One of the biggest, most diverse game libraries of all time.. yet not a single classic

One of the biggest, most diverse game libraries of all time.. yet not a single classic.

What happened?

Attached: nds.png (880x609, 521K)

>Bowser's inside Story
>Hotel Dusk
>Phoenix Wright

shitty graphics, only good for cash grabs

>Pokemon Platinum
>Pokemon HGSS
>Pokemon BW
>Pokemon BW2
>Phoenix Wright

>Ghost Trick
>Etrian Odyssey 3
>Professor Layton

Attached: play dead.gif (400x269, 2.26M)

>what is pokemon
>what is zero escape
>what is phoenix wright
>what is professor layton
>what is warioware
>what is hotel dusk
>what is NSMB
>what is mario kart
>what is zelda
>what is TWEWY
>what is ghost trick
>what is trauma center
>what is elite beat agents

Is this the thinly veiled NDS rec thread?

>Phoenix Wright
That's a GBA port.

Platinum turns 10 years old this year, OP. It's also got the best Mario Kart in the entire series.

>op posts a bait reccomendation thread
>retards fall for it

I don't even know anybody who's even played the game boy advance version.


It was hardly a step up from gba, almost no good games came out because they all had some awful touch based gimmick

yeah try harder faggot
Ds is unironically the best console in last two generation.
>ace attorney games & investigation
>Ghost trick
>professor layton
>gta chinatown
>Hotel Dusk: Room 215
Lets not talk about nintendo first party games, classic games ports and above average games.

least intelligent post in this whole thread

Read this retard

Attached: DS.jpg (1143x4882, 2.68M)

Phoenix wright is from GBA retard.

Sneaky rec thread

I can't believe Magical Starsign is in there, I thought almost no one knew it.

>>Bowser's inside Story
Ruined by forced mic controls

Is the most patrician list I've ever found