We as gamers

>we as gamers


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Other urls found in this thread:


Boogie is a snake.



how long until he apologizes for this tweet and says both sides have legitimate arguments?

>gamers are entitled manbaby nazis!
>c-cmon guys y-you're so heartless not caring about Devs
kek, what does Boogie have to do with gaming anyway, isn't he "famous" for his fatty fall down character?


Why is it that people who have this public persona as a wholesome, nice, good person who's always supportive always turn out to be fhe worst most abusive shits in their private life

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This dude can't even physically stand



boogie has no sides, he's just a fatfuck cuck

>only SJWs were shaming him
>"gotta lump in the MRAs. can't seem like I'm not a nice guy fence-sitter can i?"

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>retarded OP gives him attention

I have to thank Boogie for introducing me to Lucy Foxx
Shes that special balance of slutty/busted that really gets me off

Her cum face is great too

the lawfag in me is seething hardcore

>but it's okay when anita meets with video game industry execs to discuss "misogyny in gaming" and screams at me until I burst into tears at vidcon

>I will defend Anita until my dying breath!

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Based LTG.

Because only shitty people pretend to be good people, normal people don't view themselves as bad people so they no reason to compensate by acting like saints. I don't trust anyone whose entire personality is based around looking nice and kind.

If the cause is so important then shouldn't it simply be we, we should stand up for them.

I don't disagree. People who go against this kind of action should think about exactly who they're backing and realise that it's the same people who wish to nickel and dime them out of every penny they've earned. Yes, there's no doubt a lot of bullshit feminism in this little protest but that can dealt with later.

>Riot games
Their own fault, they are working for chinks.

dont like it? dont sign the fucking contract, in reality these guys only had these jobs because riot is big enough to support diversity hires in glorified tech support jobs.

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I read arbitration as abortion first and was both excited and confused.

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this unironically, if you sign away your right to arbitration then you deserve whatever happens to you. Suck it up and find another job or cope, you signed it now live by it

I wish I could punch that faggot in the face

I mean, he is essentially a sphere. Of course he has no sides.


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jabba the cuck is on the loose again?






it isn't even that, its because laura(male) from "community engagement" saw two guys down the hall brofisting, (>she) saw this as an act of toxic masculity and patriarchy and now (she) wants the company to ban these acts of extreme machism

>we as gamers

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boogie is a centrist piece of shit who should burn in the same pyre as his alt-right retard friendos


>be an adult
>willingly sign a contract
>people freak out
I guess we're all just perpetual children now


That fat fuck dated a porn star?

I'd shame him but I cbb

Boogie isn't centrist, he's a neutralist. There's a difference.

quite based indeed

sut da fuk up maga pos

? Wat?

>you had to sign away your right to sue
What shithole country is that even possible? China?

I can't wait till that subhuman lardswine shitpig e-celeb croaks and is forgotten like that one british faggot.

>Everyone is only pretending to disagree with me because I'm fat!!!!

God what a retard. This is literally how he responds to anyone disagreeing with him.

Does signing a paper that says you aren't allowed to sue if the company breaks law against you really hold weight in court? That sounds horrifying if true.

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He's not wrong. Its not cringe at all.

e-celeb board when?

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Maybe they should take over some personal responsibility like reading the fucking contract they are gonna sign on

Fuckin victim mentality

I approve of the girl with the glasses on the bottom row who is she

Hey it's the LUL guy

funny how you never complain when it's a giant bomb thread.

all the people talking of reading the contract should realise this same rationale applies to us when it comes to microtransactions. Why should we complain, we agreed to their terms.
Yeah, it's total bs reasoning and pretty funny to see from people who I'd think would be against the man, not act as his little apologetic stooges.

>parent company is tencent


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fuck Riot, pour some gasoline on this dumpster fire

>*Criminal* trial by jury is a constitutional right in this great nation of mine

Civil arbitration trial format is decided on by the individual state and may differ by court, and federal civil cases are definitely not jury decided.

Boogie lost all his weight from his brain matter.

That's inuit inua. She shilled herself for the longest time and then she got pregnant and became a bitch for no reason.

Her twitch had 10-20 regulars, but then she just got super bitchy and angry when she got preggers. Its not worth watching her anymore if she still streams which i doubt she does.

>defending league of legends


Why should i side with idiots that signed a stupid contract? They signed it, it's their fucking fault.

Im actually surprised a company owned by the chinese is allowed to fuck around so much

All our fucking money is going directly to china. They own America retard.

Why do you think Zuckerberg has a ching chong wife? The Jews are going to move to china after they nuke America.


>Dismiss is

I know. The truth is scary.

>fuck a rake
How? I'll fuck it if I can, but all I can really do is rub my dick on it.
Or does he mean to fuck a Canadian?

In less than 5,000 words explain why forced arbitration isn't total fucking bullshit.

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Wrong. The elite will move to New Zealand, there’s been a steady flow of them already

>F-fat shaming.
Word of advice if you're fat. Either lose weight or learn to shit talk, 90% of people that shoot first don't usually expect to get shot back at.

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Boogie is a fat fucking loser piece of shit who has no dignity and can't do shit for himself.

Stupid fat fuck couldn't lose weight the right way cause he's too lazy. He fucking hires women to go in dates with him cause he's fucking gross and doesn't pay them. He cut all his teeth out cause he can't brush his teeth twice a day.

Dude is worse than the riot employees making jokes. Literally only on the internet can some fat fuck become a meme and get sympathy money.


once he gets a good amount of people from the other side to shit on his comment.

boogie is a fucking hack that loves to play the worlds largest fiddle.
if the vast majority agrees on one thing, he follows and then says he supports them just to make it look like hes a good guy.
but then this shit always backfires on him, so he gets called out and then leans on the other side.

Why should I care about the people who make videogames?

no amount of ink on paper can deprive people from their right to be protected by the law.





it should not be legal to even offer a contract to employees that waives away their rights if the company they work for commits a crime against them.

the gaming/media industries are fucked up because people move liabilities from the employer to the employee, meaning they are free to get away with exploiting the workforce.

i dont think you are a fan of gaming, only of the hedonism you get from the immediate pleasure of playing a game.

Who's the girl on top of the girl with a puppy? She looks cute.

>arguing with a chink

Do you people actually think you're going to convince a chink of anything?

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Who's the chick in the Dokken shirt?

>that last part
It's simple my dude.
>hello, i want to work for your company
>sure, you have to sign this shitty contract
Wow, so hard, now that company is fucking dead because nobody wants to work for them or they have to stop doing the shitty thing if they want to survive, idiot people like those that accepted that contract are the ones that made that shit a thing.

As a highly skilled worker in a highly skilled field, that's not that easy.

I actually changed a contract after I complained, before I was hired. Of course if you're a moron doing construction work you won't change the contract. But if you're someone exceptional they will.

>As a highly skilled worker in a highly skilled fiel
I too am Nintendo.

I almost passed on my first job in 2 years of being a NEET due to this shit. I can't sue the company I work for, and they get to pick the judges for arbitration if it ever comes to that, and on top of all that it isn't just for the time I'm working for them, but for the rest of my life. It's the most Jewish contract I've ever seen in my fucking life but I signed it out of desperation because I needed the money to survive. Once I leave the company I plan on never using their services in my life if I can help it. This world is fucked.

this would be true if literally every big industry wasnt doing it. try getting employed in a non-state owned position with a contract or workplace culture that is against the rights of the employee. the chance of getting fucked by a contract like this goes higher the bigger name you work under.

additionally, by your view, walmart should have died long ago. they are currently the biggest retailer in the USA. and we're only talking entry-level jobs here, no specialization.

leave him out of this you ass

We the gamers should sign a constitution and become our own independent developers

Yes it does. It's illegal for a company to withhold your right to a jury, but it isn't illegal for you as a citizen to sign that right away. That's how they're able to get away with it. For my job it was required to sign in order to get employment, and it the contract was presented AFTER the interview process and AFTER the letter saying you were accepted. You had 24 hours to fill out the required forms and it was among them. This was after I had told my family I got the job and we celebrated the fact that I wasn't going to go hungry. It's fucking detestable.


Just telling you like it is mate.

As an additional point, I don't particularly like government intervention in my contracts, but stupid contracts being illegals are a thing in Western Civilization. You can't actually sell yourself as a slave. That's forbidden, even if you say yes and agree. That come from the fact that believed everyone had a soul, and that's roughly true for white people, though of course not for niggers.

Many countries like to invalid moronic contracts. I'm somewhat cold to that, but at least the philosophical ground of it is sound.

I bet you enjoy the films of Wes Anderson.

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You should still try to say no, try to make the issue known, people just accepting the shitty contracts doesn't help anyone since the company will just keep doing it.
We are not talking about walmart here, no one goes to collage to work at walmart, they do because they need the money to survive, that's an understandable reason to accept that type of shit, it's just until you can find a better job. Those are game devs, in a big company, they are probably looking for a career, you don't hear people say "fuck man, i had to get a job at riot to pay my rent".


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>sign a contract without reading it

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getting the issue known is literally what they are doing with the walkout.

wal-mart is an important contrast here, because both it and riot, a place for a part-time job and a place that requires high specialization, are pulling the same tricks against their employees, and it works. riot isnt the only company that does stuff like this.

I liked Budapest Hotel. What's Yea Forums wisdom about Wes Anderson?


While you're right that it's idiots that enable this kind of shit to happen, some people don't have the privilege (in the real sense of the word, not the shitty SJW sense) to pick and choose which jobs they get. While in a vaccuum it seems like a no-brainer to say "fuck off" when presented with such a blatantly abusive contract, people's life circumstances often don't afford them that option, especially if it's the only job available. In other words, niggercattle who blindly sign anything with a space for a signature are why this is a thing and should be rightfully ridiculed, but it ends up affecting actual people who are forced into it due to a lack of life options or shit luck in life.


If you bring up how he’s always making excuses, r**dit throws a fit and says “AT LEAST HE’S TRYING”

>especially if it's the only job available
I agree with that, some people are forced by their circumstances to accept that but i really doubt a gaming company was the only place hiring.

I can only speak for myself, but my job is very entry-level and the company, while a large coporation, is not a gaming company. This shit is becoming more and more widespread, it isn't just high-paying white-collar jobs that are affected.



I'm suddenly suppose to care about an industry that demonizes anyone who doesn't want a transgender black female in their games?

Only basedboys work on the gaming industry. As a very high level programmer, I can say that.

By basedboys I mean weak men. Most men working on the gaming industry are weak, wide-eyed, easily manipulated, and willing to be exploited for the good of the "product". Don't get me wrong, they're good people. They're also weak, in every sense of the word. If they weren't they'd be working on anything else, maybe less interesting but x3 more profitable.

It's an old joke of the industry that only weak men work on video games. There's a seed of truth on it.

Expecting those weak men to unionize or to have balls or to say no is deeply laughable. They're easily exploited. That's the entire point. And I have no pity for those fools.


>Both sides have legitimate arguments
Arbitration clauses are broadly viewed as predatory and described by lawyers as a "silver bullet" that makes class actions vanish as if by magic. It's a such a powerful legal tactic that its fate as a long-term practice is uncertain. Major corporations have lobbied fiercely to retain it, which means plenty of politicians support Arbitration, but the ethical and practical problems are clear. How does the public hold a company accountable if everyone using their services is forced to face that company and their teams of lawyers as an individual versus a wealthy collective? Much less in a arbitration where the corporation chooses the judge?

There isn't a legitimate argument that makes Arbitration look like a good thing. It's merely something that is surprisingly legal in the US.


This is what happens to people that never knew anything other than school.
Don't put with abusive work just because you're afraid of unemployment or because it looks good on a resume. You only have one life. Never sell out your mental health.

is the amount of white America left

So the same agreement that video game companies make users agree to in order to play games, use software, and/or use hardware.

If this was the case, I wouldn't have received a share of the 970 class action suit.

>Sign a contract on your own free will
>Bitch about it later

Arbitration is being used for everything they can get away with now.

As a fun fact, there was a brief period in the 2000's where way too many companies were requiring lower-leveled skilled employees to sign "no compete" clauses that said if the company fired you or you quit, you legally could not work anywhere else for a year. This meant that once you signed on you were fucking stuck.

Thankfully they struck that in enough major cities to prevent it from taking over. Arbitration remains at large, however.

the reason arbitration became a thing is because of diversity. SJWs see micro aggressions everywhere and get triggered over every syllable. that along with their meetoo mob mentality forces businesses to put up defenses

>Vote with your wallet
>"Woa there, champ. You should probably donate to some developers private Patreon"

It wasn't enforceable anyways, in fact you could wait that year out and proceed to take them to court for a powerfisting, at least backpay for the year and quite possibly more.

Good work comrades. We as gamers will continue to show the establishment our mettle by weaponising our idleness.

>illegal contracts are legal because you signed them

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>walked out

I'm guessing someone took a smoke break.

This is just a hit piece. Nothing else. They're creating drama to have something to write about.

Id watch a trial by combat

Lets see if these soibois and obese fucks can beat uberchad suits

Snakes are cool, fuck you.

Moron doing construction work here. The union for my field of work (which I am not a member of) sets the legal standard for contracts resulting in no employer being able to offer a contract in which employees sign away their basic rights.
Feels good being a moron in a somewhat socialist parliamentary republic.

>Arbitration became a thing because of SJWs
You're insane.

Arbitration became a thing because it forces people to resolve any legal dispute they have as an individual, in a court of the company's choosing, with a judge of the company's choosing.

>legal contracts are illegal because I disagree with them

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boogie is a manipulative sociopath with a micropenis and giant fake teeth

No one cares about this smelly, chiclets teeth attention whore

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>If a clause is unfair it's illegal and you cannot lose ground by fighting it
This is so wrong it hurts. First, if you signed a no compete clause, legally the company had the right to enforce it. At the time it was popular there was no law saying they couldn't enforce it. Second, even if you fought the clause, that still requires hiring a lawyer and paying court fees, not to mention the time spent fighting the case.

It's also something that caught on like wildfire, everywhere, no matter where you go. Many employment contracts oftentimes don't directly include it in a place you can read over it at your leisure, simply referencing it in the contract itself as an HR document or as part of a tome of policies that you have to agree to adhere to in order to work at the company. One place I dealt with decided to sneak it in there and got absolutely reamed in court because they tried to apply it to an employee that was hired on before it was added.

I think it's on the verge of being struck down, but it's still going to take forever before corporations stop trying to make it stick.

>we as gamers should stand

this nigga just learned to stand now he's demanding everyone else do it. No fuck off boogie.

Well, it WAS on the verge of being struck down, but during the Republic supermajority I remember reading that they agreed to protect. Tort reform that favors lawyers is often the domain of the Democrats, so they might opt to protect it, but I think law firms make a lot more money when class actions are a possibility so they're more likely to strike it down.

If you're French, I hope you have those wine bottles available for your union representative. It's an alternative hierarchy, mate. Better lick those union bottoms. You'd better.

Don't get me wrong, unions are good. They're also bad. Unions can fuck over the people trying too hard, the people doing overtime, the people trying to rise above their stations.

It's a win-lose situation. If you're a the run of the mill guy drinking in a bar every night, and sucking those ass-holes, you don't particularly care. But I have personally seen clever and energetic people destroyed by unions. They didn't fit, and they were broken because those asses weren't kissed enough.

because it's a condition of contract that no one is compelling you to sign


this is total bullshit lmao

>because it's a condition of contract that no one is compelling you to sign

Which has become so commonplace that you have no other option if you want to work in America. If you have a job, I invite you to look into your HR policies and make inquiries as to what happens if you try to sue the company. If you're not immediately relieved of your position, I think you'll find that you're subject to the same bullshit as everyone else, and you probably wouldn't be aware of it without digging deep or getting unlucky.

Shill elsewhere, Schlomo

You're out of your depth.

Just because you sign a contract doesn't make it enforceable. There are limitations to the abilities of contracts. Terms to nebulous to enforce or uphold aren't legally binding, and a singular fuckup like that could deter the whole process. You also don't need your own lawyer, those pedants are literally nothing more than English majors.

Giant Bomb is literally in that photo, trog.

why do people listen to boogie

what makes him exceptional

he seems like a pathetic blubbering whale of a person who will grovel for forgiveness the second people find his opinion challenging to their worldview

How about those idiots don't sign things they don't agree on.

>i have never had to deal with these people, so you're wrong

I've been in a perpetual state of employment since I was 16, never worked for a large corporation though. Ultimately we're talking about contract law, what I'm saying is that if the terms of a contract don't require you to do anything illegal and the contractor isn't exerting some sort of leverage on you to sign than I don't think that the courts should protect you from entering into a stupid agreement.

Has Boogie even played a decent Japanese game? Because it seems like all he plays is western AAA garbage.

The niggercattle he mentions are also the competition for the people stuck in these positions, broseph. You say "fuck off" to corps that include these clauses? That's okay, there's dozens of people lined up outside and waiting, and each of them can do the bare minimum that the company is expecting an employee to do. The scaled of the operation is how the corporation steamrolls the competition, not the genius of it or the hard work.

Each dumbass contributes an extra X percent over what it costs to keep them employed, minimum. If it costs fifteen dollars an hour to keep you around, they want fifteen dollars and at least a cent worth of work out of you. With four hundred people employed in the building, they're making a profit of four dollars every hour that they're running. Every week, twenty-one dollars. Every year, 1092, for each branch office they've got. If you brought in more, you couldn't do it forever, and thus you'd be grinding yourself to death for a company that does not consider the risk of getting sued worth whatever you brought to the table.

Being replaceable sucks.

Not a frog. Fuck those lazy cunts and their ritualised strike shit. Half of them are basically government employees anyway with how the state has a hand on every big business there.

Because they feel bad for him

The existence of insufferable lefties doesn't automatically equate to the motivation of corporations to use arbitration clauses.

I see.

ITT Cringe and smallbrained morons.

>we as gamers
But what should we as lolicons do?

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Yeah, and I'm sure that none of the companies making use of these agreements have lawyers on staff to make sure that they're legally defensible or at the least too inconvenient to challenge.

If you support communism, don't dare to call yourself a gamer!
The gamer is a natural enemy of communism

And finally you show up to lead the parade

What a minute. Why didn't he include girl gamers in this?

He actually can now

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Hit the nail on the head. 100 niggercattle sign the contract without reading it, 1 reasonable person reads the contract and declines, and an endless stream of niggercattle is there ready to take his place.

report to your nearest constabulary for reconditioning or execution as necessary

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Not for long considering how hes gaining the weight back

Now that he's got chompers he can actually chew his food.

>imagine listening to what this fat bitch has to say

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I'd say that I'd pull up countless labor disputes but companies bury them for precisely that reason. It's always cheaper out of court, and there's a much smaller paper trail. Companies with lawyers get sued frequently, lawyers themselves get sued. And again, you can go to civil court and represent yourself if you can read, but again, they'll likely just settle out of court since it's faster and cheaper for them and they don't look like petty arrogant fools when the court pulls their pants around their ankles.

"I see we're arguing a non-compete agreement, today."
"For a sandwich artist position?"

Non-competes were designed to prevent people in knowledge positions (like engineers or chief marketing personnel) from hopping ship to another company and spilling the beans a la the Carmack Facebook debacle. They weren't designated for Sancho and his mayonaise application training from Burger King. On that basis alone the court could arbitrarily shit on the plaintiff.

snakes aren't fat fucks

Rotten teeth boogie waa better.now he fits an image that he was once against.

He booked her on a sugardaddy site. She's a hooker.

>he's dead therefore approved

I think he meant because snakes swallow their food whole

I don't get the whole fiasco, aren't they all for equality?
So why are they complaining that tencent is treating them like their standard average chinese worker?

Boogie "some good came of the Holocaust" 2988

Because it's a new era where pussies can't bitch for no reason and get what they want.

Your advice is to go to court representing yourself, with no lawyer, against a corporation with comparatively bottomless legal resources and a contract you signed saying you agreed to something that is, in fact, protected by law.

I think the lawyers could clean your clock and get your case dismissed before you got it before a judge, and probably to your benefit because the cost of going to court just to lose would be worse.

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Because unlike china the rest of the world has laws that favor the employers to prevent work space abuse

I believe the joke is that, for equality to happen, everyone would have to be a Chinese slave. You cannot make dumb people smart, but you can make smart people dumb, etc.

Does he support the right to bear arms though or free speech? People like picking and choosing which constitutional rights are current year compatible after all.

The world would be better off without snakes

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it acutally does though, they are the most litigious group, after all. in my old workplace they got some top sales people fired because of their jokes being harassment, then hired more of their kind. once they're in the company theres no getting them out, and they only multiply so this is the only way that they can be slowed down

Did nothing of the sort, but if it's technically cut and dry that, for example, you didn't have an employment contract (happens often), but did have a non-compete, the non-compete is unenforceable and so the company can be held liable. (Effectively) threatening them to a court battle yourself could easily net you your backpay.

>contract is illegal
>protected by law
No, again it's unenforceable depending on jurisdiction. This is an issue that varies state to state, and each individual court can rule on it as the please. You can even have it heard by multiple judges.

>bottomless pockets
Misconception. If you're going for millions, they'll send you to court deadlock costing tens or hundreds of thousands, If you demand a reasonable sum of money in backpay they'll settle out of court on the basis it costs less money. They do have to balance books you mong, if they go to court and end up hard in the red every quarter they're going to look like retards.

You can't s enforce and illegal contract, if I had a lawyer pen up a contract that obligated X to kill me, while under the witness of a notary with documentation from a certified board psychiatrist proving I was sound of mind, that contract couldn't legally be upheld. I couldn't sue X because I wasn't murdered. Likewise for prostitution or anything else. You also can't enforce a contract that is has broken parameters.


boogie is left as fuck, he says this weird alt right shit and has these alt right friends cause he wants attention, he said he was gay and would suck another man's dick and was a furry bottom

Boogie is a fucking snake and anyone who trusts his word on anything is believing a disingenuous pathological liar. Boogie frequently goes full neutral on things to appear wise, but the reality is he just does it to absolve himself of responsibility. Did you know that when a youtuber named Mumkey Jones, who's awesome by the way, check him out, was suicidal, Boogie left him on fucking read when MJ reached out, and then Boogie went to grandstand about how great he was for trying to help?

Didn't his ex say he was rapey and a horrible abusive husband when she was with him? It was probably true since she hard cucked him, nobody cucks somebody like that out of pleasure, the shit was revenge.


When did it become acceptable to use the word "gamer" unironically? I've seen people do it on Yea Forums, guys referring to themselves as "gamers". 8 years ago you would have been laughed off of the board for that

do you think any female would get with this man for his charm or kindness and not his thousands from him acting like an ass on camera for money?

>we as gamers
did he eat some of them?

The board changed since 2012. 2013 to now is when this board died.

>TB died
>this racist and sexist sack of shit didn't

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Up your loose pooper silly

I don't play thier shit game so I have no stake in this.

Also try working a job that isn't in an AC filled, desk workplace for over 100 hours and really think about if your job is tough, faggots.

never posted in a giant bomb thread, hypocrite.