

Attached: diverse.png (1656x867, 100K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This is just a power move to seize the company
Using sexism as a weapon

>While leadership issued a public apology in the wake of Kotaku's original report, the company kept a number of the men accused of inappropriate behavior employed for several months.

shouldn't that... always be the case? An ""accusation"" shouldn't cost you a job...? Don't ruins someones life until you're sure and have definitive proof?

How about you just make video games, shut the fuck up and go home at the end of it

i love seeing this happen to woke companies over and over and over. keep drinking that koolaid if you want your company to fail and be riddled with scandles lmao

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The issue is that none of these 'woke' people are having affect at riot, that's why there's walk outs and people are pissed. Riot is probably the least woke company. They're anti-woke enough that they actually got butthurt at people asking them to stop making big titty anime girls and publically said that not only would they resume making big titty anime girls, that it was their MO and that they never should have questioned making big tiddy anime girls in the first place.

>least woke
lmao, stop talking reddit fag. theyre literally the pioneers of woke in gaming. they sent out psychiatric essays to any "offensive" people in their games and made them write woke essays to get their accounts back. they were hiring twitter activists for diversity "programs" YEARS before it was ever thing, just as i posted in the screenshot.

hiring lefty commies kills your company, proven fact.

Why are allegations of severe crunch and sexual harassment ONLY targeting "woke" studios?
First Netherrealm, now Riot. I'm pretty sure there's more studios I'm forgetting.

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Because they're the easiest to exploit.

>making games

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honk honk
if you are accused of wrongthink you should be fired and go die in a ditch

They should have only hired white men.
Never hire women or gays

Right, and that's working so well. They're OVERFLOWING with wokeness and all the "lefty" twitter people are definitely having an impact on the game. They're having such a huge impact, that they're forced to throw a temper tantrum in order to get riot to pay attention to them because they refuse to change their anime tiddy ways. I can tell you have no knowledge of the matter and you're just regurgitating bullshit fed to you. Stay on /pol/ kiddo.

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Quantic Dream too, weird

Because the communists know they are weak and will cave.

By being "woke" they have basically signaled that they will yield to pressure

what it is with faggots and their obsession to make up new words every week

Not that guy but what's wrong with big anime tiddies

No wonder Riot just posted a lot of job openings

You reap what you sow i suppose

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You aren't allowed to enjoy the female form otherwise you're a creepy stalker rapist, now. Also if you like anything japanese you're automatically a pedophile sex offender. Riot, for a time, started to stray away from anime tids. But either their sales plummeted (likely) or the people in charge of skin design genuinely hated not having the creative freedom to make suggestive outfits (for both sexes) so they actually released a public post about how they were going back to making big anime tiddies and that people should probably get over it because it's a complete non-issue to begin with and since then almost every female they've released has been gargantuan tids and nice cleavage.

you dont seriously believe those commie retards are walking out because they have some cute character art do you?

I refuse to believe even mentally ill trannys want control over a dota clone in decline.

they hire SJW scum and then they bite them in the ass, there probably was never any real "sexual harrasment" just a few bants

he's right you know

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They will all get fired and replaced by Tencent chinks.

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>we as gamers

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That's not the specific reason, no. Let me get this out of the way and say that I only briefly read through the info that i've seen and have done no personal research because I do not care almost at all. That being said, from what I can tell it's two major things.

1. Riot upper management refuses to change their 'gross' ways and there might be some kind of 'soggy knees' and 'mistreatment' of female employees while dudes are fine

2. They won't adapt and get with the times to create a more inclusive workspace and begin to work away from trying to sell to the lowest common denominator (horny kids with mommy's credit card)



none of this means anything apart from the 3rd one

Those whores are only working on skins and replying to tickets so its no loss of this already garbage company anyways

That would be the case in the normal world, but for some reason, we live in another dimension

Reminder that those shitty cucks ban people for saying "gg ez" in chat.

That’s what this kind of thing usually is, yeah

Woke studio = havign hired a bunch of rainbow haired dykes and faggots. If there's one thing degenerate love is to eat their own and purity spiral


Here is the list of shit they're complaining about for those who even give a shit.

I've been saying gg ez and shit like 'how'd we get queued for a bot game' and whatever other put downs me and the boys come up with to make sure the random mexican children we're playing against feel suicidal for losing a game to a bunch of drunk retards and I've been doing it since the private beta and have yet to even receive an infraction. Seems like bullshit, my dude.

>joined the right side of history
>winning the imaginary culture war without even trying

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I don't even know hat those words mean, fucking faggots

>mfw made friends with a bunch of trannies and abominations to hide inside like camouflage
>somehow became friends with a few famous trannies in the FGC
>they talk to me in private about wanting to kill themselves and how depressed they are
>mfw I'm a sneaky snake and no one will ever know

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Tranny obsession sure is healthy! But I guess it gives you something to fill up the days.

>research has shown that companies are more productive if men are the ones on staff
>this has also shown that once adding women, productivity slows
>the more women, the more shit slows down
>that survey studied multiple male to female ratios multiple times to determine the obvious
>"""diversity""" doesnt mean shit either
>dont even need a study to tell you that hiring some black guy with no experience is worse than hiring a white guy with plenty of experience
its a shame companies cant reject people based off race or gender without big fines or whiny cunts or we'd really be getting shit done

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What’s your excuse for living in the first world but still playing league of legends?

You see THIS *clap* IS *clap* WHY *clap* WE *clap* NEED *clap* UNIONS *clap* PEOPLE.

I like Dota but League is like Dota but easy so it's less stressful.

I genuinely hear more about trannies on here than anywhere else

They counted the amount of times someone said "dick" in the work place, among other things.

So sowwy (not sowwy), white boy, but you're getting replaced. Take your imaginary bigoted ""research"" and choke on it.

Who said I was obsessed? I actually have made some decent friends by opening myself up to different perspectives. My main point is that I don't give a fuck about their ideology or obsessive cancel culture and wrongthink shit. I often have to hide my indifference and power level, but other then that it's no different than shitposting.

Some triggered white guy will reply to this white guys shitty bait

They buffed Nautilus so I can dab on onetrick memes.

im unemployed and living off NEETbux, i dont even need to work, but i still do contracting on the side because i at least know what im doing unlike every other fuckhead they hire

If you believe that someone would volunteer to delete posts on a Kampuchean Koikatsu Kibbutz for FREE, then you bet your ass people would want control over an Aeon of Strife Styled Fortress Assault Game.

tfw avoid /lgbt/ specifically to avoid all this stuff
tfw Yea Forums has literally more lgbt threads than /lgbt/ itself because of how much faster it moves

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It's fun with friends


Whoa, are you psychic?

>Boogie standing up, metaphorically or physically, for anything

Yeah, I trust you truly understand the work market sitting around in your basement thinking what /pol/ tells you about it. /s

>employees mad they didn't read their contracts
fuckin' retards should be fired

Well fuck them, then. I want more characters like Jynx and Annie. Where the flat hotties at?

Imagine if their belief was to make a good, functional game.

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Did you mean Aeon of Strife Styled Fortress Assault Game Going On Two Sides? Also known as ASSFAGGOTS?

>pay bills
>do work remotely
>get paid for being a big brain NEET
yeah im pretty fucking sure it works this way since ive been doing this for 10 years now

Can someone dumb it down for me pls

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>Chinese owned company has to deal with the effects of Chinese sponsored social Marxism

Whoever loses, everyone wins

Thank god I don't play western games, aside the occasional stuff from smaller companies

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Considering you don't even know what NEET means...

So you actually don't know what NEET means, is that the issue? All the more reason to not take you very seriously.

>You aren't allowed to enjoy the female form otherwise you're a creepy stalker rapist, now.
>Also if you like anything japanese you're automatically a pedophile sex offender.
This just dilutes and washes away the accomplishments made by ACTUAL stalker rapist pedophiles who worked hard to earn our reputation.

not leaving the house, not working. contract work is working which defeats the "NEET" part
most of that money goes to buying more figures anyway

Don’t worry, user, AA will be revoked soon.

useless people who only got their jobs based on who they knew or some equivalently false qualification like race or gender dedicate all the spare time they have from not having to do any work to making sure they don't lose their jobs

>Chinese sponsored social Marxism
I also learn about politics exclusively on /pol/

>some women say riot is sexually harassing them
>say that some management and other men in the corp are being misogynistic and the normal anti-wimins stuff
>attempt to sue riot
>riot attempts to take the suit into the private arbitration where there's no judges or juries which makes it harder for small citizens to fight big corp
>convinced the work force to help them out by staging a strike so they don't get fucked over by legal loop holes and actually have a chance to win

So you're a big brain neet who's not a neet. I'm no brainiac but something here doesn't add up.

How come you guys don't like this? If it was men being discriminated against because they're male wouldn't you want to boycott Riot too?

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>2000 employees
>Just release one hat every 6 months for a 10 year old game
What the fuck do they even do there all day?

So you're a recluse.

Sorry for stepping on your accomplishments, user. Best of luck to you and advancing your prolific career.

are you just being edgy because you're on Yea Forums? because it makes no sense to befriend people you dislike and listen to their issues just to pretend "being in camouflage". or you're desperate for any sort of human contact.

serve chinese cock

Fire them, and hire some actual developers. No SJW workers, and make the game more technique in terms of skills. I'll be the lead gameplay designer and product manager.

Such a confusing situation.

On one hand, Riot being one of the most publicly woke companies, pushing the "toxicity" narrative since the beginning, I have no doubt whatsoever their culture is a genuinely TOXIC shithole filled with all the worst behaviours they constantly project onto others, so I happily believe all the shit they're being accused of is true.
On the other hand, the useless idiots suing them are just the other side of the same coin, so they deserve to go down in flames as much as Riot does.

Feel like, no matter who wins, I still lose.

>what is politics? what is prestige?
how did you manage to become this stupid?

multiple language versions, multiple national leagues, multiple local events and communities and then there are people who make the actual game

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If I'm honest, I'd say I'm probably somewhere in between. I don't hate trannies, but I hate the culture surrounding them. I hate how the average 'outrage' cultist behaves. Hate it, genuinely. But that doesn't people the people behaving like shit flinging baboons aren't still mostly human. So while I won't take someone who says they're 4 people living in a single body demi-dragon with both genitalia (this is not an epic meme, there is someone in the group who believes this and they aren't alone) or that you're a gender neutral something or other one day and queen of the gays the next (hence abominations aka people with serious, unchecked mental issues) day, SERIOUSLY, it doesn't mean I am incapible of making friends with some of the less weird fagos. Not everyone is a single shade, my dude. Don't judge me just because I don't subscribe to one specific notion or the other, I can slide between ideals as much as I want.

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Good on them.
Yea Forums please don’t gobble corporate dick just because some of their opposition is women

The whole MRA thing does focus on rights of men if color trans men etc., if only because it’s the straw they have to grasp.

They’re honestly pathetic but I feel bad that they’re pretty much constantly misrepresented

the enemy of my enemy

... come on, user. You know they will do whatever it takes to be both contrarian and attention whores. They are nothing more than karma farmers without upvotes.

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>I don't subscribe to one specific notion or the other, I can slide between ideals as much as I want.
oh, no, that's not what i meant. it's more that i was irritated by how you referred to them as your friends but at the same time also talked like you wanted to fit in with Yea Forums. so i assume that you are someone who will quickly throw people under the bus depending on what environment you're in. and i'll judge you for that. as an actual tranny and not a gender neutral or whatever bullshit i agree with you though. the "culture" is fucking bullshit. it's a medical condition, not a lifestyle that anyone can appropriate to be a special snowflake or a political issue and people on both sides need to stop making it one.

So why not just fire them? They can be replaced, its not like riot is a no-name company

>last haven for white teen boys
they tried to protect us bros

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it's fine because all these companies keep failing and going bankrupt
eventually companies will have to wake up or they will all go down
new companies will "rise up" and not take part in this diversity bullshit

I guess I spoke a bit harsh. Sometimes the urge to get 4channel upvotes is a little strong but at the end of the day I do genuinely care about the people who've I've connected with, even if my primary objective was just to be free of criticisms, whether I swallow the bullshit or not. I'll say that I did not expect to make any genuine connections when I went in, but here I am. Some of the closest friends I've ever had. Though it's a difficult, challenging friendship as mood swings are frequent and being treated like shit is as well.

i want an industry crash

>Core Gamer is a required qualification
>"Qualified despite not being core gamers"
But you literally just said they didnt have a required qualification, therefor they arnt qualified.
Cant believe I have to defend Riot.

I will never grow tired of seeing diversity destroy even groups of bleeding hearts who demanded it. These people were made to eat each other alive and it's spectacular.

Thanks my friend for your honest opinion and gif

There are new -isms every time I read something like this. They are infinite, like the gay alphabet or genders.

Horny kids with mommys card are the bread and butter of gaming. There aren't enough degenerates that actually buy games to keep any of these operations running. Being < 3% of any given player base means the only thing you're ever going to do is infiltrate and kill studios with your toxic politics.

>woke companies hire women and minorities simply for "diversity"
>those leeches do not offer anything useful so bonuses are off the table
>leeche realize that they can make even more money by accusing their studio of "harassment"

>Some of the closest friends I've ever had.
i'm really glad to hear that.
>Though it's a difficult, challenging friendship as mood swings are frequent and being treated like shit is as well.
i know what you mean, don't worry. there's so many issues that can come with being trans and most are sadly not strong enough to not let them out on others. it's hard for me too sometimes even if i try to make it as easy as possible for my bf by being self aware and controlled when it comes to issues. maybe it would help to be assertive when that happens and call them out on treating you badly so that they can learn? don't be a pushover and draw clear lines?

>They're anti-woke enough that they actually got butthurt at people asking them to stop making big titty anime girls and publically said that not only would they resume making big titty anime girls, that it was their MO
I want some quotes on that

i should become a blue haired sjw and get money

>no link
sure m8

look at what happened to Linux and the entirety of speed running

if you don´t mind looking like a freak, running around in womens clothes and make up go for it.

because normal studios who hire pro knows "crunch" is a normal part of the project life cycle and it strengthen the teamwork.

>diverstiy should nto be a focal point of the design of Riot Games
He wasn't wrong. It shouldn't be the focal point of anything.

>Fill a quota.
>Get to work at this super EPIC game company.
>Bunch of fucking weirdos work there.
>High school girl instincts activate.
>Don't want to be around them, but cant just demand they leave.
>Make up false allegations.
>Everyone believes you.

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>sign contract
>waah i didnt mean it
tough shit faglord

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Daily I want to fuck Tristiana post

I guarantee you corporate whores have a more negative impact on your life than regular whores

Similar deal to me. I don't mind the groups or even the ideologies (in most cases), I just really fucking hate activism and its complete lack of ethics and quality control.

Not to defend Riot because they are pretty fucking bad at managing a game and have one of the worst workflows I've ever seen, but if anyone's interested here's the lawsuit made months ago about the "sexual harassment", including the several listed points of the "toxic work enviroment" (from page 4 to 7) aswell as the 2 main cases being used as arguments for the lawsuit. Draw your won conclusions about this situation.

I personally think around 70% is either bullshit or not harassment, and 1 of the cases just shows me how entitled one of the women is. The other seems valid but the perpetrator was a chinese Tencent representative and I think we all know how effective the lawsuit will be against him.

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Can you just throw -ism at the end of every noun? ageism sounds retarded as fuck.


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>But either their sales plummeted
I garuntee their Chinese overlords slapped that idea out of their head, China is the last bastion of giving 0 fucks

thanks doc

>it didn't happen to me so it doesn't exist
Why do I come to this board. Low IQ retards abound.

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West needs stop changing well established series and hiring based on the sake of diversity, or this shit is never going to end. Ignore these sensitive, social media attention whores who never worked a hard day, or hard code, in their lives.

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Try harder

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Most of them aren't successful though.
What most companies do nowadays is issue an apology, say they are going to have diversity/sensibility training and/or hire a token minority for a "diversity manager" or some other bullshit until people forget about it and then go back to normal.

>Woman takes over a position without being asked after her boss leaves
>She works for months without telling anybody
>Gets mad when Riot hires a new person for the position that she "assumed" was hers now
>Walks out and tells Kotaku that she wasn't promoted because she was female
>Kotaku makes up a bunch of bullshit
>Riot issues an apology and starts an investigation
>Things quiet down so Kotaku writes another hitpiece about Riot being controlled by Nazis
>Riot does another investigation and finds that "Yes, we are run by Nazis."
>Riot hires a whole new branch of management above HR
>It's a whole bunch of kikes that are professional "i don't want to look like a nazi anymore" people
>They open another investigation
>In the meantime Riot gives the women of Rito their own job application convention and only let women and trannies apply
>Community outrage
>The convention is a failure
>Women start going to Kotaku again claiming they are discriminated against
>Riot hires a CPO, equivalent to a CEO whose only job is to makes sure they're not being racist or misogynistic.
>"workers" across the industry start demanding unionization so they don't lose their jobs for being useless parasites
That about sum it up?

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Fake gaming media does not talk abut games anymore, just politics.

Maybe if the walk out was hosted at an all you can eat buffet he might rise to the occasion.

Were Evangelicals ever this bad?

Cool link OP

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I'll give it a shot the next time it comes up. I usually just dip for a while until they've had their chance to rant and rave and calm down and come back and just let it slide, but it gets to me enough sometimes that I've gotta go chill out before I explode. I'm sure i've got plenty of my own emotional issues.

im a neet tho

>”Core gamer” can’t mean women
Okay this is like page 2 but as much as I’d love to see Riot get spanked maybe this is frivolous bullshit

I just had an idea.
What if we make an all you can eat buffet... but the doors are too small for fat people.

It didn't happen to me, or any of the dozens and dozens of people I play league with. Maybe it's because outside of doing that, I rarely type in chat? If you say 'gg ez' and you're also an absolute fuckwit, that's probably why. But then again, what else do I expect from a frogposter?

Ageism real as fuck my man

>When teams are both diverse and inclusive they win. Every time.
This is kinda scary
It's like a weird cult member spouting a mantra or something


Can confirm, I work next to a female sysadmin and she always interupts my work by striking up conversations. I’m too polite to ignore her

just maybe try and not do it while you're just about to explode so it doesn't turn into a shitfest of you both throwing accusations and insults at each other. good luck. hope things turn out well!

>Bioware hired 50% females
>There was no work done on Anthem for the first 6 years of its dev period, it only started in the last year.

>riot puts shitty mechanics in their game with little to no counterplay, thus literally creating the toxicity they claim to hate so much

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Yeah some of that shit is pretty fucked

The “Hottest employees” is demeaning, no one wants to see your dick bro, etc.

But also half of it’s bullshit. “They said ‘dick’ a lot how dare they”

Women want on the Riot train because it's well known that Riot doesn't actually do any game design yet they have 4000 employees. Women "game developers" are going to be in for a rude awakening when men leave the companies or DIE trying to make up for the lack of work being done.

>tl;dr AAA gaming is utter ass cancer aids juice

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>That we must call out sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, ageism, religious discrimination, and bigotry of all kinds.
Image a trans male-to-female muslim black lesbian with one hand. Perfection.

>Snoy PlayStation.png

its almost like mobas naturally piss people off
and then people keep playing them despite being pissed off
fucking mind blowing

>Fart jokes are sexual harassment
Nigga what
Like there’s some real shit in there but WHAT

>How did you lose your hand bro-sis Spirit Foxneesha?
>Making bombs for ISIS

>pro teams tend to be all the same race and nationality


I honestly heard about trannies less when I played FFXIV and had a guild with several of them. Honestly rent free.

Riot is inept. The game went from "Don't feed these 5 characters at these specific times and we'll be ok" to "don't feed anybody or anything one kill or we lose a 40 minute game"

its doesnt matter since its owned by chink and chink dont like diversity

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Unless the lady in question has come down with a terrible case of sad bitch disease, its a fucking nightmare to work with white women.

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Reminder that Riot has 2,500 employees, more than it takes for Rockstar to push out Hollywood budget AAA games that sell 20M full-priced $60 units plus DLC in their first quarter. What the F U C K are all those Riot employees doing besides vaguely maintaining a game that had most of its labor taken care of by people who probably left the company several years ago? Thousands of lilac-haired weirdos whose jobs are probably community management and outreach, just like Blizzard before the mass layoff. It took a TENTH of that workforce sitting around with their thumbs up their asses to sink Telltale.

You really think Tencent gives a shit about the California office? They're making billions off of microstransactions.

how is an employee walkout the same as a consumer boycott?

That's my main issue. Not denaying there is harassment bu8t they are putting so many nonsense in there it's making people ignore the actual problem.
I don't know how much credibility you can have when you're trying to sue a company because a chink gropped you and some coworkers made a fart joke in the same lawsuit.

>What the F U C K are all those Riot employees doing
Making magical cats

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>shouldn't that... always be the case?
>he hasn't followed the Kavanaugh scandal last year
Women in western societies function in different ways than we subhuman males. They can create reality from fiction. If a woman says the sky is red, then you hate women for disagreeing.

Kind of hard to take anybody who gets triggered by everything, don't you think?

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>season 7, when I started
>saw lots and lots of champions, fell in love with off-meta builds
now; during season 9

Fuck out of here kid

Companies did for the last few years and look where it lead them

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>Netizens have become outraged.
And that's all they'll be.

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No it isn't, kill yourself.
80-100 hour week crunch is almost always the result of incompetent, poor management and shouldn't be legal in any first world nation.

>incompetence should be illegal
at least we agree on something, bad news tho it means those devs should all go to jail

No because they got shut down pretty quickly all things considered.

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Maybe 80% of their staff shouldn't be diversity hires then.


I just don't understand why people who are supposed to be left are so fucked up these days,(I'm a 30 yr old boomer) I have always been left primary because I'm a proponent of free speech, artistic freedom and I fucking hate religion, yet all the left does these days is stifle free speech, artistic freedom, and coddle up to the most cancerous religion there is. Where did it all go so wrong?

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There are laws preventing religious groups from gaining power, but nothing about tumblrinas.

good riddance then lol

No that's not what i'm saying, they can be incompetent all they want, they just can't take it out on the workers.
Delay the project if you can't do it in a reasonable amount of time, 100 hour weeks are unacceptable.

I agree.


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What do producers even do?

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Because Hillary was supposed to win, it was ordained by the Black Box AI to prevent a public uprising. That's why every other president is the other party, to keep us complacent. What people wont tell you is that the left is being pacified because they REALLY like terrorism and anarchy.

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This except the religion part, religion is fine. Assholes would find another justification if they didn’t have that one.

I’m still very left but liberals are anything but liberal when it comes to media these days.

No wonder they haven't done anything good since Shadowrun Hog Kong.

God I love burger "culture war" shit. All I have to do is spread a bit of fake news, let burgers feel like victim, and sell all my merchandise to "woke" gamers on 8ch. And they still hasn't realized I'm just playing them for their money.

I feel like this chart is accurate but is lib/con really something you can measure on a chart?

the snake eats itself


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good info.

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Based and redpilled

Sounds like bullshit, how do you measure it?

> can download my already dying game for free

When will companies learn not to hire women?

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The absolute fucking state of amerishart society.

>do you think killing children is bad yes/no?
>damn, your answer means you're on either extremes

By asking people to fill out a questionnaire about basic political beliefs. It's not rocket science, bub.

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>So this is how AAA games die.
>To thunderous applause.

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>high performance.

>Implying AAA games were EVER good

More like a fart

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Shut the FUCK up boomer

Make money and fool you into thinking you have any kind of say in what's going on.

Ah yes, just look at all the monoethnical sports teams that's considered the best!


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user was pointing out how deluded they are.

>claim to be genderfluid
>use this as an excuse to accuse people of misgendering you no matter what the call you
Fuck this cunt

Classical Liberalism was highly conservative in comparison to what liberals are today. It was in the late 1800s that marxists hijacked the label though because "liberal" (of freedom) and "progressive" (national success) sounded better than communism. The modern liberal left is for all intents and purposes marxism under a different name to trick ignorant people into thinking they're good.

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Jesus Christ.. Don't this company know that by giving workers even an ounch of rights, these subhumans will bite off the hand that feeds them?
This is why unions are nothing more than a mafia, why labour laws besides basic safety is a scam to rob the hard working people.

Are you talking about abortion?

Imagine watching a sport where the only white guy is the dude smart enough to remember the plays and throw the ball

Liberals today aren't liberals, they're marxists. Some will even tell you they're communists.

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Still think workers right is a good thing? Heh, didn't think so. Welcome to the last bastion of rational sanity. Employees are not above the people they work for. Enjoy the redpill

Why aren't you sperging out at le redditfrog?

Because "woke" studios have a different definition of sexual harassment.

It was wrong from the beginning.

The problem right now isn’t a result of politics, ethnicity, religion, ideology, or even class. The problem is two different spiritual beings exist on earth, and they cannot coexist. “Leftism” isn’t the problem, subhumans are. They are chameleons that were able to blend in prior to mass communication. They have no ideology, this is why you see the contradictions like you pointed out.

the funny thing is when you call them a Marxist they usually deny it and act extremely defensive yet they'll be standing there wearing and preaching commie shit, it's bizarre

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you're encouraging the nazis, which makes you a nazi as well

Everytime I see this I think: how is the third point invalidated with this? If anything I know udnerstand more things about Apex if you're accused of diversity hire.

oversight and budget
making sure milestones are reached
direct connection between developers and publishers

a good producer can be very valuable, reign in overly ambitious developers and save a project that would otherwise fail
they make less sense if publisher and developer are the same entity, though

>hire feminists and basedboys to be "inclusive"
>they get triggered over some dumb bullshit and sue you

lmao, way to sabotage yourself

It makes me a RICH nazi then.

thx doc

Source? Not that its hard to believe, jist think it would be a good read

See that's just on Yea Forums. Yea Forums is the strawberry gum gum land where everybody gets along. Sure there's nazis here and sure there's communist, but they'll never admit it, because they're here to shitpost and don't want their cover blown. But if you head over to places like /his/ they will straight up admit that they think you shouldn't be allowed to own land or go camping or fishing or anything.Yet odds are they probably live some of the most frivolous lives out of all of us.

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These looney bitches still think it's the fault of those darned goobleygators.

This. I always hire conservatives because they understand that I own them and they're at my mercy. Nothing beats cutting costs by not buying enough safety gear and watch them stare at my feet and thank me.

nah this happened with a few different zoomers irl, the reaction is really strange to watch desu

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Just fire them. They're purging themselves from the company. Is there really a shortage of people to fill their jobs? Who in or out of /agd/ would not jump to get their foot in the door with an actual company? There is no union in the picture so you won't be a scab either.

well yea, but this is clown world,, so no.

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the thing is lol makes so much money they can afford having 2000+ people doing nothing
they've calculated that they would lose more money from the bad press by firing than than they lose by keeping them
2000 people at around 50k per year is 100 million per year
lol makes billions

telltale wasnt making any money, every game sold less than the previous

>I'm a 30 yr old boomer
>30 yr old

in most industries people like this wouldn't be hired because they proudly carry multiple massive red flags

they are mentally ill or at least mentally confused
openly displaying their activism like it's something that would improve the workplace in any form
some calling themselves outright communists and calling for unionization
feminists harping on and on about how everything is sexist or racist harassment
twitter users taking political or otherwise dividing stances while clearly displaying they work for you

a sane company would never ever hire them no matter their skill level because they are all lawsuits waiting to happen
video game industry will learn that the hard way

>to the guys who thought i got my previous jobs by being a minority hire
how did she prove them wrong

Oh IRL. I don't live in the city so I've never actually met a marxist, but I imagine their reaction to being called out is pretty great. I did meet a feminist once though and she was everything I could have hoped for. Bolts in her face, 70's getup, pubes coming over her waistband, unshaven arms and legs, light mustache. She had it all.

Why would anyone work in a shitty company?



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gender studies degree doesn't offer a lot of options

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>hire females
>issues with sexuality at work
>how could this have been avoided?!

Never hire a female. If you have any females that can compromise you in any way at your work place, they will 100% do it.
I never hear of men filing for sexual bullshit to their female bosses, could it possibly be because men actually work and don't seek drama in their lives like women do?

It's pretty common for women who leave their husbands and have kids claim that he fucked them to get more alimony.

>Who in or out of /agd/ would not jump to get their foot in the door with an actual company?
>working for Riot

In what world do you live. Accusations never "get people fired" unless they have proof.
>Hi I'm Yea Forums and pretend to be politically center but if a white male gets accused then I'll automatically side with him on baseless accusations that the left is instigating bullshit. Also I didn't read the article/don't understand internal affairs of the company/am retarded.
>But I'm totally center guys trust me
Quit siding with people on both sides until the information is present. Also, these people are more than likely a couple thousand miles from you so why do you care what happens. Fucking retard.

>game collapses over night when the streamer shill money runs out
wow tina really did it guys!

The louder someone claims to be virtuous the more skeltons they have in their closet.

You'd think someone preventing mismanagement of company resources when they're your resources and not someone else's would be even more important.

especially when you figure out to be diverse it just means no white men

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This. Anti-loli fags are huge pedos, “feminist” males are massive creeps and /pol/ loves shemale and BLACKED porn

>pedos are pedos
>anti pedos are pedos
Sound fucking logic right there shekelstein

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in the future, video game jobs will be completely work at home jobs.

t. pedo

Are "gay" men actually based?
>marry best friend
>sleep in separate bedrooms
>fuck some bitches whenever
>All the benefits of marriage with no drawbacks
>wont get falsely accused of rape because you're "gay"

>This is just a power move to seize the company
and it can only work if the company allows it from the beginning. Don't hire these parasites.

>I've been found out

No gay men are pozzed. Did you know 70% of gay men have some sort of intestinal disease or parasite?

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Shoo shoo Amir0x

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But if he's anti gamergate doesn't that means he's actually for gamergate?

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user, "gay" men, not gay men.

>everyone is a pedo
sounds about right. the ones are are loudest fuck actual kids tho

Does that mean you have to be "gay" gay to be gay, or are all gay men "gay?

I hope each and every one of those faggots gets fired. Serves them right, they trusted a chink.

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>Another walkout organizer, Riot writer Indu Reddy
This is your participants

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>white teen boys
is this bitch seriously insinuating that other race' teens don't shit talk and behave rudely online? that it's 'just' a "white people" thing?

God, no wonder that the leftists and sjw are losing face

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SJW want it changed to guilty until proven innocent.

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Read the post
Just be a "gay" man, you are married to a guy but never have sex and you just fuck bitches.
They cant accuse you of rape because your homo bro will stand up for you.

Also this shit is just because nu-riot girls trying to change air inside old riot group.
They literally come as new members, and started crying over shit like "muh opression" to make their own safe space(while killing safe space of old riot group)
Literally picrelated, just change social groups.

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Marxists want it changed to "guilty because a "woman" said it"

Vic Mignogna

have sex

Pretending to be gay is pretty fucking gay.

That's just lawyer tactics to fluff up the allegations and make it seem that the environment in general is (((toxic))) not just individuals.

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Thanks, you too.

Well I guess if people farts it becomes a "toxic enviroment"

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>pander to the SJW left
>they bite you harder
>pander more
Keep pandering to them lads, surely you'll reach a point where they love you eventually.

Bend over so I can start drilling your ass

What the fuck are you talking about?


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Fuck off trannies

Why do white woman think being an old white woman is better than being and old white man?

>unironic "gamers rise up"

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>they've calculated that they would lose more money from the bad press by firing than than they lose by keeping them
this is the dumbest made up shit ive read on the internet
you're an idiot


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they don't, hence the need to repeatedly tell themselves this

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League can't just delete old characters, the best they can do is remake them and usually they have to be careful with those because if they make a character uglier, the fans will be pissed, especially their main target audience that is koreans and chinks

theres like 20 percent of LoL players being female. It actually makes sense to have that proportion on staff.

>It actually makes sense to have that proportion on staff.

Fucking cancer.

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>20 percent of LoL players being female

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Uh, racism against able bodied people? The fuck does ableism mean?

>religious discrimination
Except if you are not a jew/mudslim i guess

>League can't just delete old characters
More like
>delete old character
>make new character
>use same name as old character

>The biggest game in the world behind fortnite
>"On decline"
I don't even play moba shit but you're fucking delusional if you think this game is "on the decline"


Trundle remake was when I quit that piece of shit game.

Means implying that disabled persons are less capable than people who aren't. Which in some ways they aren't wrong, but usually it turns into shit like
>Pointing out that someone with bone-itis is less physically durable than some one who doesn't is denying their humanity

>He's still in the gutter
T-thanks Riot.

>be white man
>see leftists glorify mudslimes
>'convert' to shitty mudslime religion
Why are sjw so bigoted, hypocritical and full of shit?

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>When teams are both diverse and inclusive they win. Every time.
When in the history of ever has that actually been true?

Working around women is a pain in the asswhere but a strip club

You violate the rights of others to force them upon workers

Vic was a known creep for fucking decades and anyone who worked with him at a con would know this immediately my dude, he made blatant passes and underage girls in public settings

>Ms. Negron

Their male employees seem like manchildren and their female employees seem like whiny bitches. Allowing women into the workplace was a mistake. Most of them only generate more problems with their shitty drama.

SJWs and their choice of "allies" make more sense when you realize they hate white men and blame them for all their problems. I might convert to Islam to get ahead of the curve when Shariah law comes. How well do Muslims take to converts?

I'm replying to laugh at you.
Feel free to drop the proof you must have if its so common.

>tea & noms
every time

What a sad, pathetic state the western gaming industry is in. They can't even make good games and their studios are massive shitshows. Just another reason why Japan is so superior.

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do they come with the food?

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Ironically the company that says diversity is good has had a meta that's been anything but for like 8 years now.

>they will straight up admit that they think you shouldn't be allowed to own land or go camping or fishing or anything
None of that applies to Nazies at least, just Commies.

fkn based. ourguys taking the chink money and getting away with it.
wtf i love league now

its what happens once you loose the demographics.

>I hate religion
>>>/reddit/ and fucking stay there

>How well do Muslims take to converts?
pretty sure they don't give a fuck, so long as you can prove you're faithful

> These beliefs will help us surface the best ideas, challenge the status quo, and ultimately make better games.

What game(s) have riot made other than LoL?

That's who I was referring to.

and the Japanese are now being continuously harassed by our mentally ill people to change their way of being. God, we must be worse than a cancer for those poor people

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>tea & noms

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I'd fuck taneesha desu

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strikes bad
big company good

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>work for company and sign agreeing to their terms
>said terms along with benefits include an arbitration clause
>act surprised when they ask you to use it in order to avoid excessive litigation costs

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Pretty cringe. You'll become the token convert they like to show around so everybody sees how Islam is taking over the West.
Kinda like "that black friend" white leftards show around and take selfies with so everybody can see they're not racist.

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do you still get to take a brown sex slave or two?

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>2 hours later the lone tranny still doesn't get a single (You)

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This, but unironically. Big companies are the reason why you have a job. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you, wagie.

The second you see a company pushing diversity and inclusion, they are a lost cause, don't give them your business anymore. Just run. Riot is a clear demonstration that no matter how much you bang on about equality and whatever, nothing they do will ever be enough to satisfy you

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>working for a western vidya company
>working for a vidya company that hires based on race and gender
Shit sucks but at the same time they had to make the conscious decision to work there.

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Ideal solution would be for Riot to fire all of those "people" and then the remaining ones, useful ones, unionize.

Diversity is a weakness


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Arigatou henchou-san

Diversity is a non factor. Seeking diversity instead of talent is a weakness though.

>working for vidya at all
I will never understand that
I enjoy bidya, but I would never work in it
When you make a hobby your work, it stops being an enjoyable hobby you practice to pass some quality time, it just becomes... well, fucking work
Baffles me how people are still surprised why a lot of developers don't play their own games without understand that it's pretty much bringing work at home, and nobody wants that

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I saw it with my own eyeballs and so has everyone else m8

autism bux good

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Honestly you fucking zoomers who don’t know this are irritating as fuck, dude’s name was synonymous with slimeball in the con scene going back to at least 2008

1. Social media giving idiots a platform
2. progressive attitude lead to more and more need for "progression" in an endless cycle
3. People learned they can exploit their social media platform to manipulate, harm, control and destroy other people's livelihood. So elements of sociopathy and envy come into play.

don´t worry user, japan is to much based for all that bullshit

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It seems to me that many gamers fall into the trap of thinking that they'll enjoy developing games just because they play games. There are people who clearly do genuinely just like to make games, but for the rest it's pretty much exactly like you said. God forbid they made the mistake of getting a degree in it.

Of course, even if you do enjoy making games, you'd want to avoid getting into the industry given the state it's in now.

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Big if last part is true.

they want control over all pop media in all its most popular forms

they don't give a fuck about the game they just care that it's popular and not completely under their thumb

>That we must call out sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, ageism, religious discrimination, and bigotry of all kinds

except these things do not exist

>Riot Games has 2500 employees
>The only game they've developed since 2009 was League of Legends
>The only thing they keep adding to LoL are new heroes and skins every few months
>Mostly useless, redundant employees raise a stink and damage the companies reputation because MUH SEXISM, MUH DUHVERSITY, MUH TOXIC COMPANY CULTURE
>Mostly useless, redundant employees think they can walk out to change their employment contract, because management cucked in so far and gave in to their bullshit

Watch Tencent slash 50% of these fucktards for being fucking useless, most of these 150 among them within the next 2-3 years.

>Facts are bigoted

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btw the source of all this riot shit is literally just women getting a job at a dudebro company and then not liking dudebros. one of the "complaints" was a female employee who obsessively counted every time someone in the office said "dick" or something

Honk Honk

I want the disease to spread

let the entire industry fucking BURN

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They just don't get it. They throw these shit fits and cause all these problems for companies, they embody risk. What do companies do? Hire less risky people (and have them sign NDAs)

If your company is all white conservative guys, who is going to complain about diversity to the media? Who is going to get pregnant and go on maternity leave while you pay for her and her replacement? Who is going to file a sexual harassment claim for having a big titty screen saver?

that will be a massive improvment

The sad part is this is actually true. It's been stated and made a fact that they payed Ninja 1m to play the game for a week. They also paid others either similarly or a good chunk to do the same. Within a month of those 10-100k viewer PER-STREAM streamers stopping it fuckin' BOMBED in player count.

Nice """"proof"""". By the way, my dad works for nintendo and he and all his friends saw the opposite :^)

Wasn't there a thing awhile ago where it turned out Leagues code was a huge mess and it takes 1000's of man hours just to get an interaction with a new champ to work correctly?

They are truly not capable of any critical thinking or foresight whatsoever

because the game is progressive trash, white people don't want to play a game that transparently resents them for existing (Caustic)

More like dindu lmao

Just modern natural selection taking care of companies retarded enough to willingly hire cancer.

I wish when the video game industry was about making video games and not having the most diverse team

women are going to get tired of this fake solidarity shit eventually, right? emotional validation from strangers is a pretty hollow thing to feed off of your whole life

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>look at a woman
get sued and have life destroyed for sexual harassment
>don't look at a woman
get sued and have life destroyed for discrimination

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have sex

miss when*

that seems to be working out SO well for women right? just having meaningless sex nonstop on tindr? that's really helping their self esteem huh

how new?

no, women have a biological in group preference so it will never stop until something else forces it to

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Diversity reduces cohesion.

lol they have one game are riot employees really complaining about drawing a big titty waifu and tweaking a few numbers on their engine?

Careful, user, you wouldn't want to be labelled a sexist mysoginist cis scum, would you? :^)

It's actually because the game is stale as fuck, leave your fucking basement for once

i live in a bachelor with a stunning view and plenty of sunlight. i also attend social gatherings and i am definitely not the only one among my extended social circle, getting sick of this ugly forced diversity "fuck white people" shtick society is now embracing

Reap what you sow

So the multi-culti game is just shit then? Thanks for clarifying.

its because no one studies logical fallacies anymore like appealing to emotion

Reminder that even though I'm a minority, people would still classify me as a alt-right, a nazi and a anime waifu loving incel.
So no, not all minorities want SJWs and shit like that in games.

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>Twitch viewers = popularity
The only delusional person here is you

i dont even know what I am anymore. I'm Armenian so I've been called "sand nigger" and "white privileged" in a span of like 8 years

kill yourself, snowflake

Yes the game is shit and boring, it has more problems than just having fucking niggers or whatever boogeyman you don't like in it.

It is, for meme games

>that first bullet
Diversity department is such a joke why do companies bother to have them

internalised misogyny and racism or something, victim of white supremacy maybe

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>Cant sue your job
Just sue them.

>"game sux cause it's insubstantial due to making gameplay secondary to virtue signalling"
>"hur no fag it's because the game is bad"
did you finish school at all or are you posting from a box under a bridge?

You're all over the spectrum here. Accusing people of racist boogeyman but also using the n word but also shitting on the game anyway.

>don't like the terms
>sign the contract anyway
>bitch about it when it benefits your employer
Obligatory pay for my healthcare

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>n word
>self-censoring yourself on Yea Forums

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I think we're going to see a huge explosion in great indie games in the coming years for a few reasons.
>popularity: games have become the biggest entertainment industry in the world - people of all walks of life have dreams of making their own game.
>barriers to entry: the tools to make games are getting more powerful and easier to learn, opening up creation to more people. This isn't the case with movies, you can't just make a solo movie out of passion.
>nostalgic developers: the gaming community genuinely seems to miss the soulful games of yore and more impassioned game design focusing on great player experiences as opposed to DLC milking grind loot nonesense.
>access to capital: between crowdfunding and desperate banks looking to invest there are more avenues to capital than ever before. It used to be a small bank would invest in bakeries, restaurants, retail stores, etc., now those are dying and they need new projects to finance.
>Distribution/Marketing: anyone can post project updates on social media, sell on Steam, or tweet about their project - you can be successful without a publisher.

you're whatever they need you to be at the time

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The character design, customer service etc. Though the hires shouldn't all think the same. Like if all the designers only like prude costume design then that wouldn't be representative of what the female audience wants.

the most incredible thing about this image is that somehow zoe didn't demand her name be at the top. how kind of her to allow anita that spot

that's just internalized transmisogyslamopobfascisticishet bigotry silly

indie devs are 1 or 2 corps are the only ones going to exist once this inevitable collapse happens

based minority
I'm also Armenian and everyone just thinks I'm white. I like to throw the Armenian persecuted genocide minority card on people when they start lecturing me on white privilege - the suffering the Armenians never seems to count though since we aren't Jewish or brown.

>USA bootlickers defending their "betters" again

was Anita before Zoe? shouldn't the tranny be above them in the oppression olympics?

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bitch nigga u mad?

who cares as long as you're a cute anime girl on the internet

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What they can pretend to be morally superior but I can't? Maybe I want to roleplay as the holier-than-thou one sometimes.

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although this is an anecdote, I have a buddy with a delusional SJW "gurl gamer" gf who unironcally lectured me about white privilege and then called me "Alladin" in the summer time when I got tan as fuck

Wonder if these companies regret falling for the “diversity hiring” trick.

Because this shit never happens when you focus only on hiring talent and inevitably end up with of a workforce of 95% white and East Asian men.

bro ur probably not armenian, cause all armenians I've seen are browner than me, and I'm brown myself.

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Whoever wrote this and whoever shares his opinion has to die!

I'm assuming Anita had all the connections and got them the UN hearing and whatnot, since Zoe was a prolifice 'tagalong' who moved from dick to dick and job to job


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>women are going to get tired of this fake solidarity shit eventually
20,000 years and counting

Isn't Riot extremely left wing? How do they even sexist?

This doesn't trigger you then?

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it really depends actually

Women are just mercenaries of culture. They follow who and whatever has the power at the time.

This actually, I hope it comes back to bite more companies in the ass that they've took in lots of niggers and women for "diversity"

>Women's track and field

Women have only had Twitter for like ten-ish years of that 20,000 though. The solidarity was fine when it was just "empathetic women affected by the same issue in the same areas as the protestors"

Right maybe 2% and 18% MTF autogynephiliac trannies

And your assertion is only certain demographics can have certain opinions and be different? I'm being sincere when I say that is legitimate bigotry to assert there is no such thing as diversity of thought unless it comes with diversity of race.

"Crunch" is what always happens before deadline or something similar. Why they pretend like it's something that exists exclusively in game industry.

>progressive women are forced to congratulate these people through their enraged bitter tears, as they slowly realize this means men are better at everything INCLUDING BEING WOMEN

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>we as gamers

I play vidya, and I fucking hate being called a "gamer" and being associated with "gamers"

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>Like if all the designers only like prude costume design then that wouldn't be representative of what the female audience wants.
What the fuck are you talking about? The female audience is PLAYING those 'prude' champions. Ahri, Lux, and Sona to name a few- all played by e-girls.

Is League still their only game?

Seems familiar. The least useful "labor" sure loves whining about how undervalued they are, developers only have themselves to blame for giving these people $55,000 salaries for so long. Success shouldn't be seen as an opportunity to blow payroll on running a daycare.

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>"Mary now has the women's masters world squat record, open world bench record, masters world deadlift record, and masters world total record."

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man NWN1 is such a great game. makes me want to boot it up and do everything all over again

lolz yh they didn't just release character that can copy other characters abilities, Yet its a chameleon you know, so it can change yh, not copy a bit like those trans people. even the look of the character is to bait the lbgtz community, maybe go back to lbgt board on redzit

Wasn't "Bindu Reddy" also the name of the woman running Candid, that app that was farming data for Google's censorship AI Jigsaw?

Tech workers are so pozzed lmao
>OMG I'm being sexually harassed they're subjecting me to office banter what do I do? This is racism this is like genocide! I have to work a lot in a Chinese company I applied to!
I love working around 30 year olds that claim to have panic attacks or passive aggressively fling shit around at their desk because they can't control their emotions or leave the baggage at the door. Fucking love being recommended black empowerment e-books by colleagues or listening to how somebody's so uncontrollably neurotic that they self medicate with weed 24/7. Honk honk get back to work wagies make more half naked slut skins your Chinese overlords demand more money

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Is there a way a white guy like me could make a power grab like this and come out on top? I don't mind being called cringe and bluepilled if it gets my foot in the door.

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>get back to work wagies make more half naked slut skins

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These niggers barely fucking work

People in these companies are liberal because they think it's supposed to empower the workers when really they're just fucking up their chances at a leadership position where they could improve it themselves.

You can't make this shit up.

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HOLY SHIT this is all starting to make a lot more sense. There are commie faggots unironically seething at this bullshit

you have to understand that these people will self-sacrifice you the SECOND you step out of line. There is no "until i get my foot in the door"

riot what games? they only work at one game

watch the videos you fucking moron. The guy explains how a team of 400 people that "work on champions" and how 1 guy spent 6 months designing one portion of an axe.

Why are you implying americans are white, when they are barely human?

>Everyone plays LoL against each other at Riot to "increase workplace coefficiency"
>One girl's job is literally just to introduce different people to each other so they can play together
>She does literally nothing else
>This is a position held at Riot and these are the people that are complaining about """"crunch""""
Jesus fucking Christ

>i design champions in a group with 400 other people
>oh cool which champions
>i designed the curvature of this axe, it took me six months
>how long do you work
>ten to twelve hours a day

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Holy fuck how do I get a job at Riot? I could be getting paid for shitposting on Yea Forums for 99% of the day.

>They got permission from management

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