>Keeping Shitdown 3 on a development for several years
>While cancelling Platinum's Magnum Opus
What wrong bros?
>Keeping Shitdown 3 on a development for several years
>While cancelling Platinum's Magnum Opus
What wrong bros?
Xbox/MS literally has no idea what it's doing - they're currently giving out their only games on the Switch like Cuphead as well.
microsoft is poison for the japanese
Nothing they showed looked good. A co-op action RPG that isn’t western isn’t going to make money.
I dislike Microsoft as much as the next dude, but it’s understandable why it was canceled.
Apparently though closed door demonstrations were far better then what we got during E3
>Nothing they showed looked good
Are you high? Did anything related to Crackdown 3 or Sea of Thieves look good?
>but it’s understandable why it was canceled.
It's really not you MS cocksucking faggot - they released State of Decay 2 for fuck sakes.
The difference is that casual video game players would buy Crackdown, Sea of Thieves, and State of Decay.
Japanese games are niche, especially character action.
I'm pretty sure shit games are a niche genre and Scalebound would have sold on word of mouth
And besides, even if it wasn't good, they'd just dump it on Games Pass - which is their new plan for their flagging lack of exclusives
Microsoft cancelled it for a reason, probably because they thought it wasn’t worth the continued investment.
Do you also realize that all the games you’ve mentioned were created by Microsoft owned developers? There’s a reason for that.
MS doesn't own Sumo Digital (the guys who finished/or made Crackdown 3)
This is just pathetic spin from a dying brand like Xbox.
You just answered your own question. Platinum is incompetent and can't develop games worth for shit. Why do you think they sticked with Nintendo?
It's the squared cube law principle for most of the Japanese developers, the bigger and more demanding the industry gets the harder time they have developing a game for it.
Crackdown 3 was started by Cloudgin/Reagent, and was used as a tech demo for the (completely bullshit) cloud server shit that the Xbox was supposed to use. Sumo Digital was set to assist on developing the campaign. It wasn’t until 2018 that Epic bought Cloudgin and Microsoft completely outsourced the game to Sumo Digital.
They weren’t going to cancel a game that was used to get investors interested in the One, unless absolutely necessary.
What's the deal with Sumo Digital? Those guys work for everybody?
They’re a UK dev primarily hired to touch up games, develop ports, etc. They tend to be good when it comes to racing games, and they’ve been known to be hired to do the racing modes of certain games, ie. Disney Infinite
none of those games sold for jack shit and the only reason sea of theives had players is because you could get it for free
Games on Xbox don’t sell. Especially Japanese games that would struggle to sell a million on any other console.
so you're going to cancel the lowest budget title even though the others don't sell?
They still sold more than most Platinum games, especially Scalebound :-)
not really considering crackdown 3 didn't even chart the top 20 NPD of its timeframe
The others are made by Microsoft owned companies, or were marketed as tech demos. Learn how the business side of the industry works you absolute brainlet.
Yeah right? In fact Sekiro will absolutely flop, no way normie westerns will buy a game like that.
Meanwhile I'm sure that they will love Sea of Thieves and the fact that it has less content than Minecraft in Alpha and Crackdown 3 which looks like a bad ps3 game when the competition is releasing shit like GoW and RDR2.
state of decay devs were not until after SoD2 released
>Sumo Digital
>microsoft owned company
Comparing a From Soft game with Activision marketing money to a budget Platinum game is asinine.
>not reading the second part
>Crackdown 3
>tech demo
>demo for tech that was never built since MS did a U-turn with the Xbone and always online