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Nuke japan again.

Carpet nuke California.

Hilarious. I am dying right now.

Did Yea Forums tell you to fuck off, or something?

The nukes really opened their eyes

I'm ok with this.

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I guess you could say it was an eye opening experience.

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>Yea Forums thread on Yea Forums
sure why not

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>Carpet nuke California.
The hating California meme is fucking retarded especially if you're American.

what Lupin III part is the best

wtf I'm pro nukes now

they always rebuild better

not really, the state is a propaganda machine
balkanization is the only solution for the current america

I grew up in socal. It's pretty cancer.

We should really nuke the USA.
Just look at that massive improvement.

I call it eye jealousy/compensation

Makes perfect sense. The economic success of the area leads to a large number of people living there having an undeserved sense of self-satisfaction and superiority over their fellow countrymen. Exact same shit happens in London with the UK. Every first world country has their own California equivalent.

I wonder who could be behind this post

poo in loo

What's so bad about Sailor Jupiter?

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Jupiter is such a qt


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California is easily in the Top 3 when it comes to shitty states in America. It's quite literally the SJW capital.

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Nukes are good
T. Hideo Kojima

>I'm jealous but it isn't my fault it's theirs for being better than me :(

Paranoia Agent is actually a giant allegory about this phenomenon. That's why it shows nukes in the intro.

Somehow I figure you guys already knew this.

>Each Majority in City produces multiple times the pollution of Tokyo Metro
>Despite TM being many times larger
>has one of the highest crime rates in the country
>has had multiple recent terror attacks and plots
>gives more freedoms to illegal immigrants than to its citizens
>taxes the shit out of it's population
>punishes anyone for anything related to their hobbies
>extreme regulations on everthing
It needs to be nuked.

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It's also Top 3 when it comes to contributing to our GDP.
>live in Cali where we get taxed into oblivion and most of it goes to midwestern shithole states
They deserve to feel superior. They're subsidizing your ass.

Yeah, in order to truly run out the rats, you need to nuke New York as well.


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Fuck California and fuck Californians. Fuck Jew York too.

If your favorite prominent state isn't Texas then get the fuck out.

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>They're subsidizing your ass.
A hyper liberal state like them WOULD subsidize other states. If we could convince them not to do something so stupid, then we wouldn't want to nuke them.

go onionize somewhere else, bozo.

California is an excrescence. It depends intimately on less prominent states for its survival. You are net consumers of water, electricity, and food. Your only exports are niggertech (software, not even hardware) and neoliberalism. If you're so big and stronk, then secede. No one will miss you.

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Use that logic next time you get green with envy when a virtual character looks better than you.

Good idea, maybe after that sony moves back to japan or at least somewhere else where the streets aren't filled with feces.

If California was nuked to right the country would be better for it

She has brown hair, that's not natural!

California is a necessary evil. We need some state to contain the cesspool of SJW's and transgenders.

>american patriots that believe everyone in american should be free individuals but also constantly insist that other americans need to be nuked into the ground because they have different opinions or wear shorts or whatever

I don't even know what this means.
No one will be able to afford those things once you can't use California's revenue to subsidize them. Enjoy starving when companies decide to sell here and make twice as much. You will literally become developing country status.

They wouldn't even get the whole state because its red areas would just split and form Jefferson and rejoin the union. California's cancer comes entirely from its cities. Get rid of them and the state becomes decent

And imagine there for a brief period was something inbetween

>believe everyone in american should be free individuals
not really
>insist that other americans need to be nuked into the ground
californians aren't americans, they're barely even people

wtf I love nukes now

I think a lot more people would be fine with Californians if THEY STAYED IN THEIR OWN GODDAMN STATE. I live within a half-hour's drive of Portland and it's been a proto-San Fran for years now. And they take the public defecation and heroin needles with them wherever they go.

I miss when anime Japanese teenager girls looked like the Sailor Senshi and Utena instead the blobs they are now.

wishing people not like yourself to suffer is the most American thing you can do

Americans don't recognize California as a state and neither do Californians.

The bulk of your landmass is republican. In an actual secession you tards would be left with a patchwork of overcrowded cities and fleeing businesses escaping the crippling taxation you would have to instate to give your spics and bogs the gibs you adore.

I've gone there twice and both times were terrible


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"Technology built not to improve lives, but to sustain mediocre ones."
Basically anything Silicon Valley puts out. Arguably also includes Hollywood blockbusters because they need strong hardware to render capeshart
>You will literally become developing country status.
So we revert to the level of development of Poland or Russia but don't have Californians and their slow-walk Brazilification to deal with? Okay lol, I'll take that deal

Even people who don't give a fuck about video games hate California
How can you not at least dislike a place where it's legal to knowingly infect other people with HIV?

But that's the problem, they DON'T contain them. They travel across the west coast to escape to crippling taxes and small living space and then vote in the same autism that made them leave California in the first place. Washington, Colorado and Oregon have fell to their cancer and they're spreading to Idaho and Arizona now as we speak

It's not containment, it's gangrene.

This. I had the extreme displeasure having to be in L.A. en route to Disneyland once. I made the critical mistake of drinking the tap water. I could almost take the beaner shits and AIDS, and had the worst stomach ache for the next day and a half.

Just let them leave. They can even keep the rural areas, we'll get shittons of white people in the population transfer and they'll have a reason to import more Mexican helots

California contains SWJs just as well as /pol/ contains the alt-right.

Is it time yet?

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>nuke California
>now usa is one of the least educated of first world countries.

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t. seething flyover state cuck

Texas is one of the largest growing economic centers in the US and they'd easily fill California's shoes. We also wouldn't lose California, just it's cities. The areas where the rich farmland are vote Republican and would stay in the union. No more calishits and all we'd have left is new York and Rhode Island

God, I wish Texas and cali would just seceed from the United Satanist states, so all 3 will burn in hellfire.
Imagine an internet without Americans.

State of Jefferson when?

So basically you're saying anime is the fault of the United States?

>nuke California
>nuke BosWash
>the Great Satan is now dead and with it so is credentialism

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holy shit the delusions of dixiefags LMAO

Californians actively oppose America and the ideal of free speech

>Nukes have made Sailor Jupiter
Nuke California maybe we can save it.

The fuck is wrong with California?
I live there and would like to know ahead of time.

Nah. It's true that California is ruining US

isn't time for you to dilate xir?

This. By splitting them up, the Russian bear and the Chinese tiger can finally release the world from the Anglos vile bloodsucking claws

isn't it time for you to overdose on opioids?

Of course Texas would fill California's shoes since California is literally dead weight on the Union.
Just let them leave, please let them leave. They can even keep their rural areas

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fucking lol modern universities and colleges are a fucking meme

Yea all those mexicans.... super intelligente


That's more of a california thing

t. sour grapes

We needed a third nuke to put an end to blurry vaginas.

At least indirectly, you can't argue against the fact that the results of WWII changed Japanese history and culture forever.

>tfw california invading my state

this, and take down russia also, and china. and muslims, and jews.

there perfect world

nah we just get high on weed delivered to our home
what do yall have, tipping cows and drinking lead water?

wtf i want to be nuked now???

Zombie Land Saga was an alright above average anime

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t. 40k in debt with no guarantee of a job

>muh economy
I am Californian and this state is fucking trash

Die californian retard.

at least we have water, pedro

who /TEXAS/ here
fuck californians
fuck jew yorkers
best state in the union right here

>zombie yuri
imagine the fucking smell


Take it, you earned it.

At least I can drink my tap water. el goblino :^)

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You fucking retard, then we all die because of the nukes breaking the San Andreas Fault and the ensuing seismic event sets off the Yosemite Supervolcano.

Exercise common sense, just gas them all.

This, post more Jupiter waifu!

Sure does suck living in a state not packed with criminal minorities and has cheap land, ample nature, and no liberal trannies whining about white privilege.

extremely generous CA financial aid and low tuition and literally jobs everywhere feelsgoodman

Bro, if you live there and have no idea, then I have bad news for you.

Kek, thanks user. Have a nice day.

The most annoying thing about Califags is they like to claim they are footing the countries bill, when in reality they work at a low paying office job & it's the billionaires in Cali who foot the bill

"We pay for mid westerns welfare, he says while he serves someones table"