Start to care about complex mechanics

>start to care about complex mechanics
>stop enjoying the game

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Other urls found in this thread:

>start to care about complex mechanics
>enjoy the game on a deeper level
>can still also enjoy it casually

Always lame when somebody tries to make this joke about a specific game but then just makes stuff up instead of using real mechanics

he doesnt make stuff up though, this is actual smogon autism

>put one too many points in a stat that doesn't need it
>bugs me for the whole game or until I can reallocate it
I hate Souls games.

Everything he said makes sense
t. comp pokemon autist

But that's a real thought process you consider in competitive play.

For Pokemon it's more like
>start to care about complex mechanics
>realize the game is a fundamentally broken piece of garbage handled by the most incompetent game devs that have ever existed
>stop enjoying the game

The true joke here isn't Pearl trying to minmax instead of just attacking.
Its that the other guy is also doing that, and since Smogon pools are so small: A lot of common strats involve common Pocket Monster sets.

>casual smash is random chance with items
>high level Smash is just a competition to out-cheese your opponent
Suffering, the gameplay is so fun but the metas are cancer.

I just realized my opponents on showdown are probably doing this.

How awful and lame. Not even a game at this point.

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Weather Wars were the worst thing about Comptetive battles in Gen 5. Thank goodness that shit was nerfed next game

cute tyranitar

gonna be honest here I just read "min/max damage roll" and wrote it off as written by somebody trying to reference minmaxing without knowing what it is, but rereading it it does make sense, my bad fellas

It's not made up, and honestly it's not even that unreasonable of a situation.

>will my opponent switch?
>will he predict my switch?

Competitive pokemon is the ultimate yomi experience

Nothing in life feels as good as the reverse donkle

Competitive Pokémon is just the normal mechanics of SMT.

Why did competitive multiplayer SMT never take off? They tried with shit like Demi Kids or whatever.

anyone got the link to that one showdown battle where it devolved into a two hour long argument involving multiple people and most of the time they weren't even talking about the match?

What ever the fuck this guy said.
Best game.

>mind games arent games

This, if anything, makes the casual stuff even more fun.
>have knowledge of IVs/EVs unlike friends
>make a bunch of meme sets
>trade them to my friends
>have a battle royal with mons, they don't understand why the mons I gave them are so different to their in-game teams but they know these perform better
Also it's just a lot easier to just let people who don't know about this stuff experience it.

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Yes that's what happens when a game is badly designed.

>it's been firmly established that you don't deserve to beat me, so I refuse to continue

Man I love pokemon

Playing competitively never hindered my ability to enjoy the games casually though.

>0 SpA Politoed Scald vs. 252 HP / 168 SpD Tyranitar in Rain: 204-242 (50.4 - 59.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

>I have a specific code, almost a protocol that I follow
AI has gone too far

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>barryhill joined.
>barryhill: I was baited.
>barryhill left.

It did for me, I do get a bit autistic over natures and some IVs being good when I catch stuff.

I like weather Wars because of how it affected the ebb and flow of the battle. Got rain going? Will not only is that a bonus for anything using a water move but it also removes a weakness for steel, bug, and ice Pokemon. Which means they can get away with things that they normally wouldn't. It also means flying and electric types get bonuses because their hurricane and Thunders are not 100% accurate, where it's normally 70% accurate to make up for is higher than average power. Also there are Pokemon with abilities that take advantage of the rain and make them more dangerous than they normally would be. You have the tanks like rain dish Tentacruel or Ludicolo or you have people that go all in on offense like Swift swim Kingdra. At least before that was banned.
Same deal with sun, in addition to neutering water types and blessing fire types it also blesses Rock and ground types. And while it endangers grass types it also blesses them with one turn solar full heal synthesis, and Pokemon with abilities that get better in the Sun like chlorophyll. Also it makes Electric types a bit more inconsistent by taking away their one of their strongest moves which may for them to go for the less damaging but more consistent Thunderbolt.

The only thing I don't like about weather Wars is that a mandated the use of Pokemon with weather abilities to turn the field to your favor

This is why I loved the "rental system" in the newer games. I could make pre-made teams and let my friends enjoy battling on a more even footing than something they would've put together. Did this in Stadium also with Game Shark's help.

eyyy, no worries user

>competitive pokemon
>essentially boils down to playing chicken with switches and bluffing

Does this make for a good competitive video game?

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The one thing about Pokemon is that now that I know how to play it I always end up at the Pokemon League somewhere around 20 levels under the Curve.

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This but with Tapus,

Truly a classic.
I love how all of this is just a fucking random battle.

It depends. It basically means that as long as the power levels are equal everything comes down to mind games between you and the opponent. Which is kind of the problem with Pokemon single player. The AI doesn't have the ability to know when to bait and switch. I love lightning rod but that ability is 100% useless in the single-player

This is exactly why Pokemon died in gen 3: because they started to design the games around this type of playstyle. The R/S Battle Tower telling you "no, fuck you, you can't use the cool monsters anymore" is undeniable proof of that.

The over reliance of RNG is what makes competitive Pokemon, well, not competitive. Full para, swag play, flinch fishing and bullshit like Scald/Moody Water having such a big impact is asinine.

Someone was talking about this earlier in the day and I just want to verify. Something about fairy type making all of the dragons and Ice types unviable. Because that would be insane if a single type completely destroy two types all together.

>have a pupitar which will turn into Tyranitar the pokemon based off of Godzilla
>Charizard named Godzilla

That's more Pokemon having way too many possible options. I know that sounds counterintuitive but you have to remember you only have 6 party members and those six only have four moves available to them. You just can't account for every single possibility which means something is going to end up screwing you over at some point. There are plenty of answers to minimize. You can use taunt, you can use a phasing move, there are one hundred percent accurate moves. The problem is that the longer it takes to scout that the more difficult it becomes to stop it. And considering Pokemon die in 3 or so hits on average it's entirely possible to have battles that become unwinnable in two turns. So either tell every single player to start running aerial Ace coverage on something for every match ever. Or just ban minimize

Just so we are clear though this is just a thought process I see explaining this. I personally think that it's a little done considering there are far worse offenders in these games

>Playing competitive
>Playing with a laptop
What a bunch of fags

>celebi and politoad
deserves to lose

Ice types were unviable long before Tapus entered the mix, the only ones that were used were strong ice shard users like Mamoswine and Weavile for revenge killing other dragons, who were the dominant type of gens 4-5 or the literal box legendary that would ideally be in the same category as Mewtwo, Kyurem-B but Ice is so shitty and it has such awful movepool that it can be used in Smogon's OU with no issue.
Dragon's viability took a massive hit but did by no means become completely unviable, Dragon type offers some good resistances unlike Ice but it is true that Dragon types stopped relying on their Dragon STAB to be offensive threats since giving a free switch to any of the current meta fairies is suicidal.

Some overweight faggot sitting with a calculator isn't mind games.

Also there aren't even any mind games. OU Is so small at any given point and ever since gen4 or whatever when you're forced to show your team, that entire aspect is gone.

Pokemon is for retards.

It was spur of the moment, I was trying out Cloud White. Was going to do a Godzilla themed team. Realized it pigeonholed me into catching certain things rather than enjoying the new encounters, and so I just quit. Then caught a Larvitar

>game tries to stop you from min-maxing it
>min-maxing becomes more necessary, just more tedious
I hate shit devs

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you're a fucking lazy idiot

This is the truth

>Some overweight faggot sitting with a calculator isn't mind games.
This line fucking killed me kek

Funnily enough none of that is made up
Scary right

>think through all this shit
>95% move misses or a crit occurs or something stupid
How can anyone take this seriously?

Pretty much. Especially with how badly some Pokemon are designed(stat/ability/movepool wise)

You don't roll for damage in pokemon; it's a flat value equation (aside from crits).

>what are critical hits

>start to care about complex mechanics
>enjoy the game on a deeper level
>Friends no longer enjoy playing with me because I shit on them so hard.

>it's a flat value equation
no it isn't, it has a random aspect

There's a small range of damage that could possibly happen.

There are damage rolls though.

you should go with scald because you have a 30% chance to burn with evens out the min-max damage.

Imagine being this new

>in yellow health
>can somehow survive a STAB rain boosted Scald

Veteran player here, this is 100% true.

Maybe it's Passho TTar

Huh, interesting.
The range is small enough that I never actually noticed.

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>The only thing I don't like about weather Wars is that a mandated the use of Pokemon with weather abilities to turn the field to your favor
Therein lies the problem, it dominated all other strategies.

>Was going to do a Godzilla themed team.
And yet you didn't name your Venusaur Biollante?

>Competitive Pokémon is just the normal mechanics of SMT.
Even as someone who loves SMT, that is not true.

There is a damage range, it's just very small.

>mfw i had a meltdown of this level last night on League of Legends

I need to fucking relax

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Melee gets more fun as you get a handle on the depth

Fuck I remember this shit show. Anyone have the rest of the story?

No problem user. People learn new things every day.

>1.33x boost on accuracy means Stone Edge will always fucking hit
>Somehow this is bullshit when it 1-shots a Bug/Fire type
Beyond retarded.

how do I get gud at pokemon? where do I start?

Competitive Pokémon is so fucking fun. I was doing Lets Go WiFi battles a while ago and predicting your opponents next move fills me with so much joy that I burst out laughing. I don’t go to tournaments but I don’t need to because just beating others online is more than enough enjoyment for me.

It's actually more complex than SMT, it's just that it's also filled with retarded design decisions.

you need to fucking quit playing assfaggots

Compfags/minmaxfags suck the fun out of everything they touch, prove me wrong

but i just started again, user

but you're right. i started minmaxing 2/3 years ago and while i'm good at everything, i hate everything.

Don't do it user, it's better to just have fun with it.

okay, how do I piss people off in online battles

Run stall

trolling in pokemon is garbage because there's no real way to do it without being invested

it's different from counter strike or dota where you can passively chip away at the team's sanity over time without much effort

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Playing through Red as a kid I thought status effect and buff/debuff moves were stupid and only taught my pokemon attack moves.

You mean gen 2

something similar

>start to care about complex mechanics
>git gud at it
>start getting creative
>realize the game is a fundamentally broken piece of garbage handled by the most incompetent game devs that have ever existed
>realize it was never designed this way on purpose, but just became this way by chance
>original intent was always to enjoy the game at a surface level
>realize other games are far more complex and are handled by more competent devs
>stop enjoying the game

Post it.

That just means you're a normal human beings. Min-maxing autists suck the fun out of everything

nigga that shit was so embarassing. i have no screenshots or logs.

i was doing really poorly and someone pointed it out. i lost my shit for no reason and started projecting for like 15 minutes straight lmao

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Breeder / minmaxing faggots are the worst cancer Pokemon community has
the second place belongs to furfags or compfags
third place is definitely the nu-gen apologists

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This is why I left MtG.
I used to play for fun with a few friends but then the shop we frequented filled up with autists and their meta and minmaxing and then you end up playing with 30 people all with the same deck using the same gimmick. The game simply reduced to a coin flip of who could pull the gimmick off first.

Yeah but sometimes you get autism goldmines like
>I still see a perfectly healthy Arcanine on the field of play.

Competitive Pokémon is just a fighting game for people who don't have the reaction speed necessary for fighting games. The whole point of learning the mechanics is so that you can setup, predict, bait, threaten and counter your way into a victory. If you don't like any of this you probably don't like fighting games in general.

My only other complaints are the timesink of breeding and training, as well as the piss poor balancing that almost mandates the fans coming up with tiers to make your favourite Pokémon viable. Don't hate the tiers, tiers let my favourite Pokémon shine. Hate Gamefreak for not being able to balance stats to such a ridiculous degree that flagship "legendary Pokémon" can often land up in UU or even NU.

RNG I think of as that Magic: the Gathering mechanic where occasionally you flood out and end up on a land screw and can't play the game, except somehow it isn't so debilitating in Pokémon.

yep. i'm getting tired of fighting games for the same reason.
no bullshit, i'm high level and it's a HUUUUUUUGE fucking drag. i'm actually sick of gaming because of it.

Competitive pokemon is pretty much a joke.

Tyranitar is not on Sandstorm buff. I think a STAB Sclad, boosted in rain, will OHKO a T-Tar even at full HP, let alone under 50%. Switching into Celebi under the supposition it will switch to gastrodon is a dangerous and dumb move because on the off chance that he wants to let the TTar die and revenge kill instead he risks eating a Crunch, not even from a read but just picking a random stab to pass the turn, and lose a Celebi. He's not even considering the type of Set Tyranitar is running. In a Choice set he's Definetly going to swirch him out because he can still make use of his combat power, in a Dragon Dance set he might let it die if it couldn't set up as a half HP isn't gonna set up shit. It also depends on how much his team wants the Sandstorm and how far into the game we are.

Just play it safe, go for the Scald and react to Gastrodon after it comes out, switch into Celebi afterwards as there is little a Gastrodon can do against Celebi.

you are forgetting the pokemon youtubers
its all fucking clickbait, lets players, kids, and some stupid drama related to that one furry not to talk about the extra autism that goes in there

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And how should one play a multiplayer game then, if not with the best loadout possible? Should we all mandatorily gimp our team/decks and play poorly on purpose? If the complaint is that these guys sperg out insufferably in your face, then it's the culture you have an issue with, not the mechanics and the people learning the mechanics to play other players at higher levels.

Just play the games, you'll learn the deeper mechanics in the post-game/online stuff.

Hey, those videos that pikasprey put out with solo mon runs are entertaining, or the ones where he sets up/gets out of softlocks.

I'm an SMTfag too and I find they're very similar, especially in doubles battles.

It's all about jockeying with buffs, debuffs, attacking with as many modifiers as possible, and failing that maneuvering with status effects around your more difficult walls.

Trolling requires some amount of investment in order to have some semblance of substance.

>minmaxing competitive shit in a children's game
for what purpose

>OU Is so small at any given point
But that makes it so easy to dance around. Trolling people with NU/PU anti-meta picks that are only useful because of how predictable the opponent is is the fucking best.

I don't get it. I haven't been serious about pokemon in a while.

>a literal children's game that tries to push a lesson on the importance of bonds and friendship
>love your favorite pokemon and they will not betray you

>instead autistic faggots make the game all about loveless ditto whoring to get that PERFECT digit / nature pokemon, essentially becoming Gary Oak, who the story and professor tells you "is doing it wrong"

Personally, I'm fine with faggots playing however they want, but pokemon is probably the least suited game for weaponsgrade autism competitiveness

How about playing just for fun? If you're doing a co-op multiplayer thing, then go for the best loadout. But if it's just by yourself, what's wrong with playing how you like?

Just a quick reminder that a single Shuckle with a /vp/ meme build can overpower an entire team of Smogon OUs. Playing to win instead of playing to have fun is an absolute joke.

>ever since gen4 or whatever when you're forced to show your team, that entire aspect is gone
This is what killed the whole aspect of playing matches for me. You can still surprise people with unconventional sets/moves on Pokemon. But at the end of the day, you can tell what each Pokemon is supposed to do in a team composition - especially when you see the entire fucking line-up.

I take my competitive team through a new game cycle first so that I bond with them. Every gen I build a team, wait for the game to come out, then transfer them over and go on the adventure with them.

I don't disagree. That's why I wanted to suggest that the reason you dislike it is maybe because some autist who couldn't read the situation came in and sperged at length over how your favourite Pokémon or Magic card or MOBA character "sucks" like he was some kinda authority. It's happened to me, it happens to all of us. No one likes them. Fuck, occasionally I'm that person and I don't like me. Play how you like, bruh, but don't knock people who like the game so much they're scrutinizing the mechanics and balance to try and be better at it.

This, I remember the game of figuring the antilead and then thinking about wich Pokémon can be on the back after two were revealed.

Team preview sucks ass.

You're one of those retards who spam projectiles from the edge of the screen, aren't you?

That's a great way to look at it, user. But I'm just burnt out at this point.

Because competitive is fun, so long as you don't have to autistically breed everything.

>Forfeit before he's even done boostan
May as well post one of the numerous Snips replays instead

>overpower an entire team
>Did quits after trying two Pokemon
What did he meme by this?

It happened with Crash Team Racing, ever since the remake appeared everyone is always talking about Ultimate Sacred fire along with Saffi fire but all i do is just drift as normal but cool names though

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I can't have fun without winning. I wish I could fix it and enjoy everything again.

And it made Team Building linear as fuck

Admitting you have the problem is the first step. League is really bad for some people’s mental health.

No, because that strategy is predictable and punishable once you learn the game. I throw them out to punish careless play at range. Were I a better player, I'd be using them to space my opponent into making a careless mistake within combo range.

I have anger problems. Ruins a lot for me.

I just it hilarious how there’s a move with 30% hit rate to OHKO anything in a game with competitive pvp

You might think this is smart or strategic but at this point it becomes rock paper scissors since it all goes down to do I counter attack this particular threat, or do I counter his counterattack to my intended counterattack?

Assuming they are not stupid and they have the same meta knowledge of the game, the game goes down to this 50/50 shit in which you are practically betting, instead of predicting.

guy losing has an autistic meltdown, just read the chatlog after the game ends

Playing competitive MTG for me actually helped me get okay with playing the game for fun, cuz you can autistically minmax and learn ins and outs as much as you want, but some days your opponent just plays better and some days you draw cards terribly and just end up on a losing streak that if you're just playing to win, its gonna be miserable. I'll play competitively only if I enjoy the game so much that win or lose, I have a good time. I'll happily minmax autistically, but I'll only go competitive with a game I feel that way about. Where I'm speaking the language of the fight with another person. Call it corny but them's the apples for me.

At worst I catch two or 3 and use the least shit one.

Even peak fusion autism isn't anywhere near as autistic as IV/egg moves breeding and EV training and demons don't have abilities, weather, held items or switch ins to worry about.
There is way more shit you need to account for in competitive pokemon than in SMT.

>mfw my friend has recorded and written down a minute rant I had calling my teammates a bunch of faggots when I came over and played a round of overwatch as Lucio and we lost while I had gold damage, obj time, obj damage, and of course healing
I think I could have stretched it to 2 hours too, desu

Your analysis isn't completely wrong, but it isn't always 50/50 so you're hedging your bets with your strategy really, minimizing you risk and maximizing your value at any moment.

the stupidest thing I've ever seen with smash bros is 8 player stock timed, it got to the point where you could just avoid everyone until there was 2-3 people left and win simply because you died least and didn't engage anyone
it took way too many matches for people to notice what was happening and nobody was even drinking for fuck's sake

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>have to care about complex mechanics in order to succeed even in basic bitch battles

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>Random battle
>Guys gets to set up his aerodactyl mid-game
>Opponent only has pokemon weak to his rock stab left
>Throws a salty/pretentious fit in the chat-log

No worries pal, props for owning up

Thanks my dude

Its more like
>game has complex mechanics solely because dev's can't learn to implant the rest of the game's mechanics normally

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ttar outspeeds here, which means that your opponent is expecting you to switch, so he'll definitely either boost or attack
Therefore the correct play is to Scald and hope for a burn and then to either switch or stay in depending on your coverage.

>defensive ttar
if you're playing against that you already won anyway.

I honestly hate people who care about IVs and EVs.

The first thing you learn playing pokemon is thats its like rock paper scissors.
And it never stops being rock paper scissors they just added extra layers.
Pokemon becomes more complex but doesnt become deeper

>You might be the most pretentious little fuck I've ever seen
Little did they know that was the start of the "1 gorillion hours of typing fit"

>having your friends show up to fight your battles
thats a faggy thing to do, I always hate that shit also the guys a huge fag for starting it for two hours instead of just leaving when he clearly lost

Please post more

I hate iv and ev in general.
Unfortunately they are a thing and caring about them is mandatory in competitive.

Imagine being upset by the potential complexity of a childrens game.

>Add 5 second turn timer
Think fast.

>Pokefags think that this is boring and autistic.
Meanwhile, take a look at yugioh.

play against me, I get buttmad in every single match

Youre not wrong, but a pokemon match involves a series of bets, so you can learn how your opponent plays. fwiw, competitive rock paper scissors actually exists and there are people who consistently win

>liked pokemon
>found it too simplistic until I started understanding the depth in breeding/EVs/IVs/etc.
>only way to enjoy a little more challenge would be against fucking autists
>Play SMT instead for the superior singleplayer RPG experience + fusion autism

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>OH MY GOD KILL: I have a specific code, almost a protocol that I follow
>OH MY GOD KILL: If I deem a person unworthy of beating me, they don't. I refuse to allow them the honour of KOing all 6 of my Pokekon.
>it just fucking goes on
Shit like this makes me glad I never achieved peak autism even if I was pretty spergy.

I almost admire these crazy fucks for their tenacity sometimes though.

>The AI doesn't have the ability to know when to bait and switch.
Except when i'm using shitmons i guess.

>never used grass mons or moves in a playthrough except in BW2
>play Y
>both Shauna and the champion bait out my grass move with their Sap Sipper Goodra

What are you trying to say here?

why would anyone listen to this little faggot

It's not a good move, specially when VGC uses doubles

The move that isn't viable in any competitive scene?

>mitel: So please, tell me what YOU'VE gathered from this.
>mitel: What you think all these statements say about you.
>OH MY GOD KILL: I gathered uh...
>OH MY GOD KILL: a couple of hours of entertainment
>mitel: You dense motherfucker.
>mitel left.



casual elitism?


I play the online version. Fucking hate those shitty decks they use because it's objectively the "best". And here i am with a vampire deck that's all about trying to have fun.

Honestly, this. Even at the most basic level Pokémon is an imbalanced unfun pile of shit outside of the campaign

>not a viable move
>still explicitly banned
It's perfectly viable for shitters looking for a lucky win

Mind Reader Sheer Cold Articuno would be a decent threat if it was legal.

> the opponents first turn takes four fucking minutes
> it's also the last turn
holy shit

> "Are you winning, son?"
"just playing solitaire dad"

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Use a competitive Anything Goes team in low ladder. Easiest way to piss people off.

If a game's meta only permits exactly one precide strategy and the game is decided by who can execute that strategy first, then it is a shit game.

There is only one competitive game in which almost all possible routes are viable, and thus there is only one good competitive game.

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Don't worry, current format is looking great with fun and interactive gameplay!

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stop playing by smogon rules

>After years of procrastination putting off learning how to and assembling a PC I finally buckle down and do it
>Building the PC was funner than video games

I haven’t played Pokémon really since diamond. Is there a competitive scene for 2v2 or 3v3 matches? Is that even an option? I always thought that might make the game more interesting and not just “switch my Pokémon in and out in a game of chicken until I can throw out a move that will give me an advantage”

>coming up with own strategies / deck / team / whatever and improving it as you see what does / doesn't work within it
Absolutely brilliant
>being the millionth faggot who goes straight to a wiki to find top tier stuff immediately often without even trying anything out
>bonus points if you barely even understand the game's basic mechanics on why what you've just netdecked is top tier in the first place
Fucking kys

The latter makes so many entire genres a fucking chore to play, even in genres where it isn't immediately obvious such as fighting / RTS games where these player's ranks are entirely based on the point where their wiki'd tactic works on 50% of the players of that rank and nothing to do with their skill.

VGC (the official tournaments) is doubles
Triple battles have been scrapped in gen 6 because of framerate

>Unironically linking an AznEyes video

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>everyone is always talking about Ultimate Sacred fire along with Saffi fire

ohko moves are not legal you dumbfuck
good job proving you don't anything about what you're talking about

everything he said makes sense it's happened to me

but I usually don't look up calculator just take a rsik

swagger and moody aren't legal

another idiot that doesn't know anything but yet wants to argue

mitel: We laugh at those more autistic than us
how is this not a banner?

The primary official format is Doubles.

it's actually very large

>swagger and moody aren't legal
Swagger is only illegal in gen6 Smogon formats, everywhere else it's legal. Moody is also legal in VGC/Battlespot. Also they aren't the only forms of RNG in the game.
Please apologize for being wrong.

I think running a wiki'd strategy is valuable because that's the way you learn the meta and figure out how to beat it. What better way to know your enemy than to play as your enemy? Netdecking and brewing go hand in hand because only when you know the ins and outs of the meta strategy will you have the upper hand in figuring out how to beat it.

Of course, scrubs who netdeck and assume they'll win will always be scrubs.

Why was swagger banned again?
Was swagplay really too good for smogonbabbies.

How do people like this manage to make friends? Shit hurts lads

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Skillkeys basically turned every game into RNG and nobody thought that was a good idea.

I never really got the idea of going hard on games that weren't designed to be competitive past a casual level.

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fucking mitel

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They did however address many top tier meta threats and you could play around it with magic bounce.

>is valuable because that's the way you learn the meta and figure out how to beat it.
Or you could literally just play the game.

>depth is bad

Friends that usually don't last for long.

Well, the way I see it, not only is copying the deck/team/build more efficient than autistically losing a million times before figuring the strategy out, but also you glean some greater insight of how that strategy works by playing it yourself. In MTG, I know how to play against Burn and control and bg midrange so effectively precisely because I've played those decks before and I know roughly what's gonna be in the opponent's hand at any point in time. To me that makes this an invaluable learning aid.

VGC, the actual format Nintendo gives a fuck about for competitive, is doubles. And most meta works best with doubles.

>unlock airship
>the whole world map is mine to explore
>lose interest

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Let's just be real, the Internet ruined everything when it comes this. Games used to be about figuring this stuff out for yourself. You figure out something new and use it against a friend to get an upper hand, only to realize they've figured out something else entirely to do the same. Even during the early days of the Internet, there weren't the dedicated resources we have today. Information was scarce and you had to piece together what little you could find yourself.

Now everyone just instantly goes to one place that tells them exactly what to do, how to do it, and games are figured out to a science relatively quick. Even if you don't want to do this yourself, it's too difficult to resist because everyone else does and you'll be run over if you don't. Kills a lot of the fun out of any competitive game and Pokemon is by far the biggest offender.

>caring about anything after gen 3, hacks included
have sex incel

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This is the most pure example of "Don't hate the player, hate the game"
People are always going to try to improve and push the game and its mechanics to the limit
It's up to the designers to make the mechanics and the story/themes match up, not the players to limit themselves to some arbitrary level of authentic-pokemon-experience

>I know how to play against Burn and control and bg midrange so effectively precisely because I've played those decks before and I know roughly what's gonna be in the opponent's hand at any point in time. To me that makes this an invaluable learning aid.
That has literally nothing to do with netdecking. You know what an opponent is using because they're using it against you in a game, you don't need to google what you've already played against unless again you don't have the basic game knowledge to understand why they're doing what they're doing, which netdecking often causes.
> not only is copying the deck/team/build more efficient than autistically losing a million times before figuring the strategy out
What game are you playing if you're playing against the exact same thing "a million times"? Netdecking is arguably the biggest reason as to why there's so little variance in playstyles in online games because so few people bother to come up with their own shit rather than just doing a quick wiki and finding the highest ranked build to date. Not only that but you're assuming that you'll lose in every situation which is flat out wrong unless the entire playerbase is just netdecking the exact same shit.


tried to get into competitive in X/Sun and Moon.
Quit after breeding 2 perfect mons.
Cant be bothered to autisticly breed good enough mons with perfect stats and natures. When most other people just hack them into the game.

I still play the games for fun, using different teams etc. Enjoying pokemon go casually and enjoy all the poke girl porn. Good shit. Looking forward to Sword/Shield and thinking about starting sun/moon anime for cute girls and comfy adventure.

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Is that the point you gathered from this? Wow.

>Get really into EVs IVs and whatnot as a kid
>Try to convince friends to learn about it
>"Nah that shit doesn't matter, so long as the attacks are good"
>Proceed to steamroll them in future battles
>"user cheats his Pokemon to be stronger, he tried to tell me how to do it once."
Halfway between feelsgood and feelsbad.

The child who brought his friends in and sat for 2 hours getting trolled and invested look WAY worse than the guy not moving.

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>gen 3

Reminder Gen One is still the definitive competitive experience.

>Mixed attackers were on par with physical and special sets since every stat could be fully DV trained
>Normal types were jacks of all trades with access to a ton of TMs and good utility like Explosion and Hyper Beam while elementals were mostly limited to moves of their own type>Shitmons like Arbok and Victreebel were balanced out against top tiers like Nidoking and Venusaur thanks to access to Wrap
>Special was a unique stat functionally instead of being a rehash of physical
>Psychic was never a broken type; top tier threats like Starmie and Exeggutor didn't even run Psychic
>Dragon was never a broken type; Dragonite didn't run Dragon STAB and was UU despite having the second highest BST in the game after Mewtwo

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Good post user it has the perfect balance of stuff to convince people who don't play the games competitively and stuff to enrage comp players.

>that pokemon crystal battle tower from hell I tried out when I was kid

I can still feel violated when I think about it decades later. A phantom pain that wont go away...

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I don't believe any of this.

Bet you that dumbass got on everyone ban list after that public embarrassment.

>he never made a showdown mod rage

>psychic type
>not overpwered shit in gen1

You get two types you dominate, no functional weakness, and hard counter your only type disadvantage thanks to psychic being neutral to ghost instead of ineffective against it. The mons also had a godlike special stat, which was just a fusion of special attack and defense. Dragon was never relevant in gen1 because anything wtih a worthwhile special stat could usually learn Ice Beam,


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lmao oh my god kill is based

wow. yikes, i'm on turn 14 and he's just heating the fuck up.

it's not that serious lmao

Klefki was viable in fucking AG because of swagplay. Also, there's literally only one good user of Magic Bounce and it's a mega.

if i wanna learn about the mote complex mechanics of pokemon where do i start?

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This is kind of how I feel about Smash Bros. Reading the wiki just got me really depressed when I learned there were all these mechanics and intricacies that I just don't have the skill or patience to execute. I'm talking shit like
>If you activate ability X within 3 frames of using ability Y, you can combo into Z, and if you further time Z so that it hits the sweet spot 5 frames into the animation, this will result in etc etc etc
I am just too much of a brainlet to make use of this information, but the fact that there are people who can makes me realize I'll never be able to play this game at even an average level

this is what a lefty pseud actually looks like

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Yeah sure buddy

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based and couragepilled

spam rain teams in the ladder and you'll realize it's not worth your time.

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imagine being such a brainlet that pokemon is too complicated to understand

Most possible routes are not fucking viable in dota. Just because you got stomped by a crystal maiden carry one time does not make it an actually good build. Dota certainly has a lot more wiggle room to do weird and/or against the grain builds but most of the time its about as cookie cutter as league.

yup pretty much

The guy is named after the first game, the girl/Rival pre Gen III is named after the second game. His name is Diamond.

>start to care about complex mechanics
>it's ~2012
>enjoying the game immensely
>continue caring about complex mechanics
>it's ~2015
>still enjoying the game but less
>it's ~2018
>care about complex mechanics to the utmost
>stop enjoying the game because everything else has been rendered utterly broken by incompetence of the devs and ignorance of the players

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Showdown mods are the biggest fucking retards I've ever encountered and I've interacted with Yea Forums and SomethingAwful mods plenty of times. Nothing compares to these drooling troglodytes.

>and hard counter your only type disadvantage thanks to psychic being neutral to ghost instead of ineffective against it.
You got some things wrong.
>Psychic still deals neutral damage vs ghost to this day.
>Ghost wasn't a counter to psychic for some major reasons. The only ghost mon was part poison, it had no physical attack stat to work with its stab, lick was its strongest ghost stab, and to top it all off a bug gave psychic ghost immunity anyway.
>Bug was Psychic's only weakness, but again it didn't resist, had no good stab, and bug was generally a bad type period.
You are right in that there is almost 0 downside to being psychic (it only really matters to Exeggutor thanks to it also being grass, but even then it loves the typing.)
The only type that matched Psychic was Normal.

you're a fucking retard for making that initial post but it takes balls to own up to your retardation so good on you. that cancels out your initial retardation and then some.

based as fuck

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It's almost as if pokemon wasn't designed to be a competitive game. Not even pvp focused.

>16-20 year old zoomers are shitheads

It makes more sense when you realize they balance for doubles and not singles for some fucking reason.

I don't know why you'd want to do this if you intend on playing.
The game is over with. It's done.

Their "balancing" for doubles is still hot trash.

>Why did competitive multiplayer SMT never take off?
because it isn't as deep as Pokemon

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It's banned in official formats too.

Which should sound strange. Because most of the SP, which new players will play, is singles

There's much more to it then luck. Your team building skills, prediction skills, and ability to asses when you should pay it safe and when you should take risks all make a diffetence.

Xatu and Espeon might not be amazing, but they do exist

What if it's vested or has just enough extra SpD investment to push that low roll below 50%?

I used to enjoy video games. I used to enjoy Magic the Gathering. Minmaxing really does make them boring and awful to play, though.

I just play chess now.

I can't play pokemon if I'm not doing a Smogon Run, then I lose one of my faves and lose the will to continue.

I meant Nuzlocke

sincerely based confessionbro

None of the stuff in the OP comic is made up. It's honestly a reasonable prediction.

I'm not gonna call you "based" like the other anons. You still made a post based on ignorance of a subject.

This is pretty much why I dropped showdown.

>every autist is using the same team
>for the lols make an anti meta team that explicitly destroys the recurring metamons
>realizing that there is a team that is unbeatable if you're an anti metafag showdown bans or enforces clauses that make the anti meta useless.
>everyone continues to use the same team

Why competitive pokemon has to be chess with dice for autists to have fun is beyond me.