Games like this
Games like this
Other urls found in this thread:
can an amerimutt please translate what it says?
It says go back to
la preguntas
And why the fuck would ask an American to translate Spanish you obsessed dipshit
The pleasure of being cummed in
boku no battletoads
el placer de ser cummed dentro
Boy or girl?
DON'T revers search it, it's a ruse. The small one is also a boy.
Guaranteed replies.
They are discussing video games
does it matter?
Looks like a Konosuba thing.
King of Fighters XIV
Metal Slug
Dragonball Fighterz
Dragonball Xenoverse
Dragonball Budokai modded to include El Hermano and Gohan Blanco
Does it feel good?
Please don't ask me weird questions
It feels like if he's run? me a lot of times
(Literally translation so idk)
At this rate I'm going to run inside of you, you know
I know
I guess if I weren't to translate it literally correr would be cum
Not-mutt version. And it's loli/shota you retards.
>Go to Spain
>Almost everybody is multilingual and typically speak English anyways
>Go to Mexico and Greater Mexico (USA)
>Spics speak exclusively Spanish and are upset when others do not speak their dead language
I'm sorry it was DID it feel good.
I'm retarded, just woke up.
So it'd be.
Did it feel good?
Please don't ask me weird questions.
It feels like he came inside me a lot of times.
At this rare I'm going to cum inside you, you know.
>>Dead language
Jajajajaja, maricon.
spaniards are spics you retarded europoor
Now I'm really going to need some games like this, daddy likey