Thoughts on Nioh and hopes for Nioh 2?

Thoughts on Nioh and hopes for Nioh 2?

I just finished Nioh: Complete Edition for the first time and felt that it was the best Souls game since Bloodborne. Aside from some gimmick bosses (like Great Centipede or Umi Bozu), the boss roster is excellent and varied. Each of the weapons feel unique and have tons of depth. The excellent Ki Pulse system means that stamina should never be a hindering factor in playing aggressively. A good player will be able to play as if the game doesn't have a stamina system at all. The levels also offer a lot of excellent non-linear exploration and interconnectivity.

The only bad things about Nioh are the unmemorable characters and plot, and the unmemorable soundtrack (the soundtrack isn't bad per se, it's just that it doesn't have any songs that stick out). Some of the boss arenas are kind of terribly designed as well, like the Date Masamune and the Shima Sakon boss fights. It could have also used a bit more enemies, but the enemies that are in the game are great.

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I want to be an American ninja.

It's no Sekiro.

I hope Nioh 2 has character creation. I find myself playing more with the skins of characters like Li Naomosa or Ginchiyo Tachibana than the default William. That's one of my hopes for Nioh 2. I don't want to play as William anymore. He doesn't have anything that unique to offer. His character is pretty non-existent.

I just picked up complete edition myself after getting bored of Sekiro. Currently running light armor, but it seems like everyone and their mother reccomends heavy starting out.

+Fun combat, awesome character designs, great customization, tons of content
- dogshit loot system, shit enemy variety, repetitive maps, wastes its god tier character designs by not giving them enough exposure, needs better music, the toad was pretty much the only memorable non-human boss

>Nioh 2
I hope it fixes all of Nioh's weaknesses. But I'll be content as long as it just removes the abominable disgusting fucking loot system.

I played through the game for the first time with just the Hanzo ninja set I got from doing the dojo missions. It wasn't until the DLCs that I felt I needed better armor.

Going with light armor will teach you how to play the game better. Just get used to Ki Pulsing. It's not as hard as it sounds. I suck at rhythm games and character action, yet I was able to get the hang of Ki Pulsing by the time I got to the third region of the game.

When do I get to the fun part? I quit the game after getting to the 3rd region by just mashing square with my big sword and it's boring as fuck.

Gotcha. I got one of the Shugendo monk sets that's been carrying me I think. That Spirit scaling seems insane.
Currently using Tonfa+Sword for maximum fast.

Nioh was great but it felt so unfocused. There are just too many systems to manage between all the different skill combinations, the 4 different item slots, the endless loot drops, the blacksmithing system, the shrines, the kodama, the "prestige" system, the individual weapon "familiarity" system, the weapon type experience, the living spirit system, the set bonuses.....

Just keep the same combat system, get rid of loot grinding and make Nioh 2 a more lean and focused experience.

No reason to call it Nioh if they're getting rid of the loot system. Still don't know what the problem is if you're not trying to clear ultra-high NGs.

The problem is having to work through menus for 15 minutes between every mission so you can sell gear, set skills, set ninjutsu, consider set bonuses, etc. etc.
It's a pain in the ass and it detracts from the excellent combat. Just because it's possible to ignore all of the systems in the game doesn't mean that it's good to have all of this useless fluff wasting time.

Apart from the obvious enemy and level variety issues:

Ditch the retarded """""""plot""""""" of the first game that bloated up its size to insane 70 gigabytes with its asinine snooze-inducing cutscenes. Instead give us something super simple and subtle a la Dark Souls, the exact fucking game you were trying to parrot.

Less numbers. You either make the game a diablo grindfest or a good action game, both can simply not be had. One cancels out the other and none of the cool ass moves you can learn mean anything if all that can be bypassed by having a sword with better numbers on it.

Can't really think of anything else right off the bat. Honestly, Nioh is mediocre but it sure as fuck does have the potential to be the game that isn't just "that other soulslike" but rather something incredible that can stand on its own.

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Some tips:

1. Don't worry about mission level. Just because a mission level is 100 doesn't mean that a lv70 character can't tackle it.

2. Don't do the DLCs until you've done a bit of NG+ Way of the Strong missions. Even if you play the DLC at the default Way of the Samurai difficulty, your gear simply won't be strong enough to do good damage to bosses. You can do it, but bosses can take you like 6-7 minutes if you don't have good enough gear.

3. Be sure to invest in the Weaken spell so that your attack do more damage to bosses. That's the only spell I used in the entire game.

4. Always search for all the Kodamas in a level so that you can get good Kodama Blessings. There is one that gives you up to 25% extra experience points for the ridiculously super cheap price of 100. If you're leveling up your build, you have no reason not to have this blessing activated.

5. The kick on the sword is amazing for breaking enemy stamina. See those tall skeleton axe wielders? Go into mid-stance. Do a light attack > kick > light attack > kick. You'll immediately break their stamina every fucking time.

I can give you other tips if you want. Ask me anything. I'll tell you anything I know.

Where’s the fun in constantly having to compare, change, upgrade, repair, transmog, discard armors in an action game? The Dark Souls/Bloodborne system would work much better and reward exploration much more.

>Less numbers. You either make the game a diablo grindfest or a good action game, both can simply not be had. One cancels out the other and none of the cool ass moves you can learn mean anything if all that can be bypassed by having a sword with better numbers on it.

piss off shitkiro fan the diablo grindfest and action game works fine. Fucking play your 24min garbage game if you want action shit.

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>Get all the way to the boss at the ship
>Game crashes and never loads the cutscene
Fucking Christ

Not that other user, but I am doing a sword and spear run through the game and I'm almost at the end.
But I want to experiment with some of the other weapons to try new stuff.
Any recommendations for what weapon classes to try? I didn't really like odachi.

I hope it has less of an end-game grind and more enemy diversity.

Nioh sucks the big one, like yourself frog poster

What type of weapon are you looking for? If you want something fast, then the dual swords are good for you. The sword and spear combo is a standard all-rounder for players. The Tonfas are also fast and powerful.

I don't think you really have to. I like going to the blacksmith after a mission, quickly selling/disassembling the vast majority of my drops and checking to see if my decent finds are useful. I guess as a former Diablofag I just fuckin' like loot though.

Nioh was great
It seems Nioh 2 will let you turn into yokai so I hope i can play as an oni girl

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t. conquered

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Pretty sure they already announced character creation for 2.

How's Tonfa and Odachi? Recently got the game again for PC and I never really used the DLC weapons when I was playing on console.

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I enjoyed the chain sickle thing.

Okay then. Here's the big one. I'm really, REALLY enjoying the Tonfa, but I hear people talk about them being underpowered or some shit. They seem better than 2kat for Parry, but I'm not sure how good they are in comparison.
Just beat Joro-gumo and the missions before the next main one.

Nothing honestly Nioh 1 was perfect if they add all the stuff they patched and added per dlc in the base game for Nioh 2 it will the best ARPG ever made with actual gameplay.

I want to be able to transform into an oni as gorgeous as pic related.

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I enjoyed the combat a lot and didn't mind the loot aspect at all since I play a lot of loot based games. Made a few builds in Nioh, the endgame loot has some nice modifiers, it was fun, wouldn't really care if they dropped it though, just keep the silky smooth combat and we're good. Don't mind the mission style format since it allows you to just try the levels different ways or the bosses over and over again if you want to try a new weapon on them instead of the souls format where you have to beat the whole game again just to refight a boss. Also Wirriram is based.


But yeah, Tonfa is LOADSA hits but no dmg and Odachi is giant dmg and pseudo combos.

You don’t have to, but it’s hard to ignore with how much you’re confettied with loot. Also, it’s very frustrating for the game to have many gorgeous armor sets but lol too bad you gonna have to grind hours for them.

There's a slight difference in damage output near the end of NG (until you get the cannon one), but Tonfas really start to drop off in higher NG cycles. That said, they're still really fun to use.

Leave your little bubble world and notice that literally 90% of the posts in this thread all have that exact complaint. Now, I'm sure you dumb fucking zoomer think you know much better, but listen to your elders for once.

Gachashit, lootershooters, generic ubisoft skinnerboxes are all THAT >>>> way.
You can grind out your meaningless numbers in Diablo 3 while sitting on a shitter and tickle your brain's pleasure centers all you want, but you must, I repeat, MUST leave this thread this instant and let the adults have a good game for once.

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pc faggot hahahaha

in all seriousness i'm sorry for your loss

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All weapons are viable. If you like the playstyle, then go for it.

Just be sure to learn as many passives as possible even from weapon trees you don't use. For example, even if you use Tonfa, you should still invest in the Kusarigama's Full Moon Kata skill, which increases your close combat damage by 6% when your life is at max. This doesn't just apply to the Kusarigama but to all weapons.

The Ninjitsu skill tree has tons of good passives, like ones that reduces stamina usage when rolling/running and also increases the number of arrows/bullets you can carry.

>le zoomer
>tfw 29

You know Diablo 1 and 2 exist and btw if you don't like the loot stuff play Souls not every game has to be Souls or DMC you retard.

There's nothing wrong with the loot in Nioh, you don't even have to grind, you can choose to if you want but it usually just pick up all the shit in a level, sell/dismantle for materials/soul forge to get more attack power or defense then go on your way, they even updated it to make it really fast to do in 2 button presses, play it on vanilla and then talk because they had less options for sorting.

From shit the bed with Sekiro so Nioh 2 is all I have left for a proper samurai souls

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Every single game in existence should have Nioh's option to automatically skip cutscenes you've watched.

That way, if you're fighting a boss for the 20th time, you won't have to see his introductory cutscene for the 20th time as well. I don't know why this isn't a standard in videogames.

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My computer was doing some weird shit after the last Windows 10 update and then it stopped doing it, so maybe it’ll work now.

I like how nobody cares about Ghost of Tsushima because they know that it's going to be western garbage with cringeworthy progressive bullshit shoehorned into it.

It just looks bad man and its already confirmed to be open world trash

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Pretty much. The bamham stealth section raised an obvious red flag

I'm really interested in seeing how the nationality perk works in the game, hope they show it off at E3.

Yes user, they will obviously insert a shitton of niggers so everyone boycotted this game from the start.

It's not like it looks like a boring Ass Creed clone just with switched setting. No, every normie is a /pol/tard.

Cheers mates! I'll have to keep all that in mind. I mainly like those beatsticks because they do terrible things to Ki, but I hadn't considered the passives thing.
Also, is Sword just God tier or is that just my brain on iaijutsu?

Sword is the all-rounder weapon. It's a jack of all trades and master of none. If you want a single weapon that can be used in any scenario, then the sword is the way to go.

Here's a list of important passives:

Iaijutsu is S-tier though in Nioh, as it should be. Goddamn, I fucking love doing a Ki Pulse that can cancel into a near-instant Iai slash. If you love doing those quickdraws, watch this video and learn how to quickdraw cancel.

I see. Hot damn... I just got flash attack too, so that's been fun to play around with.
But, next question is guardian spirits.
Currently using the bat because of the agility bonuses, but it also seems like a really good living weapon spirit.

We need more clothing options that doesn't include armor, less loot, less rng, enemy diversity

Sorry, didn't really experiment with living weapons all that much. I remember before playing Nioh that living weapons can be really overpowered, so I didn't use them that much. I just used Kato (the fire dog) that you get at the start of the game for some of the more bullshit enemy gauntlets. Can't really help you for this.

Just know that you restore your living weapon gauge not by killing enemies, but by consuming amrita. So if you have a lot of those spirit stone consumables, don't consume them for amrita. Save them for when you're fighting a tough boss and want your living weapon immediately replenished.

Hope they will make it easier and more missions with immortal companions to tank for you.
Gave up on nioh at the giant skelly level, not sure if I'm going to bother with the sequel until I beat the first one.

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*I remember hearing before playing Nioh

I hope it has nunchuks

Yeah, I saw that! It's why I'm after Leeching talismans or whatever they were called that gives amrita when you hit things.

spear chad here, AMA