. I farmed the april fools and glb vs. jpn ssrs and then called it. Not in portal of memories right now anyway. I've got 50+ just gonna say fuck it and max him.
it's up
>My only gacha LR is goku black i pulled him twice during the new years banner
tfw I wanted to pull him over LR SSJ3 Dupes
Based user praying to false idols
Lr Bros
New phy gohan
STR Ultimate Gohan
SS3 Broly lmao
SS3 Gotenks
AGL EZA ss3 goku
PHY Metal cooler stunner Goku
INT goten
Trunks, Cell, Broly, and the LR fusions.
Christ, could I use any of the TEQ ones.
>STR Ultimate Gohan and TEQ VB again
goku is a literal god nowdays
>PHY Metal cooler stunner Goku
Stupid he didn't get an EZA
Here I go, wish luck dokkanbros !
>global gets Pikkon and SSKK Goku
>event is on for a short time and neither it nor the units come back for over a year
>they get buffed on JP
>the event also gets revamped
>Global gets TEQ Hit on a shit banner for Christmas
>JP gets TEQ Hit on a better banner on some random week
>they also get an event with decent F2P units and a farmable Hit
>they ALSO get Kale & Caulifla shortly after which amplifies Hit's team
I think the only time we didn't get screwed on a Global first was Rage Vegeta. Even then it still took forever for his event to comeback but that's not as insulting as those other two.
Got bored as fuck without units to farm so I started doing runs of every SBR stage as a victory lap, since I already beat them. I haven't done STR or the category stages yet, but fuck all these new units trivialize this stuff so much
should i fall for the discounted 3+1 trap lads
Just did the discounted roll rotation and got jack shit. Wish I got that new Gohan though. Oh well, 4 anni here I come
Someone has to get the LR if we all summon.
>do 3+1 discounts
>literally all old trash in the final slot for all summons
I did.
I fucking got the bros on my third multi!
>get a fake out animation
>it's a fucking SSJ3 Broly dupe
>not a single dokkan fest character
I have been cursed for so long when will my luck turn. It's been over 1500 stones since my last good pull
Congrats now get the PHY Gohan or they are unplayable
I did it, it only took 2 multis im so fucking happy, the curse is broken i have finally pulled an LR
GOT HIM FIRST TRY FRENS. My first ever LR not counting the NY ones.
oh fuck, just got hercule riding buu animation
Probably not, 90 stones is basically 2 multis you could be getting coins on
I'll still probably do it since I'm desperate for a good teq lead to kill kid buu next battlefield
Pretty good haul if I say so myself.
Just fucking kill me please
>10 featured units
>Gotenks again
>2 (TWO) other full category leads
What a shitty banner.
One lap through the 3+1
>TEQ Vegito
>Chunky Buu
>INT Buu Saga Crapgeta
>AGL Family Kamehameha Gohan
>SSBE Vegeta
>INT Goten
>Crap TEQ Super Buu
...My dry spell continues onward.
fuck you and fuck all the gachafags players. because of you game developers became jelous and became money hungry instead of making quality games. and this kind of disgusting behavior will be the norm of future game because all of you gachafags players. i hope you guys die a painful death
Praying worked i forgot to mention it because i was hyped but imgo buy a goku statue bros
Meh, thats a skip
This banner is trash. Besides Jobgeta, the LR Jobhan and Who?ten, and the support Jobhan, Jobgito is the only halfway decent card, and he's shitty compared to his F2P LR anyways.
Please kill me anons.
>Trying to start this retarded fucking argument again
There's no argument there because he's right on all fronts.
What argument?
He's not wrong, defensive capability is almost half of any card at this point.
Best summon outta 4. Gonna rainbow Goku and 2nd dup Vegeta. Now I am officially allowed to be mad if I see these 2 again.
A couple idiots that try to derail these threads by insisting that because the LR Blue Vegito is the better tank, the TEQ VB is garbage and not only isn't more useful in any situations, but on occasion insist it somehow does less damage than the LR too.
Did a 3+1
>Vegeta SSBE (new)
>Broly SSJ3
>FF Frieza Str (new)
>Kid Buu Agi
>Borgos Phy
>Paikuhan Tec
>Family Kamehameha Goku SSJ Str (nice FUCKING troll Bamco)
>Vegeta SSJ3 Tec
Dunno if I should feel glad for SBBE and Frieza or shaft for all the shit I got.
>tfw only have 100 ds for the anniversary now
For the free Blazing Battle units, is the STR Goku or AGI Gohan more useful?
Goddamn it I hate phoneposting
>he fell for the "discount" meme
i sure didn't i got my LR on the second multi
>Vegeta SBBE
>STR Frieza
>everything else
OH NO NO NO NO. You should have just saved your stones. SSBE Vegeta was gonna be in the 4th year banners anyways.
On Realm of Gods, the TEQ VB is a better option if you've got Blue Gogeta. The two of them together are such an absurd rotation. The LR VB is better on Potara and Future/Time Travel categories than the TEQ by a long shot, but on RoG he can't really compare.
over 60 stones for a card that doesn't work on it's own, congrats
Only summoning because TEQ VB is there.
Got crappy unfeatured SSRs until the free multi.
uh ohhhh. someone didn't get the lr and is a widdle upset about it
i also got the support gohan, just stop being jelly and maybe you will pull it
>teq VB is optimal in time travelers
>you can link him with gogeta on future saga
Imagine not following jp
I wasn't planning to summon on Vegeta's banner anyway, I already have Lr Gogeta, Frieza MF and MVP 17. With that SBBE, there's no way I'll even touch his banner now
Super Saiyan and Fierce Battle are easy links to keep up and the rest are just for ki they don't need to rely on each other for. Teq Vegito's lack of defense will always hold him back.
>Gohanfags implying anyone with a brain is summoning on this over transforming broly
enjoy the reused 12 ki super machine
>Teq Vegito's lack of defense will always hold him back.
Why do people rag so fucking hard on TEQ VB's defense. It's not nearly as bad as people say. The LR is invincible, but the TEQ builds his defense up to average DFE levels extremely quickly, so why the fuck does it matter? He's not nearly the squishiest TUR, not even in the running, yet people act like he's made of goddamn tissue paper.
I got tempted into summoning bros god dammit. On one hand I got the LR and Vegito dupe but on the other I only have 325 stones for the anni atm
Stop being a retard and wait for the gacha coins, your stone value will double
>Why do people rag so fucking hard on TEQ VB's defense.
Because if you can't cement that his defense is completely and irredeemably garbage it isn't then you can't point to a solid reason he's worse than the LR. It's that simple. I don't know why people fanboy so fucking hard about two different versions of the same fucking unit, it's the most idiotic childish bullshit. They each have their own strengths but people want to cry that THEIRS has BETTER strengths, and if they don't then they'll CRY.
b-but youtubers told me so
Yeah I feel pretty retarded I need that Turles and 17 desu
When you're running him for sbr or later eza/battlefield stages, that charge up time can and will fuck him up. There's too much risk when his defense boost is complete rng.
Defense doesn't matter outside of a single mode you only have to beat once.
Well I wasn't gonna roll more than 3 time, It's good I don't even have to roll 2 time
It is not nearly as big of a deal as people claim it is, when you're going to popping defensive items regardless of the fucking unit in the early turns of an SBR battle. Also,
>Fat fuck Truth insists Super Saiyan Gogeta is a defensive god based on nothing but a 30% chance to dodge despite it constantly letting him down when he needs it
>Utterly despises TEQ VB's capability to infinitely stack attack and defense, even when it comes extremely clutch for him he'll just call it RNG
>Despite that same RNG constantly making Gogeta unreliable
The real reason TEQ VB gets an undeserved bad rap is mouthbreathing retards who take everything youtubers say as gospel.
>JP getting this LR at some unknown later point
>Meaning they could potentially get the new LR Broly before then
I just want a damn 2nd Movie Broly that starts out as either base form, or SSJ, the superior versions of old Broly.
It's such a bummer that the only art for that version of him is locked as the TUR of STR LR Broly.
What the FUCK
Grats nigga.
>you're going to popping defensive items regardless of the fucking unit in the early turns of an SBR battle
That's way too costly to do and not using an item leaves him wide open which could easily end a run.
I don't really care what Dashit has to say, but he's an obviously flawed unit in the current meta where everything must do tons of damage and take blows well.
Did 6 multis got some nice dupes
>That's way too costly to do
It's how I've done literally every run of SBR I've completed. Category SBR is begging for punishment if you try and first-turn with zero items unless you're rocking SSJ3 Vegeta or TEQ Golden Frieza, or some equivalent.
Nats grigga.
Good job, user!
>mfw all I wanted was the AGL Vegeta for my Pure Saiyan team but didn't get him or the new LR
Using items in the first turn has always fucked me over in the final sbr battle and all category stages last 4 turns at most generally. VB is a liability to keep on rotation and won't get the chance to charge up and items should be used sparingly, not constantly around a single unit.
Don't worry did 4 multi and got the new support gohan and a wasted super vegito on ssj3 broly.
Since the Broly story is back, is EZA SSB Vegeta worth the SA grind if I've also got SSBE Vegeta?
better than what I got.
>SSBE Vegeta
>INT Turles
>TEQ God Goku
>STR Majin Buu Evil
>INT Goten
>TEQ Kid Trunks
Never even seen the last two guys before.
what, you can get fusions units in the banner?
They're in the unfeatured pool.
You can get them in any banner ya simp
Is anyone else experience lag when fighting bosses at the end of a level, or is my phone just garbage?
Garbage phone
First round got me
2 phy ss1 gokus
Str family kamehameha goku
Kid chi chi
I uninstalled.
First off I want to apologize for making a long post, but I need help making a team that's good enough to take on Dokkan events and boss battles, anyway, here's a list of all cards I have.
Phy: UR Coora final form, UR Syn Shenron, SSR Raditz,UR Bardock, UR SS2 Kefla, UR SS2 Great Sayiaman, UR SS Trunks Future,UR SSG SS Vegito, UR SSG Angel Goku Super Kaioken, Lighting Fast SS Trunks Future, UR SS3 Vegeta, UR SS Bardock, UR SS Goku, UR Goku Youth, UR SSGSS Goku, UR Bulma Youth, UR Goku dokkan butoden, SSR Gohan Future, SSR Great Sayiaman 1&2
STR: UR Android 21 Transformed, UR Frieza Final Form, UR Legendary Sayian Broly, UR SS Goku GT, UR Jiren, UR Super Gogeta, UR SS Trunks Future, UR SS3 Vegeta GT, UR SSGSS Goku, UR SS Gohan Teen, UR SS3 Goku GT, UR Vegito, UR SSGSS Vegeta, UR Pan GT Honey, SSR Vegeta GT
INT: UR Raditz, UR Golden Frieza Angel, SSR SS Vegeta, UR Vegeta, UR Mai Future, UR Beerus, UR SS3 Goku, UR Videl, UR SS Trunks Future,
TEQ: UR Perfect Cell, UR Golden Frieza, UR SS3 Vegeta, UR SSGSS Vegeta, UR SS Gohan Future, UR Super Full Power SS4 Goku, UR SS3 Goku Angel, UR SS Bardock, UR Trunks Teen Future, UR SSGSS Goku,
AGL: UR Vegeta dokkan butoden, UR SS Trunks Xeno, UR Bulpan, UR SSGSS Vegeta, UR SSGSS Goku, UR Bardock Giant Ape, UR Super Vegeta, UR Android 18
TL;DR I suck at this game and need help getting gud
Could've just posted pictures you retard no one is gonna read all that shit
Didn't get the LR after 4 pulls, but I got the PHYS Gohan, AGL Pure Saiyans Vegeta, and some dupes. I'm okay with this.
>pull the LR
>no elder kais
Like the other guy said it would be nice if you provided some pics. That took a long time to read and I don't recognize some of the card names. Anyway,I think you can make a Full Power team because I believe you have all these cards. I'm not sure what INT Vegetas you were talking about but I assume it's this one. Try to make this team and use a PHY Broly friend.
I've tried posting photos in Dokkan Threads before, but they won't upload
Thanks, I appreciate it
My INT Vegeta's are Last Minute Technique SS Vegeta and Fearless Departure Vegeta
Yeah Fearless Depature is the one in the pic. His event is easy since it's just one type. I think you can make a decent STR or just use the team I suggested on him.
Dokkan guide for brainlets
1. Sort units by cost
2. Find units that cost 58 or 77 and read their leader skills
3. Filter your box by the categories lead by said units
4. Put 5 random UR units and the leader on a team, preferable ones that share 2 or more links with the leader
Congrats you can beat most events now
>blow all my stones like a retard
>no LR
a-at least i got 2 vegito blues and a dupe SSBE..
I'm using the team you suggested, it's working out quite well
Thanks for your help
I say goddam
>get tien, yamcha and chiaotzu
>get str rildo and the phy goku from the banner
Why the FUCK are INT Goten and that shitty fucking Goku in there?
They are worthless outdated units and Goten doesn't even have an awakening despite the fact that he could have easily gotten one now.
>4 multis
>SS3 Broly
Yeah, no more wasting stones for me.
i'm running out of agl orbs, help
wait until prime battle LR trunks campaign to come? I'm in the same situation except INT orbs.
No LR but got the new phy Gohan. Back to saving it is.
what's the max hp possible?
on my rerolled jp account?
>joined on the 4th aniversery
>sadly didint bother enough to do the quests durning that just do summon and mod on the eza's for free stones and leave it until recent time
right now i completed every eza, every sbr, boss rush and farmed rank 400 with a macro
>LR Kale and Caulifla
>Both LR SS4s
>Zamasu, Trunks Gogeta and Broly
If you clear the new Goku event coming tomorrow you beat the game.
i hope i dont get banned
You won't, modded everything but WT on my 500 day account.
think you're missing that one loligami brought up stuff that was irrelevant and took a sarcastic tweet seriously and that also it was ONLY loligami he was upset with because dun dun he talks with other mods/previous mods on Twitter all the time
You are telling me truth didn't contribute 75 out of the 78m bucks dokkan made in february?
>World Tournament GOAT
He should be fucking A
Gaze upon my first multi and weep.
Give me your account
grats on ur raditz
Oh no no no fucking hell he will waste all that stamina for that.
Sorry user. This is another trap banner before the 4th anniversary.
And I fell for it. Only 350 now feelsbadman
End my fucking life.
At least you pulled those Brolys amirite fren
He was already rainbowed.
I did the 3 multi + free multi and got
> a third copy of ss3 gotenks
> a second copy of kaioken goku (angel), Freiza GT and dyspo
>teq android 18
i got shafted. I even got the super vegito animation but that was probably for ss3 gotenks.
at least they just gave yamcha from WT.
SO what did you buy with the Book of WAr treasures?
I had one dupe on each family kamehameha so i just decided to get 3 copies of goten since he is the best one of the bunch.
Also these are all the joined forces cards that i have. some need awakening, some are already awakened, what is the best team i can make with them?
Holly shit
Alright, I took the bait and did the first round. Only featured card I got was the str ultimate gohan which im thankfull for since the only SBR I have left is hybrid saiyans. Next weekend i'm officially beating dokkan
good job. but i am sure more SBR are coming since we have a shitload of categories now.