Worst AAA developer of all time?

Worst AAA developer of all time?

Attached: Bethesda-Logo.jpg (1024x376, 29K)


Bioware: "Hold my beer"

Uhm, user?

game freak makes bethesda look like John Carmack

that would be EA

Bioware at least used to make good video games, Bethesda never has.


>Bioware at least used to make good video games
I want this meme to die. Bioware has NEVER made a good game.

Recently started playing Fallout 1. Absolutely REEKING of soul. 3D Fallout games have never been good, zoomers. Not even that glorified texture pack "New Vegas". Get outta here.

If you don't like CRPG's, that's your problem. Bethesda's games are bad because their games are catastrophic clusterfucks filled with bugs and are powered by the worst 3D game engine ever made.

This. Bethesda has been fucking up a lot recently but they're doing things EA and Activision have been doing their whole existence.

I love CRPGs. Bioshit has never made a good one.

>muh bladder gate
>muh star wars shite
Get some taste, nub.

Epic bait bro

>no mention of ME1 and ME2
okay, scrub.

Alright, so you hate all the games. And you would honestly go on to say that Bioware is worse than Bethesda, objectively speaking? How is such a thing even possible?

>not good
What a pleb

They are one of the few western AAA developers that make good games

EA is publisher you dumb fuck.

Morrowind was great. Everything since then has been middling to trash.

1 and 2 are no better than ME3. 3 just got more hate on release because people actually grew up and developed some taste. All three games are mediocre cover shooters with recycled level design, shallow leveling mechanics and mostly superficial choice& consequence. Babby's first cinematic shooter. Mass Effect was never any good.

3 was great though.

Are you just pretending to be retarded? They develop their own games.

thinking that a publisher, especially EA, doesn't have more say in the development of a game than the developers means you are a retard

New Vegas had textures?

>mass effect shit
those games are shit and you're stupid as fuck because you don't know what a crpg is

based and redpilled

ZOOM was good, so was prey

a crpg is a computer role playing game, you simple fuck

Worst by what criteria?

For example Nintendo is absolute dogshit for anyone who's not a drooling manchild or an actual little kid so they're probably the worst in terms of design, but those two groups are its exact target audience so they're good at meeting their demands even though no mentally sound adult would consider playing their shit.

Ubisoft, Bethesda, CDPR, Square Enix etc. make terrible games but they sell well so clearly they're good at designing and marketing them for the lowest common denominator.

For a safe pick I'd say Bioware are currently the ones who are just incapable of satisfying either their old or their new audience by any standard.

Listen, if you want to piss off Nintendo fanboys, you can do that in a Nintendo thread, but
>no mentally sound adult would consider playing their shit
is just fucking retarded, and you know that.

>Mario is the worst in terms of design.
i dont think you understand what design means

go back


bethesda is certainly the worst in terms of trying to kamikaze the industry standards
they make buggy and unfinished shit, have their hands in the paid modsµtransactions pies, sold the world the same game 5 times over, heavy abusers of day 1 patches and cardboard physical releases, attempt to push their own online store etc.