Persona 4 would be PERFECT, LITERALLY PERFECT on switch

Attached: p4g.jpg (1163x1476, 305K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Keep. Fucking. Crying.

Attached: 1557240174308.gif (228x170, 1.86M)

>google Persona 4 The Golden game engine
>it's RenderWare
>look at the Wikipediapage of RenderWare
>Operating systems
>Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Nintendo GameCube, Wii, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Portable, iOS, Android
>no Switch
>could be a mistake Vita isn't mentioned either
>look at
>Yep not a single game using RenderWare is on Switch

There is your answer.

>falseflag shitposting

>literally the entire library of PS2 is made in fucking RenderWare
>never even heard of it until now

Fucking how? Was it one of those inoffensive engines that did its job well enough so nobody complained, but wasn't that remarkable to ever talk about it?
unironically have sex

unironically bend over


Nice falseflagging, now fuck off

Its ok, theyre bringing it to steam soon

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Fuck, wrong one. I really need to organise my folders more.

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>all the timings
works too perfectly

post the blacked version

I wish so could be this happy about anything

these are making me sad just because this guy cares about star wars or whatever the fuck more than i care about anything

what is he sperging about in the original video?

Star Wars 9

Post the original

heh switchsois will never experience this

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lmfao wow

I don't care whether it comes to Switch, PS4, Xbone or PC. I just want it off the fucking Vita.

Why are Switchfags still begging for 5+ year old games to get ported to the switch? Is it because "muh portability" because P4G is already fucking portable retards.
Not to mention the Switch has like 80% of the Vita library already. It's essentially a Vita 2 what with the weeb/panty games it's been getting every month.
There's zero excuse not to have played P4 by this point that you NEED them to put it on Switch. If you haven't owned a PS2 in one point in your life you just don't know nothing about games.

Attached: Vita.jpg (640x480, 167K)

>your smells

Fucking brap fetishists I swear ruin everything, wouldn't even want to play it now.

P4G sucks. The original ps2 version is superior

Nintendo has been using the same engine since the Gamecube days for most Switch games

OK but I don't give a shit about nintendo, only manchildren play nintendo games.

i wish you guys would stop posting that guy.
he is seriously fucking disturbing.

It ruins the OG game though, especially the new tacked on "happy" ending. Port the original or dont bother, fuck Golden.


Shitposting aside, I really do wish they would put this on a console people actually have. PS4, PC, switch, I'm not picky.

half a decade later and novitas are still seething

With out using Marie how is OG better than G?

i'm pretty sure atlus made a blood deal with sony back with P3, they probably were up to the neck in shit so sony probably offered them an exclusivity deal of 3-4 games, this is the only explanation i can find to why all persona games are stuck in their respective launch/sony platforms


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Fox and grapes are strong now that vitas are discontinued. P4G is the definitive way to play the game.

Imagine being such a low waste of space that you unironically get happy over making fun of a stranger you don't even know just because he's actually enjoying something he likes, even if SW is pure garbage now. You cucks have probably never felt that happy in the entirety of your miserable lives.

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This, the best way to play it is on a vta TV.

I'm scared to death mine will shit out someday, and I'll have no way to play my favorite game. I wish they'd remaster/port this shit.

its ok to be a disney cuck sucker bro, just dont post it online...
or maybe yeah, do post a video of you crying so we can shitpost you into oblivion and make your existence a simple meme

i literally cried with the BOTW trailer, the good one from E3 i believe
i know the game turned out to be shit and not representative of the trailer, but truth is, i didn't film myself to make a fake forced reaction for social media kudos


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>enjoying something he likes,
well shit I'd hate to see him sad then lmao

Give me some good vita games beyond Persona

missing Ys 8 cause my 128 SD card is too full of games

Attached: 2019-05-07-032024.png (960x544, 322K)

fucking nigger MOOT wont let me post a "duplicate"
here's my home screen

Attached: 2019-05-07-032014.png (960x544, 1.1M)

Here's sly running at a butter, silky smooth 60fps, a frame rate that no switch game can hope to maintain

Attached: 2019-05-07-024725.png (960x544, 485K)

dynamic resolutions too motherfucker, no console offers you the control that the vita does

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What are those racers you got, user?

platforming selection that is unrivaled, especially on a handheld.

Attached: 2019-05-07-031754.png (960x544, 455K)

I cleared out a lot of the racing games out because I've played them to death. I have over 300 hours in RR2. CTR stays always, though.

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It’d be great on ANY current gen console or PC. I have a vita and ps tv but that shit is not ideal anymore. And ps tv looks like dog shit on a large screen.

Perfect representation of persona fans

Is yours hacked? I'm a retard when it comes to telling.

Looks more like a Sony fan tbqh
At least based on my experiences doing day of pickup for monster Hunter world and dragon quest

P4g is literally the only reason to own a Vita
Can't give up there one hand, would be worse then PS4 losing bloodborne

This is falseflagging right? I've seen switch port begging so much I can't believe it's all legit.

Are you 11 years old?

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>take memory card out of PSP
>copy it over to vita
>everything works 1:1, the soul of my based psp is eternal now
>fully mappable buttons
>Piss walker with right analog and 30fps

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What I still don't understand is Sonybros complete obsession with Nintendo. As an idort it's just cringey to me

seething switchsoi

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ricardo looks like young jerry seinfeld to me

Who cares about a shit game?

yes and i never will be

it was the one studios were the most comfortable developing for the PS2 since it was a pain in the ass.

Virtua-On if you don't mind the weeb shit

isn't ricardo or his lawyers suing anybody caught making memes of him now?

Persona 4 Golden isn't as good as Vanilla P4. All the new content was fan fiction cancer, Persona Q tier writing by the B team while the real team made P5. Too bad it got popular with normie weebs and now atlus panders to them

This isn’t happiness. This is psychosis. This “man” is barely alive.

He doesn't you naive idiot, he makes money by reacting like that to every single trailer for everything that releases that week. Some absolute brainlets enjoy watching other people fake excitement.

>Record selling when it released
>lmao nobody owns the Vita you want money Atlus?
Yeah they'll probably make good money but they also made more than enough when it released so it probably is far from being a priority.

imagine being a shitendo fan beggar as fuck

cry more pcsx2nigger

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Atlus is fucking retarded when it comes to platforms they release on.
no SMT on anything of note
no personas on pc
the edition with extra content is locked to literal garbage of a console
catherine releases on pc after they announce an edition with extra content
Invests in making rhythm games and not porting games that are already done

>Tag Force 1
>not 3 or 5/6
Literally why? I mean it's neat at first but goddamn does it become a grind to get through to the end

Fucking nigger the switch can run gc


weird way of spelling "Playstation 4", stay in school, kid.
Also, his site is 18+.
Get out.