DMC thread

What kind of new weapon would you like to see in the franchise?
I'd love to see a whip. or a soccer ball as the cuhrayzee weapon

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Other urls found in this thread:

>would like to see a whip
>literally rawhide

A double-sided scythe for maximum edge.

Why is this fanbase so infested with faggots?

>limited moveset
>not for Dante

I'd like to see Pandora return with more than just seven forms. Maybe Trish still uses it.

too bad, he doesn't need anymore. bloated as it is. range like melee combat is more up Nero alley to begin with.

Soccer ball please. Used well, soccer balls can be weapons of mass destruction

>soccer ball

Lmao I was on twitter earlier reading some incest shippers whining about people complaining

>i don't give a fuck what you trolls say block me for all i care
>fans be like: these characters are straight

What is wrong with this fanbase.

Faggots and fujos are mentally ill, they don't even play the game. Ignore them

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Any franchise with laid back and "cool" main characters always brings out the autists. Just ask sonic.

Help me out and give me some hope, DMCanons.
All the hubbub around DMC5 in here made me want to get into the series. I've played through the first game twice and it left me really let down after seeing it hyped up so much. The camera was frustrating, late-game enemies felt like a chore to fight at times, the "puzzle" element felt very out of place and the aesthetics were just off-putting for me, even though I appreciated the detail that's gone into the graphics side of the game. The fights with Nelo Angelo were definetly the high point, but still not really enough to get me hooked.
Now I'm around 1/3rd through playing through DMC2 and it just strikes me as straight-up unfinished, like I'm playing through some demo presentation, which doesn't even engage with the player.
Does it get better, bros?

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>see dmc5 review from a youtuber girl
>starts reviewing story, lore, character design, interactions, etc, for like 20 minutes
>I'm not going to review the gameplay because it is not my area
Seriously fuck fuyos and gays. FUCK FUCKING FUYOS AND FUCKING FAGGOTS.

>#sons of sparda are gay and trans
Shouldn't he be calling them daughters then?

Skip DMC2, it's bad.
DMC3 is the magnum opus, DMC4 is a unfinished but great game and DMC5 is DMC5

>playing through DMC2
Holy shit no! Go directly to 3 user.

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they literally don't play the game dude, ignore them

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I also like the this series, but dislike these threads because I'm not gay. I'm usually not bothered by homoerotics, but then people talking about what they'd do to nero's ass and stuff. Shit's nasty.

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They didn't used to be like this, Yea Forums sings Devil Trigger hit 1 million views, so i guess it brought tumblrinas with it

I'm mostly just against skipping games in a series on principle, so I'll stick with it. It's supposed to be pretty short anyway, so I won't lose much time. Is DMC3 where the series really takes off then?

Absolutely, it's the most iconic of the series

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It's ok to skip DMC2 because it's really bad and Dante has like, 10 lines the whole game. It really doesn't add nothing to the story. But it's cool if you want to see it how bad it is by yourself, last boss is kinda cool
>Is DMC3 where the series really takes off then?

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Would Devil Sword Dante-chan just be Dante genderbented?

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Dmc1 is kind of aged in some points, like some water sections and camera control. But the gameplay was outstanding back then. Remember it is a 2001 game. It may not look that complex, but the enemy AI gets better in hard mode. There is something great they did in this game, that wasn't repeated in the other games, enemy design. They have multiple moves, and there is a great telegraphing system. Puzzles could be better. I also feel the resident evil-esque map designs great, and personally love the goth-classic atmosphere.
Skip 2. It is objectively one of the worst videogames ever made in general.
3 is great. It has some problems with the camera, and enemy design and AI is not as good as the first game, but it has the best combat system of the original trilogy

A baseball bat + baseball

DSD would be a ghetto negress because she's ugly as fuck

Give him mecha spider legs like pic related

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Fuck fuyos
Fuck gays
Fuck DmCfags
Fuck muh story fags
Fuck non-gameplay fags
Fuck you and git gud.

>Fuck fuyos
>Fuck gays
>Fuck DmCfags
>Fuck muh story fags
why? i like DMC story

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feel free to skip 2 if you struggle with it so much, get to 3, its THE GAME where DMC really begins, then just proceed to 4, and then 5.
5 has least amount of retarded puzzles, convoluted levels and backtracking, and by that i mean it have literally ZERO of that.
it has best bosses out every game, best enemies to fight against, best combat (only turbo is missing really)
you would love 3 and then it will just get better each game after (gameplay wise only, ignoring the story and levels and such) culminating at mission 19 and 20 in 5.

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I'd like to see

>A fencing weapon

>Hook swords

>A unique fist weapon where the two parts are the top and bottom jaw of a big lizard or T-rex or monster or something like that

>A joke weapon like a great-sword that's a giant hand that makes slapping sounds when you hit with it

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>cares about a character this much for a game they never even played
>continues to come to dmc threads to shit it up

Make it Red Queen morph with Gilgamesh metal so it can shapeshift into different weapons while still having exceed mechanic

>motorpowered scythe or even hammer

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>rocket giant axe

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shapeshifting RQ into axe would be too similar to Donte's axe, unless to flex on him even more maybe

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>Raiper for Vergil
>Cane sword for Vergil that has doppleganger remnents of Shadow and Chicken that attack with you instead of hanging back and having them attack
>Summoned sword moveset similar to how Noctis fights for Vergil
>Alastor for Vergil
>Green King blade for Nero that can combine with Red Queen to create The Golden Rule blade
>a metal whip that divides to become two but when together it's a flaming whip for Dante or Lucia

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>unless to flex on him even more maybe
i want it even more now

>Alastor for Vergil
Nah, that will be the sword replacement for Trish

Trish can have a weapon built by Nico to harness her own lightning abilities, Vergil gaining Alastor however would give him a new lightning moveset but also be near poetic in a way, a blade that was once Dante's ended up with his brother years later.

>Spardacest shippers: omg guys they're just fictional characters chill out, it's not hurting anyone stop treating them like they're real people
>Alright, fair enough I guess

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>What kind of new weapon would you like to see in the franchise? I'd love to see a whip
I'd love to see a whip too. And a baseball bat or golf club. I've always thought dante would be really fun with just a hard-hitting demon limb. I also want more weapons based on lesser demons. Faust is fun but still not enough considering the assortment of cool enemies the series has. Where's my shadow devil arm? where's my fury devil arm? where's my hell vanguard devil arm?

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You did that? Looks sick

a weapon that takes up both the gun and the melee weapon slots
maybe like a scythe that is also a sniper rifle?

Sounds like Bullet Witch

>a weapon that takes up both the gun and the melee weapon slots

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Do you think the manga is going to flash back to when Vergil was boned in that graveyard while he watched his house burn down?

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I love Dante

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Didn't he say he was playing in the yard? then he must have been caught by demons before eva came to get him. I kinda wanna see a flashback where moondust is mind raping him like they described in the novel.

Vergil never got raped, stop with this shitty headcanon

these threads are kind of hit or miss
sometimes it is literally full of gayposting/gay shipping, and sometimes they're almost completely devoid of it except for a few posts. When it comes to the latter type of thread I've noticed the fujoposting doesn't really happen until like 400+ posts in.
You mean like showing what Vergil was doing when the attack happened/Eva died? That'd be pretty cool actually. I know it was shown a bit in the DMC3 manga but it was sort of unclear since the translation wasn't that great, and that scene was also a hallucination thing shown to Vergil by a demon (I think). So it was a flashback but it's sort of unclear what actually happened. Actually wouldn't it have been retconned? In 5 V says he was playing in the playground when the house got attacked.

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No one said anything about rape.

>I kinda wanna see a flashback where moondust is mind raping him

its a meme newfag

dumb esl. it's in the novel, moondust tortured vergil so he would obey him

Mind rape is not sexual user. It's a term for psychological torment.

The dmc3 manga showed a bit of it but it was through the lens of an illusion to "test" him. He was naked and getting his shit kicked in while he watched his house burn down crying out for his brother and his family before going nuclear and DTing with the Yamato.

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Not him but
mind rape =/= actual rape
As in when Mundus fucked up his head and turned him into Nelo Angelo

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I thought he ran from the playground into a graveyard? They chased him there.

>only just realized Arkham fight is a remix of Vergil 2
holy shit

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so now that we know sales are good, will we get vergil dlc announcement at e3

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The manga won't be able to focus on V forever and certainly not in his current capacity as pretty much everything they could do would just be a re-tread so using V as an excuse to dive into Vergil's past, show him suffering alone, show the woman who he allowed himself to open up to, stuff like that inbetween V saving people would be a good way to keep it going.

Neat, kinda sounds like something that could be v's theme as well.

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50% chances we get something
50% chances we don't
Dan and Reuben said something is coming, both are going to E3 and JYB said he was working on something at June aka E3

Not sure what they'll do but they can probably come up with something cool.
Wind manipulating bladed Fans.
Sun Wukong style extending staff.
Boots that are purely kick based.
A Captain America esque shield.
Soccer balls could be cool but they can do just about anything for one of their wackier weapons.
I don't know maybe a cape that he uses to taunt people like a Matador that can harden and change shape slightly, and whip at people like Mario did with his.

I don't think it ever says that anywhere. In 5 V just mentions that he was playing when it happened, and the graveyard scene is from the 3 manga but doesn't mention Vergil playing in a playground. Him running away from the playground to the cemetery COULD have happened though, it's just not said anywhere. Maybe they'll end up mixing the two canons. I wonder how long the Visions of V manga is gonna go on for? Like if it's gonna cover all the events of 5 from V's perspective or just a bit? We've already gotten to the scene of Nero getting his arm snatched.

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I'm not expecting anything honestly, if anything it might have to do with Smash and nothing more than that, but that's just me being cynical

>inbetween V saving people would be a good way to keep it going.
That's a good idea since we have that month long break in between nero/dante getting dunked on by urizen and going back to redgrave to find dante.

Damn you can really make out Dan Southworth's facial features in these pics. Some people were saying that doing that "ruined" Vergil's face and that they should've kept it more like the face model but I think it looks really good and distinct, except for like a few shots of him.

>Nero makes modifications to Yamato while Vergil isn't looking
>Vergil decides a late abortion isn't too bad of an idea

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Fuck gays.


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isn't that what they want

This isn't Okabe, but i pray that Dante don't go to Smash, we have already many autists in DMC threads

Stop posting this fag, he isn't the real okabe

I think vergil still looks like his face model and it's just the eyes and chin that have small differences. There were some scenes were Vergil looked a bit chub like the tree and epilogue.

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that isn't okabe retard

Obviously it's not the real Okabe nigga, the Twitter handle is OkabaeHo

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Nintendo won't be at E3 so it can't be that. Reuben already said he'd be there.

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probably could've used a better phrase there

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I'm all for malleable Cape weapon. They can go full basara with it.

tell that to retards on twitter

"Chained savior" enemy looks cool
Does anyone going to translate the artbook?

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was EVERYTHING in that game red & teal? jesus christ
DMC 2 is pure, unalduterated suffering and i admire you for even bothering to play it

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is that Daimon from Dogma on the top left?

>Monkey Business, the Amazon JP exclusive Devil Breaker, is now available to download for free on Steam, PSN and XBox Live.
Monkey Business, the Amazon JP exclusive Devil Breaker, is now available to download for free on Steam, PSN and XBox Live.
>Monkey Business, the Amazon JP exclusive Devil Breaker, is now available to download for free on Steam, PSN and XBox Live.
Monkey Business, the Amazon JP exclusive Devil Breaker, is now available to download for free on Steam, PSN and XBox Live.
>Monkey Business, the Amazon JP exclusive Devil Breaker, is now available to download for free on Steam, PSN and XBox Live.
Monkey Business, the Amazon JP exclusive Devil Breaker, is now available to download for free on Steam, PSN and XBox Live.
>Monkey Business, the Amazon JP exclusive Devil Breaker, is now available to download for free on Steam, PSN and XBox Live.
Monkey Business, the Amazon JP exclusive Devil Breaker, is now available to download for free on Steam, PSN and XBox Live.

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>Note: It cannot be used in Bloody Palace.

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jesus christ why is BP no fun allowed

>play DmD
>first V mission
>2 behemots


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What did they mean by this

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>trying to acquire all purp and blue orbs for platinum
>bloody palace is right there
>too enticing

someone grant me the motivation

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i don't know if i should get all blorbs and porbs first before going to SoS/DMD or BP, S rank DS and Human or finish BP

how do i make the quality of steam screenshots stop being so shite? i took a mildly kino shot last night and it's making me really mad how terrible it looks as a jpeg

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where did this meme come from? nerofags who cant play the game good enough because dante's too much to handle?

steam settings, in-game

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I wanna fuck Dante sure but fujoshit in this series is disgusting considering pretty much every dude is related.

wait, this looks like his tail

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I mean everyone wants to fuck Dante

now i need to delete all my screenshots and remake them without the shitty compression

They're halfbreed immigrants from another dimension so it's to be expected.

>immigrants from another dimension so it's to be expected.

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the path will be clear for us to rule

>saves better version as a copy
god damn it
still, thanks user, i didn't think of that

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>get to floor 75 as Dante
>try again, die at 30 and 60
I'm getting tired of it, no way I'm using super costumes
Also fuck Mission10 on Hell and Hell

it's a shame that V has such a limited moveset, you can still do some cool things with him, but as he uses Vergil nightmares of Mallet Island he could also had additional summons that would have worked like loadout
>summoning a legion of Marionettes, some with guns, some with swords
>Phantom, as an alternative to nightmares
>either summoning a twisted version of Nelo Angelo or maybe replacing the DT with V transforming into Nelo Angelo
It wouldn't even be a spoiler at this point, it's obvious from the get go that V is Vergil

I really really really like that image.

Capcom mentioned DMC5's strong sales in the financial report, so despite them not telling us jack about any DLC, atleast we know the franchise won't be shoved back into the basement. MHW is still selling like hotcakes hotdamn.

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>begone thots

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The hell were Nero and V up to during that one month period after Urizen whacked everybody?

They'll release an updated version on ps5.
Capcom Reports Strong Sales for Resident Evil 2, Devil May Cry 5, & More as Mobile Games Slow Down

There's absolutely no way DLC/SE/6 isn't coming

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Nero was waiting on nico to make arms and V, I think were saving civilians.

What a handsome devil.

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Haven't they said that they aren't doing special editions anymore?

Fuck all you faggots, we need a spear.
Devil Spear Bolverk for DMC6

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