Studying stats

>Studying stats
>Building AC
>Switching parts
>Customising the paint job
>All while that god tier backing music plays
Why is this series so great lads? That being said I haven't played 4 onwards

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Other urls found in this thread:

>no new AC game for 6 years because of souls
>if by chance there is a new AC, soulsnigger would just should WHERE MUH SOULS like they did with Sekiro

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>I haven't played 4 onwards
For Answer is worth playing. "Purists" don't like the direction they took, but I thought it was for the better, at least gameplay wise.

Apparently they're making a new one
Should I play 4 and 5, or just For Answer and Verdict Day?

4 and 4A are honestly great, miyazaki jerkef it to muv luv alternative and made games out of it.

They're not the best but you can get them for pretty cheap. If you have the budget to spare you should play them so you can appreciate the changes and development in 4A and VD.

Holy shit, the "Help with AC test" mission. Genobee ruined me

He's pretty easy if you can get into the rhythm of bunny hopping to dodge his grenades. Try switching your booster/legs and bring a machine gun/rifle to keep a steady DPS on him as you dodge.

I'm up to Armored Core 2 and it's kicking my arse to be honest.
Not sure if it's genuinely much harder than the PS1 games or if I just got too used to having a souped up end-game mech and can't handle going back to square 1. Feels like I have to fail every mission or arena fight a good few times before brute forcing my way through.

Weapons in Armored Core 1 were also much more lethal so an aggressive player had an easier time with the game. AC2 feels much slower in comparison due to the buffed defenses of everything.

It definitely is harder, in 2 they added a lot of new mechanics and I feel like the AI is quite better than the PS1 games. The 1000 ammo machinegun carried me through that game though, also farm the Arena

playing PS1 armored core, then the AC3 games on my psp was amazing.
>tfw staying up until 4am making the perfect build and trying to optimize what little money you had
fucking fromniggers I waited years for 4 and 4A vita ports.

I heard we'll see a new AC at E3 this year

Wow AC3 runs on PSP? That's amazing

Considering we've been hearing rumors of G.R.R. Martin collaborating with FromSoft but not a peep about AC I think they'll be announcing A Game of Dark Souls instead.

Nexus is truly the Dark Souls of overheating

3, silent line and last raven.
Formula front international is basically the AC3 styled version of master of arena

>start the game
>boost for 3 seconds
>your AC literally bursts into flames

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From didn't publish a single Vita game because by then they were already drowning in soulsbucks, that shitty series seriously harmed FROM and AC, they didn't even put out an ACE vita game like they did for the PSP.
AC3/SL/LR run flawlessly on PSP/Vita, they also have more parts coming from their console version.


That's why I didn't like Nexus as much as other people around here. The mechanics were the biggest problem, not the difficulty of the missions or enemy AI.

After Nexus should I play Last Raven on PSP instead of PS2 then?

It is pretty annoying, but the aesthetics are so strong to me so far my experienced isn't ruined

They lost the animated emblems though.

You can, sure.
Mind that LR is ballbustingly hard and LRP doubles down on that compared to the console version.

Nexus also has a pretty rough start. Lots of things in the beginning mission can wreck you fairly quickly, especially if you don't know to get a working booster + cooler configuration ASAP.

Yeah, that sounds right to me. It feels like I need almost every single shot to hit in order to finish a level without running out of ammo, and even when I win every fight takes far longer than I'm used to.
1000 ammo machinegun, you say? Maybe I should just give that a shot. I went with energy weapons after having a lot of success with them in the earlier games, but they don't seem nearly as good as they were.

is zoe better than armored core?

It's not really the same kind of game.

Actually that machinegun is in 3 I think, I forgot how to make it through 2. I think 2 is skippable, but there are some decent missions
Completely different, ZOE is more arcade shooty funtimes, AC is stat autism

>start playing last raven portable on my psp
>struggle with any enemy AC no matter how hard I try
>incur huge losses on repairs and ammunition after every mission
>game starts throwing 2 enemy ACs to you at once
Maybe it's my hamhands fumbling with the controls idk but it feels good to beat them eventually though

Be like that Raven who never uses solid weapons and therefore never pays for ammo

bring consorts back

Oh boy that sure sounds fun. Already lost interest in this entire series.

Different kind of game. ZOE is more of a full on action game, Armored Core leans more towards the simulator end. ZOE is 100% aerial combat whereas Armored Core is much more grounded. ZOE is further along the super high-tech / borderline magical style of mecha, Armored Core has more mechanical and """""realistic""""" style mechs.
Both are good, I prefer Armored Core, but it's just matter of taste.

literally the ideal classic AC control scheme

I heard AC6 will have pilot dating VN segments

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But it is fun.
Seeing how much weaponry you can put on your AC so it's just under the leg weight limit is great.
Or you could overweight your AC, then launch a barrage, then purge them to get under the limit in a mission
Or you could go full missile boat, the possibilities are endless.
Someone calculated it and in Nexus alone there are 7 billion AC combinations

>magazines for machine guns
>this fucking game
What was FROM thinking?

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Machineguns were absurdly broken without magazines, it was a good decision, they outclassed anything else in the old games, the FINGERs in Gen 1 were notorious for being absurdly strong.

Machine guns shit all over the PVE of every game in the series so they wanted a way to dial it back a little.

Also apparently Nine Breaker was designed according to suggestions from agetech. For what it was worth it's a good warm up for Last Raven and the versus mode had tighter balance than Nexus. Also the intro is jammin'.

>love robots
>don't have stats autism

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It's not that bad

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is daemon x machina going to be good

It's really not that scary to get into, the games after 2 even tell you all the stats if you press select

>Loves robutts
>Doesn't have stat autism
If you can't get a rise out of your machine's horsepower you have no right to call yourself a /m/an.

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Reminder this is the best intro, I especially love the shot at :26

What's this game?


Damascus Gear: Saikyou Exodus.

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goddamn I love AC's soundtrack




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Hide behind the wall.

Dodge into the walls, there are gaps.
Boost after the turrets go up, be fast.
What AC do you have?

>That Raven obsessed with the number 1

Anyone got good AC wallpapers?

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I do but once I make it to the end of the hall, even if I have high health I can't take out the blaster before it gets to me. Is there a gun, or somewhere to aim that could help?

reminder that the guy who made this was recently scouted and recruited into the Armored Core sound team

The Moonlight blade 2 or 3 shots it, if you're having issues just dodge to the very end and then go in and out of the walls

I have medium weight build with inverted joints. Would a lighter frame help?

Use Rockets

Try changing the inverted legs to lighter bipedals, but you should be fine. What weapons?

I have the triple rockets and the big rockets that deal way too much damage. Do you think I should use them up close?
I tried machine gun, sniper, pistol, shotgun and some of the rockets already.

Can you post some footage of how you're playing the mission? I managed to get through it and I'm pretty bad at AC

Im headed to class right now but tonight I'll give it a couple tries with some of the suggestions. I might make a new thread if I'm still havibg trouble.

Shoot them while approaching the cannon if you feel comfortable with the shot. Then just blade it if it's even still alive by the time you reach it.

Please make a new AC thread when this one goes down, the video game board could do with a few video game threads once in a while

>This year's E3
>Screen goes black, see a single red light that looks like an eye shine
>Screen brightens and shows a skeleton and announces Kings Field 5
Fuck you RR Martin

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Speaking of Kings Field, are the PS1 games worth playing?

Shadow Tower takes what they do and does them better. They're primitive but if you don't mind Dark Souls with tank controls you should try it.

I've never played an AC game before, but I've recently acquired the whole series. What's a good one to start with?

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Honestly id enjoy mecha dark souls

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just a reminder that silent line and for answer are the best in the series, dont even @ me faggots

go in release order. It'll be an experience for you

AC1 since it's just as fast as AC2 and 3. Nexus is slightly slower but it gives analog controls which is good for zoomers.

Depends how pressed for time you are.
Playing them all in order except Another Age is the way to go, but if you want to start go with 3

>G.R.R. Martin collaborating with FromSoft
Game of thrones fags should be gassed.

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>except Another Age
Stop this meme

t. Leos Klein

Release order. Master of Arena is a fantastic game that still holds up today imo.

The arena is the best because you make a rig, go through as many fights until you hit a wall, then pop out and make a new build to fit what you were lacking. Missions are mostly about ammo efficiency. I haven't played the 3 series or onward yet though.

play ZoE instead

How good are tank treads legs are, anyway? I just finished AC3 using them mainly, but I'd like to hear other opinions on their pros and cons. Though just blowing through things with tons of guns and armour feels mighty nice, in any case.

Good for arena fights because shoulder weapons pack a big punch. Often gets cockblocked in missions but strong whenever you don't have to worry about the terrain.

Anyone use shields?

ZoE bro, play ZoE

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Is the 2nd Runner on steam just the cockpit mode?

ZoE is great, but both of the games together are like 8 hours long.

I already bought it twice lads

Is MWO any good?

The Surge is about as close to that as you can get at the moment.

Yeah but it has the terrible district 9/elysium aesthetic

the PSP is retardly powerfull for its time. it is pretty much PS1.7
Playing AC3 games and Last Raven on 16:9 was amazing. soon I'll be playing them on the ppsspp. that thing will be amazing on the big screen

>Tfw Dual Gear is vaporware

It hurts.

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Seems like all the mech games never go anywhere, heavy gear assault also died though I think most people saw that coming when they saw the utter state of the alpha build.


I've only played 4A and VD. Idk anything about AC before that.

based, the catalogue is pretty woeful, so I'd like to keep this thread up for a while.
Definitely play the PS2 games at least, the PS1 games are pretty cool too

You should try emulating the earlier games.

I have the best post for when we hit bump limit

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*Gives you a seizure*

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>fell through the floor the first time i encounter him
I see From's spaghetti dates back a long time ago

That sucks, I've never had a glitch on that level

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Can you play these without knowing runes?

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Who is the very top right one and the one with the green visor on the second last line?

>Can you play these without knowing runes?
Only episode r. Unlike previous games, all of the game menus in ACE:R are written out in

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Translation when? All does anymore is spic translations

Should I skip Ninebreaker?

Are you bunny hopping?
Cause that trivializes the games up until like last raven



Not him, but I've been playing through all the games in order. Via emulator, of course. Aside from minor graphics issues, the ps2 games run fine.
Just a thing I found out though. There's a weird bug with pcsx2 and some sound effects in 2 (not sure about the others but I wouldn't be surprised if they applied too) with them looping indefinitely. To fix that open up the SPU2-X ini in the directory with some kind of text editor and change the delay cycles in the debug section from 4 to 1. Should fix that.

Nice work solving that one, I don't recall having that issue but 2 is so forgettable.
I had to play with a lot of settings to get Nexus to work, but it does eventually.

Nice. Thanks for the fix.

>Aside from minor graphics issues, the ps2 games run fine.
AC3 and LR both have major performance issues in PCSX2. Either you haven't got to those ones yet or you have a BEAST of a PC.

3 works fine

Not that user, but I haven't had those and my PC is merely decent. Aside from graphical issues in menus, the biggest problem I encountered when playing 3-LR continuity games was that LR only worked in native resolution software mode. Not sure if it's fixed nowadays.

Are there such things as AC plastic kits?

The NEWEST dev-build of PCSX2 now has a plugin hack for LR to run on hardware mode. I recommend everyone to try it out.

>no new AC game for 6 years because of souls
ACV didn't help.

Any particular levels that are known to cause some bad performance or just any in general?
I built this pc last year, so its probably the latter.

Emulator issues in general, PCSX2 is a collection of hacks really


>Translation when? All does anymore is spic translations
This please


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Nexus is fucking great first game in the series where I started actually having fuck
Gen 1/2 and AC3 and SL are boring shit

Would you recommend them for someone whose never built one?


>you should play them so you can appreciate the changes and development in 4A and VD
How to tell that someone's time is worthless: they say this shit

Yo, thanks for the head up

Kotobukiya kits generally aren't as well made as Bandai's gunpla, so I'd generally recommend acclimating yourself with some High Grade Gundam kits beforehand. They're significantly cheaper than Koto's AC kits which are mostly out of production(except for Nineball and Seraph which got rereleased a couple months ago) and for the most part don't require glue. Koto kits have lower quality plastic and some of the ACs need glue for smaller parts so it helps to have at least some experience before blowing $50 or more on a kit.

fuck off

Yes, but Kotobukiya rarely do reprints so the prices inflate a fucking lot.

What's the best AC game to start with if I wanna get into the series?

>NEET Mode:
PS1 trilogy
AC 2, Another Age
3, Silent Line
Nexus, Ninebreaker, Last Raven
Then the PS3 games
>Lacking time but don't want to be a raging casual mode
Start with 3 or Silent Line and go from there in chronological order
>Give me the good shit immediately
Start at Nexus, although I hear Last Raven is even better so start there

3 is as perfect as an entry point as you can get and it has a PSP version so you can even pirate it easily.

I was looking for an AC thread and the vg only talks about MW.

Three is fun, Silent Line too if you can get it to run but holy shit, Last Raven is pure unadultered bullshit. That game is the definition of artificial difficulty for me.

Posting best song:

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Just build a mid-weight bipedal with a machinegun. That'll carry you through every game except Another Age and Last Raven

>Posting best song
But you didn't post

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Why is it called Nexus?

Wasn't aware that PCSX2 had major developments, I'll give it a go, thanks.

That's not.

Stable hasn't been updated in ages, whereas the dev builds come out every 2 days or something

Nexus was my first AC. I was absolutely shit at it but eventually I got gud and had a really good time. Also the music is great (yes i know this isn't from any of the games but its still AC regardless)

Who Chromehounds here? Legitimately some of the most fun I've had with a multiplayer game

Great guide, I agree with all the picks the creator made for best games to start with

I heard so much good stuff about that game, really makes me sad I missed out. There's a game out called MAV that is supposed to be a clone

KZM made it so thank him.

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>spent months trying to unlock that final boss AC in AC4
>only recently realized its an unobtainable machine
God I was a retarded teenager

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If it's the same as the PS4 version then no, cockpit mode is only for VR, its third person otherwise

just play on psp/vita lads
embrace the claw

I was already on the dev builds but haven't tried LR for a few months now.

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>Killing all those poor flamingos with Kojima radiations
Another reason why Wynne is a dumb bitch

the DLC doesn't

I'm gonna say it!

>only played AC2 and 3 back on ps1, loved the hell out of it, still playing it on emulator from time to time
>never had a chance to play other games because they never left consoles
Are they good? how much series changed since 3?
Its no secret that From doing something and there will be another game at some point, but i dont know what im gonna do if its console exclusive again

I've played II & a bit of III does it still "feel" the same weight and methodical weapons play or did they go full gundam later on?

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AC4 gen has better movement mechanics but it's never weightless magical bullshit ime

The games generally speed up gradually up through Last Raven, although the fastest through that point is probably still the PS1 trilogy. It always threw me off how much slower a game 2 was after beating MoA.

rumors floating around it'll be revealed when the PS5 drops so keep a lookout,maybe we'll get backwards compatibility with PS1---PS2--PS3 again

If backwards compatibility for all systems drops I'll buy one even if there's no games for it

For anyone playing Last Raven on ppsspp, is there a control scheme I can use that doesn’t feel like complete ass that also lets me actually drop weapons, or should I just give up all hopes for that?

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oh so i played PP and MoA and thought they were 2 and 3 huh

Bump for Armored Core

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Me too. I ended up playing Hawken instead before it died.

4 is at least C tier for the kino dialogue imo

Really? I don't remember anything significant dialogue wise from it.

DS1 might be one of my favorite games but after each new souls game i've stopped giving a shit. I wouldn't mind seeing new mecha from FromSoft at this point. have had 0 interest in buying sekiro.

What do you guys think about quad legs?

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Well kind of unfair comparing Japanese dub to English dub.

They're sexy.

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have you tried the "claw" user

This year is our year bros!

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>meme raven that high
i dont understand its nexus but worse

"Armored Core is the Dark Souls of mecha games"

I'm really not a fan of the default controls on psp.

I fucking love giant mechs in theory

Where do I start? AC1?

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>Mary Shelley's voice
god DAMN

yeah thats a good start
its very bare bones compared to the others

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I think lack of Kota Hoshino really dragged down Last Raven. The brutal difficulty spike wouldn't be so bad if everything was also carried by good music. The only track I remember is the first of the garage BGMs.

>swords are still shit
>railguns are still shit
>hover legs nerfed even more
>human plus up the ass encouraging dual rifle back peddle bunny hop game play which wouldn't be too bad if the arenas were not either a) small or b) cluttered
every time i play this i want to play nexus and every time i play nexus i want to play 2 or 3

Sounds like you need to not be a shitter user.

god i want another game so bad. i missed a lot of them, but got to play the AC1, 2, 4A, V, and VD
hope we get mission introductions like 4A. made each of the corporations unique with how they addressed you and got a feel on what their goals were.
oh and more fucking FreQuency music. no idea what genre to even call it, but god do i love this shit

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Learn the dodge mechanics and bunny hop.

The true key to success in LR is out turning your enemy. Having a high turn speed will absolutely destroy most of the opponents

>no new AC game for 6 years because of souls
From is the reason there hasn't been an AC game in 6 years. From pumped out too many in a short period of time diluting the formula, completely changed the game in 2007 alienating long-time fans, and then gave up on the series altogether after 5 failed to connect with an audience.

Get outta here with your soulsfag boogeyman.

Literally WHY are From not putting shit like AC4/FA as well as games like Otogi up on Steam? Do they hate free money?

They might if they see Metal Wolf Chaos does well whenever it's coming out but yeah it's literally free money.

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Write letters and send emails to From software en masse in both Japanese and english detailing this desire.

>made each of the corporations unique
I was too stupid to notice as a kid, but later when replaying 3 continuity games I found it neat that the three main corps had distinct visual styles and purposes, with Crest offering bulky and physical damage focused parts, Mirage having sleek designs and energy weapons whereas Kisaragi was the small but innovative corp creating weird gimmicks.

They should use Souls series as a jumping board for reviving AC, perhaps a HD collection or remake first?
They only have to use those exact words as a marketing campaign and they'll see the money rolling in.

This theme is awesome. But yeah no Kota Hoshino and Tsukasa Saitoh sucked.

Are the ps1 games worth playing on a hacked vita?

I'm torn on the controls, anyone edit them so that they worked?


Yeah, I'd definitely recommend doing that if you can and you're playing the older games. Games before Nexus don't even recognize analog sticks if I'm not remembering wrong, meaning you have to go to emulator options and remap shit there. Just remap whatever the camera and movement keys happen to be to stick directions.

If you're talking about the PSP ports, you're completely fucked.


You can map inputs to the right stick on PPSSPP.

ACV is one of the highest selling AC titles, retard

the psp versions have fucking abysmal controls, just get them on ps2 they're really cheap

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I love kota hoshino and frequency but I just can't get behind those early AC soundtracks. I can't into techno

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>those creepy ass lab levels in the first game
>only sound is the repeated PA announcements and the skittering of whatever horrific mutants have been loosed

>made each of the corporations unique with how they addressed you and got a feel on what their goals were
I like how they got the one voiced by a cute girl to lure you into genocide route's last mission

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yup that's the one
unsettling as shit

I like how in one of the GA American mission briefings for a mission that warns you that there's ECM present in the area flashes an advertisement for one of their radars.

It's the little things

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Block your path

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>>swords are still shit
Literally Git Gud
>>railguns are still shit
Railguns are fine.
>>hover legs nerfed even more
Hover legs have always been nothing more than a meme.
>>human plus up the ass encouraging dual rifle back peddle bunny hop game play
>Dual Rifles
This is why you'll never be a dominant, boyo.

Attached: 111.jpg (596x447, 102K)

god nothing sent a chill down your spine quite like:
> Enemy ranking AC identified as NINE BALL
> Enemy ranking AC identified as VALKYRIE

loved that shit

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>blow up the first Nine Ball and move into the next chamber
>suddenly hear boosters and another grenade launcher firing

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>how the fuck is there a second one
and then you play MoA and all becomes clear
seriously the big reveal is honestly one of the best executed plot twists in vidya

Nigga what? You never played 4 Answeru? God damn, that is arguably the peak of the series if you have an inherent need for speed.

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