Monster Hunter World Is Now Capcom's Best-Selling Game Ever
Yikes imagine being the anime faggot that made that post.
weebs are literally the weakest race on earth
So 12 million shipped means 12 million physical copies right? They're not being deceptive by counting digital sales are they? What about those who get it for free from Gamepass?
Nintendo counts shipped, and is the only platform this isn't on.
Not bad for such a shitty game. I guess I need to force myself to like it because there's now going to be a sequel
Now imagine what they could achieve with a switch port
Oh no not $1... Ugh there goes my credit rating again
Hasn't this been the case for well over a year?
>Monster Hunter World Is Now Capcom's Best-Selling Game Ever
You are way behind the curve there, bud
Nearly 2 years since that E3 announcement and I can still taste the salt
>Switchfags STILL seething
The more a game sells the more mainstream appeal it has. So its shit.
Make new friends, but keep the old
One is silver, the other is gold
>stop vegetation animation
>drop LOD
>drop texture resolution
Bam done. That’s literally all they’d need to do and this game would run on switch easily.
>casualization is fine if it sells well
I miss old Yea Forums
Stop responding to saleshitposting and it'll go away
Doesn't get more casual than hunter styles weeb trash 3DS MH
Switchfags literally aren't real, they're idorts
Is it better than God Eater? Got Resurrection and 2 to play with my sister but we got bored quickly, some people told me MH won't have that problem but I'm not sure is worth investing 100 bucks
yes, combat is way better. weapons actually have weight
you can get a key for 30 bux if you play on pc
Another collab when? Would be fun to see them take a page from MH Explore and do a Kamen Rider collab, would make me buy MHW in an instant
Why should a guy with no arms not be able to enjoy the most hardcore of games, huh?
Are you a limbcist?
The MH series has only gotten easier with every generation though
In 3 they added stamina and in 4 they added mounting.
It passed 15 million a while ago
They also made all the monsters super fucking fast and aggro in 4 while throwing in apex. MH was getting harder and harder until World.
yeah no, you're just making shit up. 4 was not harder than any other MH whatsoever.
I know they revamped move lists but outside monsters like Gore, I didn't have much trouble with any of them.
3DSfags seething no doubt.
The apex were so hard that even veterans were complaining about them. Other shit like Rusty were not far behind. Not everyone used the IG, AKA easy mode.
never ever you port begging pleb fuck lmaoooo
It will always be Monster Hunter
Other capcom games is garbage
>MH was getting harder and harder until World.
The first boss is literally impossible.
I've been a fan of MH for a little while before MHW. I played the games for the DS/Wii and the 3DS and loved them but the biggest problem is that it was on a handheld. While I wish MHW was less casualized and had more monsters it plays so, so, so much better.
I'm not surprised, they made it too casual
>DS9fags in Yea Forums
My nigga
I'm glad all that shilling paid off.
Yeah, sure buddy. Let me just put this knockout/sleep oil on my SnS and beat every boss with absolutely no trouble. Or maybe I'll use an OP as fuck fighting style that takes away the bad parts of my weapon!
MH has only gotten more casual.
>sleep oil on my SnS
Worldsperm in charge of baiting
>when it's been the best selling Capcom game since shortly after launch
>game launched a year and a half ago
This is a new level of retardposting. You don't have a full set of 4 genetic grandparents, do you?
>Here's your Switch port bro
Behold how releasing your game on real platforms is the way go.
that's pretty impressive. I feel bad for Monster Hunter fans though
MH is gonna bore you to tears the combat is slow as fuck. Hunting games might not be for you user.
He is probably still around here shitposting about how World is much worse than his meme 3DS games
>They're not being deceptive by counting digital sales are they? What about those who get it for free from Gamepass?
Digital sales are not remotely deceptive. A sold game is a sold game. Why the fuck would that be deceptive?
Gamepass, PS+ and every other service like that is not included in shipped numbers and never has been. There has not been a single case of a company referring to "sales" or "shipped units" and including those numbers.
>mhw is the causalized version
>not any of the last 3ds games where you had a magic button that made you completely invincible and shot you backwards 200 feet
>a magic button that let you do one gorillion damage to the monster
k pleb
Fuck, hopefully dragon's dogma 2 will have multiplayer
Yes, you see in world you don't even need to press a button to achieve that
It's been one for a while now.
>literal unashamed Tribaby
>complains about MHW being "casual"
If a tribaby is calling the game casual, that should speak volumes.
Last I checked World has the fucking temportal mantle.
>Worldbab trying to imply World isn't more casual than Tri.
>On a 300 second cool down you can evade damage for a few hits
Oh yeah, that's so busted. Excuse me while i adept dodge through literally anything and get it back in the next 15 seconds
>Adept dodge
It's a dodge with a slightly better iframe condition and is useless for like half of the weapons due to the follow up attack.
Did you even play Generations or what?
If a Tribaby speaks you don't acknowledge him in the first place.
No. My point is that every single game is casualized, and MHW isn't even close to the most radical shift. That would be between 1st and 2nd gens by a mile, followed by 3rd gen. After 3rd gen I just find the "casualisation" accusations meaningless, as the game hasn't been "hard" since. It's just a choice of which options you like. Underwater is cancer so the whole of 3rd gen except for 1 game is my least favorite, and the X series sits at the very bottom for completely removing any feeling of "Hunting" in the Monster HUNTER game and turning it into literal anime arena fighting simulator AKA Frontier-lite.
As soon as 3rd gen hitboxes, the removal of environmental clutter (both visual and enemies) and the farm were introduced there's no such thing as meaningful further casualization.
So you never played any monster hunter and you're here spouting retarded shit you have no fucking idea about then.
A sense of hunting in 1st and 2nd Gen? Are you a fucking retard? It was the same shit since forever.
its called they actually fix the fuck up controller
It doesn't matter because it's still a get out of jail free card just like the pissblanket in world
It doesn't though.
Adept doesn't save you from shit unless you already understand how to dodge it.
Temporal mantle is literal an auto dodge.
Adept requires you to learn how to use it.
Temporal mantle is literally anti-thought.
>12 million copies
>barely over half of players even finished the main story on ps4
>is probably less on other platforms
why do these people even buy games?
That's why I don't detest World, one of the major things they buffed was the Hunting aspect. No longer can you drink a psychoserum even on your 1st hunt against a brand new enemy, or bring a companion that pings it for you (3's bunny cha cha). At least there's minimal effort on the first handful of hunts to track the monster down, and it's not uncommon at all to face multiple.
The first Monhuns had a better sense of Hunting due to the era they released, people knew less and the games felt fresh up until late 2nd gen. There were also imbalances that gave more character to the monsters, even if it was downright bad (the time Rathalos spent flying for no reason, for instance). There were also much fewer map shortcuts in the first games compared to 3rd/4th gens. Forest areas had a lot of bushes, fog and vines that actually affected your vision. Little things like that add up.
With 3rd gen (and onward) polish any sense of a world is gone, it's justa simple arena fighting game and nothing more, especially with OP farms where gathering became braindead.
The TL;DR is that only retards complain about MHW (specifically) QoL changes when all gens have had them.
>Increased the sense of hunting
>Follow the glowy trail right up the monsters asshole
I'm not complaining about QoL changes, I am complaining about the game being a max damage memefest where every boss gets rolled over with a full affinity outfit and builds simply no longer exist.
The hardest monster is a fucking crossover even designed for an MMO group and it can STILL be cheesed by Heavy bowgun.
>*Mario Tune*
Yi-Yi Yi Yi-Yi Yikes.
What are you on about? Attack Up + Affinity builds have been a thing since ever. And OP cheese weapons too, the whole lance class in the first game and Tri, Kelbi bow in 3U (the EXACT same thing you're complaining about in MHW, chain stunning the monsters with slime/explosions), ChargeAxe in 4/4U, etc
I won't even comment on the difficulty aspect, it's beyond evident you never played a non-G game (probably besides X which was designed to not have G and thus made harder in the base game until they changed ideas, lied to everyone and released a G version of it anyway). Come back in half a decade once the World-engine games are on par with 3U in terms of development time/content and THEN talk about difficulty. Also you just admited that fight to be hard (and the Witcher monster too, but I'm sure you haven't fought it) but moved goalposts.
>A-Attack Up+ Affinity builds have been a thing since ever
Actually, you fucking drudge, they haven't. They have been good things to try and stack sure, but things like Focus, CritDraw and various other build enhancing skills often took president due to the vast debuffs you got from going full Affinity.
Which you'd know if you actually played Monster Hunter and didn't just reply with massive memes.
You'd know World is the fucking flattest of all the games ever exactly due to the utter lack of build potencial.
Not even getting into retarded shit like Bow going from a semi-complex weapon to literally a spamshit weapon.
The only people who build Attack Up + affinity were fucking retards man.
You don't even build sharpness in World unless you want to meme.
Bow has never seen so much diversity, we completely disagree on every point and I don't feel like wasting my time with ya anymore.
>The only people who build Attack Up + affinity were fucking retards man.
And still are.
Out of my couple dozen sets only one is attack + crit.
>You don't even build sharpness in World unless you want to meme.
Don't see why not, a few weapons are quite good with it. Builds that keep a sliver of max sharpness with the 1min degradation immunity gem aren't uncommon at all.
>Bow has never seen so much diversity
Nigga are we even playing the same game? You literally just go element bow and play the exact same fucking way for every bow.
Jesus you are such a fucking worldbaby. You're actually defending the horrific abortion that is World's Bow.
>shipped copies are counted as sold
suddenly battleborn sold millions
.>all those threads from the 3DS MH fags before MHW came out
>all that doom talking
>mfw MHW saved Capcom
>Out of my couple of dozen sets
>In world.
In world you have exactly two sets.
One which maxes Attack+crit
And one which maxes Elementcrit
Literally every other option is pointless.
It's still objectively the worst Monster Hunter with all of the depth removed in favour of grinding and spam.
Why the fuck are journalists reporting this AGAIN when it already was the best selling Capcom game like a year ago?
>Bow has seen so much diversity
>It's literally ranged dual blades but lacks move potencial.
I sure do love replacing my varied bow types with literally nothing.
Bitch MH was Always about grinding.
Can't wait for the backwards compatibility on the ps5 and playing monhun on it
Yeah, but I don't really enjoy double the layers of gatchashit for jewels.
>release game on PC
>it sells like hotcakes
Wow it was that easy
old news
>who the fuck put all this grinding in my grinding game?
>worse than original MH, P3rd or Tri
Yeah, no.
seething nintendie
I know two switchfags in real life
if it's not on the switch they don't play it
>You literally just go element bow
Are you implying Raw bow isn't good?
And I was mostly talking about the gameplay itself.
You can focus on Dragon piercer only.
You can focus on always on-the-move dodge spam builds (mostly around stamina regen/preservation)
Or you can go with the normal build just like the previous games (the only one they had). Not sure why you'd spam the shots either, unless you love wasting time going back to camp to get more nitroshrooms every couple minutes.
yeah Yea Forums's a shitshow.
Well guys enjoy hating the franchise for the next decade+
I'll just say I'm beyond glad the previous seres in fucking dead in the water, it got beyond stale since MHFU. you can't begin to imagine my levels of boredom with each and every entry. 4, 4U, and X were physically painful to play even with all the cancerous "fresh" new gimmicks that ruin X and make it a so-bad-its-good kind of deal.
MHW may not have the amount of content retards like you all stupidly expected (Not sure why, has double the monster count and weapon classes compared to the last major reboot [Tri]) but that's the easiest thing ever to fix, you only need time. Somehow you're all delusional about build variety even though personally every weapon has MORE ways to be played than ever before, but sure, keep your affinity meme thing in your head and ruin your own enjoyment. I can't wait for this next decade, especially imagining all the butthurt coming from this place - makes the whole experience that much sweeter.
>GU is shilled as the best MH ever made
>online dies before MHW
Having an automatic dodge is pretty fucking bad. But these mantles last for about a fucking minute. It's hardly invincible mode for the whole hunt is it?
Why the fuck is MH even popular? You play one, you've played them all. I legit don't understand this autistic series
>Getting one shotted by arch tempered dragons
What am i doing wrong bros?
Which moves do one shot you?
Stop getting hit?
I think you're getting hit. Most of their supers will still be one shots even with 500+ defense and 200 health.
getting hit
Vaal Hazak's mouth fart move
I'm pretty sure no AT can one shot you if you have really high defense.
Except Luna's nova, fuck that bullshit
>getting hit by a move telegraphed for like 3 seconds
Jesus user
I'm maining a GS... guess i need to change weapons now.
Too bad it's shit and even with all this time no real content added has been added. I picked it up on sale and got through the elders and tempered in few days. No G rank or anything and only 3 more monsters to fight for gear that's just there to make everything more of a joke. Really unsure how people poured so much time into this when you can be done in so little time
>what is tackle
I play GS too and I have no problems, honestly.
I didn't care for World very much
is that michael pachter?
Guess i just suck then. Never could get used to the tackle move. Been doing pretty so far then arch tempered really fucks me over
its very popular on PC too
pretty much everyone I know that plays it switched over to PC
It does.
Finally downed Arch Tempered Vaal Hazark on my third try. Are his? gamma armor pieces worth getting other than the belt for the slots?
No. I know a lot of them.
This last one.
>it's just a simple arena fighting game and nothing more
Don't delude yourself, MH has and will always be a glorified boss rush and there's nothing wrong arena fights.
>from 330k to barely 40k
Then why is Yea Forums full of port beggars?
You can outright kill a monster within the temporal mantle or rocksteady mantle windows. Its so bad they're all banned in the speedrun community anyway.
>since MHFU
>implying it wasn't already stale as you said
>implying MH hasn't always been "1 step forward, 2 step backward"
>Imagine being so much of blind fanboy that you can't even acknowledges the bad points of your favorite game
>Haven’t played in a while.
>Fighting AT Xeno for the first time.
I’m not really sure what to do about all the lava floor except deco in a lot of fire resistance.
Auto-dodge is broken as fuck. It's a fucking stupid design and should never have been introduced.
However, the players who depend on it still suck at the game and it hardly does anything for them because ultimately you still have to hit the monster and understand the monster and because they don't the safety blanket only conveys a moment of invulnerability.
The safety blanket is useful in high-level coordinated hunts like Behemoth but even then, you still need to hit the fucking monster, which most people can't coordinate to do even with a minute of invulnerability.
You're getting hit.
>monster hunter now forever be about minmaxing, console war shitslinging, DLC, season passes, and overall a worse product
You might be a retard for the KO/sleep oils meme, but you're not too far off the mark with Hunter Styles. Brave completely and utterly destroys the game, especially LS and DB, which gives you a fucking guard point on weapons that are already very actionable (DB, LS) or have high mobility during attacks (LS). Not just ANY guard point, note you, but one that costs no stamina on block and that you can cancel any other attack into (CB, the weapon KNOWN for guard points, can literally only do this with the axe mode transform, and that costs stamina on block + likely needs Guard +2), on a weapon that also has very fast attacks. The DS GP literally gives you sharpness back if you land it. Honorable mention to Brave HBG, which completely trumps all other weapons in RTA runs, but isn't as braindead as Brave LS/DB (gunner armor, can't just GP through everything).
>DLC, season passes
games aren't cheap to make and the selling price for one is way under what it should be
>overall a worse product
that's your opinion
that started a long time ago
And port beggers don't exist. Those are all false flaggers.
Not a part of the original argument but
>Speedrun community
>Mattering at all
pick one and only one.
You'll be with the firstvto complain when games cost 120$
Monster Hunter 5 when?
Based oldfag (filename timestamp) ds9 fan
You have taste
i'm not even gonna explain my point to you