What's the general consensus on Call of Duty: Halo?

What's the general consensus on Call of Duty: Halo?

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fucked your mom in the ass

>Call of Duty: Halo
That would be Halo 4.

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armor lock is for scrub niggers

Halo 4 is the CoD of Halo. Since they tried to put aim down sight, kill cams, perks, kill streak missile strikes in the game.

mfw waiting for reach pc

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>armor lock isn't a problem :^)))
>play against any coordinated armor locking team in slayer

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Best forge. Best custom games.

Reach is by far the most overrated Halo, and if it was the exact same game but said 343i on the box it'd get way more shit

People didn't hate 4 because of 343i's name though? They hated it because it was garbage.

reach is CoD, halo 4 is like MW3 where it was supposed to fix the franchise but turned out to be even more shit

If you think about it for two seconds, any engagement the team kitted with armor lock wins, assuming the guy your side chooses to focus armor locks just before he bites it. The way shields work, it's op as fuck

Halo IP switched from Bungie to 343i after the launch of Reach.
everyone hated Reach when it came out and said it was dogshit because of the loadouts and sprint/armor lock/jetpack/etc. 343 picked it up, changed some shit and made it so DMR was default weapon instead of assault rifle. people actually bought Reach because of 343 "saving" it, so to speak. people were looking forward to Halo 4 before we actually got a hold of it.

>Ctf with 1 point under on blood gulch, coagulation, what the fucker ever reach's shit was called
>Enemy team goes hard D all using armor lock ontop of their flag.

Shit was insane, longest 10 minutes of my life.

Nearly every change and addition 343 made to reach was terrible.

Reach wasn't the CoD of Halo, 4 was

With custom loadouts and a class editor, ordinance drops that you earn by doing kill streaks, yeah Halo Reach had a feature that you could use to design classes/loadouts in multiplayer and many gamemodes used it to allow players to choose their starting weapon among other things but everybody still had equal odds, everbody had access to the same loadouts and it was all about remaining fair, but Halo 4 absolutely tried to be the Modern Warfare of Halo, it went completely overboard with this shit, with perks and special abilities and all that custom classes shit

Glad Halo 5 completely scrapped this idea and went back to a more classic everybody on equal grounds multiplayer design. If you ignore the Warzone part of multiplayer at least, that is a cancer on its own, but at least they seperated that very clearly from the arena multiplayer in the menu.

ITT: A bunch of underage retards talking about shit they don’t understand but try to sound cool while doing it.

>Underageb&s ITT defending Call of Reach
How long till the H4 fags grow up and Halo4 becomes an underrated classic

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Worst game in the entire series to date.

By the same token, if half the shit that was in 5 was introduced in 2 or 3 people would be praising the features.

>Glad Halo 5 completely scrapped this idea and went back to a more classic everybody on equal grounds multiplayer design.
It's a shame 99% of retards on Yea Forums didn't give it a chance and still think it's Codshit just because they watched like 1 video where it outwardly seemed like it.


>How long till the H4 fags grow up and Halo4 becomes an underrated classic

Unfortunately, that's been the case for a few years already. That being said even as somebody who started with CE, I'll defend Reach. It's got issues but it also adds like 3 good things or features for every 1 thing it fucks up.

Imagine being THIS delusional

This is actually true.

2nd worst game next to 4 but still a great multi game compared to what we have now. Multiplayer game standards have fallen

Newfag detected.

Everyone hated Reach on launch.

>Imagine being THIS delusional
>doesn't fit in canon
>shits on Marty
>made by an autistic art director
>worst movement speed and jump height in the series to date
>both a terrible campaign and multiplayer
>an art style that would fit better with Gears of War
It was the worst game in the entire series whether you like it or not.

No they didn't.

Reach was contentious, but the general consensus that it was still a good game despite it's flaws.

That's putting it lightly. Reach is easily the most disliked Halo game and Halo 3's population stayed in the hundreds of thousands even after Reach came out.

And this whole "If Bungie wasn't on the cover you would have hated it" is a lie, shit was a disappointment desu.

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why are there Brutes on Reach?

The DMR and Jetpack make it the most fun Halo MP (Especially for BTB). Its lack of support from Bungie was its biggest issue. Armour lock was definitely a problem, and I'm actually very surprised it didn't ever get a nerf. vehicle and explosive damage should have still done damage. There, armour lock is fixed.


Nobody ever picked sprint. Literally nobody.

>doesn't fit in canon
I'm a lorefag, the majority of it's canonical discrepencies are easily explainable.

>shits on Marty
How so?

>made by an autistic art director... would fit better with Gears of War
Reach's art design is fantastic you fucking faggot. It looks absolutely nothing like GoW, and if you think THIS looks like Gears of War, then you've clearly never actually even seen a screenshot of gears

>worst movement speed and jump height in the series to date
And yet, it feels more responsive and tighter to move and jump in then Halo 3 does, which in comparsion feels absolutely fucking galcial. There's a lot more to movement physics then just raw speed/distance traveled.

>both a terrible campaign and multiplayer
The campaign is litterally fucking fine. It's got the best AI in the series, NOBLE team, while not fantastically written, have a lot more going on then any character in CE or 3 and there's interplay between them, and the missions themselves combine CE and 3's wide open level design while actually having enough technical power to fill them with shit so they aren't blatently empty. The missions themselves also are all consistently good to great: There's no standout 9/10 or 10/10 missions, but all of them are at least solid.

For MP, i'll certainly admit the maps are fucking trash. Armor abilities also had zero place being enabled by default due to it breaking even starts (funny how nobody seems to mind equipment breaking the golden triangle though). But the weapon sandbox is both the larget it had been up to that point and was also far more balanced then in 2 or 3: ALmost every gun actually did at least somewhat alright in their intended role and there were a lot less blatent clone guns along factions.

I'd probably concede that for normal matchmaking modes it's a step down from 3 and definetely 2, but in customs it's got a lot going for it.

You are delusional if you think Reach is more disliked then 4 and 5

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Reminder that regardless of the other issues with reach, Bloom was a meme complaint and it was LITTERALLY an improvement over 3's system of just slapping hidden random spread on everything.

At least with bloom you had an on screen indicator, you could control it via shot pacing, and it helped weapons like the AR. In 3, tons of guns were inaccurate as shit and you could do nothing to counteract it, and had no idea where your shits were landing.

>I'm a lorefag, the majority of it's canonical discrepencies are easily explainable.
No, it's not and bother trying to.

>How so?
Marty wanted some of the guys that made Halo CE-3 great working on Reach including Joe, Bungie said no. Marty wanted Bungie to put their all into the game, Bungie didn't give a shit and rushed it out the door to move on to Destiny with Activision.

>Reach's art design is fantastic you fucking faggot. It looks absolutely nothing like GoW, and if you think THIS looks like Gears of War, then you've clearly never actually even seen a screenshot of gears
Reach's art style didn't fit Halo nor did it look like Halo.

>And yet, it feels more responsive and tighter to move and jump in then Halo 3 does, which in comparsion feels absolutely fucking galcial. There's a lot more to movement physics then just raw speed/distance traveled.
No, it doesn't, it's the worst feeling Halo game in the series with delayed melee deaths.

Not even going to get into all that shit, its campaign and multiplayer sucked.

>You are delusional if you think Reach is more disliked then 4 and 5
Yes, it was, Halo 4 multiplayer was hated but the campaign was liked. Halo 5's campaign was hated but the gameplay and multiplayer were liked, Reach was the only Halo game in which fans hated both the campaign and multiplayer.

>Halo4 becomes an underrated classic
You haven't been here long, have you?
There's always a small group of niggers shitting up threads saying 4 was good and 5 was better.

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Because Marcus Lehto can't write worth shit.

Nice revisionist history you got going there.

worst bungie halo

It's basically a better version of Combat Evolved.

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Reach isn't more disliked because 4 and 5 are fucking awful you stupid nigger.

343 have proven to be worse developers than Bungie.


>No, it's not and bother trying to.

Yes, it is. THe journal that came with the limited and legendary editions litterally give a reasonable explanatiojn for every notable discrepency aside from the timeline issue, which also could have been easily explained via the crystal from first strike had bungie or 343 wanted to go that route.

>No, it doesn't, it's the worst feeling Halo game in the series
I heavily disagree. It feels far nicer then 3 to aim, shoot, move, etc with. But I'll also concede that"feel" is too subjective to really have a good back and forth on this point.

>Not even going to get into all that shit, its campaign and multiplayer sucked.
So you don't actually have anything to dispute what I said, got it.

>Reach was the only Halo game in which fans hated both the campaign and multiplayer.
See below.

And regarding 4, yes, there was some intial apologia for 4's campaign, that it wasn't actually that bad amnd that it was decent, but it pretty quickly soured into people also calling it shit, with only a small minorty of people standing by it being okay.

The only "revionism" going on here is the people saying that everybody thought the game was coimplete dogshoit. There were certainly SOME people saying that, and there were a lot of people complaining about bloom (and as ppoints out, bloom wasn't even really that bad) and armor lock, the poor map design, etc, but most people still thought the game was solid overall.

>play against any coordinated armor locking team in slayer

When the sage points at teamplay, the fool looks at armor lock.

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Today I will remind them

Humans = Forerunners
343i = Trash

343 Guilty Spark literally calls you a forerunner at the end of Halo 3.
>Halo Combat Evolved
>(343 Guilty Spark) "Last time, you asked me, if it was my choice, would I do it? Having had considerable time to ponder your query, my answer has not changed. "
>Only Humans are allowed to access Forerunner Facilities, technology and weaponry
>Only Humans can activate the rings
>The prophet of truth knows this but deliberately ignores the idea and genocides Humanity because of it
>penitent tangent (another oracle) also calls you a reclaimer
>A few throw away terminals make the insinuation that Humans and Forerunner are too different races
>343shills try to use this to shit up the lore with their crap

FUCK 343's shitty lore.

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I won't ever defend 4 aside from a few small things here and there; but 5 legitimately has great MP, weapon balance, and forge.

Based copy pasta

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Humans are humans, Forerunners are Forerunners. Reclaimers are not Forerunners.

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Super Fiesta and Big Team Super Fiesta is honestly some of the most fun I've had from Halo in years.

The Journal costed more money and still didn't fix issues.
>I heavily disagree
You can keep disagreeing, it feels like shit.
>So you don't actually have anything to dispute what I said, got it.
I have a lot to say about it for one thing you're full of shit when you try to compare it to Halo CE and 3's levels, it's small and linear like Halo 2 and 4. The mission were mediocre to shit and tend to be very repetitive. Halo CE and 5 had better sandboxes than Reach which was dominated by its busted DMR.

Reach was a terrible Halo game.

I'm this guy , it was most of the fanbase, a very small amount liked that piece of shit.

Anything post Bungie is fanfiction tier.

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>a few throwaway terminals
Lmao, way to completely ignore Halo 3

That book is actually still from the point of view that humans and forerunners are separate species, it was released post-3. Humans are tagged as "Forerunner" by Mendicant Bias because they were selected to succeed them.

Thank you.

I like how you just completely ignored what it just stated.

best halo by far

One of my favorites of all time. Part of a fantastic series of games ruined by Halo 4 and 5

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Halo: Reach was fanfiction.

Absolute dogshit and the worst in the series. I honestly can't think of any good aspect of it.

It's my favorite.
>top tier graphics without total redesign
>lots of weapons and they're all useful and fun, nothing feels worthless
>firefight horde mode is insanely fun
>aim bloom being visible rather than hidden finally makes it possible to aim automatic weapons
>playable space combat sequence
>shits all over the convoluted and awful EU
>dunks on Spartan IIIs and UNSC in general


>Absolute dogshit and the worst in the series.

I can agree with you that reach was pretty shitty but have you played 4 and 5?

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Not him but at least Halo 4 has a good campaign and Halo 5 has a good multiplayer with fun gameplay plus Reqs aren't a part of regular multiplayer.

>Halo Combat Evolved
>(343 Guilty Spark) "Last time, you asked me, if it was my choice, would I do it? Having had considerable time to ponder your query, my answer has not changed. "
>Only Humans are allowed to access Forerunner Facilities, technology and weaponry
>Only Humans can activate the rings
>The prophet of truth knows this but deliberately ignores the idea and genocides Humanity because of it
>penitent tangent (another oracle) also calls you a reclaimer

All of these things are implications, not explicit, aside from the MB line in Contact Harvest which is pretty explicit. Except....

>A few throw away terminals make the insinuation that Humans and Forerunner are too different races

....the line in the terminal cannot be interperated any way BUT that Humans and Forerunners are separate to at least some degreee, and the IRIS ARG and the Cradle of Life comic ALSO show that humans and forerunners are seperate.

Bungie themselves did not have a agreed on answer on what the Human Forerunner relation was. That's why there's inconsistent information. We have interviews litterally confirming this.

>>doesn't fit in canon
Only the games are canon. Bungie fucking despised the EU and tried to kill it at every opportunity.

>at least Halo 4 has a good campaign and Halo 5 has a good multiplayer


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lawl whatever 343 shill, eat shit nigger.

>I have no arguement so i'll just call him a nigger

imagine being this much of a hyperbolic faggot. Just off the top of my head, there's a bunch of good shit

>More creative camera angles in single player then past games, leading to each cutscene feeling like the camera is a part of the world and not just arbitratily placed
>Noble Team has good interplay with each other that makes them feel more like actual characters and not just plot devices as in CE and 2
>Lone Wolf
>A terrific sense of atmosphere. Not as good as ODST's, but still super solid
>The AR actually being able to hit shit past 5 feet, the Plasma pistol being able to kill again, and in general, guns feeling more unique, such as the focus rifle not just being a sniper rifle clone, the plasma launcher not just being a spartan laser clone, etc
>Forge massively improved in functionality over Halo 3, with far more objects, item physics, a grid lock system, object proipery and gametype settings, etc. B-BUT EVERYTHING IS GREY isn't a rebuttal because you could only forge anything of note on Foundry or Sandbox in 3 anyways and both of those are even more visually samey then Forge world
>Bringing health back
>Has campaign matchmaking, as well as the return of forge, which now has custom game options, and matchmaking for fireight. In general has a shitload of content
>Best AI in the series bar none, on legendary even grunts can act pretty smart and the Elite legendary AI is fucking stupid good
>having the first nonlinear campaign mission in CE in New Alexandria, as well as the first space flight section in the series in Long Night of Solace.
I wouldn't say 4 has a good campaign (maybe if not for the dogshit plot), but 5 absolutely does have good MP.

>What's the general consensus on Call of Duty: Halo?
Nobody knows.
The fuckers didn't gave us any release date.

>Not him but at least Halo 4 has a good campaign and Halo 5 has a good multiplayer w

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Flights should begin this month desu

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How do you become this pessimistic? I believe that but at the same time whats written in the books and in shown in Halo bungie era is proof that they decided to go with the Humans are infact forerunner.

>5 absolutely does have good MP
5 was my first Halo (no, not a zoom zoom, I was a Halo CE baby) And even I know that Halo 5 is fucking trash. God fucking damn do I hate 5s BR, fuck that damn gun it used to be good but 2 had a way better one

You heard me, I'm going to say it again, Halo 4 had a good campaign and Halo 5 had good gameplay and multiplayer, I'm pretty that was the general consensus here until the great invasion happened.

Yes, Halo CE, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo Wars, Halo ODST, Halo 4, Halo 5, Halo Wars 2, and Halo Infinite, Reach doesn't fit the bill, sorry.

>I'm pretty that was the general consensus here
>until the great invasion happened.

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>More creative camera angles in single player then past games, leading to each cutscene feeling like the camera is a part of the world and not just arbitratily placed
>Noble Team has good interplay with each other that makes them feel more like actual characters and not just plot devices as in CE and 2
Noble Team are as soulless as Fireteam Osiris
>Lone Wolf
The only good thing to come out of this pile of shit.
>A terrific sense of atmosphere. Not as good as ODST's, but still super solid
Halo CE-ODST have that, Reach just felt bland in comparison.
>The AR actually being able to hit shit past 5 feet, the Plasma pistol being able to kill again, and in general, guns feeling more unique, such as the focus rifle not just being a sniper rifle clone, the plasma launcher not just being a spartan laser clone, etc
OH NONONONONO! Reach has the weakest AR in the entire series.
Shitted on the Elites and I'm not an Elitefag but that's not how you balance a game.
>Forge massively improved in functionality over Halo 3, with far more objects, item physics, a grid lock system, object proipery and gametype settings, etc. B-BUT EVERYTHING IS GREY isn't a rebuttal because you could only forge anything of note on Foundry or Sandbox in 3 anyways and both of those are even more visually samey then Forge world
Yet somehow I rather just stick with Halo 3's Forge and even Halo 5 did Forge better.
>Bringing health back
It completely fucked up Halo CE's health pack system.
>Has campaign matchmaking, as well as the return of forge, which now has custom game options, and matchmaking for fireight. In general has a shitload of content
No one even used campaign matchmaking and Halo 3 had better custom games


>Best AI in the series bar none, on legendary even grunts can act pretty smart and the Elite legendary AI is fucking stupid good
Halo CE still has better AI, Reach also gimps the AI in Firefight which is something ODST didn't do.
>having the first nonlinear campaign mission in CE in New Alexandria, as well as the first space flight section in the series in Long Night of Solace
New Alexandria is linear and randomly picks missions for you instead of letting you choose locations, Long Night of Solace Space combat was boring and uninteresting.


You don't know of the reddit/resetera/neogaf invasion when neogaf imploded?

Are you sure you're not from there? Halo 4 and 5 were and are still trash.

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This is a clear sign that you are from reddit, get the fuck out of here.

4's campaign is meh at best, but 5's MP IS good

>loadouts are gone,
>perks are gone
>ordinance/killstreaks are gone
>even starts are back
>you can pickup grenades again
>on map weapon pickups are back after 4 removed it
>descope is back after 4 removed it
>high base movement speed
>individual aiming sensitivity per axis per stick, inner and outer deadzone adjuistment for each stick, seperate per axis accelleration options, etc
>No random spread on precision weapons
>Automatics can hit shit past 5 feet, are actually worth using
>Unique weapons like the plasma caster, needler, railgun, etc are all also solid without being OP
>Thrusters, hove, and slide add a ton of new skilljumps
>Map design is the most vertical it's been since CE and 2
>New movement systems in general make up for Halo's lack of movement complexity compared to other arena shooters
>Forge mode has 5+ forge world sized canvases
>Limited texture editing and programming tools
>prefabs and object grouping, browser for prefabs, group and object duplicating
>Time of day and weather effects
>placable sound and weather effects
>Custom game browser

By this logic Reach and Halo 4 are both better then CE, Halo 2, and ODST.

So that's one example of something Reach did well

>Noble Team are as soulless as Fireteam Osiris
Not even close, stop being retarded. There's objectively more going on narratively and in terms of interplay with them then anything in CE or Halo 3

>The only good thing to come out of this pile of shit.
So that's another thing it does well, contrary to your claims it does nothing

>Halo CE-ODST have that, Reach just felt bland in comparison.
CE is great atmopshere as well. I'm a 2fag but aside from a few specific arwas 2 isn't partricularly atmospheric. 3 isn't at all.

>OH NONONONONO! Reach has the weakest AR in the entire series.
In terms of killtime, sure, but pre-TU the Reach AR was still more usable then the 3 AR due to it's higher accuracy. And you ingorred all the other shit I said about weapons

>Shitted on the Elites and I'm not an Elitefag but that's not how you balance a game.
I've seen people say this before but I don't recall this being the case, how so?

>Yet somehow I rather just stick with Halo 3's Forge
So then you are being a nostalgiatard. Reach's forge is objectuively improved. 5's forge is basically a full map editor at this point, "even" halo 5 doing it better is a massive understatement.

>It completely fucked up Halo CE's health pack system.
Still an improvement over not having healthpacks at all.

>No one even used campaign matchmaking
I did

>and Halo 3 had better custom games
Reach has more custom game options, a better forge, and a larger weapon sandbox. Maybre you didn't have as good customs in reahc due to less friends then in 3 or something, but in terms of what can be done, Reach has the hgher potential for customs, and unlike in 2 where the lack of options forced creativity with zombires, tower of power, troy, etc; 3 is an akward in between.

>Halo CE still has better AI,
Not at all. Reach AI is head and shoulders above it and any other game in the series.


You’re right, but Reach still has a better artstyle than anything 343i has produced. If Reach was their first game people might not hate them as much as they do...

>So that's one example of something Reach did well
Halo 2 and 3 already did that so once again, and?
>Not even close, stop being retarded. There's objectively more going on narratively and in terms of interplay with them then anything in CE or Halo 3
I barely even knew who the fuck they were and they just died, if you do the same to Osiris I wouldn't given a shit either.
>So that's another thing it does well, contrary to your claims it does nothing
Yes, a level that can be finished in 3 seconds.
>CE is great atmopshere as well. I'm a 2fag but aside from a few specific arwas 2 isn't partricularly atmospheric. 3 isn't at all.
Sacred Icon, Quarantine Zone, High Charity, Floodgate, and Cortana says otherwise.
>In terms of killtime, sure, but pre-TU the Reach AR was still more usable then the 3 AR due to it's higher accuracy. And you ingorred all the other shit I said about weapons
Reach had the worst AR in the series that could barey kill anything.
>I've seen people say this before but I don't recall this being the case, how so?
Better weapons, better abilities, better vehicles
>So then you are being a nostalgiatard. Reach's forge is objectuively improved. 5's forge is basically a full map editor at this point, "even" halo 5 doing it better is a massive understatement.
No, it's just that Reach missed the point of why Halo 3's Forge was great.
>Still an improvement over not having healthpacks at all.
How's that an improvement when your health is worse than it is in Halo CE-3?
>I did
Yes, you did
>Reach has more custom game options, a better forge, and a larger weapon sandbox
Halo 2 and 3 had better Custom games than Reach ever did.

>Not at all. Reach AI is head and shoulders above it and any other game in the series.
Halo CE still to this day has the best AI in the series.

That's what you said last month

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>literally just arguing over semantics
jesus christ halo fans are the biggest retards on the planet

Worst Halo ever made.

Let's be realy
The main reason why everyone loved reach was the customization

>Ever good
Literally baby's first fps. Neck yourself you disgusting zoomers.

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This, once Infinite surpasses it, Reach will be forgotten like it should have been years ago.

Not that same guy but
>Halo 2 and 3 had better Custom games than Reach ever did.

You're lying to yourself. That's not to say halo 3 didn't have great custom games. Smear the queer, fatkid, teacher(even though it kinda sucked in 3), and ghostbusters were fun. However, reach had WAY more freedom to make cool shit. Around the world, tower of power, tons of crazy infection maps w/ level progression, improved variants of older halo 3 customs, like speedhalo, teacher, etc. I found that creatively, halo reach was superior. I don't really see how people think that 3's forge was simply better. It was objectively worse.

based pseudo-quakedad that has 5 hours in Quake live

I'd rather play the MLG v7 settings than Halo 3.

>4 was a bittersweet sendoff for the chief
>4 did a melodrama with Cortana but at least she was hot
>4 ruined the forerunners but at least the Chief could rest knowing humanity will hold their own for the open ended future
>kills the entire franchise

This is why people say 4 is okay, because by comparison it didn’t ruin fucking everything.

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5 had best girl tho

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imagine still playing quake
imagine thinking 26 year olds are zoomers

Halo 4 is Halo: Prime. The second half of the might as well be Metroid Prime.

4 unironically has the best SP of any Halo game. Get fucked.

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>killed the entire franchise
But it didn't game sold well, Rech came close to doing that which is why we don't see non-Chief FPS Halo games anymore.

I've been playing since the original Halo on Xbox. The only other SP campaign that is as good as 4 is ODST.

High production value does not compensate for horrible writing and character rape

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Halo 5 was a non-chief FPS Halo game. I agree that Halo 5 was an alright game but Halo 5 was a non-chief FPS Halo game


>not awesome
what's it like to be so wrong?

You're showing a whole lot of multiplayer stats for a discussion about the single player campaign. I would never pretend 4 has good MP. It didn't.

Oh yes, because Halo did so many good things for FPS games.
>Twin Stick controls
>Slow as fuck times to kill
>Retarded storyline pushing
>Let XBOX get up off the ground
>Regenerating HP
>Godawful automatic weapons meta

Everything Halo did got transplanted into every other fucking fps game you insipid potatoes. If it weren't for this series getting popular, I would still be playing actually fun and fast paced FPS games. No advanced movement, no special techniques, no need for aim because LOL BULLET MAGNETISM. Every fps character moves at the pace of a snail in fuckhuge maps that serve no purpose other than look pretty, and it takes 20 years to kill someone.

Seriously, consider suicide for ruining this once great genre.

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As piss poor how they handled Chief in the game, you still played him, unlike in Reach.

>breaking every single map's layout
the state of reachbabs

2 > 3 > Reach > CE > 5 > 4


[/spoiler] good[/spoiler]

Stupid armour abilities make it the worst worst real halo and anyone who actually played 1-3 agrees.
>I have a 2.7kd before someone calls me bad

The horrible MP is the cherry on top of the turd.
My point stands: MS hired a fuckload of niggers who didn't like Halo or wanted it to be more like other games and then threw money at them.
>QTE final boss
>Bullshit sentimental focus plot
>Every character other than Chief, Laskey and Thorne is fucking insufferable.
>Forerunner lore explained and it ended up being underwhelming
>Horrible enemy variety in campaign (Fighting bionicles and bionicle roaches/floaters was not fun)
>Alien weapons feel like trash to use, yet you're forced to because the better human weapons have jackshit amounts of ammo (Compare to Combat Evolved, 2, 3 where you find surplus munitions just lying around in set spots to keep the fun going with whatever weapon you prefer)
>The AI is fucking lackluster compared even to CE
>Soundtrack is just some generic hollywood blockbuster compilation, not objectively bad but it could fit nearly any other sci-fi game

I'd rate it just barely better than 5 as far as campaign goes.

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Post Cotana lewds

>high TTKs are bad

Attached: 1338193804675.jpg (301x305, 43K)

At least 5 had a better PST
That's all it has

>That rant
Now I love halo even more. It makes snobs like you angry.
>Imagine being elitist about fucking VIDEO GAMES
You're literally complaining about children's toys.

They are.

casual fag
the ttk is only high if you can't headshot

sounds like call of duty would be more your speed :^)

So reach is like the first call of duty

Every Halo past the first one has been slow as shit even with headshots.
Nice job outing yourself as a consolefag who doesn't know anything but Halo and Call of Duty.

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