ITT: downgrades

ITT: downgrades

Attached: 1541346832291.jpg (2592x2187, 924K)

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It still hurts.

biggest one for me. Game looked pre rendered to begin with though

>Uses low res screenshots of a youtube video to compare to ingame graphics

Fuck off, I would've blinked at your post if you even took the time to actually screenshot in-game. Here's your (you) tranny.

When has this not happened?

Attached: b4TnCh2.gif (948x540, 700K)

Devil may cry 5
Monster Hunter world

Dont pitch graphics you dont plan to keep

Attached: 1528840939011.webm (960x540, 631K)

>Screenshots of a youtube video of the game running at likely console settings
have another (you) retard

Imagine wasting so much effort on comparing graphics that you ruin it all by using youtube videos instead of ingame footage itself

None of your pcs would have been able to handle what is on the right. And what is on the left is just petty and undermines your point, those are highly compressed youtube video screenshots but you already know that

Attached: 13251.jpg (524x468, 51K)

You don't understand how open world game develipment works, you've proven that by mentioning 3 games that have tiny maps, no side content or anything complicated to process.

>there are STILL TW3 downgrade denialists in the year 20 fucking 19
would it be so hard to stop slurping CDPR cock for one second?

Attached: tw3.jpg (1280x720, 255K)

t. projecting, the OP literally just says "downgrades" and you're constructing an entire narrative over the intention of the thread when it objectively is a downgrade

cyberpunk 2077 is probably undergoing a downgrage

but none of the pics on the left are in the same locations as the pics on the right...

>A mock up cinematic
How can it be a downgrade if the thing you're claiming it was downgraded from never existed to begin with?

>posts an example picture
>literally the worst example by using 3rd party footage instead of footage from the game itself

Why are you defending the shitty picture?

>None of your pcs would have been able to handle what is on the right

Yeah they should have just released a game that was much more costly and only 0.3% of gamers could run properly, the game should have just tanked and the company should have went out of business to appease autistic children like you.

Attached: dj.png (380x500, 254K)

thanks console friends

Was it a downgrade or not?

It wouldn't run on my machine any time soon


which one is which?

Making games for Console/Toaster audience was a mistake.

Only you are debating that you autist.

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Attached: just grade my shit down.jpg (602x616, 95K)

>witcher 3 downgrade apologists

Attached: based cdpr.gif (1280x714, 1.09M)

BASED polish devs!!!

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>but a downgrade doesn't exist!
>but it's not the same location!
>but it's a compressed youtube screenshot!!!

The worst downgrades in recent memory are Witcher 3, Watch Dogs and Dark Souls 2.

Attached: 2491773-2654547852-23632.jpg (1280x720, 341K)

honestly 2015 looks better, I hate Witcher 2's aesthetic

>he thinks using compressed youtube videos is a legitimate way to compare game footage.

Do it,get a youtube video and then launch your game. See the difference brainlet

Don't forget spiderman

DS2 is not even a downgrade, it's a w.ole different game.

You should try that yourself.
YouTube compression has never been an argument for changed textures and lighting.

god the water in that game is hideous

This is a downgrade

Not really. It's just a different part of the game.

Are you fucking blind, it just different time of the day

witcher 3 actually had a playable state that was downgraded even further

the best part was the scumbag (((marketing))) fucks on their official forums remained adamant that the game still looked like that on Ultra days before release.

then a couple weeks later after they already got everyone's money they apologized and even removed those screenshots from the Steam store page. they are truly scumbags

That and someone lowered the saturation on the lower images.

This buld had perfect lighting.

This is painful. Goddamn, Cyberpunk is going to look like shit.

Best part they lied about it and covered up. And then insane fanboys who probably didn't even play first witcher say that there was no downgrade and you are just imagining things.

ITT: youtube screenshots

Spiderman had many visual upgrades compared to the original trailer. Puddles aside.

ITT: Retards don't understand how rendering works

did anyone made a mod to try to restore the bullshot graphics?

Watch dogs

>Puddles aside
Ah so you fell for the media cover up.
The puddles were the only thing people weren't talking about. Everything from the lighting and shadows to the textures on spidey's suit were downgraded

It's still the best looking open world game, the main difference in those screenshots is the lighting.
If you want to see a real downgrade, look at Watch Dogs.

And no, Horizon and RDR2 aren't better looking games, those are typical "it only looks good on the foreground and only if you don't look at the individual parts" console games.

You are so full of shit. If not "just" the lighting (even if the lighting only makes 50% of the graphics).
Why do Cdrones defend the downgrade so badly? Why you don't have the same shills for Dark souls 2 for exemple?

The fuck? Are you mentally challenged?

ghost recon is better

probably one of the AssCreed games too but I never played those ones

I am still pissed off about Darksouls2, in the beta or whatever on ps3 they had those sexy shadows and lighting system, then they scrapped it and went with the ds1 lighting. FOR WHAT PURPOSE FUCK YOU FROM!

lol, no they did not go with "DS1 lighting". DS1 literally has better lighting than DS2.
And what do you mean for what purpose, the reasons for DS2 development failure are well known.

It was already in the released beta of the game, why would they take it back out, and downgrade it more? No only that that, but they downgraded it for PC the system that ran the game well.

My life.

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What the fuck were they thinking... Top looks so good.

>it's a w.ole different game

Attached: expectations & reality.jpg (1505x1780, 640K)

based dark souls 2

DS2 was released in 2014 : why they didn't aim for next gen graphics?

For whatever reason they not only downgraded the graphics but also rolled back the levels to an earlier build, hence why tons of areas look flat out unfinished, broken and like from an amateur modder.

Attached: 20170217205504_1.jpg (1920x1080, 385K)

I... I don't even. So the beta we played was some BS e3 build or something?

they're the modern biodrones