Betrayed yakuman edition
According to the replay I'd tsumo the haku in my next draw ;_;.
Betrayed yakuman edition
According to the replay I'd tsumo the haku in my next draw ;_;.
Other urls found in this thread:
Post good playlists to listen while building your thousand times folded hanemans
Fucking retard
Post mahjong osts.
You just never learn.
Should I donate all 8 beginner gifts for stardust?
Are jannies really that assblasted about this on Yea Forums? Besides, I thought that new games have at least one month of grace period before getting pushed into the gaping maw of /vg/.
You aren’t really gonna get anything with one scroll.
what is this expression meant to convey?
Name in the subject field and "edition" is literally asking for the thread to get nuked.
Better than nothing, isn't it?
The game's framerate is lagging for me is it becuase of an update or because I messed with some browser settings? Which setting may cause this?
>im in furitenya...
Same as on Yea Forums, that's one of the three things that spin the jannies into an autistic rage about generals
Oh my
The pleasure of being ronned inside.
It was okay during various events like AGDQ or EVO tho. Anyway, I'll remember next time I'll make a new thread.
It's obviously the mods, jannies can't move threads.
please stop /vg/ baiting with these thread names
Try hardware acceleration
virgin cake hag
the chad cat
>not posting the version without the 1m
Fuck off
That's how my evenings go.
Did anyone here watch mleague? What was it like?
Is there going to be another season?
>when 5 minut passed and you couldn't pon
was this moved to /vg/? lmfao
Time to pay up your points.
>yakuhai is supposd to be a safety net to not make your hand completely useless while you go for a big point yaku
>i spend the entire game trying to confirm a 1k point yakuhai only hand and maybe luck out on some dora
YES. We have been moved before and it can happen again. Chill out on the "editions" please
Read Akagi and Ten
Yakupai is supposed to lock your opponents out of laying his big hands, especially if he's top score.
didn't work, thanks though
>keep getting ron'd
bout to kms desu
Just reached adept, I'm a real man now.
If you're not going to win then don't try. Just play safe tiles and minimize damage to a tsumo.
2 places, get in !
Majsoul Friends Room 25748(4-Player South):
I WAS going to win both times I got ron'd
Alright im coming back ive grabbed my food
How come people keep pulling all triplets and straights and I can't even get three fucking sequences?
Then get styled on, dude.
normal rules hanchan
just had my first double RONYAAAA~
literally came
I swear to God, if I didn't come out on top anyway, I'd be fucking PISSED about my hon itsu chanta 4 dora murdered on a hell wait.
>only one thing unlocks at bond lvl 4
That's just fucking evil.
>Everyone is adept
If you play enough you'll see true suffering. I've had my first discard deal into a yakuman hand.
>when you win 6 rounds in a row with shitty hands as the dealer
I need mahjong reaction pics my fellow nyaggers
>brain too small
>can only remember triple pairs
>brain too small
>can only remember to throw away 1,9 and honor tiles
Mahjong gods grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.
>get riichi
>have to throw away your red five or normal 6
>choose 6 to keep the dora
Is it even possible to play mahjong on a phone? There is too much shit on the table to see on such a small screen
Based Akagi
>There's people itt who go for 1000 point hands
south default
Shit start is a shit start.
It's a valid strategy if you're first or just very close to each other to avoid someone getting a big hand.
Why are you posting Sonic gameplay in a mahjong thread?
And that's bad because?
It's a good way to destroy big hands.
How do you even do the quick shitty wins as dealer thing? I always fuck up or someone else is faster than me.
Pretty sure my win rate is larger for non-dealer turns as compared to dealer turns.
If you have a shit hand and want to make sure other players don't get any other points it's a necessity.
With a shit start you'd usually not open your hand too much and keep some tiles for defense.
Protip: don't pon those dragons if your hand is shit. You might draw the third one (which would give some value to your hand), or use this dragon pair to defend when someone else calls riichi.
There's a yaku list in the game sorted by strength.
Don't look at the names, take a good look at the tiles and you'll memorize the patterns. And the moment something looks like that in your hand, try to complete it.
At least that's how I do it.
its okay to do it once or twice, but by doing it on every round you ruin the game
Just look for riichi mahjong apps on your appstore. Even this game is going to release android/iOS versions in a while.
I never see anyone rating Kaiji part 3 as part of the good mahjong manga
Why is that? The other parts were fine as hell and FKMT wrote Akagi
>there's people in this thread who'd settle for only a mangan
>settling for less than a yakuman
B-but I don't know how to other yakus
Nah. I'll keep doing it as a dealer until you go negative.
Because it's not exactly mahjong. It's really great and easily one of the best FKMT mindgames, featuring a lot of mahjong tactics, but the meta is different from regular mahjong, there's a weird balance to hit between attack/defense/good wait
Mahjong is the mangan game
Fair enough, but any person knows, r should that they'll end up staying in 3rd or 4th so it's not skin off my bones. You need to take risk in this game, and getting 1000K points each round isn't worth it.
I do it just fine on my 5 inch screen
remember to fold when you have to
>Be last
>Need big ass hand so I can get 2nd or 1st
>3rd place aims for a Yakuhai hand which won't get him to 2nd place.
It's like they're just giving up.
Someone post the "accept it! death" pic
Most yaku are really intuitive and easy to remember.
Or avoiding 4th place
once you get the gist of them they are pretty obvious yes, but starting out it's a clusterfuck
See-through tiles option when.
>got my first chankan
It's not a yakuman, but boy was it satisfying
Is Harada a cat?
thanks for the kans, neesan
should i finish washizu arc or read ten?
that's a big mahjong piece
Lmao, I tried to get the big dick hand.
Getting any of the "trickshot" yaku (rinshan, chankan, haitei, houtei) is always satisfying.
Finish Washizu and then read Ten for the greatest manga ending of all times.
>1 understandable leaver in first game
>2 leavers in my second game
>They were south games
Something about this time zone I tell ya
>first round waiting on 4 tiles for tenpai
>draw nothing
>second round, waiting on 4 tiles for a while
>draw nothing
>third round, waiting on 3 tiles for tenpai
>fucking draw nothing nigger
fuck this semen slurping game
4 tiles wait isn't that great, so it's not all that surprising.
I never throw tiles that people could be waiting on 4 in the lategame
Waiting on 1 or 2 is way more effective than you think, because people think those are safe discards
I wasn't in tenpai, and I wasn't waiting on a single tile x4, but like 4 seperate tiles x2 or x3
FKMTkino, making callbacks to themes he brought decades ago in other mangos
Tiles that have never been discarded are especially dangerous, but you should try to increase the amount of tiles you can wait on as much as possible so you can draw it yourself and get another han for that.
Except if you have something like a single tile wait (eg 7 pair), in which case it's extremely effective to wait on a wind after 2 have been discarded.
Should I do this?
have this Ohgi
>Guy calls Riichi 5 games in a row within the first 4 turns
>Loses 4 of them
>Wins 1 1k hand
Fuck off
DCSS and Udin, if you're here then I wanted to tell you that it's a dick move to leave the match just because you're losing a little.
This final hand was so good.
>mfw "because this pei is in my way"
Play friendly match here, no one leaves.
Question for those who fee like they have a good handle on the game, when do I say fuck it and abandon trying to go for tenpai and just start with the pon and the chi? I started playing FFXIV and my initial assumption is to go that route if I feel like I got a real shit hand at the outset.
You only need 50 dust for a ticket.
what gaym is dis?
Duality of man.
don't do anything till we get a single event going
option a) they follow the new jew CN way with undustable rewards - this means everything dustable you dust
option b) the rewards are all dustable like they used to - this means you save the cookies and/or gems for your chars and dust everything else
I never had issues, mahjong is a great game I've seen many comeback from 4th place when I thought victory was assured, so it's always worth it to play East South to the end.
Any rooms up lads?
Make one!
Ok guys so I dropped a bamboo 9 four turns ago so i dropped it again thinking it would be the least likely for him to ron
Well i sure was fucking wrong because i lost 64000 points, the game ended immediately and i lost 90 league points
forgot image
so like did i play bad is that why i lose 90 points for dropping the endmost tile that i dropped 4 turns ago
look at his discards next time. if he literally has 0 honor or edge discards it isnt wise to discard them yourself.
Fuck my luck!
Every starting hand is all over the place, there's not a single yaku to make out of the shit. This whole day has been like hell.
You can play this verion of the game on phone allright, as long as it has semi decent processor and about 500 MB RAM free.
Here you go majaan friendo
>13 wait kokushi
It wasn't a friendly game in my case, they left a ranked one.
13 orphans almost never happens, just bad luck. Terminals are usually pretty safe if no one called riichi.
your right, i checked the replay and he didnt drop a single edge/honor
so i guess i couldve seen it coming
ill post again when i get wait kokushi/thirteen orphaned after the dude drops like 3 honors
>13-sided kokushi
It's not your fault you've played against the new Emperor of Japan.
Beginner/novice room. 20+sec to think
South, 5+20
lmao inb4 we both cancel to join eachother
FUCK terminals
More like inb4 someone tries to join either room but they're both already full and started.
and FUCK honors
3/4 no akagis allowed
somebody give me the OK to place this order on this YMI Riichi mahjong set
how do the bingo cards work on sega MJ
you need to have "that tile" in your winning hand.
that's a warm and safe mahjong set
>why yes, I only play open tanyao every round, how did you know?
Majsoul Friends Room 76920(4-Player South):
You can only choose one.
thank you sir
>you are on your way to a Haneman when suddenly this guy appears
what do you do?
>east 1
>get ronned 12k
Okay, time to quit.
>that cat calling everything
Looks a lot like no yaku to me.
You can easily come back from that in a South game.
3rd counting from left 1234 3
whats her name
don't dust the cookies
just a bot game and no chance to get Ryuu Iisou, but it felt good to be that close
12k really isn't that much. A single dealer mangan tsumo gets you a 16K difference with the other players.
Easy fast east game for stupid people
it is that much in a 4 player mahjong where
and I'm a lucklet by nature. I know my limit in a lottery game like this.
Gonna have to see a South game between them before I can make my decision
>Ron a Chinitsu on table leader/dealer and take lead
>Final round
>mouse battery dies during my turn
>Wanted to discard a tile in my hand instead of what I drew because I figured my draw was something the guy I just hit was waiting on
>Auto discard tile
>Figure I'm getting blasted
>Its fucking nothing
If only that guy had played to win instead of going from 3rd to 3rd with a tiny bit more points
Ron someone and you'll avoid 4th place
>just get a haneman ron lol
yeah, no. you can't get that without lucky haipai and draws.
>Unironically using a wireless mouse
You're just asking for it.
can i do this to beat the enemys country leader?
You don't need haneman ron, the difference is multiplied by 2 when you ron someone. A simple 3 han 40 fu hand like a Toitoi with 1 dragon is enough to shrink that gap.
>AI Easy
>Still gets Tsumo
>"Yeah. how about no."
That's not easy, thats like CRAPPY.
Truly ebin
Jesus fucking CHRIST I got cucked hard that game
>when you get your first win
i lucked out so hard my last 2 rounds
What's the difference between east and south rooms?
How am I so fucking retarded at this?
I just sit around while others make fuckin 20k shitstorms happening, my hands are so fucking awful.
sorry for delaying the last ron, I was calculating if I was going to go above 1st place, but then said fuck it because I cant calculate that fast anyway
East room stops at east if first guy has more than 30k points or else go to south before ending.
South room go up to west.
>first win
East is minimum 4 rounds. West is 8.
Thanks for the 4dora.
>double RON
I thought you could have negative points or is it only in ranked ? Anyway thanks for making me win. I'll try to do some ranked now, I want to get out of novice.
East - 4 games + potential extends if East wins, everyone is east at least once.
South - called also hanchan, more legit lenght of Majaan game, 8 games, everyone gets 2 tries at being east.
It just takes practice man. If you want my advice, just learn how to play defensive and learn what is a safe block to drop.
The easiest and most common way to identify what a safe discard is what the person on your left discarded. Try to discard that if it's not building into anything
South rooms last twice as long.
There is definitely luck to it. Even the best players can have a whole south round where they only get cheap hands if they're unlucky.
But most likely it's to do with learning which tiles to hold on to and when to or not to call.
>Everyone plays the same wind on the 1st turn
>Game ends
Now watch out for my riichi move
But you can't win as defensive. You get dropped to the 3rd or 4th place and lose rankpoints.
I know the defensive play, but the problem is that I can't either make anything from my hands and the game is just pointless might as well disconnect, or there's something but I don't make it because someone else gets shit done first.
It's a redraw condition
Can I ToiToi with an open hand?
Does this mean that sometimes, instaPONYAN that terminal trio is a good strategy?
Practice isn't fun when you get constantly shat on and left behind.
Nah, playing too offensive is what gets you 4th places. Playing too defensive will most likely get you 3rd places. But either way you're better off being a bit too defensive than too offensive.
Remember, you're supposed to win
An implicit agreement if everyone thinks their hand is shit
The old superstition is that if all 4 players discard the West tile on the 1st turn, one of them will die this year.
Why is Kan'ing so frowned upon?
If you're in a decent position surely extra dora is nice?
if someone goes negative the game ends, that's why I wanted to know if I maybe should've let go of the ron and instead go for tsumo for 1st place
>Win the ones that count.
I haven't won a single hand this whole day, like 10 games.
Only if you ideally already have lots of dublets. Otherwise you might get stuck without any yaku if it doesn't pay off.
Because unless you're very certain you're close to winning, you're basically giving your opponents free points to fuck you over with.
Please lurk moar and please don't make any future threads or posts until said period is over, say two years minimum.
Of course, Toitoi is open.
Don't instapon terminal unless you have 4 good pairs (good as in "easy to pon", like mostly terminals and stuff. 5 are harder to pon obviously because people use them)
Going for Toitoi should be done when you have at least one other han: a dragon/wind pon, a dora (or more), or maybe a triplet you'll be able to kan. This is how it can be worth 5200 points at least, which is neat.
If you only have toitoi and nothing else, then only do it if it's gonna be really fast, so you can stop others from winning.
Someone posted this in an earlier thread, use it to learn how to reach tenpai quickly.
You're opening your hand just to give the other players more dora and uradora, that's a cuck move.
>3 kans and you still can't get any uradora
Too bad my back to back kan didn't let me tsumo. I wanted some big lesbian play.
You have 4 players, so you'd be winning 25% of those hands, right? But if you kan everyone gets doras, including the other players. So if you don't win you should absolutely not kan, which means you shouldn't kan in about ~75% of the cases. And let's not forget that riichis will get double the doras since they'll also get the uradoras you've given them.
Actually it's a bit more complicated than 25% / 75%, the idea is that you should only kan when you win, so you should judge based on your hand (is it tenpai? Or 1 tile from tenpai?) and the other player's ponds (are they close to tenpai?) to make an estimate of your chances to win, and Kan or not depending on this.
>continuously Kan'ing just to fuck yourself over with no closed hand Yaku
Nope, nothing wrong with Kan at all.
She said stop smoking...
I stop smoking...
She said stop drinking alcohal...
I stop drinking alcohal...
She said stop calling everything...
I stop her breathe...
What are you supposed to do with this, I tried it yesterday but I don't understand any of it?
>You chose to discard the two of circles, which results in 9 tiles that can improve the hand. That was the best choice. Good work! You are in furiten. You cannot win this hand by ron, because you have a winning tile in your discards. Your hand is now ready. Congratulations! Your efficiency was 448/530, or 84%.
being a lucklet is a tough life
>You chose to discard the two of circles, which results in 9 tiles that can improve the hand
9 tiles can help your hand grow
>You are in furiten. You cannot win this hand by ron, because you have a winning tile in your discards
Literally what it says. You've discarded a winning tile, so no ron allowed for you. Only tsumo.
>Your hand is now ready. Congratulations! Your efficiency was 448/530, or 84%.
I guess you did well?
It's just a probability simulator. Good actions = actions that are more likely to improve your hand.
I think I've read somewhere in the euro competition rules that you could go under zero points but that doesn't apply to this game.
This trainer is useless, telling me I made a bad choice when I changed my hand from a shitty nothing to a full flush
As an excuse for the furiten, I didn't see the discard pile, and they didn't have the nice numbers on the tiles and I half way through noticed that hovering over them tells me value.
>No roll eyes emote to use after someone calls a shit hand
It's not useless, it's only to train to always be the most efficient possible so basically to always keep the biggest chances that the next tile you draw will improve your hand. You shouldn't always do that though but it's still a good thing to know.
it's a tenpai trained
it doesn't care about hand value
Because it probably calculates "how fast can you call and win" not the points
Right when I could've gotten comeback Baiman, I got Baiman'd.
I really shouldn't be playing this game.
1 player who dc'd since East 2 didn't even deal a single time. What a fucking miracle.
Meanwhile, my countless tenpai with very great waits...
Just made this
TANYAO : 1000 points
The fuck is wrong with my flush
The ... emote is good enough.
That she knows she's worst girl.
It's not winning.
At least you get +300 points if you win the next hand after that.
Majsoul would be perfect for the Swith
That's not furiten, you're not in tenpai yet
Hey man it happens, win some lose some.
All that matters is not giving up.
Why not?
I have the biggest boner right now. Thanks, cat.
The sequences you have:
The tiles you have that dont for a sequence:
Discard the five and hope for a 3 or 7, then for a pair
Surprised hag and annoyed cat work well enough
Here is every starting hand from a game I played just now. Could someone tell me what direction to take to build any of these into anything but 1000-2000 point hand?
All I see is one sided and terminal waits, loads of pairs but not enough to go all pontarded or go for seven pairs, loads of terminals, no straights or anything even moderately decent and no dora except for the one red dragon that is never going to go anywhere. 2nd one is the only one I see any potential in. Feels like a lot of my hands starting hands are like this and I'm wondering if there something I'm missing or if I'm just fucking unlucky. Having to work so much for this shit when you see your opponents get a turn three ron is fucking demoralizing as fuck. I'm just yo-yoing in Novice*** as far as rank goes.
I use this to stay calm while building big dick hands
When can I play ranked 3 player? I'm fucking sick of 4 player slogfest.
You need either only one pair or all seven. You can't mix multiple pairs and sets.
>Silver room
>East 1
Uh oh.
You should indicate your seat each time and the table wind.
Tiananmen Square 1989
Winnie the Pooh
Anti-Rightist Struggle
Free Tibet
I did't think mahjong was so popular.
Tenhou maybe.
gg boys. my ears are hurting from the pon nyas
>Winnie the Pooh
>the dealer riichi'd before turn 6 again
>I've been in 2 shan ten the entire game
>some guy bumped my dealer turn with a 1k hand
>tfw no safe tiles
You can change the volume of the voice for each character and even removing one or multiple if you want.
the bugman fears the pooh
>Play a match where every single round has one of two hags Riiching within 4 discards
>Don't want to risk anything so I just shove the Betaori in my ass
>Same chink deals into them every time
>Finally get a decent honitsu hand
>Three-way tenpai at the end
>The chink who dealt into all the riichi's goes under 0
>Game ends prematurely
>I come third
Lost like 10 points but still
How new are you ?
I still don't understand how you are supposed to learn with it, I'm not a machine I can't fucking do any math beyond 1+2. How the hell am I supposed to calculate probabilities on the fly.
Most of them are pretty bad.
I just came in my pants.
You don't need anything but simple additions to see the probabilities.
I am sick of you nyaggers calling mai waifu a hag.
When in doubt, ponyaa to Toitoi.
God forbid someone doesn't know about weenie the pooh
>Start game
>Double Riichii immediately called
>Can't understand "dual wait>closed wait>edge wait>hell wait" without being a machine
Can somebody recommend a mahjong game for SNES/SFC?
I got Naki no Ryu Mahjong Hishoden, but it seems to closely go by the source material and I don't know if it follows the normal Riichi rules
I want your hag waifu to ara ara in my ear while she's jerking me off and calling pon on my discarded tiles!
So ok what did I learn now? I just pushed tiles, like I have no clue what and why.
Majsoul Friends Room 45716(4-Player East):
Just an east game 5/20
the wait thing and also the discard order is honors>1&9>2&8>3-7
>"dual wait>closed wait>edge wait>hell wait"
What the fuck is that?
>Can't understand... without being a machine
I can't understand divisions.
>tfw you start seeing the code
I know mahjong
>In the lead
>Opponent Double Riichi
>Discard and ron'd into shadow realm
>Next hand
>Turn 2
>Opponent Riichi
>Discard and ron'd even further down
You have an options to see your statistics, if you're always 100% after like 10 hands that means you probably don't need to train.
>tfw 2nd place by just not dealing in
>I can't understand divisions.
user, you shouldn't play card / tabletop games if you have zero understanding of math
>being an unfun card counter
I "get" multiplications, but I can do only the basic ones in my head. Divisions are shitty, I have no fucking clue what I'm doing. Anything beyon that is also no-no, like algebra
So recently i've been trying this thing where if I can riichi and have 2 choices on what to wait on, and there's like 2 left of A and 3 left of B, i choose to wait on A because people are more likely to throw down what they've already thrown down
and people seem to do everything they can to not play into open hands or riichis
is this a smart/normal/basic thing to do?
Learning disability? That shit ain't normal.
Don't bother with algebra but you really should know you multiplications tables by heart. Once you have that it becomes really easy to do divisions. Though you don't really need that for mahjong, you really should learn how to do them.
I play while believing in the heart of the cards and the power of friendship, if it works in my animes, surely it will work in the real life too
>double riichi
>tsumo nya
They should have get good ;)
Probably, but nothing verified. I have no clue how I passed school, luck and just quickly memorizing shit for the testday maybe.
tile efficiency is about maximizing the number of tiles your hand can accept
3-7 > 2,8 > 1,9 > honors
think about what each tile can connect to
3 can hit 123, 234, 345, 33, 333
2 can hit 123, 234, 22, 222
1 can hit 123, 11, 111
honors can only make pairs or triplets
it's a similar concept with waits
double sided wait > closed wait > pair wait > triplet wait
>double sided
34 can pick up 2 or 5 to finish it
>closed wait
35 has to pick up 4 to finish it, but can pick up 2 or 6 to become a double sided wait
>pair and triplet
essentially the same wait, waiting on one of a tile you're already holding. triplets are worse because you're already holding two of them
you dont open ( aka RUIN ) your hand, right user?
>you really should know you multiplications tables by heart.
If it isn't 1,2,5,10 table then I can get a calculator.
post pics, I'm sure there was something safer mang
>just quickly memorizing shit for the testday
Then you can learn multiplications/divisions easily. First thing is you need to stop thinking that it's hard/complicated.
Dont be too busy arguing about inane shit to come play!
Majsoul Friends Room 43919(4-Player South):
South wind game, 8 rounds. Normal rules.
It's a valid strategy, just don't put yourself in furiten trying to do it.
mahjong room open noW!!!
come join if you are cool enough
I am contractually obliged to open my hand on a KAN opportunity.
Even with only those tables you can find anything by doing a simple addition. for example you wan't to know 6x8. You know that 5x8=40 and 6x8=5x8+8 that means 6x8=40+8=48.
Full and started
Are you literally 12 or just black.
>You know that 5x8=40
Yeah ok ok
>and 6x8=5x8+8 that means 6x8=40+8=48.
Complete gibberish in my eyes
poncats got owned, gg hag
>Draw and deal out tiles that would have given suuankou
Depends on the situation, but yeah, people are more likely to deal into something already played. It's less likely to be someone holding a triple of it and so on. Bear in mind that if people are playing safe tiles they're just going to play safe tiles though, not things that just happen to have been dealt once before.
Cutting your chances of self-draw isn't necessarily worth it though, and if you can help it then it's obviously better not to be waiting on a single tile to begin with.
These rooms sure do get filled up fast.
room 26876
south, 60sec, normal rules
Full and started
Majsoul Friends Room 90383(4-Player South):
>Draw the tile you just discarded
>And again
Every fucking time
Wait a second, I'm in a mahjong game.
>tfw whale goes for open tanyaos all game then deals into me on the last hand and boosts me into 1st
god i fucking love this game
Table wind is east all the way through. My seat winds from top to bottom W, W, S, S, E, N.
So instead of being totally awful, I'm just unlucky. I think that's actually worse.
>anything but 1000-2000 point hand
and also most ready pairs I had was 3 which still seems like absolutely awful base to start calling for pons.
gg boys, next time yakuman pls.
Aren't those the safe tiles though? What's more safe than the stuff already played?
You chose to discard the three of circles, which results in 4 tiles that can improve the hand. That was the best choice. Good work! Your hand is now ready. Congratulations! Your efficiency was 217/220, or 98%. [Accepted Tiles]
im so proud
You cannot stop until you hit 100% 10 times in succession
>triplet of dragons, dora 3 with a chance for toitoi
Why shouldn't I, faggot?
(with the exception of 'seven pairs' and 'thirteen orphans') all hands in mahjong need to have:
4 sets(3 similar tiles) and/or sequences(3 in a row) in any combination + 1 pair
to be a winning hand. So you can't just have a flush. The conditions for a complete hand need to be met.
>>tfw whale goes for open tanyaos all game then deals into me on the last hand
that means he's just a bad player
I really like this game and at the same time i absolutely fucking HATE it. There are some games where your stuck at a table with some asshole that riichis every hand draw 3 or when you riichi draw 3 and the game drags out when you have 8 open winning tiles.
Much of the time it feels like your just fucked no matter what you do.
I don't know why I find this Mahjong-gacha-waifu bait game design so amusing
I don't understand some things though. I have a 244 of one suit. I get rid of the 4, it tells me this:
You chose to discard the four of characters, which results in 22 tiles that can improve the hand. The most efficient tile to discard, the two of characters, would have resulted in 35 tiles being able to improve your hand. You drew the nine of characters. [Accepted Tiles]
How does that work? Surely I have a bigger chance of getting a third 4 OR a 3, rather than just another 4?
Already played tiles are only 100% safe against the person who played them. If that were not the case then this trick wouldn't work in the first place.
What's more safe? The discards of the player that has declared riichi, obviously. They can't win from those tiles because it would be furiten.
And then also the discards of the other players since that player declared riichi. The player in tenpai is unlikely to have not declared the win if any of those tiles was their wait.
Those are the tiles that are safe. Other tiles are just *unlikely* to be tiles that are being waited on.
still need two more
Someone help him I don't know the answer to this I was just giving a training regime
keep the dora until someone throws it, discard west and white, see what happens (might be toitoi, don't call or you won't be able to finish with that chun)
ideal hand for pinfu, discard pin1 and sou2 in case you don't draw sou3 or sou6, wait for the toitsu to fill up, riichi
either be cute and try honitsu or just build the hand with the man4 as pair, discard sou1 and man7 first, if you get east/white remove the man4 for calling
hard honitsu, huge if you get any other winds tho. From the position of oya I'd assume you're south in east round. play that for a while, in doubt betaori
oyaban in east and decent starter, get rid of the south and maybe the 8 after that, fill up, riichi
nice but not that much potential, discard honors first and see where you are, if a pin4 joins get rid of pin89 and gun for tanyao
is how I would play.
This is a game where people can double riichi, get instant hanemans by winning the dora lottery, generally get great tiles etc. while you keep drawing honor tiles trying to frantically put together a shitty pinfu.
Don't take it too seriously.
>how can I win at mahjong?
>just "get good lol"
At least you didn't get double yakumaned mostly because of lucksack for 64k points losing 90 league points equivalent to losing like 5 games regularly
>be last place at 22400
>east 4
>start with shit hand containing a south wind dora
>believe in the heart of the cards
>somehow only get draws that bring me closer to tenpai and another south wind to form a dora pair
>riichi on 6thth turn
>first place gacha whale deals into my now haneman hand
>They end up fourth place while I end up getting first
Such is mahjong life
Oh im not and i dont. Its just somewhat infuriating that sometimes the luck streak never ends and there is no way to claw out of it.
why? clearly you've never won a game by nagashi mangan
feels good man
Maybe so, but there's nothing else to do.
Normal dora are already stretching it, red fives really shouldn't be part of the game.
>An open hand made of only Pon/Kan is valid but an open hand made of only Chi is not
I guess I'm braindead
>Want to become gacha whale and get cute girls
>Don't want to until I rank up and get better at game
Sorry chinks doesn't look like I'll be giving you money any time soon
Discard 1p, 9m and haku first, see what you get. It doesn't look goodbut with another pair you could enter pon palace, although 5 and 6 are not good pairs for pon palace.
Cut 1p, just do pinfu. If you're lucky and draw 4m, it might even include a san shoku dou. Don't open. Riichi, pinfu, san shoku is 4 han, so almost mangan. If you can replace the 12m shape with something else, it's even easier to pinfu and includes tanyao.
It's a little far off, so you have to be a little lucky but it might become an itsu. Still, cut 1s, ton and haku and hope for pinfu. Or go for tanyao, but that's kinda shit, but better than nothing sometimes.
Cut a few honours and take things as they come. You could even cut the 2 chun since they'd get in the way of pinfu, which the hand is likely to end up as with all the simple tiles.
Slow hand with many terminals and honours. If you get 7 or 9m, you could try to make it into a chanta with san shoku for at least 2 han, but you'd probably need to open your hand
Just riichi, pinfu and possibly tanyao.
All those can easily implement akadora (except the chanta one) and implementing normal dora is usually not hard either, so you might add 1 han to each hand. Either way, with riichi you also get sweet uradora, especially in bronze rooms where everyone just kans.
Oh that makes sense I guess
I'll keep that in mind when I play, I didn't think of some of those things
Don't do it, the rates suck and all you will get is like 1 or 2 cosmetics for a 10 roll
If that seems worth it go ahead but i did 20 rolls and got like 1 riichi bone and 1 ice riichi
Not worth it for me
Better to just play it slow and get dust for the 5 free rolls every day
Maybe one purchase max to get vip ranks for bond and gifts for early game dust while lower rank
meant 5 free rolls every month not day
So I can only summon my grey haired waifu for real life money bucks?
Do you know what a multiplication is ? It's just an addition. 6x8 is actually 8+8+8+8+8+8 and 5x8 is 8+8+8+8+8. You can see that the only difference between the two is that 6x8 has one more +8 than 5x8.
We now have 6x8=8+8+8+8+8+8=(8+8+8+8+8)+8=(5x8)+8=(40)+8=48.
You have to look at the whole hand. There's obviously something going on outside that 244.
>he gets ron'd
lol how bad are you at this game
You're actually playing wrong if you never get ronned, true skill comes from calculating all probabilities and riskreward to do the optimal plays
Open room! Come and show your sick yakumans
Majsoul Friends Room 60456(4-Player East):
I-it's just that?
t. bad at game
>draw akadora you could had used in your sequence
>happens 2 times
It's going to happen. If you play 100% defense all the time, you will just get tsumo'd to death.
90 points is nothing, it's less than a single win.
>go into riichi with 5 dora on a double wait for a green dragon or north wind
>five turns pass, no one plays either
>player left of me goes into riichi
>auto deal into his yakuman on next turn
Yes, 9x8=8x8+8=7x8+8+8=6x8+8+8+8=5x8+8+8+8+8=4x8+8+8+8+8+8, ...
Same for every table, look at 5 :
Should have calculated it.
>4 North Kan
>Reveals W Dora indicator
Back to facebook with you retard.
What edition should next thread be?
Mahjong General #2 Fuck Nyaggers Edition?
Dont make it an edition you turbo retard. Dont even make the thread.
Majsoul Friends Room 43919(4-Player South):
Game btw. 4p south (8 rounds)
Please don't number them or we will really will be moved to /vg/.
Jesus Christ how many points did you have? I had like 60k once and I only got 80 for it.
>mahjong is a skill based ga-
>if you can defend, you will never lo-
>an open hand made of only Chi is not
Not by itself, but it can be if the hand has at least one yaku.
i cant tell if i'm getting unlucky, what am i doing wrong every time i go into riichi no one deals into me even when i'm waiting on something with 4 pieces left and then someone wins by tanyao or tsumo
I hardly get 20k, what the fuck.
ok Move us to /vg/ edition it is.
Mahjong is a skill based game with a unique feel to it. The game's graphics are unique and the chipon scene is stunning. There is also plenty of story content that adds depth to all eight main characters. Overall, there's a lot going on when you think about it.
And for divisions it's just a bit more complicated.
8/2 is actually 2x?=8, so a multiplication where you don't know one of the multipliers.
That means that to solve it you can do this time a subtraction though that a very slow way to do it, specially for big numbers.
In the same example we have 2x?=8 so we can remove 2 from 8 and count how many times we do it. 8-2-2-2-2=0, we were able to subtract 4 times 2 to 8 that means that 2x?=8=2x4 so 8/2=4. Since it's very slow it's better to use the multiplication tables. You already know that 2x4=8 if you know your tables so when you see 8/2 just look in the table of 8 and find which multiplication is equal to 8.
A chinese dc'd after a couple tsumo from me as dealer and then the discard bot dealt-in my hands until he was 13k in the negatives.
>tfw 7 pairs yaku
>tfw one of my pairs was a red dragon i could have pon'd and probably would have if i didnt enable the based anti-pon+chii button
also my hand started with 5 pairs but yeah im proud of myself for knowing to go for it
quick 3 player before sleep
Majsoul Friends Room 16853(3-Player East):
>south 4
>people have 23900 - 26000 points
I hate this shit.