Dead in three years

>dead in three years
Press F to chuckle heartily like a red faced barman.

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still a better game than tf2

I mean 3 years is a reasonable lifespan for most flavor of the month shooters I feel. I'll spit on its grave regardles tho.

people keep saying this but offer no proof that it actually is
>inb4 "it took me 10 minutes to find a match at 3 AM on a Sunday"

>he doesn't know that when Yea Forums says a game is dead they actually mean it's creatively and spiritually dead
There are people out there who continue to consume a product regardless of it's waning quality user.

>overwatch is dead because Yea Forums doesn't play it


the porn is blinding your retarded monkey brain

Queue time increases and general opinion are all we have to go off. The fact that Blizzard remains silent damns them even more. The game is shedding players like dandruff and they can't stop it.

Explain who DOES play it then? Not even reddit plays this trash anymore.

You really need to use a website other than Yea Forums sometime

You'd be surprised how many games are actually good when you don't have anonymous 15 year olds talking shit.

The players? Do you expect me to pick up a list filled with everyone who has ever played it? Also yes, I'm sure the Overwatch Reddit community does in fact, still play the game.

they do though? the OW subreddit is still active, even the /vg/ general is

There's literallly over 4k people just reading about it right now but okay, whatever fits your narrative

/owg/ is literally and unironically 95% waifuposting. They go entire threads without ever posting one single post about gameplay.

no one plays it, face it

What about everyone else not on Yea Forums? I know it's tough for you.

You can do this. Think.

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Worst purchase in my entire life.

>don't balance the game
>spend all your resources on esports
>"wtf why is my game dead?"

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can you explain your issues with balance? or are they some else's and you don't play the game?


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>they find the time to rework roadhog and symmetra four times before finally coming around to changing torbjorn
>they left torbjorn in the dumps for the first 2 years of the game's release
>he thinks this is okay

rare hats are clearly squeezing the air out of your brain

Comp has steadily lost players as well. Nobody cares about overwatch.

I'm still amazed that people care for blizzard games when they turned Diablo3 into a cash grab.

that was just an out of season april fools joke

I do, but then I actually have friends and playing it is a regular scheduled event for us.

Explain this Q meme

I'll fire it up every once in a while, but only to play with friends. I fired it up this event because I never snagged IRA Moira or pixie cut Sombra, but once I got them I got off until my friends are down to play again.

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It's a thing about fucking black dudes.
>Accept my opinion as fact!

can I honestly ask who the fuck actually thinks class-based shooters littered with stun mechanics is fun? losing control of your character and being unable to fight back is retarded in any "fast paced" action game.

>lol just avoid the stuns idiot

for 75% of them, you can't avoid them.

heart = she fucks white guys
spade = she fucks black guys

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>devs endlessly blame 'toxic community' as the source of all the game's woes and to deflect all criticism away from themselves
>playerbase starts to dissolve anyway
Can't have that Toxic community without any fucking community can you? Jackasses.

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>lol just avoid the stuns idiot
Literally this just get good.

>Can't play as BB Solly with Conch in OW
Shit game

Overwatch is designed for children. As someone who grew up with two little brothers, numerous nephews, and now has his own 6 year old son I consider myself to have enough authority to say for certain: kids are extremely bitter about losing and will greedily take any victory without any grace. Little brothers will whine and bitch and throw angry fits when you repeatedly beat them at say, a shooter. They'll invent new limitations and rules for you to abide by so that you will be at a disadvantage, only for them still to lose. Eventually if you cave in and give them a win they'll be over the moon and smug and in your face about it.

It's for children like that that stuns are ubiquitous. Players who care nothing for an exhilerating contest of skill but rather whatever offers the easiest way to kill the enemy. Dragging all enemy players down to the ultimate common vulnerability denominator (being stunned and immobile) gives them that cheap win they crave.

>devs successfully filter out Yea Forums
>Yea Forums continues to cry about it after all these years, while OW remains popular

But Overwatch isn't popular.

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Fartnite stole all your casual playerbase. Suck it up.

cuckfags applying tattoos to cartoon women in order to brand them as exclusively having sex with people of a certain race, usually not yours.

I've been playing a lot of reaper lately, and avoiding stuns is a huge part of reaping. I've gotten way better at baiting out mccree's flashbang, and only death blossoming after brig uses her bash. Name a stun that you can't avoid or play against intelligently. It sounds like you just need to get good.

Idk bros I can’t stop playing Overwatch. Ive got about 1200 hours on this fucking game. It’s frustrating as fuck but it’s fun and the waifus are great

>see a character coming at you
>characters move slow so have plenty of time to react to them
>you've fought this character multiple times by now so you know exactly what they can do and have a general idea of how most players will use them
>choose to do nothing and just eat the stun and subsequent damage anyway
>close game and bitch about it on the internet

Rather press S to spit on Dva's mouth

based, fuck team incels

Fucking this. Reaper literally teaches basic understanding of when is the best time to ult.

It's hilarious.
You can really tell who's white trash used to just saying whatever they want while going negative.

The playerbase didn't dissolve, Yea Forums did.

tf2 didn't need waifubaits to get players

based this game has 10 times more threads about it being dead compared to whatever tf2 threads just because you are bad at team games and has boomer reflexes n attention span of a baby doesn't mean its a bad game

seething crybaby

you're assuming I've even had this game installed in any year past 2017

Reminder that all female Overwatch characters are literally whores. Every character was literally designed for sex.

They were all literally designed to be as attractive to the human male as possible.
And this isn't just "oh she's just pretty", it's at a god damn mathematical level. The perfect bodies, faces with perky lips, large eyes, and zero imperfections...

It all adds up to a powerful form of social engineering that preys on the sexuality of men. It awakens something primal in the minds of young men, and keeps older men horny.

This is why, if you EVER see an "Overwatch cosplayer", they are actually a free prostitute in disguise. This woman has knowingly presented herself as a whore, and knowingly accepts that it is now her job to have sex with as many men as possible.
You cannot rape an Overwatch cosplayer because she was LITERALLY ASKING FOR IT. The simple act of dressing up as "Hot Mommy Mercy" or "The Chinese Titcow" is literally the act of giving men consent to have sex with you.

Thanks Blizzard, for making this possible.
I love this video game.

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Why is it that when a game that has attractive women in it is popular it becomes waifu bait?
You can slap this label on any game with hot chicks in it.

That's because TF2 has been dead for like seven fucking years.
The TF2 fanbase reeks of garrysmod and underage despite probably being in their 20's and it's embarassing as FUCK.

Miss Pauling


>"Game is unplayable"
>'No its not, just get good'
Holy fuck are these the people who complain about ow?

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Watch in amazement as they have 0 arguments other than being gold in a game that's "casual"

Because OW is left oriented and only reason for it having sexualized characters is because they knew their game wouldn't sell if chicks were avarage looking.

because gameplay wise overwatch has the deep of a puddle, that's why, waifus are the only thing worth talking about it

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>femScout, femPyro
Community made
>Miss Pauling
Acquired taste

Workshop just saved Overwatch though?

>has the deep

hey little buddy, i think you're lost.

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I play every day because I like well balanced strategy. I tried TF2 but it couldn't offer anything near the level OW does. Anyways, I am in full lobbies games within seconds. Far from dead. If anything, I think the player base has GROWN recently.

The only character with a semblance of depth in tf2 is spy and that's literally it

Isn't he by far the worst character too, never seeing any play?

Nice game. Get the fuck out of the thread.

>implying lore and characters matter in shooter game

If Overwatch isn't dead why don't blizzard release the player numbers?

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nice bait


What happened to the workshop thing they announced? People actually discovered the limit on the thing?

sorry, english is only my 3rd language

It's a Blizzard game they said. It'll live forever they said.

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They literally never did before so why release them now?

does blizz release player numbers for any of their games?

Isn't it still puling in millions of dollars a month
Like, why are we even saying it's dead

OW is not dead, not worth playing either.
TF2 became irrelevant because of valve's apathy, while OW its because of blizzard's incompetency.

Because why wouldn't you flaunt good numbers? Even Fortnite does it and it's actually popular.
They did until WoW started declining.

>don't balance the game
>spend all your resources on esports
this is actually just 1 thing
them focusing on esports is exactly why they don't touch the balance for an extremely long time
people invested in the "competitive" side hates meta changes, especially koreans where they always grind for the one exact meta to pixel perfection on every single game
balance and fun be damned

They took too long to release heroes and the maps are still chokefests. The hamster was them jumping the shark

Where's the Mercy, Pharah, Sombra, Tracer, Widow, Brig, and Mei versions? You know, all the girls hotter than dva

>Because why wouldn't you flaunt good numbers?
Because they didn't want to. They didn't release them at launch and they didn't release them at peak popularity so why are they gonna release them now?

How does blizzard convince investors to sink millions into the OWL when they barely break 100k viewers on their big tournaments? Fucking hearthstone gets more viewers still, are they the best scam artists in the business?

>Didn't want to

All you had to do was ask

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the Workshop will surely revitalize the game for sure
you just wait and see

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Overwatch's biggest problem is it's not exclusively a fps. You have to play the meta thanks to Blizzard forcing this esports shit down our throat, and you can't have fun and fuck around if the other team isn't as well thanks to the 6v6 format. Not too mention all the fucking shields, self heals, and ways to escape death the game can just be a chore to play. Oh, I almost forgot how you can't even joke around and talk shit without being banned, thank god for the waifus or the game would be even deader.
