What's your opinion on mini retro consoles Yea Forums?
What's your opinion on mini retro consoles Yea Forums?
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mad gay
I have a 3ds that can play every classic game ever
why would I use these things?
Retarded cash grab
Why has the Nintendo not made a clone GBA?
dreamcast mini when?
When you can name 20 titles to put on it
>Can emulate all these games on a literal potato
Why would you buy this? You're literally throwing money down the drain.
>Why would you buy this?
Most do that for the controllers.
You can get a PS Classic for like 20-30 bucks in many stores and that covers the costs for 2 classic controllers which you could also use to play via PS1 emulator on PC
Are those games legendary Yea Forums?
soj as fuck
OpenEmu is all anyone ever needs. The emus are even better than the ones released by the "official" companies half the time.
They are selling you a fancy potato with all the work of making it play video games already done for you, with a casing that looks like a game console.
Shenmue 2
Skies of Arcadia
Jet Set Radio
Ecco the Dolphin
Crazy Taxi
Crazy Taxi 2
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure 2
Soul Calibur
Dead or Alive 2
Grandia II
Chu Chu Rocket
Virtua Tennis 2
Daytona USA 2001
Phantasy Star Online
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
Sega Bass Fishing
Space Channel 5
>no Power Stone
>no House of the Dead
>no MvC2
>no Puyo Puyo
Only way i'd ever play House of the Dead is with a lightgun. I'm hoping that Sinden turns out well enough.
>2 games that were actually good and don't have superior ports
So this is the power... of the dreamcast...
They're for retarded nostalgiafags. The only people I know who have bought these are people who don't really play video games.
Why don't they just re-release the console instead of these mini versions?
Because the original game library isn't in production anymore?
So go fix that, the companies aren't hurting for cash
Pointless in my eyes.
If you want the experience of playing old games on a console hooked up to a TV, you should be getting the original console.
If that experience doesn't interest you, you can just stick to playing roms with emulators on your computer or PSP or what have you.
I feel that stuff like this is ultimately only going to appeal to normalfags who want it easy but refuse to pirate. I guess it's okay if you're getting it for your kid or something.
Cheaper to just compile a bunch of basic computer parts together, slap an emulator on there (to the point that Capcom and Sony just stole open-source emulators off the net to save more money), and call it a day.
so by your logic that means all of Yea Forums owns one.
sounds about right
There's also the hacking scene. Some people don't have great computers, or don't have a setup in their household that makes it so you can plug an HDMI from their graphics card to their TV, or any sort of Steam Link use and so on and so on. Shit like the NES/SNES Classic being so damn easy to hack means you can turn a SNES Classic into a multi-console hack machine with basically no struggle at all.