>shoot red barrels
>they explode
Shoot red barrels
>melee a gong
>shoot red barrels
>you explode
>shoot red barrel
>blue barrel explodes
>Shoot red barrel
>It pops and spreads a puddle of poison
>shoot green barrels
>they imply
> Shoot red barrels
> Nothing happens
>shoot red barrels
>achievement unlocked
>Shoot glass
>It cracks and breaks off at just the impact point
>You can melee/walk into the rest of it and it just crumples away
>shoot glass
>nothing happens
>shoot wall with RPG
>nothing happens
>Shoot wall
>Regular bullet mark
>Shoot wall with missile launcher
>Regular bullet mark
RIP old man
>put penis in megumin womb
>it explodes
>use one spell
>already out of mp
>Shoot office chair.
>It explodes.
I'm fine with le exploding red barrels trope, but I hate when supposedly realistic games that should know better do it.
Looking at you, Metal Gear Solid.
You're telling me it doesn't work in real life?
>metal gear solid
He's bullshitting, I'm a certified barrel inspector and the totality of my job consist in making sure every red barrel contain explosives.
>fantasy game
>cast fireball spell at a barrel
>it explodes
He'll be fine.
>HP is not red
>piano in jrpg
>you can press a to play a song on it
>Shoot glass
>3 different kinds of bullet hole bumper stickers
>They disappear after 5 seconds
>Piano in game
>You can play songs on it using your keyboard
>shoot red barrel
>it bleeds
>piano in game
>has a hidden duck button that turns the piano sounds into quacks
What sort of weird needle dick do you have that can get past the cervix?
It's wine you dumbass.
>dead enemy on the floor
>no animation when taking bullets
>shoot red barrels
>blood everywhere
>shoot red barrel
>they don't explode because that wouldn't be realistic
ironically borderlands makes fun of this, BL2 is our game.
>shoot red barrel
>it wines
>shoot angel
>it explodes
If a baby can come out, a dick can go in,. You just have to jam it hard enough.
>is fuckin useless
>shoot wooden crate
>it explodes
>piano in atmospherics simulator
>can paste entire songs into it
Dumb isekaiposters
1) There's no rule saying explosives need to be stored in things painted red. Explosives could be in boxes or barrels of others colors, while red barrels could be full of something totally benign.
2) I seem to remember Mythbusters testing this, and basically the result was "No."
trash waifu
i want to eat out fat aqua
>Use a baton
>sounds like plastic
>Shoot friendly
>They don't acknowledge it
>you can pick up the red barrel and throw it
>it still explodes
>she heal
>she bless
>but more importantly, she undress
>shoot red barrel
>it shoots back
>There's no rule saying explosives need to be stored in things painted red. Explosives could be in boxes or barrels of others colors, while red barrels could be full of something totally benign.
Actually I'm pretty sure there are various laws concerning the handling and storage of explosive and/or flammable materials. They're usually brightly colored and labelled so that you know what's inside is dangerous.
>They're usually brightly colored and labelled so that you know what's inside is dangerous.
That's true, but not literally "Only red barrels for explosives"
>bakuretsu bakuretsu la la la
>see mirror
>it doesn't reflect your character model
means you're a vampire
>see mirror
>It reflects your character model
>enter next room
>Mirror isn't reflecting anything anymore
>shoot wall
>character writes her initials in bullets
>See mirror
>It reflects a fat ass back at me
Glad mirrors cannot be trusted.
Yeah, I kinda misunderstood what you said. Explosive or flammable shit doesn't have to be in red barrels, but whatever it's in will be marked very clearly. I've seen red a lot just because it stands out, but black and green are common too.
>shoot man pulled rickshaw
>they explode
i wanna stick my pp in aqua
I just wanna stick my thingie into Aqua
I want to explode inside Megumin AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH
how do you get its conditional drop?
>shoot glass
>Devs spent time on sounds of guns
Now that's what I call TECHNOLOGY.
No Nyaruko you don't have a dick, you can't fap.
>no puddle on the floor
That's not how it works user. It only becomes elastic during pregnancy.
>Underwater escort section
> Red barrels don't explore.
Shit game.
>and lastly ..you!
Why is she wasting drinks? Is she retarded? Dumb question
>Is she retarded?
>Shoot barrels
>Mob boss tries to kill you
>buildings are collapsible
Cameraman must've been shitting his pants. They are literally evolved velociraptors, look at the toe spike. Turn around and they'll kill you on the spot.
i get it
>drinking alcohol is a skill with unlockable perks
>One swig of beer gets the player drunk
slice of its neck scrotum
>alcohol gets rid of debuffs
>more plentiful and cheaper than the actual medicine
>can sate off drunkness with food
>Takes John like 5 or 6 shots of whiskey to get drunk
>Shakes it off in like 40 seconds
What a legend
>Metal gear
Such is life in the zone.
But Aqua isn't fat, silly user
Why don't we have stuff like that anymore bros? With modern computing it should be more than possible
>Vodka reduces radiation poisoning
not fat, but she's certainly soft
>shoot purple barrels
>they implode
>hit explosive barrel with fists
>it explodes
Fuck that looks tasty
>shoot ally
>mission failed
Developers are busier implementing DLCs and microtransations.
Better than exploding lightning
>shoot my baby batter into yunyuns womb
>It fucking aborts the baby in 6 months
Cmon Styg finish the expansion.
>game has a subaquatic level
>Make all explosive barrels green as a playful attempt to make your game a little bit different.
>Literally none of the play testers ever shoot the green barrels
>End up changing all the green barrels back to generic red
>First day with the new build every single play tester shoots at least one red barrel
>The stupid fucks act like the change in the gamed build added the explosive barrels instead of just changing them to red.
Some tropes can be changed, but simple visual cues will likely last forever.
>be a literal goddess
>be the most important part of the team
>revive members multiple times
>still get called useless
>there's a secret behind the waterfall
>how to mindbreak yourself before the rape even starts.webm
>be shitter without original idea for a thread
>”I know! Let me greentext some generic game mechanics. That will get responses!”
choke on my dick and die, you fucking animudown
> healer character looks like a slut
>some dancer slut
>people care about her
>there's a waterfall with no secret behind it
>Healer IS a slut
why is she speaking like yoda
Megumi is for ___
Read right to left, also she's drunk
>shoot green barrels
i wanna explode a big one on her face if you know what i mean
>they'll kill you
Lmao it's a fucking bird that's half your weight just kick the fucking thing lol or punch that stupid long neck
Seething THIS hard , amusing
>NPC's have unique skills/attacks
Make shit thread get yous more like
Further explanation required
Lmao cry more fag, you wish you could make a thread people posted in
I'd like to see you try to kick a bird or punch a bird in the neck.
that wouldn't go nearly as smoothly as you think, jamal.
>shoot fuel tank
>giant fireball, starts spreading
>spreads to nearby ordnance and vehicles
>everything detonates in a chaotic symphony of fire and shrapnel
Bless you Pandemic for giving me Mercenaries 1/2
Rockstar bent over backwards to implement these "little details" you people jerk off to and everyone laughed and said THAT STUPID SHIT DOESN'T MATTER LMAO
Change them back and see what happens
Then keep it like that regardless
>shoot barrel
>nothing happens
>feel bad for wasting ammo
>defeat female enemy
>they explode
Have different destructible barrels with separate effects, but randomize which color = which effect each time you start the game.
Making 57 babies.
OLEV is immortal.
>Shoot once
>human explosive barrels are red
>alien explosive barrels are blue
>other alien explosive barrels are green
Especially when you're at 199/200 for your belt-fed LMG.
>shoot tiny toy helicopter
>it explodes
>the desk it's sitting on explodes
>the chair at the desk explodes
>several crates in the room explode
>computer consoles in the room explode
>game chugs as the game spends the next 30 seconds rendering the explosions and the greasy clouds of smoke left afterwards
God I love Goldeneye's explosion tech.
Just because she's hot as fuck doesn't mean she's a slut
Why have an exhilarating reload 3 times before you're done and not 600 times?
It's hard to think the original Splinter Cell is already almost 15 years old.
>Shoot explosion
>It barrels
>kill enemy
>reload immediately out of habit
>get killed by another enemy just behind him
I've died so many times thanks to this shit.
>shoot red jesters
>they explode
Does menopause still happen if you're permanently pregnant? I mean, you've still got almost all your eggs.
I used to hat braap posting so fucking much, but the expression on this guy when he inhales never fails to cure everything bad in my world, it's just too damn perfect
>can’t cast heal outside of battle
>accidentally shoot friendly npc
>he actually dies and never comes back
>barrel explosion
>it shoots
>he’s never hit the womb before
You’re basically still a virgin
>shoot wall with Assault Rifle to write out PENIS
>game is shit and has like a 100 decal limit
>P starts disappearing by the time you get to N
dude cassowaries are deadly, they will disembowel you before you can lift your foot off the ground
>takes 10 seconds to reload
>enemy pops up in the middle of animation
>can't cancel out of it
>shoot white liquid
>it tastes good
>spits it on your face
What is Megumin's favorite video game? I bet she'd like DMC5.
another day on /k/
Is this tranny general?
>enemies can open doors
>Shoot red barrels
Have sex, incel.
Go fucking dilate.
Your HRT is wearing off, you fucking fruit cake.
>shoot wall
>that fucking chicken
Why is the Migu such a fucking turbo slut?
Imagine being too stupid to draw the symbol of the party you worship
this. fuck that
I'll just leave this here for no fucking reason
>hunting for things to be mad about in obscure subreddits
>thinks he's in a position to complain about other people ruining this website
Does anime and manga legit causes gender dysphoria or something?
I swear to God all of these freaks watch anime
>shoot glass
>bulletholes disappear
Fucking Goldeneye
>letting people ruin your likes
You need to be an enormous faggot to even care about what people you never met do.
Woah that belly looks squishy af
She is amazing, right.
Field inspector here, can confirm. I basically go out and make sure nobody empties this guys red barrels or fills them with something else.
It didn't go like that.
>user finds that picture.
>user posts that picture.
>I see that picture.
>I think hey that's funny I'll send it to friends.
>We get good laugh.
>I see the manga panel.
>Immediately think of that picture.
>shoot glass
>can see outline of the bullet-hole png
God she is literally built for sex
post moar cursed miku doll
I want to fuck that doll desu
The eternal Florida man.
>shoot around glass
>pane falls down and shatters
>walking over it makes a crunching sound
We still have it in different games, user. It all depends on the game.
Plenty of games have TECHNOLOGY and tiny little details that are neat.
Desu desu desu~!
You would fuck anything desu~
>shoot trannies
>they die
What the fuck was a Cassowary doing in Florida
This shit makes me dizzy
What's with the obsession with trannies?
>downshift while at redline
>kill a tranny
Yea Forumsermin are lemmings that all collectively decide what the next cool thing to hate is, so they can constantly parrot eachother's memes.
>Lmao it's a fucking bird that's half your weight
They can weigh up to 58.5 kg (130 lb), so unless you are a fatass, not really the case.
>just kick the fucking thing lol or punch that stupid long neck
It will kick you as you try, and it has better kicks.
Yea Forums has become so gay that saying faggot doesn't have an impact anymore.
It was being kept as an exotic pet
Transgender people are a mentally ill blight, and what's worse is they involve others in their LARP.
>Getting beat by a fucking bird
Pathetic humans
but if she were her cunny would be even more yummy
>shoot green barrel
>it implies
they're mentally ill, but they can't force you to do anything. why not vehemently oppose shitty anti-free speech legislation and just laugh at trannies instead of call for them to be killed in the streets (thereby lending legitimacy to their claim that they need protected)
>Be blue barrel
>Shoot black barrel
>The rest of the black barrels riot and burn down the level
Cunny is reserved for little girls. Even Megumin is no longer at that cunny age ever since she turned 14.
i want to eat Aqua"s hairy puss puss then
She's a goddess of purity and water so she's not hairy.
>shoot propane tank
>it flies around before exploding
Silly lizard man, forgetting that birds eat him.
I just want to eat Aqua's cunt, you cunt.
>shoot it
>barrels explosion
>shoot glass
>red barrel explodes
>glass completely unharmed
>enemies shoot explosive barrels near you
Name one (1) game that does this.
might as well draw nipples at that point.
Tanya really doesn't belong with that group.
>enemy can dab on you
>Units can carry other units
God she is atractive
>shoot glass
>hole texture
>shoot another part of the glass
>hole disappears from previous position and appears where I shot second
>this thread
>character creator has butt slider
>red barrel shoots you
>it explodes
>shoot myself
>barrel explodes
>shoot red barrel
>it explores
to me, small cute butts will always be superior to big fat butts
>Shoot into green mist